Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 406 Lin is suitable for acting in horror movies

Chapter 406 Lin is suitable for acting in horror movies

The effect of 4x Kaio-ken is 5 times the basic value, after all, it is added with the original multiples, and the agility and perception are also increased.

Now the agility and perception of this Super Saiyan are probably around 120, after all, the Super Saiyan's bonus must be taken into account.

The basic defense is to take the lower of Agility and Composure, but it can be changed to higher with ability. Among them, Lin Yun remembered that there was an ability to directly lower Agility and Composure, and it was not uncommon to change it to lower Agility and Perception.

In addition, the legendary attributes of these two attributes have the effect of strengthening dodge defense and insight defense.

The most terrible thing is.

Under the title of Dragon Ball Martial Artist, there are such skills.

Practice D+1000
The training methods in Dragon Ball have almost no limits for mortals, and ordinary humans can also become powerful people who can destroy planets through training.

Get 5 different ways to invest XP, and the XP invested in each way is calculated separately.

For every 14XP invested, you gain 1 practice bonus to Strength, Agility, Endurance, and Perception. This bonus can be effective twice for every 3 investments, and the practice bonuses generated by the investments are cumulative.

For every 14XP invested, the natural weapon damage from the D-level ability group is increased by 2L, armor penetration by 2, and high speed by 2. It takes effect twice for every 3 investments. When the number of purchases reaches 2/1/2/4 times, the purchase number can be cleared, and the weapon damage is increased to 8/10/20/40L, but the high speed and armor penetration increases remain unchanged.

For every 14XP invested, the life, energy, willpower, and qi limits will be increased by 5 points. This will take effect twice for every 3 investments.

For every 14XP invested, hardness increases by 1 and full damage absorption is gained by 1. This effect is effective twice for every 3 investments.

For every 14XP invested, you gain a 3-point practice bonus to attack and defense, a 3-point dodge bonus and a 3-point insight bonus to defense. This will take effect twice for every 3 investments, and the practice bonus, dodge bonus and insight bonus generated by the investment will be cumulative.

In short, very powerful.

Under Lin Yun's exquisite command, the Shari Sword danced flexibly around the Super Saiyan like a nimble dragon. Every flicker of the sword seemed to foreshadow an imminent fatal blow.

Finally, Lin Yun gave the order to attack. The relic sword suddenly turned into a ray of light and stabbed forward like a salted fish turning over, directly attacking the Super Saiyan's vital point.

But the Super Saiyan is not Frieza. With his powerful air perception ability, he instantly caught the trajectory of the Shari Sword. He smiled slightly and stretched out a hand, as if he wanted to easily grab the sharp sword.

However, how could Lin Yun let him do as he wished?

Under the control of his mind, the relic sword suddenly accelerated, and with a clever turn, it slashed fiercely on the arm of the Super Saiyan.

After a muffled sound, a shocking scar appeared on the Super Saiyan's arm.

Blood slowly oozed out of the wound, staining his arm red. His veins bulged, and his expression became ferocious. His aura also began to fluctuate slightly, and it was obvious that this blow made him feel unprecedented pain.

That is the effect of Yin energy, but unfortunately, a guy like the Super Saiyan can be seen to have strong immunity and be blown up.

The dark energy damage of only 40 damage is totally useless. This is why Lin Yun did not choose this thing before.

The Super Saiyan raised his head, his eyes sparkling with excitement, and a hearty smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He said, "What a sinister power. It can actually stay hidden after injuring my body. It really excites me." After saying that, he suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Lin Yun.

The Super Saiyan came in front of Lin Yun and threw a punch.

A dragon-like airflow condensed on his fist, as if to devour everything. This is the iconic move in the movie "Dragon Fist Explosion, Who Else Can It Be" - Dragon Fist Explosion!
Lin Yun widened his eyes and was secretly amazed.

Brother, not really.

He didn't expect that this Super Saiyan would use such a powerful move.

In the movie version, this thing can be thrown out with a single punch, and then dragon-shaped energy bursts out from the fist, and can even wrap around the enemy and eventually explode.

Even in Dragon Ball GT, several big bosses are finished off with dragon fists for the final kill, and the amazing special effects are enough to make people stunned.

But at this moment, the Super Saiyan's fist hit Lin Yun's face fiercely. The powerful impact made Lin Yun fall into a short state of dizziness.

He felt as if his head was hit by a sledgehammer and the pain was unbearable.

The powerful impact almost made Lin Yun dizzy.

Should we say it’s okay, it’s not the Dragon Fist from the movie, but just the Dragon Fist from the Dragon Ball Xenoverse?

It looks like the Dragon Fist from the Dragon Ball Xenoverse.

Although the Dragon Fist in Dragon Ball Xenoverse is the ultimate skill above the special move, it is almost equivalent to the final blow in a combo. It is not so exaggerated. Of course, the damage is real.

Lin Yun could feel that his head was about to lose consciousness.

Because this time, Lin Yun did not use the Abyss Force, in an instant, Lin Yun suffered nearly 300 damage again.

It's terrible.

So the question is, why didn’t Lin Yun die?
"It hurts so much!" With a ferocious expression, Lin Yun spat out almost half of his teeth and said with blood in his mouth.

