Chapter 43: Gene lock, open!

The next moment he landed firmly, Lin Yun was direct. . . . . 100 million to Luda.

Because there were pearls emitting light everywhere, Lin Yun could immediately see that there was a cave deep in the cave, so under the effect of super speed, Lin Yun turned into a phantom and ran directly to that end.

The giant squid looked at the escaping food, and became angry. It made a sound like spitting foam, literally danced, its tentacles danced wildly, and then crawled towards Lin Yun.

It's just obvious that the speed is much slower.

As expected, Lin Yun simply puffed up his chest, and then spat out a mouthful of saliva containing Li Huo Jin.

"Breath check: Constitution +14, movement (breath) +1, divine speed +6 speed, chef +2 morale, generalist +4 expertise, light blessing +4 sacred, legendary constitution +2 additional success, settlement."

"Opponent contact defense: 0"

"W31+2=10, contact successful."

"Causes 8L of corrosion damage, an additional 8L of fire damage, an additional 8L of poison damage, and an additional 2 severe pain points."

"Absorb 1 point of corrosion damage and save 6 points of poison damage."

Sure enough, the most suitable way to deal with such a large creature is contact attack.

After all, body size adjustment will lower the defense and also lower the basic defense. Therefore, the basic defense, insight bonus, and dodge bonus that cannot be ignored by contact attacks are almost all gone, so you can almost always hit the target.

The flaming saliva was spat on one of the tentacles of the giant squid, corroding it and causing it to roar, making it seem even more angry.

Instead of running away, he continued to rush towards Lin Yun.

However, the giant squid was not completely helpless. Seeing that Lin Yun actually showed no martial ethics, it was not polite and directly opened its big mouth full of serrations.

Then a lot of ink spurted out towards Lin Yun.

"Reflex save: Dexterity +10, Athletics +2, Speed ​​+6 speed bonus, Chef +2 morale bonus, Blessing of Light +4 holy bonus, Legendary Dexterity +2 bonus on success."

"W24+2=8, failed."

"Received 4 entanglement points and 4 dazzling points."

"Wear diving goggles to avoid dazzling points."

As the so-called high-end ingredients often require simple cooking methods, although in the Legend of the Emperor, the giant squid was chopped into pieces by Long Geer with a Buddhist soldier and a glazed sword not long after he captured Long Geer and the others here. Damn it.

The ability to spray ink was not shown in the plot, but he was still prepared.

Although it was impossible to avoid being spit on by this ink, it was almost just the aftermath. His body was not completely covered, but his eyes were almost blurred. However, Lin Yun only had to take off his invincible swimming goggles, and in front of him, Everything became clear instantly.

What was more troublesome was the ink, which was almost like glue. Lin Yun could feel the ink part, making his body feel very uncomfortable.

4 points of entanglement, which is exactly offset by the bright blessing of Wanhua Golden Dragon.

Lin Yun continued to retreat and entered the cave directly. The giant squid was almost invisible. Then Lin Yun took another mouthful of acid and vomited it.

"Breath check: Constitution +15, movement (breath) +1, divine speed +6 speed, chef +2 morale, generalist +4 expertise, light blessing +4 sacred, legendary constitution +2 additional success, settlement."

"Opponent contact defense: 0"

"W36+2=10, contact successful."

"Causes 8L of corrosion damage, an additional 8L of fire damage, an additional 8L of poison damage, and an additional 2 severe pain points."

"Absorb 1 point of corrosion damage and save 5 points of poison damage."

A ball of stomach acid was spat out on the giant squid's body, emitting bursts of black smoke. At this time, the giant squid finally felt like retreating.

The acid on his body was nothing, but the flames attached to it were the most terrifying thing to him.

So at this time, he was waving his tentacles and crawling towards the water's edge.

It's just that the reason why Lin Yun pulled the giant squid so far away was not because Lin Yun was afraid of the giant squid's power, but because he was afraid that the giant squid would run away.

This is Lin Yun's important food.

So when the giant squid was about to run away, Lin Yun turned into a phantom and rushed towards the giant squid.

Although Lin Yun didn't know the statistics of giant squids like Infinite Running Group, Lin Yun knew very well that soft creatures like this usually had special damage reduction abilities.

In addition to slashing damage, there are effects such as bludgeoning damage reduction and piercing damage reduction.

This is Lin Yun's experience in running a group. When facing these soft creatures with magical properties, it is best to use weapons with slashing damage to be effective.

Although Lin Yun is not very good at using swords, he is still at level 1.

And, "Aura, energy filling, blessing."

The momentum directly explodes, and the legendary endurance is 2, so it can consume an additional 2 willpower, and then add an additional +2 success.
The same is true for Qi irrigation. The additional success of melee combat is 3, which consumes an additional 6 internal energy and directly adds an additional 12 energy bonus.

"I'm going to fucking chop you up." Lin Yun's eyes widened for a moment. Lihuo Xuanbing Gong was poured into the Wanhua Golden Dragon, exuding a thousand feet of brilliance, and a golden air blade even reached the Wanhua Golden Dragon. The sword emerged from the snatched sword.

It's a pity that because Lin Yun is not moral enough, he cannot inspire Wanhua Golden Dragon to regain his true power.

"White Blade Check: Strength 12, White Blade (Long Sword) Level 1, Chef +2 Morale, Light Blessing +4 Holy, Versatility +4 Feat, Chi Infusion +18 Energy, Entanglement Points -4, Weapon Damage 12L, Legendary Strength + 2 additional success, Momentum +3 additional success, Qi Infusion +2 additional success, settled."

