Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 322 Self-exploding truck

Chapter 322 Self-exploding truck
Hody Jones's patience has reached its limit.

He pretended that he was a follower of rules, he pretended that he was a hero who had no choice but to rebel, he pretended that he was everything, but in other words, he was very empty.

Just like his hatred, after all, his so-called hatred of human beings are nothing but imitations.

At this time, he became angry and angry, then raised the trident in his hand and rushed towards Lin Yun with a roar, "Damn human, I will make you die miserably!"

"How miserable is it, just like when you killed Princess Otohime?"

"It's not enough to kill you with one shot. I'm going to let your wails echo throughout the night. You'll feel the taste. You can go and accompany that stupid girl Otohime right away...?!" Hody. Jones was stunned for a moment.

Because at this time he was also aware of this problem, that is. . . . .

At this time, no matter near Lin Yun or on other islands of Fishman Island.

There was a constant stream of gasps.

The temperature of Fishman Island has become even hotter because of this, just like Tokyo.

After all, the podium is now specially equipped with a broadcast that can be heard by the entire Fish-Man Island.

Yeah, the sound is pretty clear.

"Wow, this is really shocking news!" Lin Yun said exaggeratedly at this time, "Congratulations, you successfully told the truth eight years ago." As he said this, Lin Yun even applauded.

At this time, Hody Jones realized why he had subconsciously spoken out what was "in his heart" just now, but, "It doesn't matter, we have come to this point anyway, so what if you guys know about it."

As he spoke, he clicked the shark's teeth to make himself look more ferocious.

"You have been surrounded by 30,000 of my compatriots here. It is impossible for you to escape, whether it is you humans or Neptune."

"Brothers, take all the poison. Let us kill the damn humans, kill Neptune, and then rule the Dragon Palace Kingdom. At that time, I will lead you into Mariejoia and kill those weak humans. Kill all the nobles in it."

"Wait!" Lin Yun suddenly stretched out his right hand to interrupt Hody Jones.

"What are you doing?" Hody Jones looked at Lin Yun with some boredom.

What's going on with this guy? You just asked him to continue, so why are you interrupting him again now?

"Why don't you take action?" Lin Yun said with a smile. . . . .

Because this guy actually stopped after he just told the "truth". He was a bit too obedient, which made Lin Yun feel a little embarrassed to do anything, cough cough cough.

After all, people are stupid to begin with, and it seems a bit unethical for him to bully others.

Although it is true that Hody Jones is not that easy to use clichés, Lin Yun asked Ji Qi to use the inner talk battle, and the effect was very good.

In fact, those words of Hody Jones’ speech just now. . . . . He didn't even make it up himself. He just felt like he was enlightened, like a god had struck him, and thousands of fish-men heroes were with him.

Then he smoothly said the speech Ji Qi made. . . . .

As a girl from a big family, this level of speech doesn't even require much polishing and can be said to come easily.

Under such circumstances, Hody Jones involuntarily began to rely on the voice in his head, and he subconsciously thought that it was his own inner voice.

So under such circumstances, every time Ji Qi said something, Hody Jones said something, and it was easy to get the words out.

Although Hody Jones said it according to Ji Qi's words, it was not entirely his intention.

But as far as the result is concerned, it is that he did not bring it upon himself.

So at this time, Lin Yun and the others received a message.

"Complete the hidden side mission and reveal the truth about Hody Jones killing Princess Otohime. All members will receive a C-level side plot and 3000 reward points."

This is a benefit that all members, including Yun Sheng, who is currently in the Chambord Islands, enjoy.

If you simply tell the truth, without evidence, this cannot be accomplished in theory. But if the person involved tells it himself, then the situation is different, and some of them even remember it.

That was the man who "caught" the pirate who shot Princess Otohime, and it was none other than Hody Jones.

On this side, Neptune's eyes also shrank for a while, and his face couldn't help but become gloomy.

Because in fact, it's not that he didn't know that there was no problem at all when Princess Otohime was killed, it was just. . . . He just didn't want to open this wound.

Because he felt that this matter was very painful for him, but the truth might only make him more painful. . . . .

Yes, this is what Neptune really thinks.

People in the world of One Piece may seem silly and happy, but because of the presence of Haki, they actually become more sensitive.

For example, above the sixth sense and the like, such as the innocent heart and other feelings.

By piling the blame for Princess Otohime's death on that human being, at least it feels like he has executed the murderer, but if they get to the bottom of it, what will they get, whether it's him or his people?
This is the important reason why Neptune has never dared to open this wound.

Because the reason why the other party killed Otohime was simply because he didn't want the fishmen to go to land. It's not that Neptune didn't understand, he just didn't want to.

Why don't you want to?
Because it is very simple.

As far as the results are concerned, there are actually only a few situations. Maybe the killer is an agent of the World Government, or maybe the killer is a big pirate who is hostile to Whitebeard.

