Chapter 274 Demigod
Return, this return is obviously to return the target creature to its "original" state.

Although this so-called "original" is defined by Lin Yun, because according to the above statement, as long as it is voluntary, then Lin Yun can even use it on a Westerner, and then. . . . . He becomes "oriental".

Because he was "created", and Lin Yun was able to use grace on him, and the most powerful thing was. . . . . The hidden brainwashing function, the lower limit of favorability is respect. . . . . Translated, it feels like I am your father.

And the most important thing is that these "created" people have their own upper limit of grace. Although they cannot use this grace, they still need to be "consecrated" by Lin Yun, but that is also very good.

At least Lin Yun's favor was saved.

This time, Lin Yun truly became an invincible support staff. . . . . .

but. . . . . Godhead?

I didn't expect to have Godhead 0 so soon.

Along with Lin Yun's exchange, Lin Yun suddenly had more knowledge about the godhead in his mind. Sure enough, some of his previous guesses were correct.

Godhead 0 is the so-called demigod.

Only a very few of them, such as the Eighty-nine Mysterious Skills, can obtain Godhead 0 after exchanging for an A-level ability group and an A-level skill.

Supreme Will: When performing the basic use of willpower, you can consume an additional 9 points of will, and use your own will value as the perfect bonus obtained in this judgment or defense.

The power of divine power is closely related to the level of godhead, so a god with godhead level 0 lacks most abilities.

The deity is immune to all effects that transform, petrify, or change the target's form; the deity's own shapeshifting abilities still function normally.

The deity is immune to all mind-affecting effects.

The immunity levels of all gods are based on their godhead. When their godhead is 0, these immunity levels are only level C. As the godhead increases, these abilities gradually increase. For every 3 levels of god level, the branch level increases by 1 level. This effect can be improved to S or above.

Powerful gods possess supreme divine power, which provides them with abilities in all aspects.

Divine body protection: The deity is surrounded by divine energy, making it difficult for the deity to be harmed by mortal objects. It obtains a divine energy bonus on defense equal to the divine level Damage absorbed.

The deity will not be affected by any energy drain, attribute drain, or attribute damage.

The deity has unlimited lifespan and is immune to the effects of aging.

In short, basically speaking, Lin Yun can't use those abilities related to the level of godhood, but the large number of immunity and other things have greatly enriched Lin Yun's current resistance ability.

Divine Immunity: The deity requires no food, water, sleep, or breathing to survive.

According to this statement, Lin Yun's more than 130 innate energy can offset 260 damage. . . . . I felt weaker for a moment.

The deity is immune to disease, poison, sleep, possession/possession, stunning, paralysis, instant death, imprisonment, banishment, and legal effects.

Anyway, it’s just a rare thing.

It is a pity that Lin Yun's A-level immortal Taoist body of Eighty-nine Mysterious Skills, in addition to having 0 divine power, can also "unlimitedly" consume Tao power to offset damage, and the ratio is 1:2, that is, 1 Tao power offsets 2 The intensity of the damage.

The deity possesses incredibly keen insight and possesses true vision.

However, Godhead 0 is not completely useless, although it lacks many effects.

The deity is not affected by negative environmental effects.

The holder of the godhead possesses these characteristics:
Omnipotence: The body of a god is filled with infinite energy, allowing gods to make judgments far better than mortals. The gods' full checks receive a divine power bonus equal to the god's level x5. Divine power bonuses stack with any bonuses.

Lin Yun had seen it before. Basically, for most of the things that can be redeemed at this stage, if you want to obtain the godhead, you basically need to redeem it at S level or above.

In the end, the highest level of godhood is 20. Basically, each level requires 1XP to upgrade to one level, unless you obtain an existence called a god.

For example, there is a similar situation with Western gods.

There are other names such as priesthood, domain, and Tao. In the infinite world, its total amount is limited and has been allocated. Unless it is snatched from other creatures with "holy status", no new growth will be obtained in any case. .

"Godhead" is the container of "holy status". The size of godhead represents the strength of divine power. A creature must have godhead 0 to obtain "holy status", otherwise it will not be able to use it even if it obtains "holy status". However, without a "holy status", a creature will stagnate at godhood 0 and cannot improve its godhood. Only creatures with at least one "holy status" are eligible to continue to obtain godhood.

Except for some special circumstances.

least. . . . . . Lin Yun knew that the Eight-Nine Mysterious Technique had the ability to enhance the godhead without a holy status. He only needed to exchange it for the Taoist Immortal Dao Body and then the Buddhist Bodhisattva, and then he could be directly upgraded to level 1 godhead. You can also reverse the order.

In addition, there is Lin Yun's current first son of Jiutianxi soil.

Lin Yun took a look and found that as long as he reached S level, he would be at level 1 of godhood, and if a creature he "created" or "returned" was within his field of vision, his godhood would be considered level +1.

Thinking of this, Lin Yun couldn't help but take out the Xuanyu Tianjing and take a look at it to see if it was possible. . . . . . There must be something called a holy bit in this thing.

