Chapter 32 It hurts so much

This is also the reason why they had a quarrel with Yamashita Ryuya before, because they wanted to check the situation first to see if there were any other trails around, or to wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

Just wait for the Rat General to come and let his precious rats dig the tunnel, and everything will be fine.

And the reason why Yamashita Ryu couldn't recognize this was because he wanted to defeat Wanyao Mansion on his own. According to the veteran who could transform into a Kamen Rider in the world of Resident Evil, some collective actions, if they can do it independently The more you get it done, or take the main position in the action, the more reward points you will get.

So Yamashita Ryuu also thought that in this martial arts world, he couldn't be beaten anyway, so he could just rush over.

As a result, the car overturned, which made the situation of the Eight Generals of the Yin Division suddenly embarrassing.

But just when they were hesitant about what to do, these guys actually gave up the real iron wall and rushed towards them.

"Haha, did you get hit by my bad behavior just now? Kill me, boys." The lion general, who simply bandaged his injuries, laughed, then waved his big hands and shouted.

"Kill!" The ghost soldiers shouted loudly, waving their weapons.

If you look carefully, you can see that the eyes of these ghost soldiers are dull, and their bodies are more or less inlaid with snake bodies or centipede limbs. They look strange and look like humans at a glance. .

"Leave that spitting boy to me." The Leopard General, holding a mace in his hand and wearing a leopard-print jacket, said with a smile, "My speed will let him know that those little tricks are of no use to me."

"Then I'll be the stupid boy." The tiger general holding the giant ax said in a deep voice.

"Okay, you four, go get that little bitch, she's Fengtian's daughter, catch her, and you'll be the first to attack her." Lion General pointed directly at Feng Feifei, "Also, be careful, don't kill her. ..."

Just as he was speaking, a stream of spit came from a distance. . . . . .

"Breath check: Constitution +10, movement (breath) +1, foodie +1 perfect bonus, generalist +4 expertise, legendary constitution +1 additional success, settlement."

"Opponent's contact defense: basic defense 1, dodge 3."

"W12+2=5, hit on contact."

"Inflicts 5 corrosion damage, an additional 4 cold damage, an additional 5 poison damage, and an additional 2 pain points."

"Damage negated by 2, poison Fortitude save successful by 2, ignores 2 points of severe pain."

Sure enough, at this stage, this breath is still useful for guys like the Molten Mountain Dragon who rely solely on their size.

But for a serious Huang Yulang world martial arts, that's all.

"Despicable little brat, do you really think that I am no longer a deterrent after being injured?" At this time, the lion general was as angry as a cat with explosive hair. "Since you want to die so much, I will help you."

The lion general's eyes widened, his beard furrowed with anger, and all his internal energy burst out.

Originally, in order to save his internal strength, he just used his internal strength to slightly press the wound.

But now, with his full exertion, the wound was forcibly healed, and the acid and toxins that invaded his body were resisted. After being tortured by the Yin and Yang Judge, severe pain and the like were already commonplace, and he didn't care at all.

It can be seen that the lion general's whole spirit is different at this time, and he is seen rushing towards Lin Yun with the golden sword on his shoulder.

But it's still not as fast as Leopard General.

It has to be said that this guy, who is called a Leopard General, is very fast, and it seems that this guy's agility should have been modified to exceed 16 or more, and then add certain skills, but his light kung fu is soon.

When the others were only halfway there, Leopard General had already arrived in front of Lin Yun.

"Let me taste it, your..." He showed a ferocious smile and waved the iron mace in his hand towards Lin Yun.

Is the first attack a full-force attack using the charge bonus?

Lin Yun made this judgment almost instantly.

Concentrating his concentration, Lin Yun triggered the strengthening of willpower without any hesitation, giving him a perfect bonus defense of +5.

The basic defense of the WOD series is calculated based on the lower of agility and perception. Before strengthening, Lin Yun's perception of 17 is relatively low, but after activating Xuanbing Qi, it is 19. Because agility is 18, the lower limit is suddenly raised.

Now Lin Yun's basic defense is 8, of which legendary agility 1 brings Lin Yun 1 dodge bonus and 1 additional successful defense point, while legendary perception 1 brings Lin Yun 1 insight bonus, plus The natural defense + legendary endurance brought by taking drugs before, that is, +1 natural defense, plus the natural defense brought by the volume adjustment.

Let your own defense reach 12 and then add 2 points of successful defense.

"Hip!" With a strange cry, the leopard general came to Lin Yun and attacked him.

Lin Yun looked seriously at the swung iron mace, and could clearly hear the whistling sound, but if he felt it carefully, it seemed that he could see it more clearly than before.

It's really a special feeling.