Or maybe. . . . . . The ones who killed Princess Otohime were simply the murlocs themselves, the compatriots whom Otohime always believed in and loved deeply, that is, those short-sighted radicals who had never been to land and who desperately advocated that their murloc race was above all else. .

For example, for a guy like Hody Jones, maybe he should have expected it.

But, maybe, as he said, yes, he is just a cowardly king. Whether it's the World Government or a big pirate, the fishman is no match. Even if he knows, so what, it will only increase his troubles.

And if, what if, what if it is really one of his tribesmen, what should he do?
If his tribe really didn't want to land on land, wouldn't Otohime or him become the rulers who forced the tribesmen to do so?
Human beings seem to call it a tyrant. If he exists like that, then even if he is killed by his tribe, there seems to be nothing to worry about.

This is the mermaid Neptune, the royal way as a king.

Because as long as you want to understand this, you will find that the funniest thing is that the person least likely to kill Otohime is the slave trader that the murlocs usually hate the most.

Who would want the murlocs to go to land more than the slave traders, where they would be too easy to capture!
This is a question that anyone with normal thinking can figure out. Does Neptune really not understand?
He just. . . . . . well.

On this side, Hody Jones didn't know that everything about him had been plotted by Lin Yun, and veins appeared on his face. "In that case, then it's as you wish." He raised the trident in his hand again and pointed towards Lin Yun. The clouds passed by.

only. . . . Soon, Hody Jones's eyes widened instantly.

Because Lin Yun stretched out a finger and gently tapped on the trident.

A ray of black light flashed past, completely absorbed by the dark chaos.

Lin Yun didn't even need to make any other extra defense, just a simple defense of Gangqi. And when the damage done by Hody Jones didn't exceed 30, it was enough to ignore.

It's that simple.

"So, after you just said so much, is this the weak human being you call?" Lin Yun half-squinted his eyes and said with a smile.

"Water, water!" Seeing that his attack could not even hurt Lin Yun's fingers, Hody Jones became panicked for a moment, and then he roared loudly.

I saw that the two sea kings outside the bubble at this time directly pushed over and pushed open the bubble on the fish-man island. Then a large amount of seawater sloped down from the entrance of the cave, forming waterfalls one after another.

"Hahaha, damn human, you're finished. This is a fish-man island 1 meters under the sea. You have nowhere to escape." After saying that, Hody Jones jumped back, then stretched out a hand and He took out a handful of pills from his clothes.

Then he threw it directly into his mouth and chewed it quickly.

That is the so-called vicious drug ES.

I saw that Hody Jones' originally black hair turned extremely gray in an instant, as if there was no dye on it, and he, who was already extremely ferocious, looked even more ferocious now.

His muscles expanded rapidly. He, who was originally 3 meters tall, almost rose to a height of about 4 meters. At the same time, the muscles on his body were covered with various veins, making him look like a so-called devil muscleman.

"I am invincible now, hahaha." As he spoke, Hody Jones even drooled and looked like he was demented.

"Crazy crazy."

"Brother Hody, you can't take so many dangerous drugs."

Those Hody Jones' horsemen couldn't help but say.

"Oh my God, I just took a few poisonous pills to destroy the entire Fishman Street, but now I've taken so many."

There are many fishmen who are full of fear about Hody's state.

only. . . .

"To be honest, it's too slow." At some point, Lin Yun teleported behind Hody Jones.

If it weren't for the fact that he didn't have a hat, Lin Yun would have even wanted to press his hat with one hand to pose.

As for the other hand?

I saw that Lin Yun was already on top of Hody Jones.

"Combat check:..."

"The opponent is caught off guard. Defense: Natural 29, Inner 12, Additional Success 2."


"Shocked for hundreds of miles. Explosive!" Lin Yun just said softly.

Then a powerful shock and shock appeared, and almost instantly Hody Jones's entire body was blasted into the ground by a force that shocked hundreds of miles.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful impact spread out around him with him as the center.

Fortunately, Lin Yunfei was in mid-air at this time, otherwise, otherwise, he would have been a little embarrassed this time, cough cough cough.

"Whoa?" The surrounding cadres of the New Fish-Man Pirates couldn't help but retreat in front of the shock wave, and then they took a closer look at Hody Jones who was in the pothole.

Although Lin Yun did not use all his strength.

But this time, a lot of blessings have actually been used, at least the conventional blessings.

And the result is what it is now.

To be honest, the last time I saw someone so weak, Lin Yun's impression seemed to be Killian from the Avengers world?
Although it was not considered weak for Lin Yun at that time.

But for Lin Yun now, he is indeed that weak.

Especially when you don't have the level, knowledge, color, and domineering energy, it's a sure kill!

(But to be honest, the Haki with knowledge and knowledge is useless, because the level of instantaneous movement in the void changes according to the level of the strong man in Hong Kong comics, which means that A-level immunity is needed to be caught off guard, that is, the Haki with knowledge and color of A-level is useful, and this According to my settings, basically a lieutenant general who is proficient in seeing, hearing, color, and domineering is only A-level)

(End of this chapter)

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