Is Chapter 299 so exciting?

"The situation may be more complicated than expected..." At this moment, Ji Qi said.

"Is there any other information?" Lin Yun raised his eyebrows.

"Luffy is dead." Ji Qi said in a muffled voice.

"Ah?" Lin Yun didn't react, because the answer was so unexpected.

Actually killed Luffy, the protagonist of One Piece?
But soon, Lin Yun realized that if he were writing a novel normally, then most people who read One Piece would have a certain fondness for the protagonist Luffy, so if he wrote it to death easily, it would make people feel wrong, so he rarely There are situations where the main character Luffy is directly killed.

But this is different. This is a real world. If that Sakaski is really a time traveler, then from his perspective, it is not surprising to kill Luffy directly.

It's just that Luffy was just a pirate on the surface, but in fact all parties were involved.

On the surface, Vice Admiral "Iron Fist" Garp, a naval hero who does not listen to propaganda, is his grandfather.

As the leader and founder of the revolutionary army, Monchi D. Dolag is his father.

What's more, this "red-haired" Shanks actually has a very special identity.

However, from Ji Qi's mouth, Lin Yun roughly understood the specific situation.

Luffy, his crew, and a mermaid friend came to the Shampoo Islands to play.

A Celestial Dragon can take anyone he likes as his spouse, and he can throw it away as soon as he gets tired of playing with it.

It can only be said that this time traveler had planned for a long time and chose a time when no one could "blame" him.

Just 2 days ago, well, coincidentally, it happened to be the time when Lin Yun and the others just arrived here.

And once the Tianlong people are attacked, the navy admiral will be dispatched.

800 years ago, 20 kings from 20 countries jointly formed the world government. As the "creator" kings, they brought their families to the Holy Land Mary Joa to live, but they lived in Neferuta in the Kingdom of Alabasta. The Rei royal family refused to move to the Holy Land of Mariejoia.

The descendants of these 19 kings are the Celestial Dragons who dominate the world government, possess all privileges, and call themselves "descendants of the Creator."

Unlike Doflamingo, who gave up his identity as a Draco because of his father, Shanks just didn't "recover" his identity as a Draco, which means that he can become a Draco at any time if he wants.

Just looking at Ji Qi's previous situation, I knew that whenever I went to buy information, I would encounter three groups of slave traders.

Then the pinnacle among the pirates, "Red Hair", one of the four emperors who belongs to the same class as Whitebeard, Shanks regards him as his future successor.

Can be sold or killed. The status of slaves is not as good as the dogs raised by the Celestial Dragons. To prevent slaves from escaping, slaves were sedated and given explosive collars.

Celestial Dragons.

If a Celestial Dragon passes through a crowd, all civilians must move out of the way to give the Celestial Dragon a spacious path. At the same time, all civilians must kneel down and wait for the Celestial Dragons to pass. Even if you kill civilians in front of everyone, others can only pretend they didn't see it.

The Celestial Dragons consider themselves superior to others, and treat everyone except the Celestial Dragons with a serious discriminatory attitude, and do not regard other people as human beings.

It was also because of this that Garp refused to become an admiral.

And mermaids are a rare commodity here in the Shampoo Islands, and those Celestial Dragons are very willing to pay a big price for them.

You can make anyone else your slave, and the slave is at your disposal. Some Celestial Dragons will imprint the "Hoof of the Sky Dragon" that represents the Celestial Dragon emblem on the slave.

In short, killing Luffy can be said to affect the whole body, and it can almost be said to offend all the major forces in this sea.

Because one of their basic obligations as admirals is to protect these "residues".

So the mermaid friend was captured.

Then when Luffy found it, the mermaid friend had been sent to the auction house and was being auctioned directly, and there happened to be three Celestial Dragons there at that time.

Because the Celestial Dragons had already bought the mermaid at that time, and Luffy naturally didn't care about these bullshit Celestial Dragons and rushed over to untie the mermaid. Naturally, the Celestial Dragons did not allow Luffy to touch his belongings like this.

So he pointed the gun at Luffy, and then. . . . . He was knocked away at least 100 meters by Luffy's punch, and a very clear punch mark even appeared on his face.

It's all just like in the original novel.

Then things started to change.

Yes, the beginning is different. The beginning of what is called the uncle of the Revolutionary Army. In the original work, Kizaru Porusalino, a user with the Shining Fruit ability who is also one of the navy admirals, comes over.

The other pirates were kicking one after another, but Luffy was so old that he was even stopped easily. Just kidding, he could almost be said to be the fastest person in the entire navy, and he was stopped easily.

Then Luffy and his friends were sent away in front of Kizaru and left the Shampoo Islands directly. . . . . .

