Chapter 316 Small, big

The huge thunderbolt formed by the sea currents began to dance directly, and amidst a burst of screams from the bald sea monster, it blasted towards the Flying Dutchman.

Almost instantly, the huge cone penetrated the Flying Dutchman directly.

"What happened?" Wearing a small hat on the boat, with curly hair and a beard, many necklaces hanging on his body, and four legs, the wide-striped tiger-shark man is Lin Yun's target this time, Vander Deken. The ninth generation has just woken up from a severe narcissism.

After all, it hadn't been long since he had just "sent" that heavy "love letter".

In his bizarre narcissistic thoughts, the reason why Shirahoshi rejected his "love" was because Neptune wanted Shirahoshi to have a political marriage, so he rejected him. . . . . .

In the original work, Shirahoshi said, "I'm sorry, you're not my type." and then his defense was broken. . . .

He became so angry that he wanted to kill Bai Xing.

It can only be said to be very retarded.

The moment he got closer, Lin Yun's spiritual and super senses had accurately locked onto the existence of this disgusting guy.

Therefore, Fo Dong Shan He's Jing Lei Chan naturally targeted him accurately for his attack.

With lightning speed, Jing Lei Zen directly broke through the flying Dutchman, and the antique ship that was almost hundreds of years old was blasted to pieces almost instantly, and only then did the sharp Jing Lei Zen hit Vanderdeken On the ninth generation, almost instantly.

He was "purified".

The flesh and blood on his body was washed away by the indigo sea and was scraped away almost instantly. Under Lin Yun's "malice", the powerful destructive power left only his bones in place.

Martial arts will is flexible and easy to use.

The waves rolled up by the Buddha's moving mountains and rivers continued. The bald-headed sea monster Mianjin who was holding the boat next to him only let out a scream, and then the fool was hit by the aftermath and hit the ridge on one side.

As for the lantern anglerfish on one side, it also swam to the side quickly, for fear that humans would suddenly appear and kill it.

However, Lin Yun ignored these two guys. These two guys were both naive. In essence, they were similar to sea beasts. It was not possible to kill these two guys for the time being.

Instead of wasting your energy to kill these two guys, it's better to go back quickly and have a meal.

After receiving the reward for killing Vanderdaken IX and completing the mission, Lin Yun went back.

The reward for killing Vanderdaken IX is very small, just 1000 reward points and a D-level side plot, which can only be said to be a fraction of the side plot.

Weak, too weak.

To be honest, this guy is just good at hiding. In his own words, he is a complete weakling. It can only be said that it is a pity that the target fruit is probably the fruit that sharpshooters dream of.

After all, those sharpshooters probably prefer to rely on their own shooting skills rather than the fruits of the target.

After taking care of this guy, things became much simpler. Lin Yun twitched his hand.

Directly using the Indigo Sea and Whale Swallowing Power, he directly absorbed the row of bones, and then they came into Lin Yun's hands.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun transformed the indigo sea again, and then wrapped it around his body.

It couldn't do Mach 3 before, but now it can.

Because Ji Qi is the fixed point.

Lin Yun transformed into a torpedo again, and rushed towards Fish-Man Island with Xiong Daiyu.

So I just chatted with Ji Qi here in Nipton, and then I ordered him to go down and prepare the banquet. It only took less than 5 minutes.

Lin Yun had already come to him again, and casually threw aside the row of bones that were barely intact.

Although the white bones had completely turned into pieces of bone the moment they touched the ground.

"After that, let's call it a day." Lin Yun said with a smile, with the tough style unique to Hong Kong comic masters.

At this time, Neptune and the others blinked and almost didn't react.

That feeling can no longer be described as the situation where I was eating hot pot and singing, and a bandit kidnapped me.

It was like going to the toilet, and when something happened, I had captured an old enemy and turned around.

Well, thinking about it this way, it was really considerate that Lin Yun didn't get all the blood.

"Is this...really Vanderdeken IX?" Minister Zuo "swam" over with some trembling, looking at the row of bones on the ground. They seemed to have been dead for a long time, but there was something subtle and fresh about them. , is really a little unsure.

"I used a little too much force, so it turned out like this. I'm really sorry." Lin Yun said with a smile.

"A little harder..." Minister Zuo and Neptune couldn't help but look at each other, feeling a little confused.

A normal person wouldn't be beaten into a row of bones with such force, right?
"Okay, don't worry about these details. In short, this guy has been killed and everyone is happy." Lin Yun applauded. Then he glanced at Ji Qi on the side.

