Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 285 The last hit was successful

Chapter 285 The last hit was successful
The blood coming out of Huangfuji's arms turned directly into plasma and then mixed with Gang Qi, directly forming lines like an excavator, and then started spinning.

"I won't lose to the Hun Tian Bao Jian!" With a loud shout, the power of the Blood Sky in Huangfu Ji's hand burst out and was activated directly, "Exterminate the Emperor's Fist, kill the Buddha!"

The power of Blood Sky was directly instilled into Momituo's body, just like beating a cow across the mountain, and bursts of blood began to burst out from Momituo's body, forming a small crater.

Huangfuji directly aroused the blood in Momituo's body to detonate it.

And not only the blood from Momituo, or should I say Huangfuji's blood was also injected like a bomb.

Suddenly, Momituo's body and the evil Buddha's fighting body directly launched a series of bombardments.

"Uh ah ah ah." Momituo couldn't withstand this series of bombings. The evil Buddha's body was directly blasted to pieces, and he himself was also knocked away.

But this time, he did it on purpose. With Huangfuji's power, he rolled directly in mid-air, but cleverly stayed away from Huangfuji's attack range.

Although the body is full of holes.

However, it still did not affect Momituo's continued fighting. He roared, using Lihuo in one hand and Xuanbing in the other, and merged the two hands into one.

The thumbs, index fingers, and tail fingers of both hands are put together to form the Vajra Prong Seal.

"The heavenly Buddha comes to the world to ward off evil spirits, Amitabha." As Amitabha looked extremely pious in his chanting, cyan evil energy emerged from his body, and a lotus made of black ice appeared at his feet, actually holding it He was floating in the air.

Just watching it "getting started" felt like it was shaking the world.

"What a move for the Heavenly Buddha to come to the world, so let the Huntian Baojian decide your level today." At this time, Huangfu Ji fell to the ground, his eyes were red, and his face was covered with blood-colored veins, which looked really oozing.

As the Blood Sky erupted again in Huangfuji, the surrounding lake even turned red, and countless blood cells rose up. The Blood Sky's aura echoed with the natural enemies, and the sky and the earth were filled with sorrow, ghosts and gods howling.

The apocalyptic atmosphere of terror is filled with a strong smell of blood.

Surrounded by these blood balls, Huangfuji's hands were wrapped around the spiral-shaped Blood Sky Qi, and they were also emitting bursts of blood-colored light.

On the other side, Momituo seemed to be surrounded by a prison of flesh and blood composed of heaven and earth, but even so, he was still extremely determined to prepare for the birth of the heavenly Buddha.

Lin Yun, who was looking at this side in the distant sky, couldn't help but show a shocked expression at this time, and the shock was filled with deep envy and desire.

Because that is theoretically a scene he may appear in the future.

So strong, too strong.

Under the influence of Huangfuji, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the entire Sanjue Temple was surrounded by blood. The lakes dyed red swept up and connected between the sky and the earth. It was indeed very similar to the classic apocalyptic feeling. .

Under Huangfuji's unreserved stimulation of the bloody sky, Huangfuji's beard, hair, eyebrows, and skin all turned red.

Even the meridians were exposed extremely red, looking crazy.

Under Huangfuji's instigation, the tornado connecting the sky and the earth suddenly concentrated, and then formed a blood-red blood ball on his body and around him.

Those blood tornadoes filled the eight extremes with violent life force. The raging sea of ​​blood would bring the surrounding heaven and earth energy and life force into Huangfuji's body, penetrating, beating, and strengthening every cell in Huangfuji's body.

It can only be said that fortunately, because the three demons are gone, there is no one here at Sanjue Temple.

You must know that in the original work, when Huangfuji used this move, it sucked in the flesh and blood of at least a dozen people in Sanjue Temple, and then turned them into Huangfuji's power.

"That guy Huangfuji is actually still absorbing it continuously? Huh, this is a sign of lack of confidence. He will definitely lose." Momituo sneered condescendingly, and then raised his hand.

Suddenly, an image of an evil Buddha that was even larger than the previous one appeared.

This time it was a shadow, but also a powerful one.

"Bald Donkey, you should feel honored to die under the Emperor's Fist!" Huangfu Ji roared ferociously at this time.

Following Huangfuji's roar, he kicked his feet, and the surrounding ground began to collapse on a large scale.

Fortunately again, the scope of Sanjue Temple is large enough, but now there is no one.

Huangfu Ji directly blasted forward like a cannonball, and Huangfuji waved his fists like cannonballs.

Under Huangfuji's wave, everything around him seemed to be attracted. The clouds above the sea of ​​​​blood also responded at this time, and a huge vortex appeared, as if the world was turned upside down.

This is the feeling of being blasted into the black hole in the sky and buried outside the sky.

"This is the power of Huangfuji!" With his eyes widened, Momituo looked at a huge blood ball and pushed it directly up.

Lin Yun in the distance almost shouted, "Isn't this a fucking vitality bomb?"

What's surprising is that just when Huangfu thought that Momituo was going to use the Heavenly Buddha to come to the world to resist the power of the blood-sucking sky, the blood-swallowing sky, and the third form of the Exterminating Imperial Fist to kill the sky.

But this guy Momituo made the lotus made of Xuanbing Qi under his feet thicker, and then blocked it in front.

Immediately afterwards, he actually used Zhutian's power to directly move upwards and continue to reduce his strength.

"The ultimate attenuation and aeration body protection are not bad." Lin Yun couldn't help but sigh when he saw Momituo, who was directly blasted up and still did not directly knock down the Buddha.

