Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 313 Preparation before hunting

Chapter 313 Preparation before hunting
"That's right, Shark Star, the great prince of the Murloc Kingdom, was the one we were looking for His Majesty the King just now." Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Are you sure you can really catch that guy? After all, you..." Shark Star looked at Lin Yun hesitantly.

After all, Lin Yun looked like an "ordinary human being", and with the two girls next to him, Lin Yun looked more like a playboy.

"Of course, if I'm not sure about something, I won't say it directly." Lin Yun still smiled.

"I understand, then come in with me." Shark Star was silent for a moment, then led the way.

At this moment, a mermaid guard next to him took out what looked like a stick and said, "You three, because Dragon Palace City is mainly filled with water, you may need air bubbles to breathe. Please don't resist."

"No, this is my confidence in coming here." Lin Yun waved slightly and said directly.

Most of the officials and guards of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, headed by the king, are mainly mermaids, because compared to fishmen who have two legs to walk, mermaids can only walk unless they are 30 years old and female.

So in most cases, they prefer to stay on the water.

At the same time, there is another point, which is to ensure that when pirates rush in, at least in this Dragon Palace City, as mermaids, they can ensure that they have strong enough fighting power.

Well, perhaps another way of saying it is that the other party does not trust Lin Yun and the others.

On Lin Yun's side was the Indigo Sea. Xiong Daiyu also applied the Water Avoidance Technique to her and Ji Qi and walked in.

But soon, "Wait, are you saying you know fish-man jujitsu?"

Just now we were on the main street of Fish-Man Island, so we naturally needed to hide a little. After all, there might be some spies there somewhere, but that wasn't necessary here.

In Yuren Jiu-Jitsu, there is a move called water-hitting film, which is injected into the water through compressed air, and then covers the opponent's body. It is a special technique that allows the opponent to breathe in the water in a short period of time.

Luffy and the others, after saving Fish-Man Island, deliberately drained it.

Soon, Lin Yun and the others followed Shark Xing and soon saw a group of mermaids swimming in a hall.

Now that Lin Yun is here, he has no intention of hiding this.

Because in this case, Lin Yun and the others' success rate in completing the next thing will be greatly increased.

So with the surprised expressions of Prince Shark and some fishman guards on the side, Lin Yun walked directly into the bubble, but he didn't feel like being soaked in the bubble at all. It should even be said that it was like a very tight layer of bubbles. Same feeling.

Because just like Drought Jack, there are almost no traces of fish-men on the surface. There are also existences.

Lin Yun didn't care about this either.

Besides, this was completely meaningless to Lin Yun.

So it can only be said that they do not trust Lin Yun and the others, and Dragon Palace City needs to be armed and prepared.

Of course, in some banquet situations, the water can be drained through the bubble surrounding Ryugu City, turning it into a complete land. In short, it is very wonderful.

This naturally makes Shark Xing ecstatic.

But now it doesn't.

"Excuse me, are you a half-fish man?" Prince Shark couldn't help but ask at this time.

"There is such a thing. I understand. If that's the case, maybe you can really do it." At this time, Shark Star couldn't help but smile.

Unfortunately, this technology is still a threat to Devil Fruit users and cannot allow Devil Fruit users to fight underwater.

"It's almost the same, but it's not fish-man jujitsu." Lin Yun said with a faint smile.

After all, it's in the water, so there can't be any serious chairs. . . . .

At most, sit on top of the bubble to make it look more talkative.

The one in the middle is wearing a crown. He is stronger than the average mermaid. He has thick and fluffy orange-red hair and beard. His arms have flame-like tattoos. He has thick body hair. He looks like a Weird fluffy old man.

However, Lin Yun knew that this guy had a generous and kind personality but was quite childish. He usually used to ride Huo Ai, the Love Whale, to patrol the Fish-Man Island without any guards. However, he often went out without prior notification, thus causing trouble for everyone around him. The minister's rebuke.

Also a funny guy.

He is the king here, Neptune, known as the Great Knight of the Sea.

Behind him, he has a slender figure with a bunch of very long hair on his head. He looks slender, a bit like an eel, but is actually the oarfish, the fish-man's second prince, Emperor Star.

The fat, slightly weird figure with a tail that looks like it's full of spikes is the third prince, the Moonfish and the Mermaid.

The old man wearing a top hat, a single-sided spectacle on his left eye, and holding a horn cane in his right hand is the left minister of the catfish and mermaid, eh. . . . . Unfortunately, he has no name, only Minister Zuo. Apart from that, a group of mermaids stayed around.

"Is that you? The person who spoke to me through the Haki of Wisdom and Information before said that he could kill the human beings of Vander Daken IX." At this point, Neptune could be seen clenching his fists, seemingly Very angry look.

But Lin Yun knew that he was not angry at Lin Yun, but at Vander Daken IX.

After all, how could anyone who loves his daughter not be angry when faced with such a lunatic.

Vander Daken IX, the captain of the Flying Pirates, a descendant of the first Vander Daken, a broad-striped tiger shark man. The person who claims to be a person with esper abilities who has been subjected to the "Target Curse" is actually a user with devil fruit abilities who ate the "Target Fruit". Due to the ability gained from eating the Devil Fruit, the fishman has lost the characteristic of being good at swimming. Therefore, when moving in the water, he must apply a swimming coating on his body as a protective measure.