At this moment, Lin Yun had a sudden idea. Facing the wielding iron mace, he actually wanted to punch it.

And when he thought this, a punch had already been punched.

"Bang." The iron mace hit Lin Yun's fist, making a sound like metal collision. "What?" Leopard General looked at his iron mace and Lin Yun's fist. On the fist covered with a thin layer of ice, there was just a little bit of broken skin.

"It hurts." Although it hurt, Lin Yun was very excited at this time, very excited, super excited.

In the heart of every man is the desire to solve everything with his fists.

And Lin Yun's words can be said to be even more so.

But Lin Yun's tutor kept Lin Yun depressed. He was always taught not to use violence at will, not to hurt others, and to use his strength for the right things.

It's just obvious that in modern society, this kind of power can rarely be used in the right place. Lin Yun can't be allowed to box.

And many times, you use your fist to hit someone, and the other person uses a stick, a knife, or even a gun if you are facing the police.

Although America is not a happy every day, it is still a very scary existence.

But now, Lin Yun felt like he could survive even if a pistol was put to his head.

It seems like it can work.

"What's going on with this guy?" Looking at Lin Yun, who was clearly hit by him but laughing wildly, Leopard General actually felt a little scared.

The additional successful defense is actually to offset the number of successes.


In other words, the Leopard will have to deal at least 5 points of damage to Lin Yun. In theory, minus Lin Yun's defense, it will take about 30 or more attack bonuses to injure Lin Yun.

In fact, he did successfully injure Lin Yun, with a mere 1 point of damage.

It's totally not enough.

"The purity is too low." Lin Yun stretched out his hand directly, and then moved his feet forward. His feet suddenly stepped on the ground, and he stepped directly on the Leopard General's feet with his heel. The severe pain made the Leopard General subconsciously He retracted his hand, and then Lin Yun had already moved forward, holding the iron mace on his head, and pushed it down with an elbow, like a landslide, but this was just opening the door.

So he called again.

"Cun Jin, force the door open."

"Metal combat check, Strength +8, Melee (boxing) +3, Bajiquan +1 move, Versatility +4 Specialty, Foodie +1 Perfect, Inch Strength +4 enhancement bonus, Natural Weapons 4L, Legendary Strength +1 additional success."

"Opponent's defense: basic defense 4, dodge 3, armor 2, 1 additional successful defense."

"Armor Break 2."

"W18+1=5, causing an additional 4 cold damage."

"Damage offset 1."

"Guwa!" A mouthful of old blood spat out from his mouth, and Leopard General felt as if his abdomen was hit by a huge piece of old ice, heavy and heavy, and the ice was biting.

What the hell is going on with this guy, isn't he just good at spitting?

Is this guy a monster? How could the power be so great?

Realizing that something was wrong, Leopard General quickly backed away, then turned his feet. His agile body and pace allowed him to circle to the side of Lin Yun like lightning.

It's just that Leopard General looked at his body without moving, but his eyes followed his figure, making his scalp feel numb.

"Leopard chases electricity." Feeling the pressure, Leopard General just wanted to kill Lin Yun quickly. He held the iron mace in both hands and aimed at Lin Yun's back to smash it.

"Tick up." Under the Xuan Bing Qi, Lin Yun was extremely excited on the one hand, but extremely calm on the other. His eyes were focused on the movement of the Leopard General. The moment his iron mace struck, Lin Yun directly shouted He raised his elbow, turned around, raised his elbow, and smashed the iron mace away without any harm.

Then Lin Yun turned with his feet, and the clothes on his body floated unconsciously. He turned half a circle and put an elbow on the body of the Leopard General who paused because his weapon was raised.

"W18+1=6, causing an additional 4 cold damage."

"Damage offset 1."

Knocked back by Lin Yun's elbow, Leopard General held his stomach and took a few steps back. Then he looked up and saw Lin Yun patting his elbow.

The clothes on the elbows were obviously shattered, but Lin Yun looked like nothing had happened.

"Tsk, the strength is still not enough." Lin Yun looked at the Leopard General with some displeasure. Could it be that he failed to kill the opponent with two punches?
This guy is just a third-rate master at best. In the original work, he can't even defeat Long Ge'er without using the Wanhua Golden Dragon.

Is it because it has been modified that it is more resistant?
Lin Yun looked to the other side for a moment. Just as Lin Yun and Bao were fighting on this side, Tiger General on the other side was already fighting Long Geer, and used the extremely sharp Wanhua Golden Dragon to cut through the opponent directly. The axe, and then two swords came down, almost disemboweling him.

(Actually, the Leopard General's attacks are high-speed, and he is also caught off guard. Basic defense, blocking, and dodge are all nullified. Lin Yun's only truly effective defenses are natural defense and will defense.)
(End of this chapter)

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