"Opponent's Defense: Block 16, Natural Defense 16"

"Armor Break 8," "W25+7=21."

Along with the golden light, with one strike of the sword, the tentacles, which were almost thicker than Lin Yun's waist, were like a hot knife cutting butter, very easily and extremely smooth.

Material, obtained.

The huge tentacles fell to the ground, still alive, and then rolled continuously.

The squid looked at Lin Yun and cut off one of its tentacles. It was about to escape, but it felt able to do it again. It waved its tentacles and patted Lin Yun.

The speed was so fast that Lin Yun had no time to run away and was about to hit Lin Yun.


"D10+1=10, the gene lock is open."

At that moment, Lin Yun seemed to see the future. This tentacle of the giant squid hit him, and Li Huojin's defense exploded to resist the attack of the giant squid, but even in this situation.

The huge tentacles of the giant squid hit him, causing him to vomit blood. Although his Lihuo Jin also made the tentacled hand burnt to a crispy brown, it looked delicious at first glance.

But there is no doubt that even if he used Li Huo Jin's defense to withstand 2 points of damage, a full 12 points of damage would suddenly knock Lin Yun's health into the vicious health tank.

Speaking of which, this test seemed to have occurred once before when the demon was knocked into the vicious life tank.

At this moment, Lin Yun's eyes became blank, and a lot of information appeared in his mind. Then he returned to reality. It was just an instinctive action. Lin Yun rolled over almost subconsciously. Get behind a giant pearl clam.

The huge tentacles hit the ground, splashing a lot of dust, but nothing happened to Lin Yun.

Without even looking at the tentacles flapping on the ground, Lin Yun rushed forward from behind the pearl clam.

There was something cold and mechanical in the voice, "I will definitely chop you to pieces this time and fill you with energy."

The effects of momentum and blessing are still there, and there is no need to activate it separately. This angle is good, and it should be able to slash the opponent.

"White Blade Check: Strength +12, White Blade (Long Sword) Level 4, Chef +2 Morale, Light Blessing +4 Holy, Aura +18 Energy, Feat +4 Feat, Entanglement Points -4, Weapon Damage 12L, Use Will + 10 perfect, legendary power +2 additional success, momentum +3 additional success, Qi injection +2 additional success, settlement.”

"Opponent's defense: Block 14, Natural Defense 16, Armor Break 8"


A flash of golden light came from the Wanhua Golden Dragon and flashed past the giant squid. Half of its body was chopped off and then fell to the ground.

"Kill a giant squid: 1000 bonus points."

"Huh? Why is this thing cheaper than the Old Demon?" Lin Yun frowned slightly, feeling that it was very uneconomical. . . . . . What the hell.

For ordinary people, it is useless, but for Lin Yun, it is very useful.

But now, "Huh?" Lin Yun blinked, somewhat unresponsive.

As for the severe pain mentioned, doesn't it mean that when the gene lock is turned on, there will be a strong poison, and then a strong severe pain reaction will occur?

Then Lin Yun looked at the character card.

First of all, there is no doubt that this is opening the genetic lock.

It seems that the gene lock can only be opened when D10 is equal to 10.

And because Lin Yun now has Legendary Style 1, D10+1 just opens the gene lock.

If the estimate was correct, the situation that seemed to see the future just now was probably something that could actually happen. It was just because Lin Yun unlocked the gene lock that he was able to turn the corner.

Under the effect of the gene lock, all Lin Yun's skills will be corrected according to the corresponding series of skills, up to half.

To put it simply, it is like the skills of the physiological department, hand-to-hand combat and hand-to-hand combat. Because Lin Yun’s hand-to-hand combat is level 9, the hand-to-hand combat is forcibly upgraded from level 1 to level 4. If Lin Yun’s hand-to-hand combat is level 10, then the hand-to-hand combat is upgraded to level 5.

Tricks in genes to pry?

In addition, while the gene lock is open, the lower value of legendary perception or legendary intelligence can be obtained as a perfect bonus to be added to any check and defense.

Because Lin Yun's legendary intelligence is 0, this cannot be added.

Then as a normal use, when using will to strengthen the test, it can additionally increase the perception and intelligence of those with lower intelligence. Lin Yun's intelligence is +4. After adding the original Iron Will level 3, it becomes a perfect +6 bonus. This Suddenly it becomes a +10 perfect bonus.

As for the severe pain that Lin Yun is most concerned about, if it is relieved within 6 seconds, nothing will happen. However, if it is relieved after 6 seconds, 6 severe pain point will accumulate every 1 seconds.


These severe pain points can be stacked.

That is to say, in fact, at 18 seconds, you will receive 3 points of severe pain, and at 24 seconds, you will receive 6 points of severe pain.

To put it simply, the longer you drive it, the more terrible the pain will be.

The key attributes for Pain Points are Constitution and Determination.

Lin Yun's normal physique is 20, and his determination is 17, that is, 10+7=17. When it reaches 17, he will directly fall into a coma. In other words, theoretically, Lin Yun can persist for about 36 seconds, and when it reaches about 42 seconds, he will be unconscious. He would pass out from the pain immediately.

However, considering Lin Yun's level 3 endurance, which can suppress 3 bad points without causing them to occur, and consumes 1 will to suppress an additional 3 points, it can barely last for about 48 seconds.

It’s hard to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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