In short, Luffy and his gang suffered a lot here, but no one was caught or killed.

It's like playing.

But in this world, Sakaski comes.

According to reports, Sakaski appeared near here by "coincidence". After the Draco were attacked, he came here immediately and directly attacked the Straw Hats.

Then all the Straw Hats were killed except Chopper the "pet" reindeer.

A ruthless, very ruthless guy.

There was a Celestial Dragon who was beaten in front, the naval hero Garp, even if he wanted to "kill" Sakaski, he could only hold down it first. Unless he directly abandons his "justice" that is actually not too firm, from a certain perspective, this can be regarded as fighting against foreigners and settling at home first.

Besides, now, it is not certain whether Garp can still kill Sakaski.

As for the revolutionary army, those guys are enemies to begin with.

It’s hard to say for Yonko Shanks.

All in all it looks very "reasonable".

Luffy was killed so cleanly, which made Lin Yun and the others feel a little confused.

But soon, something even more confusing occurred for Lin Yun, because a huge energy reaction appeared within Lin Yun's sensing range.

Lin Yun's current sensing range is not spiritual or super-sensory, but pure energy sensing.

This ability that Lin Yun acquired when he was still Bai Yunyan, after learning Indigo Sea, was directly improved to the effect of X500 perception.

Lin Yun's current normal effective perception is 21, which means that energy reactions can be sensed within a range of 10 kilometers.

Although the distance of 10 kilometers does not cover the Chambord Islands, it is still very large. The other party seems to be on the way over by boat, but. . . . . The other party could almost be said to be coming straight towards them.

There are no fixed docks or ports in the Shampoo Islands.

Basically, you can go ashore directly from any place. After all, for "ordinary people" in this world, jumping a few meters high is not a problem at all.

And the place where Lin Yun and his fishing boat docked was not a port. In other words, in theory, there was no reason for the energy reaction to come here.

only. . . . Who is this energy reaction?

You must know that under normal circumstances, even a "strong man" will not react with energy like this.

People like Huangfu Ji and the others do not emit energy reactions at ordinary times. They only emit energy reactions when their internal energy is stimulated.

But now, Lin Yun feels the energy reaction, which is very strange, unless the other party. . . .

Lin Yun's expression was slightly solemn.

"What's wrong?" Looking at Lin Yun's expression, Ji Qi asked doubtfully.

"There is a high-energy reaction coming towards us. Something is not right." Lin Yun said seriously, "Wait for me first."

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun directly used Favor to increase his flying ability. Then Lin Yun soared into the sky, flying directly into the sky, and then superimposed all Favors on the visual range.

The visual range is enhanced by a full 17 times, allowing Lin Yun's field of vision to reach 20 kilometers in one breath.

Then, Lin Yun's expression became more serious.

Because Lin Yun could see that it was a warship, and a serious-looking man wearing a white cloak, a red suit underneath, and a flower on his chest on top of the warship raised his head at this time. , as if aware of Lin Yun's sight.

Then he seemed to be shouting something, and a red armor gauntlet appeared directly on his arm.

That was exactly what Lin Yun and the others said before about the Sekiryuutei's cager, and it turned out to be that guy Sakaski.

Shouldn't he be on the G1 fortress side of the new world at this time? Why do you appear here and come straight towards them?

etc. . . . .

Lin Yun's expression suddenly changed. Could it be that the other party knew about the arrival of people like them from the Gods' Dimension?

So are you ready to strike first?

This is a really troublesome situation.

Lin Yun told them the news directly through Ji Qi's telepathy.

Then. . . . "Rose Xia Dang Gang Qi, earth Kunlun Gang Qi, dark chaos Gang Qi, indigo sea Gang Qi."

This is the amount of Gang Qi that Lin Yun can transform at once in a short period of time, and each type of Gang Qi has 9 layers.

But the good news is that it's daytime now, which means that Lin Yun's Jin Chenxi Gang Qi is at full capacity.

Therefore, Lin Yun rushed towards Sakaski in a condescending manner.

There is no way, if possible, Lin Yun wants to fill up all the Gang Qi, but obviously, the other party needs more time than Lin Yun.

Although it is true that Sekiryuutei's caged hand has its limit. When multiplied to a certain level, it will cause harm to the body, but before that, it can continue to multiply its power.

To put it simply, from a certain perspective, the other party is just like Lin Yun, an inflatable person.

The good news is that the multiplied power of Sekiryuutei's Cage can only be used once before it has to be multiplied again.

so. . . . . Just rush and that's it. . . . .

"Trigger the side plot: kill Sakaski, get 1 A-level side plot and 8000 reward points."

(Well, it feels like the hint is already very obvious.)
(End of this chapter)

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