Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 417: Tiamat's Sorrow

Chapter 417: Tiamat's Sorrow
"I gave birth to many lives and was loved by all. But the children used me as a stepping stone and left me. I want to keep loving them and want them to stay by my side forever. Is my love... all wrong?"

It was used as soil for nurturing life, but when the earth's environment stabilized and the ecosystem was established, it was considered useless and exiled to the imaginary world. That is the inner world, not even a parallel world, but an imaginary space without life.

Now that the ecosystem has been established, there is no use for her to design life randomly.

She is simply an obstacle in the process of life acquiring an intelligence consistent with this planet.

In order to deal with the mother of all things who wanted to kiss her child but accidentally destroyed the entire world.

Look at what's on the other side.

One of the pinnacles of South American mythology, Quetzalcoatl, the goddess of Venus and the underworld in Sumerian mythology.

The candidate for the crown, Merlin, the candidate for the crown, Gilgamesh, the legitimate grandpa of the crown, King Hassan, the avatar of Lin Yun’s pen name for his novels.

In addition, the divine weapon, which was known as the Second King together with Gilgamesh, was resurrected as the King's Sky Chain Enkidu.

It can almost be said that none of them can be missing.

Oh, except for a certain goddess who failed to deliver.

If there hadn't been a group of god-level servants to delay time, if he hadn't been born in the Age of Gods and could rely on the underworld to break the paradox of immortality, if Merlin hadn't personally come to consume the Sea of ​​Life, if King Hard hadn't given up the crown, if Elly hadn't violated the contract and given her protection, if Shining hadn't violated the rules and come again to directly bombard the mother of all things and delay time.

The mother of all things is almost impossible to kill.

Correspondingly, the Black Sea that was created by the Mother of All Things can corrode all life and heroic spirits and transform them into monsters.

Basically, given enough time, the Mother of All Things can simply destroy the entire planet.

However, due to her own "maternal instinct", although her instinct is to destroy the world, she still has the desire to protect humans in her heart, so the effect of self-sealing was born. So when you fight Tiamat in the game, you may think she is very weak. In fact, she has been letting the sea go, and only Uruk and Chaldea have the opportunity to fight against her.

This also confirms the setting of "human evil". The essence of human evil is caused by love for humans, so Tiamat is a very sad existence. From the perspective of normal humans, Tiamat is a terrible invader. From her perspective, all humans are aliens. After all, she is the original body of the earth, and humans came later.

Its EX-level self-transformation uses the black sea of ​​life to replace its own spiritual base. It grows from its normal spiritual base state (the girl of fate) to a dragon body over 60 meters long. Tiamat in dragon form can invalidate attacks below the rank of A++.

So the question is, what exactly is this A++ level attack?

What is the concept of A++? It is basically the top level. EX levels higher than A++ are simply immeasurable. Among the conventional offensive Noble Phantasms, the one with the strongest attack power is Meteor, but it is only A+. To reach EX, special effects are required, such as Gilgamesh's EA, the normal power is only A to A+, the same level as the Holy Sword, with special effects that cause destruction to the world.

Translation, space effects.

In short, this defense directly ineffective attack is enough to make one's scalp tingle.

In addition, the power of A-rank beasts can be called a skill against humans, heroic spirits, gods, whatever, and can exert special attack performance against any existence born from the "mother's womb". This is not limited to Beast II itself, but also to all the magical beasts she gave birth to.

One of Type-Moon's characteristics is that its restraint is greater than the sky, and its special attack is as powerful as a god.

Having this ability is basically equivalent to the manifestation of Ji Qi's sins. If he doesn't have any weaknesses, he will create one for you.

After that, there was a single B-level one that appeared, which didn't look very high.

But once it appears, it can take over the Indian Ocean in seven days. Since it appears, it has been giving birth to monsters without sleep and devouring humans. On the contrary, since BeastⅡ is the ocean, it is impossible for it to go on land. It is the task of its children, monsters, to wipe out humans. In addition, this skill also shows that "it exists in any time and space", so not only are attacks such as time paradoxes caused by time travel ineffective against her, but also various instant death attacks can be canceled.

BeastⅡ is the ocean itself that gave birth to life. By circulating the true ether of the Earth's Genesis, this ocean can provide an unlimited supply of magic power. For those who are imprisoned in the black mud and trapped in the sea, they are randomly given skills such as self-transformation, ecological change, ecological fusion, and individual proliferation.

This is what we called erosion.

Then there is the Anti-Genesis, a conceptual barrier that can overturn the existing theory of evolution, prophecies of the creation of the earth, etc. Beast II, who is responsible for this, has a strong resistance to Servant Treasures born from the correct human history.

In addition, there is A++ level super strength.

