Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 409: Probably not a white girl

Chapter 409: Probably not a white girl
On the other side, in a room surrounded by nothingness but a magnificent hall in the middle, there was a face that looked like an oval ball, blue in the middle and purple on both sides, with round little eyes and two ears that were holes. The humanoid creature with short limbs looked like an old man in a monitoring room.

Because in front of him at this moment, he could see at least hundreds of screens, and a large number of images were playing on these screens.

And if Lin Yun and the others could see it, they would probably show subtle expressions.

Because the images played on these screens are basically various animations and movies, and there are even stand-alone games, multiplayer games, and even live broadcasts of game playing.

And this humanoid creature whose head looks like an oval sphere is looking at these large number of screens with great interest, looking like it is enjoying it. . . . . .

On the other hand, "Since you know, then it is the best case scenario. That guy rushed down and killed my teammates indiscriminately. I hope you can make corresponding compensation and revive my teammates." Lin Yun listened to Weiss's words, first heaved a sigh of relief, and then said somewhat ignorantly.

Under normal circumstances, for a weak person like Lin Yun, it is a very bad thing to ask the other party to be strong.

However, Lin Yun knew that Weiss was a nice guy. Since he was a "friendly army" that had already been "traded", the situation would be much better.
"Oh, of course. I'm so sorry." Weiss smiled and nodded, looking very elegant. He raised the staff in his hand and pointed it slightly at the ground.

On the other side, Sakuya Izayoi, who had turned into lasagna, seemed to be lying upside down.

The blood and flesh that had splattered on the ground behind flew up, stuck back together, and finally returned to its original appearance. Well, if you look closely, you can even see that moment.

Izayoi Sakuya's face was extremely distorted, as if it was dented by something.

In short, she looked as if she had expected it and was not surprised at all.

Because it's very simple. She had already acquired a skill similar to Yunsheng's, which allows her to simply turn into a soul even if she is killed.

Of course, this is different from the situation where Yunsheng is still able to maintain his combat effectiveness.

After becoming a spirit, Sakuya Izayoi will lose her physical attributes, with determination replacing her physique and composure replacing her strength as her health points.

Basically in that state, Sakuya Izayoi's combat effectiveness was close to 0. Although her magic power could still be used, the problem was that her magic power had been used up long ago. And with no agility at all, Sakuya Izayoi couldn't even attack.

As for why this is the case.

That’s of course because of Lin Yun’s invincible ability to create humans.

Anyway, skills and the like can still be retained, and Sakuya Izayoi did not exchange her bloodline.

Things like side plots and bonus points will remain.

The only loss was the enhancement of Sakuya Izayoi's original physical attributes, and at most the dragon blood and dragon meat that Lin Yun had given her before were wasted.

To put it simply, even if Sakuya Izayoi's physical body died, she could just use the body created by Lin Yun, just like Yun Sheng did before. It wouldn't be a big deal.

In short, just now Sakuya Izayoi had been hiding near her own body, maintaining her telepathic connection with Himeki.

So in fact, Sakuya Izayoi has always known about the situation on Whis's side.

And at this moment, there seemed to be a strange feedback in the space of gods, because at this moment.

"Defeat the Spacetime Patrolman and obtain two S-level side stories and 2 reward points."

Boy, is this compensation?

Lin Yun's face also showed some subtlety.

“Wait, where’s my knife?” Just then, Yun Sheng rushed over from the other side, holding up the pitiful Nine Nether Thunder Knife of which only the handle was left. . . .

"Ah, that knife! There's an evil aura on it. I'm sorry, but I don't really want to restore something like that." Weiss frowned slightly and then said.

"Ah, why is this happening?" Yunsheng blinked his eyes, looking very distressed.

He borrowed money from Lin Yun with great difficulty to practice the Purple Thunder Divine Art and the Purple Thunder Sword Technique, and even went to Tianchi to be electrocuted, all in order to unleash the power of the Nine Nether Thunder Sword.

As a result, now the Nine Nether Thunder Blade was directly destroyed, and he got nothing. This is too miserable, although there is a way to repair it in the Space of Gods.

It is usually one-third of the side story and about one-quarter of the reward points.

"I see that the aura you have, although a little violent, is also moderate and peaceful. You shouldn't have to use this kind of knife, right?" Weiss looked at Yunsheng with some surprise.

