Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 47 The plot has indeed changed

Chapter 47 The plot has indeed changed
"Ah, you are..." Shihou looked at Lin Yun with a smile.

"Lin Yun." Lin Yun said directly.

"This is Your Excellency Lin Yun, in Tianyi's room on the second floor." Shi Hou rubbed his hands and said enthusiastically.

"Well, thank you." Lin Yun nodded and walked up.

He could see that the rooms in a row on the second floor all started with the word "天" and were arranged like this: A, B, C and D. Lin Yun followed the house number to Tianyi and knocked on the door. After Xin's agreement, he went in. He could see that I was practicing Lihuo Xuanbing Gong.

Also, it is indeed difficult to practice Bajiquan in this inn, and the ground may be trampled to pieces.

Knocking on the door, "It's me." Lin Yun said directly.

Hearing Lin Yun's voice, the person behind the door suddenly stopped the surge of internal energy, quickly came to the door, and opened the door directly.

It is the heart.

"Lin Yun, you are finally back." Seeing Lin Yun, a smile appeared in his heart, and he looked very good-looking.

"How is the situation? Have you heard any news?" Lin Yun walked directly into the room, then closed the door and asked.

"I'm not sure, I just know that the demon hasn't come back yet, but Lin Yun, I seem to have seen the five-star continuum you mentioned before, almost four days ago." Xin shook his head slightly, and then continued.

"Has the thunder knife passed? Well... I don't know how Long Geer is doing now." Lin Yun touched his chin and then said.

Then Lin Yun poked his head out and said, "Boss Stone Monkey, I have something that I want to tell you. Is that convenient?"

"Okay, guest sir, I'll be here right away." Shihou hurriedly ran up with a polite smile on his face.

"Boss Shihou, we Mingren don't speak secretly. I am an acquaintance of Fengtian, the doctor at Wanyaozhuang. My name is Lin Yun. I came here because of some things. I know that you are General Shi's staff, so I hope you can help. Fei Ge sent a message to ask about the current situation of my friend Long Geer. He should be with the Medical Fairy and Feng Feifei now." Lin Yun said straight to the point.

General Yum Shi Shouxin, in the original history, this general should be less than 14 years old now, but this is Huang Yulang's world, so don't worry about the details.

In this world, Shi Shouxin is a fifty-year-old tough man.

He was once a famous figure in the Southern Tang Army, but after Li Jing came to the throne, he suddenly resigned with a group of fierce generals. In fact, he was worried that his great achievements would shock the master, and he was not optimistic about Li Jing, so he lived in seclusion in Lingbo Mansion. middle.

And because of his experience on the battlefield, he is good at wielding a golden sword, so people in the world call him the Golden Sword of Victory.

Fengtian and Shi Shouxin are good friends, and Feng Feifei and Shi Shouxin's daughter Shi Hui are even close friends with Jinlan.

In the original plot, for some reasons, Feng Feifei thought that her father had betrayed her mother, so she and Long Geer, who were looking for Linglong's body together, went to Lingbo Mansion to avoid the limelight and find out information.

I just didn’t expect that it would just be given away for free.

Without relying on Wanyaozhuang's connections at all, Shi Shouxin could be said to have bowed to him. . . . .

It was just a question and answer session, and even the person who answered was Zhao Kuangyin, who wanted to steal the spotlight and win over Shi Shouxin. Then Long Geer suddenly said, "Well said," and then the emperor's aura broke out. . . . . . .

After that, Shi Shouxin was confused, and then Long Geer showed off his power again, and the silver bell hinted that the real dragon emperor was right in front of him.

At this moment, Shi Shouxin immediately bowed his head. . . . . .

One very annoying thing is that the Shijiajun was the main component of the army later led by Zhao Kuangyin, otherwise it would be a group of stragglers, and this Shijiajun was handed over to him by Long Geer. . . . . . .

And Shi Hou was also the contact person who came to Daliang after Long Geer accepted Shi Shouxin's tiger talisman.

But now, because of Lin Yun's intervention, Long Ge'er should have no reason to go to Hell, and because he doesn't have to go to Hell, Fengtian will not be plotted against him, causing Feng Feifei to think that Fengtian is cheating, and then run away directly Go to Lingbo Mansion to take shelter.

So it shouldn't matter much, but it's enough for informing people.

"You..." After hearing Lin Yun's words, Shi Hou took half a step back, looking a little confused, but after moving his eyes, he finally felt relieved.

After all, Wanyaozhuang Fengtian and Shi Shouxin are relatively secretive. Even if they know that they are good friends, they are only ordinary friends. They have no idea that the two families have a good relationship. Shihou has even seen Feng Feifei and Shi Hui playing together. After all, just by hearing their names, they are You know, he is a servant of the Shi family, he is loyal, and he has been with him for a long time, so he naturally knows a lot.

"Since your Excellency has said so, there is no need for me to continue pretending. Yes, I am General Shi's staff officer Shi Hou. I will take action in a moment. But even flying pigeons to send messages will take a certain amount of time. Please You wait here." Shihou said respectfully.

"Of course, by the way, can you collect intelligence on the world here? I want to know where Yixie Huangfuji is?" Lin Yun directly stretched out his hand in a gesture of invitation.

Shihou hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Okay, no problem, then I'll leave first." Shihou nodded slightly and then left the room.

No unnecessary nonsense, no paranoia.

the most important is. . . . . .

"Speech check: demeanor +8, expression (speech) +3, momentum +7 energy, foodie +1 perfection, all-rounder +4 expertise, legendary demeanor +1 additional success, settlement."

