Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 287 The Innocent Guo Rong

Chapter 287 The Innocent Guo Rong

Although the principle is not very clear.

But Momituo was indeed beaten down by Long Geer on the iron rope on the other side of Feilong Cliff after the soldiers had taken out the Relic Sword, Thunder Zen, and Glazed Jie Dao.

Then he fell into the pond below, after killing the weak flying dragon that Lin Yun killed last time.

Just by absorbing the blood of the flying dragon, and then connecting the special factors in those Buddhist soldiers, they can then be reshaped into the armor of the Buddhist soldiers.

And it has three layers of Buddhist armor.

It requires multiple attacks to break through the three layers of Buddha armor layer by layer, and finally it can harm Momituo. It can be called the ghostly form of a multi-stage BOSS.

Lin Yunxun thought that if he killed that guy by force, the S-level subplot would probably be out of the question.

That's really a monster in the literal sense.

Just like that, almost 16 hours later, Lin Yun ran up behind Huangfu Ji.

But on this side, Guo Rong's question made Huangfu extremely difficult to deal with.

But now, under the "return", Huangfuji has fully recovered, and even rejuvenated, so naturally. . . . . It's time to settle the score, even though it was Lin Yun's fault. . . . .

After all, it was Guo Rongna's Buddhist soldier that Lin Yun made out of a clay figurine.

Soon Lin Yun followed Huangfuji and came to Guo Rong. Because there was no reason to hide it, Guo Rong naturally saw Huangfuji's existence at once.

Although Lin Yun wanted to ask now, it was obvious that there was an uncle here. Huangfu Ji walked in one direction with his hands behind his back.

Almost all the buildings above collapsed and were submerged by the lake.

At this time, a large number of soldiers could be seen guarding the lake. They didn't know what they were doing. However, Lin Yun's spiritual sense and super sense noticed that there were more than a dozen people who should have martial arts skills sneaking in. He got into the water, as if he wanted to explore something.

Lin Yun sensed it through his spiritual sense and super sense, and quickly locked the person in that direction, it was Guo Rong!

According to the original work, the demon once asked people from Sanjue Temple to dive down to find Buddhist soldiers, but now, Guo Rong doesn't even know that Buddhist soldiers appear here.

So Guo Rong took advantage of Momituo, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground just in front of him, spitting out a mouthful of old blood.

With Momituo around, the devil dared not act rashly. However, Huangfuji was not only seriously injured, but even his meridians and other places were injured. In addition, due to the sudden loss of vitality, he had silver hair. It was obvious to deal with Momituo. I also feel powerless.

Almost instantly, the surrounding soldiers and some of the martial arts masters recruited by Guo Rong were half-kneeling on the ground, or were simply frightened.

Guo Rong also lowered his body slightly, with bursts of cold sweat on his face and feeling a little overwhelmed. He gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Huangfu, what happened... ”

It can be seen that here in the Three Jue Temple, it has become one. . . . . . The collapsed lake.

In the original work, although Guo Rong said that he single-handedly deceived Tianmo, Huangfuji, and Momituo, Momituo didn't know.

"Emperor...Mr. Huangfuji." Guo Rong almost shouted the title "Emperor" in front of a group of people around him, and then quickly saluted and said, "It's great that you are okay."

Because of the pressure, Guo Rong's words were even vague, and he looked like he had no idea what was going on.

Obviously, Huangfuji was ready to give Guo Rong something good to look at.

It can be seen that Guo Rong looks very anxious at this time. It is not known whether he is worried about Huangfu Ji's death or for other reasons.

"Huh, is that right? I'm fine, you don't seem happy." Huangfu said with some yin and yang, and then Lin Yun felt a burst of coercion, bypassing Lin Yun, and the people around him including Guo Guo On Rong's body.

Nonsense, of course I didn't know. Guo Rong almost thought that Su Fengji had successfully convinced Huangfu Ji and was going to kill him.

After all, Huangfuji himself has become notorious now. If Guo Rong is killed in public at this time, he will directly annihilate himself from the world. Guo Rong has the identity of Guo Wei's adopted son after all.

And strictly speaking, Guo Rong, even though he seemed to be blaming him, was obviously sending him Buddhist soldiers after all.

You can't show off your face openly.

Alas, it can only be said that Huangfuji still can't let go after all.

If in the later period, almost all the Turks under him were wiped out, and he himself, except for the Immortal Sword God Ni and his son, would be almost homeless, then Huangfu at this time would probably not take action directly and kill Guo first. Glory.

But now, his Turkic troops, according to that statement, are dying every moment.

The Khitans already had an advantage in fighting the Turks. If the Later Han were added to the mix, although Huangfu looked down on the Later Han, he had to admit that the Turks were really at a huge disadvantage in terms of numbers.

