Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 305 Is there still this thing?

Chapter 305 Is there still this thing?
The Golden Lion is a legendary pirate in the world of One Piece. He was once a major thorn in the side of the navy. Unfortunately, he is not very good at thinking.

When the Pirate King was "caught", Golden Lion thought that the navy could not catch his "strong enemy" so easily, and then he rushed into the navy headquarters alone. . . . . Then he was beaten in a mixed doubles match by the naval hero Garp and Marshal Sengoku, and was sent directly to the prison.

It wasn't until a few years ago that he cut off his legs that were shackled by the Hailou Stone and escaped directly from the large prison that was said to have never been able to escape.

The Fluttering Fruit ability he uses is a Superman-type Devil Fruit that can make anything it comes in contact with levitate and then use it as an attack.

Of course, the golden lion will also lose its ability if it is touched directly with hands, but it can be indirectly touched through a sword, which will give it the ability to float.

After watching Sakaski fall like this, several lieutenant generals who were good at swimming were also ready to jump into the sea.

This is basically a standard configuration, in order to prevent those high-end combat powers with Devil Fruit abilities from suddenly falling into the sea, so they are basically equipped with some lieutenant generals who do not have Devil Fruit abilities and are good at swimming.

Under the strong arms of these lieutenant generals, everyone swam directly towards the sea.

It was just because of Sakaski's accelerating sinking action, Lin Yun's fluid control, and the poor vision in the sea that he relied entirely on sight, color and domineering for exploration.

But obviously, the domineering power of these lieutenant generals was not too strong, so after looking for them for a while. . . . . Lin Yun even saw them first. . . . .

Lin Yun did not attack these lieutenant generals. At this time, he was thinking about a question, that is, how to effectively use Sakaski's body.

Lin Yun closed his eyes, started to activate his spiritual sense and super-sense, and then opened his spiritual vision to the maximum for exploration.

"I won't eat this." Taotie's voice came to Lin Yun's ears.

A spiritual reaction appeared on Sakaski's body. Because it almost overlapped with Sakaski, Lin Yun couldn't see it under normal circumstances.

"Huh?" Lin Yun raised his eyebrows slightly, could it be said that the gods' space has already paid for it, and it is not dead yet?

Thinking of this, Lin Yun threw the Ankh of Rebirth to Taotie. The horns trembled, then he swallowed the Ankh of Rebirth, and then spat it out.

"This thing, could it be..." Looking at this familiar cross, especially the strange-looking words on it, his expression became strange.

At this time, Lin Yun finally saw the properties of the Rebirth Ankh.

Opening the inner pocket of Sakaski's red suit, he saw a dirty-looking gray cross.

Isn't this the Rebirth Ankh in the Warcraft game?
So that's it. If that's the case, then the situation makes sense. It seems that this is what Sakaski got from the golden finger on his body.

It's a pity that the invincible bloodline of his own son cannot extract the ability of Devil Fruit. Otherwise, Lin Yun could still pretend to be Sakaski and enter the war on the top.

But there are only kill rewards here, if you think about it carefully. . . . . The side mission has not been completed yet! ! !

With a grasp of his hand, Lin Yun connected directly to Taotie, and then. . . . . "It's edible."

Then. . . . . Sure enough, a problem was discovered.

At this moment, Lin Yun suddenly felt a tremor in his waist, and subconsciously looked over, it was his Zanpakutō.

"Swallow the sky and the earth, Taotie." Lin Yun recited the chant, and the Zanpakutō immediately transformed into a glove, and then the horn-like spikes on the glove moved. . . . . Then he led Lin Yun to the lower left side of Sakaski's red suit. Lin Yun touched it and felt that it was a cross.

Watch Space, Lin Yun has tested it, basically unless it is some special items, such as space gems, or those special items that need to be held for a period of time as mentioned in the main mission, basically Only living things cannot be put into the watch space, that is to say. . . . .

Ankh of Rebirth

After Lin Yun thought for a while, he then prepared to put Sakaski's body away, but at this moment, Lin Yun discovered that Sakaski's body seemed to be there. . . . It cannot be stored in the watch space.

It's really simple and clear. . . . .

And at this time, after thinking about it carefully, when I killed Tsunayashiro Tokinada, there were separate side tasks and kill rewards.

BB grade.

Rebirth: When the person wearing this item dies, he can be resurrected after 5 minutes, with all health points restored intact, all energy pools restored to maximum, and all effects in the cooldown time reset.

Escape: When resurrected, you can directly choose to leave the dungeon world and return directly to the space of the gods. This dungeon world is deemed to have been completed, but all rewards and penalties obtained from this horror movie will be lost.

