Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 413 I like weirdos like you

Chapter 413 I like weirdos like you

"There's not enough time. Forget it." Sakuya Izayoi curled her lips slightly and said as if she didn't care about Drey's anger.

Although Lin Yun still gave them enhancements this time, there was not enough time to see through and concentrate.

As a result, the effect is not as powerful as the last time when he instantly killed Ginyu, whose combat power was only 12.

Although, this is Dre with a combat power of 18, so it seems normal that he couldn't be killed instantly.

"Are you the ones?" Dre turned around and stared at Sakuya Izayoi with his eyes wide open, looking as angry as if he could swallow a cow.

Then, when he blinked subconsciously, Izayoi Sakuya had disappeared.

"Where?" Dre shouted subconsciously and looked around.

But at this time, Shaviza and the others saw a very terrifying situation.

That is, Sakuya Izayoi was actually behind Dre, and as Dre turned his head, she was always in the blind corner that Dre couldn't see.

"De..." The two of them shouted subconsciously, but...

"Do you still have time to care about others?" At this moment, purple lightning from the sky roared down again. This time, they were more violent and fierce, as if they were going to swallow up the entire sky.

At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out from the thunder area, holding a long sword flashing with cold light, and rushed straight towards Delei. It was Yunsheng who was hiding in the thunder area!

He rushed towards Shaviza and Nez, brandishing the Nine Heavens Thunder Blade in his hand and shouting, "Winter Thunderbolt!"

As his shout fell, the Nine Heavens Thunder Blade turned into bursts of sword shadows, and a large amount of purple lightning exploded, covering Xaviza and Nez.

"Don't even think about it this time..." Nez saw that Yunsheng actually jumped down by himself, and the most important thing was that there was lightning on his body. Could he tolerate this guy?
Nez, with lightning flashing on his body, not only did not retreat, but instead charged towards Yunsheng.

Then... he saw that, at the moment of contact, the yellow lightning on his body was directly absorbed by Yunsheng’s purple lightning, and then... it chopped into his body, directly cutting him into eight pieces.

Because of Nez's "heroic sacrifice", Xaviza took the opportunity to avoid the attack range of the winter thunder. Even so, streaks of lightning flashed on his body, and then he was hit again by lightning in the sky.

This time it turned directly into ashes and dissipated between heaven and earth.

This side seems to be done, and Dre on the other side is almost there too.

His back was full of knives, making him look like a hedgehog.

This can be considered as Sakuya Izayoi's bad taste.

But more importantly, it's coming.

Gula, with his arms folded, frowned slightly, and glanced sharply at Yunsheng and Izayoi Sakuya who had just killed his Gula guards.

Unlike his innocent yet lovable brother, Gula possesses the ability to sense Chi.

Because of this, he did not wear a combat power detector like his brother Frieza, but relied on his own perception to see everything around him.

Gula could clearly sense the fighting power in Yunsheng and Sakuya Izayoi, and although it was not strong, it was enough to attract his attention.

But that’s all.

As for the clay figure, Gula felt somewhat confused and didn't understand it.

The clay figures' fighting power is obviously not strong, and people should be afraid of them, but they seem indifferent, as if they are not affected at all.

This situation made Gula fall into deep thought, and he began to doubt whether this clay man was the real enemy.

After all, in the universe, there are many masters who hide their strength, and no one can guarantee that this seemingly inconspicuous clay man does not have any special means.

As Frieza's brother, Cooler is not easily troubled by these doubts. He has amazing wisdom and knows that the most important thing when facing an unknown enemy is to remain calm and cautious.

Since the true identity and intentions of the clay man could not be determined, Gula decided to ignore him for the time being.

Anyway, it is certain that these people must be related to the murder of his brother Frieza. Thinking of this, a strong killing intent surged in Gula's heart.

He flicked his finger lightly, and a huge golden energy ball appeared at his fingertips. This energy ball was similar to the one used by Frieza, but it was also slightly different.

It emits a dazzling light, as if it is a supernova about to explode, containing the power to destroy everything.

And the name of this move is indeed supernova.

Gula pushed the energy ball into the air, and it expanded rapidly, becoming larger and larger.

Once this supernova is detonated, it is enough to completely destroy a planet. Gula believes that with this move, no matter what kind of enemy is hiding, it will definitely show up.

As expected by Gula, facing this move, Lin Yun finally made a move. White energy began to wrap around his body, as if a powerful force was surging in his body.

This power made the outer side of Lin Yun's hair slightly white, as if it was covered by a layer of sacred light.

Ultra Instinct, activate!