"W23+1=8, success."

The momentum released by Lin Yun made Shihou instantly understand that if a person like Lin Yun could not lie, then it must be such an application method. There is a feeling close to what I am thinking. . . . . .

In this way, Lin Yun also lived here. Of course, now that he had the conditions, he naturally wanted to live here, but Lin Yun lived in the room next door.

They just ate and drank like this. The two of them didn't go out to do anything. They just practiced and waited.

Finally, almost exactly 2 days later, a note was brought in.

Lin Yun looked at it for a moment. After all, it was a flying pigeon delivering the message, so there was not much news that could be conveyed.

Lin Yun couldn't help but lean back tactically.

The more or less meaning is that first of all, after knowing the news about Lin Yun, Long Geer said he was very happy, and then. . . . . . Shi Shouxin has now decided to hand over the Shi Jiajun to Long Geer. . . . . .

As expected of the True Dragon Emperor who has not yet had his blood taken away by Zhao Kuangyin, he is awesome.

But actually if you think about it carefully, it might be nothing in the original world. In the original world, Shi Shouxin even called Zhao Kuangyin brothers.

But in this world, according to Shi Shouxin's fifty-year-old age, that means when he was fifteen years old, the Tang Dynasty was still there. In addition, the Southern Tang Dynasty itself was biased towards the Tang Dynasty. In theory, Such generals should have corresponding families.

Maybe they themselves are still loyal to the Tang Dynasty.

If Feng Tian gave him some information and knew Long Ge'er's true identity, then it would be reasonable to accept him directly.

In short, this flying pigeon sent a message saying that Long Geer is pretty good now and the poison in his body has been stabilized. If Lin Yun wants to, he can come to Lingbo Mansion to find Long Geer or something like that.

"Mr. Shihou, is there any news about Huangfuji that I wanted to ask about before?" Lin Yun looked at Shihou who was avoiding the situation.

"Yes, Mr. Lin, Huangfu Ji is actually relatively easy to find. Although we don't know where Huangfu Ji is now, from our Shi Jiajun's eyes, we can know that King Yelu Deguang of Liao is urgently summoning Huangfu Ji. , so I estimate that I will return to Luoyang within a few days." Shihou said respectfully.

"Luoyang." Lin Yun narrowed his eyes. It's a pity that there are only a few emperors in this world who can't beat him, and the King of Liao happens to be the one who can beat him the best.

The Immortal God Skill passed down from the ancestors of the Khitan people was practiced by Yelu Deguang to a level similar to that of its founder. In battle, although it was still suppressed by Huangfu Ji, it was no longer weak and he could be considered a first-rate master.

Compared with the King of Liao, Liu Zhiyuan of the Later Han Dynasty, and Li Jing of the Southern Tang Dynasty, these two guys are useless.

"If we go to Luoyang from here, it will only take two days with our Shi Jiajun's fast horses. If Mr. Huang comes to see Huangfuji for something, it should be in time." Shi Hou continued.

"Well, thank you. This is a small thought. Just treat it as a financial aid to you." Lin Yun nodded slightly, and then took out a piece of gold.

"This... I don't dare to accept such a heavy gift." Seeing Lin Yun take out the gold nugget, Shi Hou's face even became a little distorted for a moment, but he still insisted.

"Don't worry, the relationship between me and Long Ge'er is actually equivalent to the relationship between you and General Shi. It can be said that Long Ge'er gave this to you." Lin Yun waved his hand and said.

"Then I'll accept it unceremoniously." Hearing this, Shi Hou was also a little surprised, especially after learning that the so-called Long Ge'er had actually become the young master.

"Well, thank you." Lin Yun smiled and handed over the gold nugget.

Shihou caught it with both hands and put it into his pocket almost subconsciously, with a smile on his face.

In this way, Lin Yun had another meal here at the inn. Before leaving, Lin Yun had a sudden idea and asked Shi Hou for a note, and then wrote on it, "Waiting for the silver bell, myself People, kill Hu Lin, there is a universe in the world, pay attention to the wind, it is very deep."

Because it was a flying pigeon delivering the letter, Lin Yun naturally tried to avoid short words.

Qiankun refers to the innate Qiankun Gong.

That is the unique skill of the "Emperor" in the true sense.

Because unlike those peerless magical arts that are related to gods and demons, the Xiantian Qiankun Gong was created by Emperor Xuanyuan Huang. Even the Guangcheng Immortal Sect later acquired it and regarded it as the secret skill of the Zhensect. You can imagine its gold content.

In the Legend of the Emperor, Ji Fa, Cao Cao, and Zhao Kuangyin all learned this innate Qiankun Kung Fu.

And this line of sky is where the innate Qiankun Gong is hidden.

In the original work, in order to save Zhao Kuangyin, Yin Ling flew into the sky along Huangfuji's bloody sky. Fortunately, the wind in the valley below was strong enough to buffer them, allowing them to survive safely in the deep valley.

And the valley wind is also the key to flying up from below. Of course, if possible, it is best to be able to use a rope to go down.

It's just that it's probably hard to find a rope that long.

However, the current Long Ge'er has not distributed the true dragon blood to Zhao Kuangyin. This sufficient amount of emperor's luck is enough to protect him, plus the dragon-protecting ambassador, Yin Ling.

Now according to the time, after the Jiuyou Thunder Sword was born, Yin Ling began to go down the mountain to look for the True Dragon Emperor, so it is estimated that Long Geer will meet Yin Ling in a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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