Hey guys, 5 minutes.

No wonder Lin Yundu took out the Ankh of Rebirth, but Sakaski was still not directly resurrected.

That's what happened.

But it's really amazing. He can actually run back to the space of the gods. This is equivalent to a life-saving thing that as long as he is caught, he will not die.

At this time, Lin Yun finally received the news. "Complete the side mission and get 1 A-level side plot and 8000 reward points."

A wave of fat.

Feeling relieved, Lin Yun smacked his lips, and then put away Sakaski's body. Whether he wanted to use it to make a fuss, such as giving the golden lion as a certificate of nomination, etc., that was all next. Lin Yun needs to think about the problem.

Now, what should those lieutenant generals do?
Just as Lin Yun was thinking, two figures rushed down outside Lin Yun's sensing range.

It's Xiong Daiyu and Ji Qi.

After knowing that the next world was One Piece, Xiong Daiyu directly exchanged the Water Avoidance Technique, which was the one used by Sun Wukong in Journey to the West.

Able to move freely in water and immune to negative effects in water. Most importantly, combat in water is not affected.

In fact, under normal circumstances, it will become difficult to move and attack in the water. For attacks without penetration or super penetration characteristics, every 1 meter after entering the water is regarded as passing the flow rate x 10 meters to calculate the range limit.

Different bodies of water have different flow rates, consider stagnant water as 1 and areas with ongoing flooding or tsunamis or storms as 4.

And in seawater like this, it’s considered 2.

As for Sakaski, who was just within the scope of the fluid control, he needed to withstand a flow speed of 9, so his attacks were rarely long-range attacks, but close-range attacks.

After calculating the upper limit of the range, every 1 meter passed will suffer a penalty point in attack speed.

In other words, for every 1 meter passed, you need to suffer a 9-point speed penalty.

Then normally, area damage dealing fire/cold will be blocked in water, except beyond a certain level.

For example, Lin Yun's 27 layers of blue snow and ice energy can withstand temperatures of more than 100 degrees below zero.

For example, the lava created by Sakaski.

Of course, there is also the problem of the previous electric fish, the electric shock damage is doubled.

In addition, when making any Strength or Dexterity-based checks, as well as Concentration checks, a Strength + Movement (Swimming) check is also required, and the number of successes that can be applied to the original check does not exceed the number of successes on the Swim check.

This is basically the most uncomfortable situation in a water battle.

Because it’s really hard to exert force in the water.

A concentration check is always required when using an ability that requires concentration in water.

You can move normally in water at fly speed without making a Swim check, but your maneuverability is reduced to clumsy.

Targets without a swim speed suffer a defensive penalty when moving through water as if they were flying units with clumsy maneuverability, while targets with a swim speed are treated as having perfect maneuverability.

Then there is the issue of water pressure: without any protection, when diving more than 30 meters, you need to make a Fortitude save every minute with a DC of 1. If you fail, you will suffer 1 point of unavoidable serious damage. Each additional 30 meters, the DC increases by 1 point, and for every additional 300 meters, the damage also increases by 1 point.

Without any protection, every time the character dives more than 10 meters, he will suffer 1 non-immune entanglement point.

Just now, Lin Yun and the others happened to be about 300 meters away.

It can be said that it is not easy for Sakaski.

Ji Qi and Lin Yun's telepathy was still connected, and they had already taken most of them. Lin Yun simply asked Ji Qi and Xiong Daiyu to beat up the lieutenant generals.

If it were a land battle, these lieutenant generals might be able to resist the two of them a little.

But in the case of a naval battle, the lieutenant generals have now swam to a depth of about 100 meters, and one of the lieutenant generals seems to have given up on saving Sakaski.

This is something that can't be helped. After all, except for the fishmen and mermaids who have serious underwater combat capabilities, there is basically no need to count on other people in the One Piece world.

Unfortunately, due to various reasons, there are no fishmen or mermaids in the navy.

So under such circumstances, they could only face Ji Qi and the others who had water repelling spells like this. . . . . . And through his telepathy, Lin Yun also knew that the warships above, as well as the rear admirals and other navies who had gone to the Chambord Islands, had already faced Sakuya Izayoi.

As for Yunsheng. . . . . This is because there are too many reward points and side plots for Lin Yun, and there are also a lot of reward points and side plots required for the Purple Thunder Sword Technique and the Purple Thunder Divine Art. . . . . Yunsheng has become stronger, but his mobility is basically not much different from that of "ordinary people".

Still on the way here.

We have a conspicuous bag here, I won’t say who it is.

(End of this chapter)

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