The combat power of Super Saiyan 1 is about 1 million, and the King-fist is inconsistent with the enhanced part of Super Saiyan, so in theory, even if it is 6000 times the King-fist, which is equivalent to 4 times the normal attribute, the combat power is actually about 5 million, which is considered good.

Anyway, if we really want to talk about it, in the Strongest vs Strongest movie, Cooler claimed to have a combat power of 4 million, but at that time he couldn't even master the Super Saiyan 7000 stage, and it was all thanks to the angry Son Goku who was able to suppress Cooler after becoming a Super Saiyan. Translation, if that Super Saiyan Time Patrol came down, Cooler would be beaten.

In other words, "It doesn't seem like I can't fight." Lin Yun looked at his own perception and said.

Now that he is in full condition, his perception is 67, which is a legendary perception of 13, 13X8, which means 104 attack and defense, a perfect bonus for immunity.

And there are still 19 times left to cooperate with the Eight-Gate Star-Fixing Technique.

That really looks like he can fight.

"It seems to be you, the guy who killed my dear brother. Come on, let me see you." Seeing Lin Yun coming out, Gula actually held back the energy of the supernova.

Instead, he just spread out his hands, looking like he was ready to go, a typical Frieza-style arrogance.

... What happened to the caution I promised you? What happened to the less naivety I promised you?

This means that if Frieza's innocence is 10, your innocence is 9, right?

"I like monsters like you the most." Seeing that he even spread out his hands to welcome his attack, Lin Yun laughed out of anger.

But think about it, this guy was so arrogant even when facing the Monkey King who killed his brother, so it's okay.

With a move of his hands, the domineering aura was activated! The will of martial arts, activated!

“I’m going to fucking kill you!” This time, Lin Yun did not use the Tathagata Palm, because... This is the Dragon Ball World!

The void moves instantly!

In an instant, Lin Yun rushed directly in front of Gula like a cannonball.

Seeing Lin Yun's speed so fast, Gula's pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly.

With his fists clenched, Lin Yun threw a punch that shocked a hundred miles away. The golden energy wrapped around Lin Yun's arm and poured into Gula's body.


"Gu!" Gula's pupils shook wildly because this punch burst out directly from Gula's back, exploding directly and creating a huge hole.

In addition to being able to add Legendary Perception x8 to attacks as a perfect bonus, in Lin Yun's opinion, the strongest feature of Ultra Instinct is that the additional successes are converted into attacks at a ratio of 1:3. In other words, Lin Yun's 60 additional successes can be directly converted into a perfect bonus of 180.

And most importantly, be able to perfectly manipulate its destructive power.

Simply change the result into one third, and then if you add the dice, add one third to the result.


More than half the bonus, which was almost impossible in the past.

It is equivalent to the technique of using the same force but exerting greater power.

After feeling the power of Lin Yun's punch, Gula finally realized that the guy in front of him was very strong, extremely strong. In his current form, he was simply playing with his own life.

For a moment, he no longer had any intention of pretending to be cool.

He immediately became furious and tried to push Lin Yun away.

What Gula didn't expect was that Lin Yun, with a ferocious smile, resisted his exploding energy barrier and grabbed one of his hands.

"Let go!" Gula shouted subconsciously.

"Bajiquan is best practiced only when you catch the target and hit him." Lin Yun recalled his "struggle" in the first dungeon world. At that time, he was just a nobody, but he managed to kill those small fry.

I haven't practiced Bajiquan for a long time, it's time to give it a good workout.

"Hahaha!" With a wild laugh, Lin Yun blasted over with his elbow, carrying a mixture of golden and white energy.

“Damn it, let me go!” Curling up his body, Gula kicked Lin Yun, “The world is uncertain!”

The enhancement of Ultra Instinct is also effective against Qian Kun Wu Ding.

With the strengthening of Jin Chenxi's internal energy, most of the power of Gula's kick was neutralized at once. When the kick hit Lin Yun, he didn't even feel as much as when Sakuya Izayoi kicked him.

Well, as for Ji Qi and Xiong Daiyu, forget about them.

"Should I say at this time, Brother Jie, don't?" Yunsheng on the side said with a subtle expression.

"Be obedient!" Lin Yun naturally heard what Yun Sheng said below, so he naturally immersed himself in it, cough cough cough, and hit Gula's neck with his elbow.

However, at this moment, Lin Yun suddenly felt that Gula's wrist, which he was holding, began to be pulled free.

It wasn't because he was unable to break free from his strength, but because his wrist had become bigger and Lin Yun couldn't hold on any longer.

(End of this chapter)

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