Chapter 34 Monitor?

"It seems that they have been repulsed. I just hope that the two traitors can give up this stupid idea." Seeing the conscious ghost soldiers running towards the back, the medical fairy Fengtian on the tower couldn't help but sigh. One breath.

If possible, he really didn't want to face those two traitors again, because those two guys were so annoying, but unfortunately, these two traitors kept jumping back and forth in front of him.

Although he said he didn't like them, after all, they were once brothers and sisters, and they had lived together for such a long time.

"Although I don't know very well, I can only say, my condolences." Although Li Wuming was a little unclear, he knew from Lin Yun's previous statement that the two so-called Yin and Yang judges were behind the scenes, and this The two yin and yang judges were once the closest people to Fengtian, but the result turned out to be like this.

"Master, look." At this moment, a servant suddenly shouted.

Among the retreating ghost soldiers in the distance, a person suddenly rushed in. She was a girl wearing a Taoist robe, and what didn't quite match her was that the girl actually held a large black sword. Then waved wildly.

Under her swing, bursts of whistling sounds and wind pressure spread to the surroundings. Under the swing of the sword, the ghost soldiers fell to the ground one by one, or were split open or sliced.

It's like being an unparalleled person in the chaos.

It is Xiong Dailin.

"Excuse me, is this Wanyao Village?" Xiong Dailin was seen waving the big sword to kill, and then shouted.

"Yes, this is Wanyao Village, be careful where you step." Lin Yun also responded and shouted immediately.

"Huh? Zombies?" The ghost soldier underground who should have been hacked to death by her suddenly stretched out his arm and grabbed her lotus feet under her robe.

"Be careful." Lin Yun frowned slightly, then turned his head to look at Long Ge'er, "Long Ge'er, let's go."

"Um...I don't think it's necessary for me to go there." But at this time, Long Geer looked to the other side with a subtle expression.

I saw that the ghost soldier who had just grabbed Xiong Dailin's big white leg was kicked up by Xiong Dailin almost instantly. Then the whole zombie flew into the air and even knocked down three people.

"What a terrifying power." Feng Feifei, who was kind-hearted and originally prepared to rescue people, looked at Xiong Dailin in the empty space and couldn't help but gasp.

"This is Wanyaozhuang, that's fine. In other words, these guys are my enemies, right? Simple." Xiong Dailin chuckled lightly, then waved his sword and did not attack Lin Yun and the others, but He just started running rampant among the ghost soldiers.

"This sister... is really temperamental." Seeing Xiong Dailin who was so savage but still a little elegant, Feng Feifei felt like she didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Forget it, let's go too. As many as we can transcend." Lin Yun also shook his head helplessly, and then said.

Lin Yun chose to grab the reward points openly.

"Hey, hey, hey, these guys are mine, let me kill these guys." Xiong Dailin looked at Lin Yun and the others who were rushing over and started shouting.

Compared with the Eight Generals of the Yin Division, these ghost soldiers are obviously too messy. Although as a symbol that they are stronger than the Khitans, they have up to 2 bonus points, and there are almost 200 people here.

That is almost 400 reward points, but considering that there are still Long Geer and others competing for heads, and Lin Yun needs to retain some internal strength now, after thinking about it, he finally decided. . . . . Forget it, if you have this time, it’s better to go back and take the dregs of medicine.

Thinking of this, Lin Yun turned to Long Geer and said, "Let's go back and rest first. There is still a tough battle to be fought next."

"But...that girl..." Long Geer pointed to Xiong Dailin on the other side.

"Since she said not to worry about it, let's just leave it alone and preserve our physical strength and internal strength. Besides, the people at Wanyao Village are also injured. You might as well show your consideration in front of Miss Feng Feifei." Lin Yun said casually.

"Hehehe, that's right." Long Ge'er touched his head and said a little shyly.

Just like that, while Xiong Dailin was killing everyone, Lin Yun and the others ran back to Wanyao Manor.

Long Geer helped Feng Feifei move the injured servants around and enjoyed it, but Lin Yun ran back to the place where he just took the medicine residue. . . . . .

continue. . . . . . Began to eat.

As for Fengtian and Li Wuming, they were naturally responsible for guarding the tower.

And just as she was helping Lin Yun crazily devouring the medicine dregs, a voice came, "Thank you so much. Oh, what are you doing? What kind of hobby is this?" It was Xiong Dailin. At this time, she had obviously already The giant sword in her hand was put away, and she looked like a lady.

"Huh? You should be the one who wants to come here within 10 days, right?" Lin Yun swallowed the dregs of medicine in his mouth and then said.

"That's right. What's your name? My name is Xiong Dailin." Xiong Dailin looked at the contents of the sack curiously, and then with the smell of medicine and a little rancid smell coming from inside, he couldn't help but take a few steps back, with a look of horror on his face. He looked at Lin Yun.

