Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 415: The Frozen Demon's Ancestral Hard Life

Chapter 415: The Frozen Demon's Ancestral Hard Life
"Illusion. The Moon Goddess's Bell, illusion. The wreckage of the clock." As Sakuya Izayoi chanted, the Moon Clock in front of Gula exploded.

I saw spheres emerging from the five pocket watches, covering an area of ​​about 5 kilometer around them.

These spheres are the effect of the Moon Goddess's Clock and the effect of a rotating timepiece.

All targets within the range of the time-space sphere will be affected by the entanglement points of the magic reserve x ability group level in the moon clock. This entanglement point cannot be exempted and does not stack with itself. It will automatically clear to 0 after it lasts until the end of the area. When this entanglement leads to serious consequences, banishment will be applied instead of immobilization, which is equivalent to the flow of time being stagnant.

Such a target can still be affected by ranged attacks, damage, or other abilities, but all effects are resolved based on the target's condition at that point when the target leaves the exiled state, which means that the target will not actually suffer any reduction in defense or reflexes. value, and will not be fatally attacked due to being unable to move.

This counts as an effect from a time law equal to your ability group level.

Ranged attacks and area effects that pass through or enter the area will be temporarily paused. If the target is no longer within the affected area after the area ends, the attack or area effect will be completely ineffective against the target.

If the target is also stopped or does not leave the affected area, the effect will be delayed until the end of the area.

You and targets of your choice up to your ability group's level are unaffected by this ability.

Izayoi Sakuya's ability set is A-level, which means that up to 4 targets are not affected.

Of course, that's not the point.

The point is, the entanglement points of the magic power x ability group in the moon clock.

The magic power in this month's timepiece is not calculated based on the magic power in one month's timepiece, but is calculated based on the magic power in the overlapping and covered month's timepieces.

That is to say, there are a total of 5 months and 80 entanglement points, which cannot be exempted.

It can be seen that under the overlapping encirclement of 5 spheres, well, it's a pity that even with a full 80 points of entanglement that cannot be exempted, under Gula's power, it is still impossible to turn it into a turtle, with one hand in slow motion.

But at least, it slowed down visibly to the naked eye, as if using a high-speed camera.

And this is just the beginning.

In the absence of Xiao Li's Flying Dagger to perform a high-level killing move, when it comes to multiple attacks, Sakuya Izayoi can just use it to the maximum.

Because of the effect of clock wreckage.

When using the Moon Goddess's Bell, the ability to expand space and shrink the world, which is itself used by exploding the Moon Clock, can trigger this effect.

It can be seen that the place where the five moon clocks exploded turned into five objects that looked like small black holes.

Then, a large number of flying knives were continuously shot out from these five black holes.

This black hole is connected to the storage space under Sakuya Izayoi's skirt, in the absolute realm.

These black holes can shoot flying knives out from the storage space just like Sakuya Izayoi's flying knife attacks.

Fortunately, the Silver Saint Flying Knife has now reached S-level and can already split into 160 projections.

Even if all 5 Month Clocks are released at the same time, on average, one Month Clock can shoot out 32 throwing knives, while Sakuya Izayoi can only shoot 20 at most at a time unless she uses other skills.

So it’s more than enough.

A large number of flying knives shot out from all directions, directly piercing Gulāh more than a hedgehog. The weight of the flying knives stuck in his body alone was probably enough to reach his body weight.

However, even so, it still cannot be killed. After all, from another perspective, although there are many flying knives, they are nothing more than scraping.

This wave of output by Sakuya Izayoi actually only dealt less than 50 damage. As for hardness and total damage absorption, Sakuya Izayoi has no way to restrain them for the time being.

Besides, all this damage will be settled at once when the effect of the Moon Goddess' Bell is lifted. From a certain perspective, this actually gives Gula time to survive.

However, there is only time. Unfortunately, Gula, as a "melee" person, has very high attributes.

In essence, they are similar to Lin Yun, both are inflatable people.

And before Blood Sky, Lin Yun had not yet strengthened his foundation in all aspects.

At least through spiritual perception and Qi, Lin Yun can roughly sense the other party's basic attributes.

In short, Gula's strength is actually only over 40, and his agility is actually only over 20. Of course, this is the basics.

When they are angry, their attributes basically increase by about 42. Although it is not as good as Xiong Daiyu's pure strength increase, it is not low either.

That is, strength is above 80 and agility is above 60.

As for this guy's strongest attribute, it's actually his physique... No wonder he's so tanky.

Taking into account the enhancement, his physical fitness has reached 98. Well, although it is still not as good as Lin Yun’s. . . .

If this guy could be lowered a little bit, for example, if he was simply inflated like an air pump instead of inflated to enhance its properties, then he would probably be completely unable to move now.

