Chapter 58 Men’s Romance

"That's why I said, if he had used this energy to study ancient Chinese, he would have become a doctor long ago." Xiong Daiyu also said with a look of helplessness.

"If that's the case, then our status is quite special." Yunsheng also looked surprised.

"It's special, but the other party should also be testing us." Lin Yun said, shaking his head slightly.

"Test our abilities?" Li Shunsheng scratched his head.

"By the way, the planet we are on now has no name, only the title of XT39323. Do you have any clues?"

"Then I have good news and bad news." Lin Yun also said at this time.

"Stop being so pretentious." Xiong Daiyu said helplessly.

"The good news is that this isn't a named planet, which means there shouldn't be too strong zerg or human armies here. The bad news is, I have no clue at all." Lin Yun said with a smile.

"You are really humorous, but this is indeed good news. It would be best if there were only springtails." Yun Sheng couldn't help but say at this time.

"Then you're really overthinking it. It's estimated that bugs with less than three books may appear." Lin Yun shook his head slightly.

"Let me calculate, if there are less than three books, then springtails, queens, hydralisks, banelings, cockroaches, lurkers, infected, destroyers, mutalisks, corruptors, and swarm hosts are not almost all the units. If I remember correctly, the three books are just Flying Snake, Brood Lord and Thunder Beast." Li Shunsheng counted his fingers and said.

"Zerg players." Yun Sheng said with some surprise when he saw so many Zerg units coming out so quickly.

"So be it." Li Shunsheng shrugged.

"Then you should know that if this is not a game, it means that the Hydralisk is not a long-range weapon, but a 5-meter-tall three-edged sickle that evolved from a sloth beast. It is the strongest melee weapon. And the blade-shaped tailbone on the huge tail, it can be said that this is a complete close-range killing weapon." Lin Yun said in a deep voice.

"That's true, I think I've heard of this too." Li Shunsheng also thought of this.

On this side, "Found it, I found the mission log of the Umoyan unit. It says that the main enemies are springtails, cockroaches and insect queens. There are only a few traces of mutalisks and a small number of hydralisks." At this time, there were also traces of the other side. Sakuya Izayoi, who was searching for information, also said.

"It's just a puppy and a cockroach. That's really good news. I'm most worried about the cockroach suddenly becoming angry." Li Shunsheng became energetic instantly.

"Did you talk about the environment of this planet?" Lin Yun turned his attention to the other side.

"Yes, the temperature is 49 degrees, the humidity is 17%, mainly sandstorms, the oxygen content in the atmosphere is low, but there are no toxic components, and the gravity is normal." Sakuya Izayoi said quickly.

"Are you equipped with equipment?" Lin Yun frowned slightly, because the environment was not good.

"Well, let me see, there are some. Going out from the loading bay, there is CMC300 combat power armor that we can use, and it is equipped with a C-14 electromagnetic submachine gun." Sakuya Izayoi operated quickly, and then replied .

"It's really convenient." Looking at Sakuya Izayoi, Li Shunsheng couldn't help but whistle.

"No, these are all the basics of being a maid." Sakuya Izayoi said clearly and logically.

"Well, there are five CMC300 combat power armors here, as well as a Gauss rifle called C-14. These are all equipment we can use. There are no grenades, no flares, and even no extra food." In the control After checking the computer in the warehouse, Sakuya Izayoi said.

"CMC300 combat power armor, the basic equipment of the 50-yuan good brother, the same is true for the C-14. Sure enough, the space of the gods does not completely let us die. It is obviously considered that some of us cannot prepare to fight on other planets. "At this time, when he came to the warehouse on the other side of the loading cabin, Li Shunsheng couldn't help but say.

"Wait a minute, there are six of us here, why do we only have five armors?" At this moment, Yun Sheng asked.

"Maybe it's because I carry a space suit myself. To be honest, I was shocked when I suddenly said I was going to the universe. My space suit not only has three defenses, but it can also provide me with energy. ." Li Shunsheng said with a smile.

"Huh? It can also provide energy. Are you a magnetic field guy?" Lin Yun raised his eyebrows almost instantly.