Because if he remembers correctly, he returned to the space of gods after obtaining this Xuan Universe Heavenly Crystal, and only then could he redeem the bloodline of the first son of the Nine Heavens Breathing Land.

From a certain perspective, is it qualified to inherit?
Lin Yun blinked and couldn't tell.

It's a pity that even after becoming a demigod, looking at the Xuan Universe Sky Crystal, there is still nothing displayed, and it still seems that Lin Yun must practice to the Blood Sky Sky Crystal before he can activate it.

Or try to use Huangfu Ji's method, directly use super powerful attacks to destroy the Xuan Universe Sky Crystal, and then integrate the Xuan Universe Sky Crystal into the body?

Maybe this is the way to achieve the holy throne?

Thinking of this, Lin Yun also felt a little overwhelmed.

Speaking of which, this creature with "creation" or "return" can obtain the effect of +1 godhood when it is around, which makes Lin Yun feel a bit like those in the West who believe in gods.

If there is a believer, then he is the one with the strongest posture.

Lin Yun sensed the information he had just received in his mind. The first thing he knew was that gods were also divided into types.

[Using Tao] is the way Western gods use holy bits. They collect holy bits and summarize the common features in the use of many holy bits, rather than investing in one of them. If the holy bits are used in this way, the holy bits can be used. The [divine power] brought by the position needs to collect the power of faith to use them, but as long as you have the power of faith, you can use the divine power of any holy position you own at any time. Each time you own a holy position, the level of your godhead will increase. Improved by 1 level.

[Hedao] is the way in which cultivators use the holy status. They follow one holy status and integrate other holy statuses they have obtained into this holy status. If the holy status is used in this way, only one kind of holy status can be used. The [Divine Power] is determined when using the [Divine Power] of the holy position, and can no longer be changed. It does not require the power of faith to use them. Each time you own a holy position, you can use it once in each copy of the world. At the same time, The divine level is increased by 1 level.

[Shedao] is a way for practitioners who pursue transcendence to use the holy throne. They give up all holy positions to reach the limit of divine power faster in order to achieve transcendence. If they use the holy throne in this way, they will not be able to use the holy power of the holy throne. 】, but for each holy position you possess, your divine level increases by 2 levels.

[My Way] is the way that many reincarnations who step onto the holy throne with the light of the soul in the gene lock use the holy place. Its nature is similar to the combination of the Way of Shedding and the Way of Harmony, but what they follow is that they step on the holy place with the light of the soul in the gene lock. Only the reincarnators who have unlocked the advanced level of the fourth-level gene lock can use the holy throne in this way.

You cannot use the [divine power] of the holy throne. Each time you own a holy throne, your divine level increases by 1 level. Starting from the first holy throne, you will no longer consume willpower when opening the gene lock and using the light of the soul of the fourth-level lock. , starting from the second holy position, the light of your soul will continue to strengthen.

Its intensity will increase by S+8000 each time, or you can give up increasing the intensity of the light of the soul and instead increase the level of godhead by 1 level. Creatures that have upgraded to at least 1 level of godhood through [My Way] are said to have opened the 5th level gene lock and stepped into the realm of saints. When they are promoted to 20th level of godhood, they have reached the peak of 5th level.

This time, I know a lot of things, but is it a genetic lock?
Lin Yun looked at the gene lock that was still swinging at level 2, and felt a little helpless. He had no choice, he was too "stable", and due to the inflating, his health points were often maxed out, such as this time when he had his teeth tightened. Although It was said that Lin Yun was hit a lot of damage, but even the vicious life bar was not reached, and the gene lock was not activated at all. It was all thanks to Ulquiorra's thunderous spear that the second level 2 gene lock was activated. .

It is estimated that after opening it at least several times, this is the third level of gene lock.

For the fourth-level gene lock, Lin Yun remembered that he still had to fight his inner demons, but he could only say that it was really a long way off.

Shaking his head slightly, Lin Yun returned to his room. After chatting with Ji Qi, Xiong Daiyu and the others all night and playing flying chess, he took a rest.

Then Lin Yun came to the world of Emperor Legend again.

It's time to speed up. This time, we must get the remaining parts of the Huntian Treasure Mirror, as well as the two, seventh and eighth moves of the Tathagata Palm except the ninth move.

Because now Lin Yun can pinch people at will, so this time, Lin Yun didn't even bring his heart to the world of Emperor Legend.

There is no way, although it is a pity, but now the heart can really be said to be completely unable to keep up with Lin Yun's pace. It should even be said that Lin Yun can make clay figures that are stronger than the heart without spending resources.

Each option can be selected 24 times, which means that the attributes alone can increase the basic improvement by 16, and then count some other enhancements, such as bloodline enhancement, pure attack and defense enhancement, not to mention anything else, attack and defense enhancement Both can increase the intrinsic bonus by 48.

Even if it is placed in the legendary world of Emperor, it can be used as a first-class master.

(End of this chapter)

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