"Your expression doesn't suggest that." The Super Saiyan couldn't help but become serious when he saw Lin Yun like this.

Because of the punch just now, in order to end the fight quickly, he used nearly one-sixth of his energy to attack in one breath, but he didn't expect that he couldn't even blow Lin Yun's head off.

What the Super Saiyan probably couldn't imagine was that Lin Yun at this time... Actually, his health was comparable to that of Planet Godzilla. In order to bring out the effect of that trump card, and because he had consumed too much of his innate energy before.

So Lin Yun pushed the attack very hard this time, and almost half of his serious damage bar was drained.

This is also the reason why the Super Saiyan only hit Lin Yun with a single blow that only dealt over 100 damage, forcing Lin Yun to open his genetic lock.

Because it is very simple.

The 31-point physical enhancement bonus from the Black Scale Refining Technique alone has already increased Lin Yun's health by a lot, plus the 12-point practice bonus from the Xiantian Qiankun Gong and the 4-point sacred bonus from the Bingjie Jinglei Zen.

Add to that the original 25 physical strength, the 5 intrinsic bonus of the Six-Storage Immortal Thief, and the miscellaneous health points gained from eating dragon eggs.

Oh, we also have to take into account the 9 energy bonus of the Sky Blood Armor and the 6 perfect bonus of the second-level gene lock. Even without any blessings, there are already 397 health points.

If you add the blessings, it’s not much, just 556 health points.

Just 400 points of damage, just a fatal injury, was not enough to kill Lin Yun.

As for only more than 100 health points left?
You have to know that he has already suffered serious damage. If he only suffers 100 more damages, he will die suddenly.

But at this moment, Lin Yun did not feel the slightest fear.

Lin Yun raised his hands and formed seals with both hands, then the Buddha's light shone with his left hand, and the Buddha's right hand blasted over like mountains and rivers.

But the Buddha is trying to move mountains and rivers but is not yet able to do so.

He has just tried it, although he tried to use Buddha to ask Canaan to hit the bad points.

But it is obvious that under the Super Saiyan and King Fist states, this guy's basic attributes are almost as explosive as Lin Yun, and the toughness immunity result is probably at least 80.

It seems that Lin Yun’s Buddha asked Canaan a little bit behind the others.

In this case, he could only choose to bombard, bombard continuously, bombard madly, until the guy opposite opened his mouth, closed his eyes, knelt down and begged for mercy, kill!

Seeing that Lin Yun’s powerful attack was about to come, this time, the Super Saiyan no longer dared to resist Lin Yun’s attack head-on as he did before.

He knew very well that Lin Yun's strength had exceeded his imagination, and he might pay a heavy price if he was not careful.

The Super Saiyan suddenly became furious, and all his strength exploded in an instant, like a bolt of lightning across the sky.

He used his superb Qigong skills to move at high speed and instantly arrived behind Lin Yun, at about seven o'clock.

However, he did not feel at ease because Lin Yun's spiritual perception and innate perception ability were too powerful.

Even if he tried his best to restrain his breath, he could not escape Lin Yun's perception.

Because Lin Yun was directly searching for his "existence"!
Lin Yun had expected his high-speed movement. He turned his hand and the Buddha's Light turned the sword tip and rushed directly in front of the Super Saiyan.

The Super Saiyan's expression changed slightly, and he moved angrily again, this time above Lin Yun's head.

Lin Yun was still able to sense it, and with a turn of his hand, he continued to rush forward with the Buddha's light shining upon him.

Seeing this, the Super Saiyan's heart tightened, knowing that he could no longer dodge like this. He realized that the sword seemed to have an automatic tracking function, and unless he could knock it down, he would not be able to escape its pursuit.

So he changed his mind and decided to adopt another tactic.

He suddenly became furious, and this time he did not teleport like before, but chose to fly at super acceleration.

He controlled his flying speed, just slightly faster than Lin Yun's relic sword, and then rushed straight towards Lin Yun.

This is a classic tactic, using high-speed flight to get close to the enemy and then deliver a fatal blow in the shortest time possible.

However, he did not expect that Lin Yun had another big treasure.

Looking at the Super Saiyan flying over, Lin Yun smiled slightly, revealing a mouthful of creepy teeth. Due to the automatic recovery effect of the Sky Blood Armor, his teeth have grown a little, and although they look more terrifying, they add a bit of majesty.

The Super Saiyan looked at Lin Yun's creepy smile and felt a chill in his heart.

However, just as he was nervously observing Lin Yun, Lin Yun's other hand, which had been held back, suddenly burst out.

The Buddha's thundering Zen that shook mountains and rivers was directly launched at a speed that was astonishing.

The Super Saiyan tried to stop himself from flying, but it was too late. He could only raise his strong arms to block Jing Lei Zen.

Under the Super Saiyan's Qi defense, Lin Yun's Thunder Zen could only make a dent.

However, Lin Yun seemed to hear the sound of bones breaking. He knew that this attack had caused considerable damage to the Super Saiyan.

However, this was not important, because the Shari Sword that followed closely behind had already caught up from behind and directly pierced the Super Saiyan's kidney.

(End of this chapter)

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