Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 425: There's something dirty

Chapter 425: There's something dirty
At this moment, the flame in his helmet suddenly burned violently, his eyes twitched wildly, as if he had sensed something, and hurriedly swung the broad-bladed sword in his hand, trying to chop something.

But, it didn't work.

Because at this moment, a light of white and black intertwined flashed by.

Then with a "bang", the man in bull-helmet armor riding on the warhorse swayed and almost fell off the horse.

The big eyes on the helmet looked like salted fish, revealing a wooden expression.

On the other side, as Xiong Daiyu was calculating, a golden light appeared from her hands. That was not Xiong Daiyu's power.

But it is the power of Venus.

The golden light turned into an arrow and split into two and stabbed towards Xiong Daiyu.

Fortunately, because Lin Yun was temporarily strengthened and had been prepared, and of course the most important thing was that although the opponent was narrow-minded, he did not add a locking effect, so he was eventually avoided by Xiong Daiyu.

But then comes the tricky part.

Because at this moment a ball of purple-black energy suddenly appeared and almost instantly infected half of Xiong Daiyu's body.

And most importantly, Lin Yun noticed that someone was spying on them.

It wasn't Merlin. Lin Yun confirmed this almost instantly, and then looked at the black aura on Xiong Daiyu, which was full of evil.

It is definitely an enemy.

so. . . . .

The fist chases the soul and starts!
The golden dawn of the mysterious universe is strengthened!

As Lin Yun swung his fist violently, the Ultra Instinct that had been prepared in advance directly activated the stabilizing effect.

At the same time, the power of the Xuan Universe Gangqi is fully unleashed. The Xuan Universe Gangqi can temporarily lock and pretend to be the effect of one type of Gangqi, thereby maximally strengthening that type of Gangqi.

Lin Yun’s choice was naturally the Golden Dawn Qi.

This means that Lin Yun now has 60 layers of Golden Dawn Qi stacked on his body, which is not much, only 300 enhancement bonuses.

"Melee Assessment: Strength +121, Melee +15, Versatility +4 Expertise, Fist +21 Moves, Fist +29 Insight, Infusion +30 Energy, Rose Cloud Qi +30 Enhancement, Earth Kunlun Qi +30 Enhancement, Snow Ice +30 Enhancement, Indigo Sea Qi +30 Environment, Golden Morning Qi +300 Enhancement, Grace +90 Inner Nature, Yang Jing +30 Energy, Mysterious Universe Crystal +14 Divine Power, Godhead +15 Divine Power, Super Speed ​​+30 Speed, Strong Man Show Moves +6 Performance, Domineering + 67 morale, martial arts will +62 nameless, use willpower +63 perfect, first-order gene lock +6 perfect, natural weapons +35, legendary power +24 perfect, free will +104 perfect, momentum +49 added successfully, infusion +2 added successfully, legendary power +24 added successfully, melee +6 added successfully, Qiankun power +9 added successfully, Yang energy +12 added successfully, strong heart +9 added successfully, blood sky power +30 added successfully, [8 plus dice], settlement. "

"Opposite defense, basic 68, dodge 38, insight 104, armor 128, force field defense 96, morale 64, enhancement 138, profane 266, inner 84, will 308 perfect, perfect 32, divine power 20, additional success 64."



"Inflicted 240 points of severe mental damage."

"Blood God's protection effect, damage reduced by a quarter."

"Tangible plague effect, offsetting 67 damage."

"Inflicted 113 points of severe mental damage."

"The Infinite Universe is activated, converting 12 points of vicious mental damage."

"Emerald power activated, converting 11 points of vicious mental damage."

"23 cases of malicious mental damage and 90 cases of severe mental damage were caused."

"What is that?" Lin Yun was somewhat surprised by the characteristics of the other party.

The power of jade is the effect of the jade ring. It can increase the damage by one level with half of the energy consumed on the jade ring. The maximum consumption is 26, which means it can convert 13 damage.

In this case, the temporary life alone took 90 points of damage.

Then, this is "mental damage", so why does the armor bonus come into the picture? Does this make mental damage still have any dignity?

And the Blood God's protection?
What is it that directly reduces the damage by a quarter.

A visible plague?

When can the plague still block damage?

Moreover, this guy actually has a 20-point divine power bonus, which means he has a divine nature 4?

Just when Lin Yun was thinking.

At this moment, the black aura on Xiong Daiyu's side began to boil, and even caused Xiong Daiyu's body to change in an instant.

A mass of disorderly growing lumps and pieces of flesh grew out of Xiong Daiyu's body.

"No, the opponent directly bypassed my defense. I should even say that this change is a beneficial effect and a blessing for me." Xiong Daiyu said with a grim expression.

"What?" Lin Yun was slightly startled, and turned around quickly, then... "Return!"

Yes, Lin Yun is also preparing to return.

With the bloodline of an S-class son, Lin Yun can increase consumption to achieve super-accelerated return.


Simply put, if Lin Yun consumes more than 200 graces at one time, the speed can be increased by about 100 times.

And this is just calculating the blessings.

Energy can replace grace. Then Lin Yun's innate Qi can replace energy.

To put it simply, if Lin Yun consumes 600 graces at one time, he can get a 300-fold multiplier.