"Oh, by the way, his knife was not like this before, but it was contaminated by someone later, so it became like this. If you have any way, can you help?" Lin Yun's eyes turned and then said.

"So that's how it is, but this is a bit troublesome. After all, this knife is not from our universe, and it seems to have changed for a long time. Oh, it actually has divinity? That's easy." Weiss tilted his head slightly, then took out his staff and tapped the knife in Yunsheng's hand. The fragments that were scattered before were now glued back together. Compared with the previous one with a lot of magic patterns on it, this knife now looks extremely pure.

Well, it looks like a slightly larger machete. . . . .

However, although it had lost the demonic aura it had before, the sword now carried a sacred and inviolable aura, like a thunderbolt from heaven.

This is the most original state of the Nine Nether Thunder Blade, the appearance of the Nine Heavens Thunder Blade.

But didn’t Weiss just say that the Nine Nether Thunder Blade was not from his universe after all, so he had no way to repair it?
How come it suddenly works again?

As if aware of everyone's confusion, Weiss smiled slightly, "I just discovered that there is actually a little bit hidden in the knife. It should be the divinity that the original owner of the knife put in. The divinity remembers the essence and appearance of the knife. As a divine weapon, its existence is no longer a simple material, but a memory. So I stimulated it a little, and most of the original fragments are still there, so it became like this."

Yun Sheng was still in a daze at this time. He subconsciously waved the Nine Heavens Thunder Blade in his hand, sensing the feeling coming from the Thunder Blade, and then looked at Lin Yun, "Although it is still a defective version, it has been upgraded to A-level."

By the way, the Nine Nether Thunder Blade was a B-level weapon before.

In other words, this is equivalent to an upgrade.

Is there such a good thing?

"Well, since there's nothing to do here, we should go back." Whis nodded slightly, then looked at Beerus, who was half-closed his eyes and looked like he was savoring the pudding. "Lord Beerus, it seems we should go back."

"Hmm? Oh, okay. By the way, is there anything else?" Licking his paw, Beerus half-closed his eyes and looked at Lin Yun on the other side.

"You're welcome!" Lin Yun took out another cup of pudding...

"Well! Very good, I like you very much. If you have anything or anything you want to destroy, you can tell me and I will destroy it in an instant." Bruce quickly snatched the pudding from Lin Yun's hand, squinting his eyes like a cat, looking at the pudding intently.

Because a pudding can kill people, or even destroy a planet... Only Beerus can do that... Oh, and the Omni-King too.

This is a typical case of the upper beam being crooked and the lower beams being crooked.

"Uh, that's not necessary. After all..." Lin Yun subconsciously waved his hand. After all, if they ran to other copy worlds in the future, Beerus couldn't follow them and kill them.

But soon, Lin Yun thought of something, "Oh, by the way, can we learn Ultra Instinct?

It is a divine skill, just like the "Destruction" of the God of Destruction.

However, the "destruction" of the God of Destruction is strictly speaking a priestly ability.

And this can be learned.

In the original work, Sun Wukong and Vegeta had learned this move and even developed a new form.

Although this form is only new for them.

Different from the previous fighting method that relied on sensing Qi, it relied on conditioned reflex movements of various parts of the body, did not require any thinking from the brain, and maximized movement speed and reaction ability.

Ultra Instinct separates the body and consciousness, allowing various parts of the body to sense the dangers around them beyond instinct, without the need for the brain to think before acting.

When the first signs of the Ultimate Freedom are revealed, they are called "Omens", with silver lines appearing in the hair and the pupils turning silver. When humans have fully mastered the state, their hair turns completely silver.

The posture shown in the anime is that the whole body is surrounded by silver-white aura.

Speed ​​and reaction ability are maximized. Anime and comics describe different triggering opportunities: anime is triggered by large enough external stimulation; comics is triggered by inner peace, no distractions, and returning to oneself.

According to Whis, the silver hair is just a variation of Ultra Instinct. The Angels have mastered the ability to remain in this state without any changes in appearance. Sun Wukong has also been able to achieve Ultra Instinct without any changes in appearance through practice, and can also enter this state when he transforms into a Super Saiyan.

By the way, Beerus himself can also use Ultra Instinct, and his master is naturally Whis.

As for the Ultimate Instinct, Lin Yun and the others naturally learned about it in the Space of Gods.

even though....

"Oh, if I remember correctly, you should be able to learn Ultra Instinct." Weiss said with some surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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