Ji Qi nodded slightly.

Lin Yun raised his eyebrows, already understanding the situation.

The reason why Ji Qi just stayed here was of course not just because Lin Yun didn't have extra hands to take her away.

It's because Ji Qi is here and has other tasks to do, and it seems to have been completed.

After all, Lin Yun and the others are still very tight on time, so they still have to be a little more careful with their calculations.

"That's right, yes, this is something worth celebrating." Although Neptune felt a little confused, he couldn't help but nodded subconsciously.

"Since it's a banquet, why don't you come out as the protagonist and let us meet this mermaid princess? How about it?" Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Of course, of course." Looking at Lin Yun's relaxed and happy look, Neptune still didn't say whether you wanted to eat my cabbage.

After all, Bai Xing is only 14 years old now, ahem.

It should be no problem, after all, there are already two beautiful human women around this young man, and one of them even makes him feel no worse than his good daughter Bai Xing. Of course, his Bai Xing is the most beautiful in the world.

But no matter what, after calming down for a while, Neptune finally determined one thing, that is. . . . .

My daughter can walk out of that tower too! ! !
"Shark Star, Emperor Star, Cartoon Star, go to the Hard Shell Tower to pick up your sister and bring her to the main hall." Neptune waved quickly, and even started to sing because he was so happy, "Nipton, Neptune, Neptune . . . Neptune .”

This is Neptune's favorite song. He uses his name as the lyrics and sings it over and over again.

By the way, what he likes most is singing when he is "out on patrol" when he is not very "incognito".

so. . . . How could no one know that he was "on patrol incognito"?

"Yes, Father." Shark Star on this side could see that he was very happy, but what was amazing was that he looked very calm. After he nodded in agreement, he even looked at Kai Xing on the side and seemed to want to do it. During the impromptu dance, a tail slapped him. . . . .

To express solemnity, although it is said to feel. . . . . It doesn't make much sense.

Because we could see that immediately after, the prince of the fishman kingdom swung his tail and swam towards the outside of the hall. It was just hard to say how far the tail was swinging.

Naturally, Kai Xing, who was almost thrown over, quickly followed Shark Star and Huang Xing out of the hall.

And all the way out.

After all, Sunstar couldn't hold it in anymore and shook his belly, "Red Sunfish, haha, it's really good, Red Sunfish."

The red fish is actually a name for the fish-man race of Kala Star. When Princess Otohime was shot, it was Kala Star who deliberately acted ugly in order to comfort the crying Shirahoshi, and then kept rolling, and even kept doing it for teasing. while shouting red sunfish and doing a belly dance.

This prevented Bai Xing from crying at that time, and then summoned those super giant sea kings to destroy Fish-Man Island. However, what they didn't know was that Bai Xing not only knew who was responsible for her mother's death, but also that she It was only by relying entirely on his own perseverance and suppressing his sadness and hatred that he did not summon those super giant Neptunes.

"Pull ↑, pull ↓, pull ↑, pull ↓, I didn't expect that the hateful pirate who has troubled us for so long was actually solved so quickly." The emperor star on this side couldn't help but sing, and turned over. Like a fish, he started singing for the first time in order to appease Bai Xing. As a result, he developed a habit and couldn't help but sing when he was happy.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it to happen so suddenly. It's really great. Okay, don't keep our distinguished guests waiting for too long." Even Shark Star, who always looked strong and calm, couldn't help but wipe the corners of his eyes at this time, and then There was sternness in his eyes.

"You are right brother, this is a distinguished guest, our eternal benefactor, a distinguished guest." Huang Xing also said seriously.

"That's right." Sunfish rolled his belly and nodded, "Me too, Red Sunfish."

So Shark Star took his silent brothers to the Hard Shell Tower. Together with the guards, they opened the door of the Hard Shell Tower and then turned on the lights in the Hard Shell Tower.

As soon as the light came on, the huge bed in the hard-shell tower suddenly bulged.

"Yes...who is he?"

With a delicate question, a corner of the bulging quilt on the bed was lifted.

Bai Xing's pink face poked out of the quilt. She blinked her big eyes that were so frightened that they shed tears, and looked at her brothers.

Although he was only fourteen years old, Shirahoshi had already reached the size of nine meters.

And his brothers, well, her three brothers were only about six meters tall.

So when Bai Xing stuck out his little head. . . . .

The three Shark Stars had to realize that the three of them were the ones with the little brains. . . . .

This is very embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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