In the final analysis, neutralizing force is to offset damage, and it is mainly a matter of aeration and body protection.

The aeration body protection in Hong Kong Comics Stronger can sacrifice energy, collapse attacks, or at least reduce the effect of attacks.

It's almost 1 point of energy and 4 points of non-level damage, but the maximum energy can only be legendary constitution point +1.

The energy offset is about 30%.

Then, it’s not just a matter of wasting energy, but a matter of mentality.

Huangfuji already had a mental problem. He was not sure of victory. At the same time, he was too anxious to kill Momituo, which caused him to make several mistakes. In other words, he was no longer young and did not have the drive and adventure of his youth. Spirit. For example, it’s like the current Momituo.

After rushing into the sky against Zhu Tian, ​​although he was seriously injured, he still managed to avoid Zhu Tian's strongest part. Now Huangfuji is in the state of "exhaustion" just after "all-out output". This Only then launched a counterattack.

It's an adventure and a tactical triumph.

The Heavenly Buddha came to the world and finally struck out. The green scimitar fell from the sky and struck directly in front of Huangfu Ji.

Faced with Po Hongchen's energy, Huangfu Ji could only forcefully urge Gu again to transform the newly exhausted Blood Sky Qi again, but the cost was slightly higher.

Under the defense formed by the Blood Sky Qi and the defense brought by the Sky Blood Armor, he was forced to stand up to a distance of hundreds of meters by the broken red dust.

It can only be said that Huangfu Ji, the powerful Huntian Bao Jian Xue Cang Qiong, actually blocked the violent palm power of the Heavenly Buddha coming to the world, but even in this way. . . . . .

It was seen that the bloody sky energy on Huangfuji's body had been dispersed, and even signs of being skinny and bones began to appear on Huangfuji's body.

The meridians are broken and the pain is unspeakable.

Finally, Po Hongchen's energy was broken by Huangfu Ji, but Huangfu Ji was still flying in the air.

At this time, he had been knocked out of the lake and had reached the other shore.

"Today the Buddha is going to do justice for heaven. If you are evil, you are doomed!!!" Momituo shouted righteously and loudly with a ferocious smile.

People who don't know may not think that he is really a righteous person.

Soon Momituo had arrived in front of Huangfuji. It could be said that Huangfuji's death was imminent.

However, in the flash of lightning, Huangfuji gathered the last bit of strength and blood sky energy, preparing to fight back.

And just then. . . . "Father!!!"

With a loud cry, Lin Yun directly descended from the sky with divine weapons, and then formed a seal with each hand.

"The Buddha moves the mountains and rivers, and Kunlun's mighty Buddha's light shines everywhere!!!" Lin Yun directly shot out with both hands, using the Thunder Zen Qi and the Relic Sword Qi.

In order to prevent Momituo from converting ice and fire into healing, Lin Yun did not use the power of blue snow and ice this time.

On the other side, with the help of Lin Yun's clay figurine, Li Wuming also rose from the ground to the ground.

His eyes were full of hatred and he looked at Mamituo seriously, and his hands formed the Vajra Prong Seal.

Yes, during this period of time when he came back, when he actually went to fight the Demon Amitabha, he was already preparing to learn how the Heavenly Buddha would come to the world.

It's just that he couldn't use it before, but now he wants to use this trick to avenge the holy monk Yiwu who taught him the birth of the heavenly Buddha! ! !
"What?" At this time, Momituo remembered this matter, that is, he seemed to have vaguely sensed three Buddhist weapons before, but why Huangfu Ji only had one.

At this time, he already understood something.

But it's too late.

He was already close to running out of fuel and lamps, and now he faced the joint attack of Lin Yun and Li Wuming, two barely top-level masters.

It's hard to resist even when he's in his prime, let alone now.

"Martial arts will assessment:..."


"Metal Combat Test: Strength +54, Melee +15, Versatility +4 Specialty, Fist Intention +21 Moves, Fist Intention +16 Insight, Infusion +30 Energy, Meixia Dang Gang Qi +15 Enhancement, Earth Kunlun Gang Qi +15 Enhancement, Bishuebing +15 enhancement, grace +48 inner, Yang Jin +26 energy, strong man's dazzling move +6 performance, Tathagata Palm +12 sacred, martial arts will +44 morale, use of willpower +14 perfect, first level Gene lock +2 perfect, natural weapon 19, infusion +2 additional success, legendary power +10 additional success, melee combat +5 additional success, Qiankun luck +9 additional success, Yang Jin +10 additional success, Buddha power [8 additional dice] ], settlement.”

"Opponent defense: Basic 28, Dodge 11, Insight 42, Practice 45, Deflection 28, Force Field 28, Enhancement 90, Morale 43, Speed ​​15, Profanity 19, Nameless 27, Inner 22, Use Willpower 18 Perfect, Additional Success 19, dizziness points 9, fatigue points 41, hatred points 33, take the higher penalty of 41 and settle."



"Cancel 12 points of damage, hardness 8, damage reduction 8, total damage absorption 12."

"Hard opening, hard breaking, hardness 8, Zi Xinghe ignores the total damage absorption of 12, and damage reduction of 6."

"Destroying force, reducing the damage level by 12 points."

"The immeasurable universe is covered."

"Causing 19 points of severe force field damage and 6 points of impact field damage."

. . . . .

"Martial Arts Will Test:..."


. . . . . .


. . . . .

"Causing 23 points of severe force field damage and 6 points of impact field damage."

"Kill the seriously injured Blue Devil - Ma Mi Tuo (uncompleted version), and you will be rewarded with an A-level side plot and 1 reward points."

(End of this chapter)

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