He has a very strong possessiveness and jealousy, and loves the princess of Fish-Man Island, who is also known as Neptune Shirahoshi. This guy has too much self-awareness to allow Shirahoshi to spend his life with anyone else.

When Bai Xing was 6 years old, thanks to a fish-man named Tiger, he climbed up the red earth continent several thousand meters high with his bare hands and reached the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

A large number of slaves were liberated there. This Celestial Dragon was preparing to go to Fish-Man Island in order to snatch back the liberated slaves. During the voyage, the ship was attacked by Sea Kings and drifted to Fish-Man Island. Even though he was seriously injured and had no way to seek help, he still refused. He changed his arrogant personality and threatened the residents of the island to help him.

The fish people who were originally enslaved by him planned to take the opportunity to kill him, but Shirahoshi's mother, Princess Otohime, stopped him in time. Just when he was about to shoot Otohime, Shirahoshi's cry attracted the sea kings and was frightened. After fainting, Otohime personally returned to the Holy Land after recovering from her injuries. Moved by Otohime's advice, she decided to repay the kindness of Fishman Island one day.

He is even willing to help Otohime so that Fishman Island can migrate to the continent above.

Shirahoshi's mother, Otohime, in order to allow the fish people of Fishman Island to migrate to the mainland above, so that future generations can truly enjoy the sun and enjoy everything in nature, instead of staying under the cold sea of ​​10,000 meters, all relying on the sun tree. Eve lived.

And just when she got the consent with the help of the Celestial Dragon that she had rescued before, and then solicited the intentions of the fish people to see if they themselves wanted to go to the mainland.

Got shot.

But what's very mysterious is that an inexplicable pirate who didn't even have the slightest reputation used a pistol to kill Princess Otohime as if it was a joke.

Although it is said that Princess Otohime is delicate and frail, however. . . . .

In short, it was because Shirahoshi was threatened by being shot that time that he subsequently attracted the appearance of those super-giant Neptunes.

Vanderdeken IX witnessed her cry to summon Neptunes, and because the Flying Pirates happened to have records about Neptunes, he learned that Shirahoshi was the legendary person who could control Neptunes that the first ancestors had been looking for for many years. The mermaid princess believes that Shirahoshi must be stunningly beautiful when she becomes an adult. In order to obtain this ability and seek Shirahoshi's beauty, she plans to marry Shirahoshi.

In the 10 years from when Shirahoshi was six years old to the plot of the second Fish-Man Island, after Vanderdeken IX touched Shirahoshi with his right hand, he never washed his right hand again in order to pursue Shirahoshi.

Because the ability of the target fruit is that as long as the opponent is designated as the target, the items thrown by the user will automatically track to the ends of the earth, unless they are shot down or blocked by obstacles on the way, the tracking will stop.

The number of targets that can be memorized simultaneously is the same as the number of palms in your hand. If you wash your hands, the target locked by that hand will be eliminated, and you must touch the target again to lock it again.

And if you want to shake hands with someone but don't want to target that person, you must wear gloves as a protective measure.

At first, Vanderdeken IX would send love letters to the Ryugu Kingdom at most a few times a week. Later, he changed the letter from a letter to a parcel, and finally it even turned into a threatening marriage proposal, which made Shirahoshi feel quite scared and asked him to Father Neptune reports this.

Neptune was furious and ordered his three sons, the Neptune brothers, to lead an army to hunt down Vanderdaken IX, and asked White Star to live in a hard-shell tower to avoid the attack.

It's just obvious that he is a pirate who is good at evading, and after all, the three Neptune brothers are a little bit wet. . . .

Then among humans, even experts, in this depth of 10,000 meters, will overturn if they are not careful, especially those with devil fruit abilities.

There are many fish-man pirates around Vanderdeken IX.

Even if he is wanted by the Ryugu Kingdom, Vanderdaken IX will still attack the hard-shell tower where Shirahoshi is located with weapons.

And Lin Yun came to Ryugu City just for this guy. Because of Neptune Shirahoshi's special identity, Lin Yun was convinced that this was definitely a side plot.

And the most important thing is that Lin Yun wants to use this to get something.

"Father, although I can understand your feelings, you are too rude. Three of you, this is my father, the king of our Fishman Kingdom on Fishman Island, Neptune, who is known as the Great Knight of the Sea. Your Majesty." Shark Xing introduced calmly.

After Princess Otohime was shot, Shark suddenly became calm and calm because of Princess Otohime's words before she died. Neptune called him a mermaid who was more suitable to be a king than him.

"Ah, I'm really sorry. Speaking of which, it seems like..." Neptune at this time didn't look like a king at all, but more like a fool.

But soon, as a master of mermaid jujitsu, he immediately noticed that the "bubbles" on Lin Yun and Xiong Daiyu seemed to be subtly different.

"You don't have to worry about the specifics. You just need to know that we are as capable as you even in the water." As he said this, Lin Yun had already dodged.

He came directly behind Nipton while in the water, and just when Nipton subconsciously locked Lin Yun with his aura of knowledge and knowledge, and then turned his head, Lin Yun had already appeared in another direction.

Mach three, boy.

(End of this chapter)

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