"Lin Aotian." Lin Yun said casually.

"This sounds like a fake name, okay?" Xiong Dailin said as if he couldn't complain, and then looked at the heart that was obviously not like the people here, and said a little strangely, then looked at Lin Yun, and wrinkled slightly frown. "What's wrong?" Lin Yun said somewhat strangely.

"Are you... Lin Yun?" Xiong Dailin said with some uncertainty.

"You... know me?" Lin Yun blinked, somewhat unresponsive.

"Go to hell." I saw Xiong Dailin waving that delicate little fist and hitting him directly, and a whistling sound came.

Almost instantly, Lin Yun lay down on his waist and rolled over, "What's the matter with you?"

"You guy, you actually forgot the table, how dare you say that?" Xiong Dailin waved his fist, looking annoyed.

"Tablemate? Huh? Wait, is it you, Xiong Daiyu?" At this time, Lin Yun finally said in response.

"What else? You guy, we have been sitting together for almost three years, and you still can't remember me?" Xiong Daiyu said with a helpless look.

"Although I am indeed a little face-blind, but if you don't look at what you look like now and before, tell me like this, and your name is wrong." Lin Yun also said helplessly.

Because the former Xiong Daiyu was really worthy of the name Daiyu in her name. Although her surname was Xiong, she was actually as thin as a bamboo pole. Compared with now, she was more than worlds away. Besides, Lin Yun knew this person at the time. This guy is only in high school. Lin Yun is almost 27 years old this year. He hasn't seen her for almost ten years, so how can he recognize her.

"Even so, you should recognize me." Xiong Daiyu looked unhappy and waved her fist.

"Calm down, you are such a beautiful lady." Lin Yun wiped his forehead, feeling a little ashamed.

In high school, Xiong Daiyu was the class monitor, and Lin Yun was the one lagging behind in the class because he was too high in the second grade. Because of this, the teacher naturally arranged for Xiong Daiyu to sit with Lin Yun and ask Xiong Daiyu to supervise his studies.

But obviously, the effect is not very good.

However, Lin Yun and Xiong Daiyu have a pretty good relationship. Although Lin Yun said that he did not regard Xiong Daiyu as a woman when he was in the second year of high school, he treated Xiong Daiyu as a girl. If he needed help with any physical work, Lin Yun would help her.

There was even one time when she suffered from heat stroke during a sports meeting, but Lin Yun carried her for almost a kilometer and climbed at least three floors of stairs before reaching the school doctor's office.

There is no way, the school is on a hillside, the teaching building is on one side, and the sports field is on the other side, which makes it like climbing a mountain.

This is probably the main reason why Lin Yun has such good physical strength.

It's just that this is high school after all, and Xiong Daiyu is not a local. After graduating from high school, they basically went their separate ways, and there was no communication after that.

"Huh? Are you a newcomer?" At this moment, Xiong Daiyu was suddenly stunned for a moment, and then said.

"How do you know?" Lin Yun frowned slightly?
"Your entourage can bring out a pistol." Xiong Daiyu pointed at Lin Yun's heart behind him.

Only then did Lin Yun realize that Xin was pointing a pistol at Xiong Daiyu, and he quickly said, "Xin, don't be nervous, he is probably one of our own."

Obviously, because of Xiong Daiyu's attack just now, she subconsciously took out the revolver.

At this time, Xiong Daiyu also explained the reason, "In the martial arts world, the fairy world, and some ancient worlds, high-tech weapons are basically not allowed. Only novices are allowed to carry these high-tech weapons."

"If that's the case, what about transforming people and strengthening them?" Lin Yun frowned slightly.

"If you transform people like cyberpunk, you can only use part of the functions of the mechanism. Anyway, shooting bullets and bombs will be ineffective." Xiong Daiyu shook her head slightly.

"Is that so?" Lin Yun frowned. He had been worried about this problem before, and then asked, "Will there be some purely high-tech world that won't let you use supernatural powers?"

"It's hard to say, because I heard that there are indeed some special worlds where not only are you unable to use supernatural powers, but you don't even have original memories." Xiong Daiyu shook her head slightly.

"But I really didn't expect to meet you here. Can you tell me about the situation here?" Lin Yun said eagerly.

"Well, this world is a bit like the infinite flow world in the novel you wrote," Xiong Daiyu thought for a while and then said.

"It's an infinite horror fan fiction." Lin Yun sighed, feeling a little emotional.

The reason why Lin Yun was the one with the lowest grades and was treated as a classmate by the monitor was because when he was in high school, Lin Yun was always thinking about writing novels and had no intention of studying.

Therefore, the squad leader has naturally seen some of Lin Yun's "masterpieces".

(End of this chapter)

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