Directly entangle the points and enter serious consequences, and then become unable to act.

But it doesn’t matter, because the attack is still there!

The lightning in the sky came crashing down and hit Gula directly.

With the entanglement points as high as 80, Gula barely had time to see the purple lightning falling from the sky because Izayoi Sakuya "allowed" Yunsheng's action.

So the purple lightning that was originally going to be captured in slow motion actually fell from the sky very smoothly and hit the target directly.

Gula's eyes were filled with fear and despair.

He was very sure that there was no way he could avoid the lightning.

The opponent's strength was beyond his imagination. Every attack was easily resolved by the opponent. Every attempt made him feel more deeply the gap between the two sides.

What's more, there is such a troublesome guy on the other side.

However, he didn't intend to give up just like that.

He knew very well that it was too late to escape and he could only try his best to fight for a chance of survival.

Gula took a deep breath and gathered all his strength. His eyes flashed with crazy light, as if he wanted to swallow up the entire universe.

Then he showed a crazy smile, "Although Frieza is the Emperor of the Universe, I am also the brother of the Emperor of the Universe. I will not lose to you like this."

Then a huge amount of energy rose from Gula's body.

With Gula as the center, a huge explosion broke out directly, and even the powerful explosion collided with the purple thunder falling from the sky.

It was pushed open almost instantly.

Fortunately, thanks to Sakuya Izayoi's Moon Bell, the speed of the explosion was slowed down.

However, Sakuya Izayoi's Moon Bell was also affected by the explosion and had begun to become unstable. Once the Moon Bell was forcibly released.

Then the suppressed explosion will spread out all at once, just like putting an iron bucket on the Black Spider's cannon.

"He is going to self-destruct, run!" Yunsheng shouted hurriedly, and then the wind and thunder wings behind him flapped wildly, ready to escape.

"Lin Yun, I'm going to retreat first." Sakuya Izayoi knew that in terms of speed, without taking time stopping into account, Lin Yun was much faster than her, so she didn't need to worry about him at all. Instead of talking nonsense and disturbing Lin Yun, it would be better to run away quickly.

So Izayoi Sakuya turned into a phantom and disappeared almost instantly.

Lin Yun was the only one left at the scene.

Unfortunately, Lin Yun couldn't run away, because if Gula really exploded like this, then the planet Meik would explode.

If Namek explodes, Lin Yun and his team will not be able to complete their mission.

However... Lin Yun looked at Gula who was laughing wildly in the explosion, but he narrowed his eyes slightly and then disappeared.

But not long after Izayoi Sakuya left, the Moon Clock's exploding Moon Goddess Bell could no longer hold on.

Although, even if there was no explosion, it could only last about 6 seconds.

Gula burned himself and exploded with great force.

The terrifying shock wave exploded with Gula as the center, and in an instant, the surrounding area of ​​about 10 kilometers was blasted into a huge pit.

As the explosion above the giant pit disappeared, a large amount of water could be seen flowing down the edge of the pit at the bottom of the pit.

"Fortunately, the place Lin Yun chose was far away from the Namekian village, otherwise our work would have been in vain." Sakuya Izayoi couldn't help but say as she stood at the edge of the huge pit.

After all, considering the huge destructive power of Gura's attack, Lin Yun naturally did not dare to let Gura get too close to the Namekian villages. Although those Namekians have now gone to seek refuge, it is impossible for them to be too far away from those villages.

"Yes, I am still the wise and brave one." Lin Yun came out from the ground and said with a smile.

"It's a pity that this guy blew himself up, so it seems the reward is wasted." Yunsheng said helplessly.

"That's hard to say?" Lin Yun said with a mysterious smile, and then...

"Hu, ha!" In the other direction of the huge crater where Gulana exploded, about 1 kilometer away from the ground, a figure stopped there, gasping for breath. It was Gulana.

But this time, Gula was missing the left half of his body.

The initial explosion was indeed caused by him, but after seeing Lin Yun running away, Gula poured the energy of the explosion directly into the left side of his body, creating a large enough explosion. The remaining half of his body, relying on its strong vitality, plunged into the huge pit, then hid, and disguised the illusion of his own death.

Although it feels a bit like living a mediocre life, as the saying goes, those who accomplish great things do not care about small details.

Gula thought that this time it was mainly because he was too careless. If he had fought with all his strength at the beginning and killed all of Lin Yun's "weak" companions first, he would not be completely unable to defeat Lin Yun.

Well, at least that's what he thought.

The main reason was that Lin Yun had dealt too much damage before he transformed.

(Almost done. I’ll probably go back to the Gods’ Space in the next chapter, maybe?)

(End of this chapter)

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