"Although I don't know what happened, foster father, let's leave here now." Mr. Lin, the instigator of all this who did not want to reveal his name, said in a low voice. "Humph, let's do this for the time being, Guo Rong, you can take care of yourself." Huangfu Ji glared. Unfortunately, he is not the type who can blast the martial arts spirit into the opponent's spirit. Otherwise, Guo Rong would be seriously injured now. .

Huangfuji shook his hand and then left directly outside the city.

With the current situation unclear, although he has returned to full strength with the help of Lin Yun, it is not suitable to continue to stay in Daliang.

So Huangfu Ji took Lin Yun and ran towards the Turkic military camp.

And in the process of running over, he also said it before. . . . . The things Lin Yun manipulated the Guo Rong clay figurine to do.

"I see, don't worry about my adoptive father. Leave the rest of the matter to me." Lin Yun patted his chest and said.

"Yes." Huangfuji nodded slightly, and then said, "By the way, Zi Xinghe, you should have completed your training now."

Obviously, when Lin Yun used Purple Galaxy Qi just to break through Momituo's body-protecting Qi, Huangfu Ji saw it.

However, in fact, based on Lin Yun's previous training time, almost more than two months have passed. According to Zi Xinghe, it is indeed almost time to succeed in training.

"Yes, thanks to my adoptive father." Lin Yun said quickly.

"Well, in that case, it's time to give you the next Heavenly Crystal. Well, if not this time..." Huangfuji's breathing stopped for a moment, obviously remembering the dangerous situation before.

At that time, he really thought that he was going to be killed by Momituo. Fortunately, Lin Yun arrived in time, although it seemed a bit too coincidental.

However, Huangfu Ji didn't care. In his opinion, Lin Yun himself should be nearby. Then with the destruction of the Qiankun Temple, he saw that Momituo was so strong, so he hid aside and did not appear rashly. He was just waiting for an opportunity. .

But he completely ignored that Lin Yun now understood various situations of the Tathagata Palm.

You must know that what Lin Yun showed to Huangfuji before was that he had no talent for the Tathagata Divine Palm, so he wanted to bet on the Huntian Treasure Mirror.

Even if he knew Momituo's true purpose through other channels, he would probably doubt Lin Yun at this time.

However, all this was without Lin Yun using "Return".

"Return" is not brainwashing, but his fixed attitude can make people trust Lin Yun.

This allowed the plan, which was only slightly flawed, to be successfully completed.

Ah, it is so terrible and evil to play with people's hearts.

In short, thinking of Lin Yun's rescue in the critical moment before, Huangfuji's expression softened slightly, "When I get back, I will teach you the next technique."

"Thank you, foster father!" Of course Lin Yun suddenly smiled.

And soon, Lin Yun and the others went upstream along the Fen River and came directly to a piece of flat land. This piece of flat land was covered with a large number of tents. Lin Yun took a quick look and found that there were about 2000 people here.

And the most important thing is that from time to time, painful groans can be heard below, and it is obvious that there are many injured people.

Although Huangfu Ji said he didn't even have any clothes at this time, he still walked into the military camp at a fast pace. The Turks looked over and shouted, "Great Khan."

Because Lin Yun had already revealed the reason when they first met, Huangfuji didn't need any cover-up.

"Lord? What are you..." In the main tent, Chen Bo ran out after hearing the report.

Obviously, in the original work, Chen Bo fell off the cliff of Yixiantian because Zhao Kuangyin brought the True Dragon Heavenly Sword, so in order to help Huangfu Ji get the True Dragon Heavenly Sword, he climbed down from the top and fell half to death. .

The most important thing is that I can't get up.

It wasn't until 9 months later, after Huangfu Ji finished his fight with Mo Mi Tuo and his injuries were almost healed, oh, and after Zhao Kuangyin had mastered the Innate Qiankun Kung, that he found Chen Bo.

But now, Zhao Kuangyin no longer exists, and because of Lin Yun, True Dragon Heavenly Sword and Yin Ling have already used their hands and feet to block Chen Bo's exploration, so under such circumstances, Chen Bo has been following Huangfu Ji.

When Huangfuji went to Daliang to discuss important matters, and even occupied the magpie's nest, Chen Bo was responsible for continuing to command the Turkic troops.

"Something went wrong, but it's okay. Thanks to Lin Yun for saving me." Huangfu Ji waved his hand casually behind his back.

"Lord, your body?" He couldn't see it clearly from a distance before, but when he came to Huangfu Ji, Chen Bo's eyes widened and he couldn't believe the way he looked Huangfu Ji up and down.

"Oh, thanks to Lin Yun, he brought me a treasure that made me rejuvenate." Huangfu Ji's tone also had a sense of pride at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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