As mentioned before, A++ is basically the top of the Type-Moon world, which means that Tima has the strongest power in the world.

In addition, there are abnormal abilities such as the Sea of ​​Origin and Anti-Genesis, which are all treasures that can kill living beings in seconds and seize the world.

Just looking at it makes my scalp tingle, and I'm afraid that the aftermath will blow me away thousands of miles away.

The mother of all things who can fight, resist, heal, restore mana, and is even immortal.

And now, there is a confusing suffix added for no apparent reason, which is scary.

"Wait a minute, this description sounds very familiar." At this moment, Ji Qi suddenly said. "Think about it carefully... Isn't this similar to Lin Yun's configuration?" Xiong Daiyu also suddenly said at this time.

"Indeed, it can fight, resist, heal, restore mana, and even has the ability to be immune to multiple attacks and immortal." At this time, Yunsheng on the side couldn't help but nodded.

"Is...is that so?" Lin Yun blinked, somewhat unresponsive.

"But no matter what, this is a chaotic world. Like this time, Son Goku didn't show up, and even the people on Earth didn't reach Namek. Then Vegeta was transported through time, Slug, Cooler, and several bosses from the theatrical versions came, and the Zerg appeared. In the end, even the Time and Space Patrollers and the God of Destruction all ran out. It was as chaotic as the Seven Kingdoms." Lin Yun quickly changed the subject.

"In short, we should try our best to be adequately prepared this time, especially those abilities based on laws and rules. It is best to learn them, and then it is best to prepare for instant death. After that, it will depend on what identity we will appear in then." As Lin Yun spoke, his voice became lowered.

Because in the Type-Moon world, there are a large number of skills and treasure effects based on rules, such as the most common "cause and effect series" and "instant death series".

They are all very deadly.

However, after listening to what Xiong Daiyu and the others said, Lin Yun actually "restored" a little confidence, because Tiamat is the mother of all things, but Lin Yun and the others also have the mother of mankind on their side, the big boss Nuwa.

And this time, Lin Yun can finally practice the Xuan Universe, so there should be no problem, probably.

Because Lin Yun assisted and increased a lot of combat power this time, basically everyone else got some side plots and reward points from Lin Yun, which was considered as paying taxes.

Of course, this so-called tax payment is not mandatory for Lin Yun. It all depends on the other party. Others can pay whatever they want.

The one I made the most friends with was mainly Xiong Daiyu.

Because Xiong Daiyu killed Frieza, who was the big boss, of course, Lin Yun also gave almost one third of the reward points for killing Planet Godzilla to Xiong Daiyu.

Overall, Lin Yun and Xiong Daiyu actually broke even, as the main expense was taxes from other people.

Anyway, counting all those, I got about 89000 reward points this time, followed by 4 S-level points, 3 A-level points, 2 B-level points, and 1 D-level point.

Of course, this does not include the cost of learning Ultra Instinct.

If you add it in, it won’t be this number.

Then first of all, before learning the skills, Lin Yun took out a lot of meat.

Almost instantly, a subtle smell filled the entire space of the gods. . . . .

Of course, there is also a cool feeling.

This is the meat of Planet Godzilla.

Speaking of which, Lin Yun’s Liuku Immortal Thief has not been open for business for a long time.

On the one hand, it was because Lin Yun's Six-Storage Immortal Thief had reached Level B, which was already the limit. Unless Lin Yun went to the world under One Person and found the real Six-Storage Immortal Thief to practice with, there was no hope of strengthening the ability of intrinsic bonus by eating.

On the other hand, the basic attributes of the Liuku Immortal Thief are enhanced by eating high-level creatures.

Because Lin Yun's basic attributes are already very strong now, in most cases, it is difficult to encounter him. Even if he does, like White Beard, Lin Yun can't eat him anyway.

But Planet Godzilla is different.

But Planet Godzilla is not the real Godzilla after all. Besides, if you really want to eat the real Godzilla, you have to worry about the problem of nuclear radiation.

This planet Godzilla was created by alien insects, and it contains unknown diseases and toxins.

Lin Yun was able to eat alien insects raw before because the alien insects at that time had at most C-level diseases and toxins, and the Liuku Immortal Thief, who was also C-level at the time, was able to ignore them and even digest them.

However, facing this Planet Godzilla, which is at least S-level, Lin Yun dare not use the Six-Storage Immortal Thief, which is only B-level and can only resist A-level diseases and toxins at most.

So Lin Yun did not start eating on Namek, but froze the meat in the Ice Box and then waited until he returned to the Space of Gods.

If anything happens, just spend some reward points and get treatment directly. It’s convenient, simple and safe.

That's the point.

So, Lin Yun started eating right away.

(End of this chapter)

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