To return to Xiong Daiyu, it takes less than a day. In this case, compressing it directly into 1 seconds is not a problem at all.

As Lin Yun forcibly refreshed Xiong Daiyu's body, even her hymen was refreshed, cough cough cough.

Finally, as Xiong Daiyu's body was forcibly covered by the mud and then restored to her original body, the black aura that could distort the flesh finally dissipated like rootless duckweed.

"What is that?" Lin Yun didn't expect to encounter such a tricky situation right at the start.

“I don’t know. Just like I said just now, the black thing was identified as a blessing. Oh, right, at that moment just now, the thought of killing, killing, killing popped up in my mind.” Xiong Daiyu frowned slightly, and then couldn’t help but look at Ji Qi on the side. . . .

She could say that at that moment, if Lin Yun had not returned quickly enough, Xiong Daiyu would probably have attacked Ji Qi directly.

"Have you seen any bad points?" Lin Yun didn't notice this at this time, so he just asked.

"Well, there are anger points, charm points, excitement points, and mental restraint points." Xiong Daiyu glanced at the space watch, and... she felt a little embarrassed as she spoke.

"What is it?" Lin Yun asked curiously. He didn't like to read his family's minds, so he asked directly.

"Send some love points." Xiong Daiyu said in a low voice.

"Ah?" Lin Yun blinked and almost didn't react.

"Ahem." Everyone present had good hearing and eyesight, and for a moment they pretended not to hear anything.

After calming down a bit, Lin Yun also began to analyze, "There are so many types, and there are even such points. Then the changes in the body, can't it be that."

"You thought of it too?" Li Shunsheng raised his eyebrows slightly and then said.

They looked at each other, then they both said in unison, "Warhammer!"

Warhammer is divided into three series: Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40 and Warhammer .

It is a tabletop chess game similar to the famous Dungeons and Dragons.

Basically, Medieval is the magical Middle Ages, Warhammer 40K is the magical future technology, and Age of Sigmar is somewhere in the middle.

Although the settings are different, there are some common settings.

For example, Dark Wind.

In most cases, just like the dark universe of American comics next door, things always slide infinitely into despair and abyss.

Because in that world, the villain bosses are four evil gods known as the Four Chaos Peddlers.

They possess a magical quality called corruption.

This kind of corruption can make people lose their minds, their emotions are more easily changed and aroused, and when the corruption reaches a certain level, the body and mind will undergo changes.

Because it can penetrate any hole, it is very scary.

How to penetrate every hole?

The Four Chaos Peddlers are Tzeentch, the Lord of Change, who represents change and magic; Slaanesh, the Prince of Pleasure, who represents pleasure and beauty; Khorne, the Lord of Tyranny, who represents killing and fear; and Nurgle, who represents disease and stability.

In the Warhammer world, if you engage in conspiracy and intrigue, or even simply pursue knowledge, you may be corrupted by Tzeentch. If you are a stud, a frequent visitor to a foot massage parlor, or even if you simply want to become more handsome or beautiful, you will be corrupted by Slaanesh. Even if you purify evil, kill people, and bring fear to people, you will be corrupted by Khorne. Even if you do nothing, be a lazy person, and get sick, you will be corrupted by Nurgle.

Of course, in most cases, these behaviors would not be as stimulating as what happened to Xiong Daiyu just now.

At most, it will cause a slight bias, or even paranoia.

People who play tricks enjoy the process of playing tricks and want to play tricks even more.

People who go to the foot massage parlor want to have their feet massaged more often.

Those who purify evil eventually become murderers.

And the sick people . . . . will stay sick.

It can be said that the world without the power of God is simply a pile of mud.

This is the Warhammer world, and the main theme is the super dark style.

Just now, Xiong Daiyu was obviously hit by a relatively high-level counterattack, which was directly counterattacked with a corrupted "blessing", trying to transform Xiong Daiyu directly into a monster.

This kind of blessing is indeed a blessing for those evil god believers who have been twisted. From a certain perspective, it is even an "evolution"!
But, wrong evolution is also a kind of evolution.

Among them, there will even be those who do not have sufficient qualifications. After receiving the blessing, their bodies cannot withstand the changes and then collapse, eventually becoming monsters called Chaos Eggs.

Chaos Eggs are not really eggs. They are neither human nor animal-like, and come in all sizes, from ordinary to gigantic. Just as their sizes vary greatly, their morphological features also vary greatly, with swollen bodies, wriggling tentacles, entangled limbs, claws, fangs, spikes, huge mouths, etc. There are many types, but no two similar changes can be found.

They are so frenzied that they have lost their minds and only obey the power of Chaos, charging into battle and killing with their fury. Such creatures have no will of their own, and do not know pain or life or danger, but will continue to kill until they are dead. Warlords and champions of the Chaos Gods regard them as useful expendable items.

Some Chaos Spawns have a unique sensitivity to magic. They feed on magic, absorbing its power until they grow to many times their original size.

These giant Chaos Eggs are truly behemoths. Once they begin to grow, they cannot be stopped, and their changes are even more unstable and unpredictable than the smaller Chaos Eggs.

The giant Chaos Eggs are unable to release the magic power surging within them, and their indescribably twisting bodies can only withstand a certain amount of magic power. Once it exceeds the limit, they will explode with a deafening, dull or piercing roar.

(End of this chapter)

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