Because in fact, after seeing StarCraft, Lin Yun saw this space suit, but the price of this space suit is as high as D500. In addition to the three defenses he said, protection against high pressure, protection against cosmic rays, and protection against extreme temperatures , the most important thing is that this space suit does not hinder movement, and has a high defense effect.

In fact, Lin Yun and Xiong Daiyu both redeemed spacesuits. This spacesuit only requires 10 reward points, but it is a modern bloated spacesuit that looks like a big fat man.

The bulkiness of this spacesuit will cause them to have reduced mobility and suffer an effect called Armor Penalty.

In addition to affecting basic defense and dodge ability, armor penalty will also affect the physiological system judgment.

For example, the power used by Lin Yun to attack, or the agility used for reflex saving throws, etc.

And the most important point is that although this space suit has the so-called three defenses, it does not have very strong defensive performance. At the same time, as an "ordinary" item, it can be broken by basically any attack. The three defense effects will be lost.

Considering that this is the future world, Lin Yun and the others felt a little funny wearing the spacesuits from the old era, and they were too conspicuous, so after discussing it, Lin Yun and the others finally decided to buy the spacesuits. But don't wear it yet, because Lin Yun Wudi's own son can have the effect of not needing to breathe, so they are ready to check the situation first.

At least for now, things are looking pretty good.

As for why there are only five power armors, Lin Yun estimates that it is mainly because the heart is not a player, so the gods' space will naturally not count them.

And judging from the fact that no one else showed up with a creator, we knew that Lin Yun was already rare.

As for why Lin Yun guessed that the magnetic field, that is, the electromagnetic force, it was because Lin Yun had seen this advanced spacesuit, so he naturally knew that it had no energy-replenishing effect.

But there is one situation that is easily overlooked, that is, this spacesuit needs to be loaded with energy modules to function.

In addition to energizing this energy module, electromagnetic force can actually also enable the energy module to energize itself.

As for the issue of using sword control.

Because among the Hong Kong comics, the most famous one is Magnetic Force, so Lin Yun actually took a look at Electromagnetic Force after redeeming the Hong Kong comic Strong Man.

Among the electromagnetic forces, there is a skill called eclecticism, which can condense the oriental universal energy that one possesses. In addition to absorbing the upper limit of that energy pool and adding it to the upper limit of the electromagnetic force, it can also allow the use of this condensed oriental universal energy. energy.

It can even superimpose the recovery efficiency of these energy pools themselves.

For example, if you need to use Qi for sword control, you only need to exchange it for a Qi energy pool and then condense it into it.

Of course, you need to buy it every time you condense it, so the best way is actually to buy a bunch of Oriental Universal Energy Energy Pools to condense them all at once.

"Huh? You've seen this about me. Yes, my sword control technique uses invincible electromagnetic force to operate." Li Shunsheng was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile.

"So, you are also a strong man in Hong Kong comics." Lin Yun stretched out his hand, and the expression on his face was suddenly filled with a tough style.

"Hahaha, when I saw your look, I also knew that we are people with the same style of painting. Long live the strong man of Hong Kong comics." At this time, Li Shunsheng also showed a tough expression with a hearty smile. , the two shook hands directly.

"What are they doing?" One side of his heart felt a little confused.

"Perhaps, this is meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign country or meeting a friend?" Xiong Daiyu said speculatively after having seen Lin Yun in this state.

"Ha, you guys are really... wonderful." Yun Sheng on one side launched a tactical retreat.

"Isn't this a normal thing?" Sakuya Izayoi on the other side said very calmly. . . . . After all, they are from there, even more so. . . . . enthusiasm.

"By the way, how should we wear these armors now?" Xiong Daiyu was more concerned about this issue.

"Well, I think the first step is to walk into the armor-piercing room on the other side, and then maybe consider that it is a program for piercing armor for a group of big soldiers, so in fact the automation is almost perfect, you only need to click to confirm. Who will do it? One." Izayoi Sakuya was silent for a moment and then said.

"I'll go first." Lin Yun and Li Shunsheng said in unison almost at the same time.

Then. . . . "You go first." The two said again.

"Why don't you go get gay?" Yun Sheng was a bit dumbfounded.

"Is this true love?" Sakuya Izayoi's eyes shone slightly.

"This is a mecha, don't you love it? Speaking of which, don't you already have a spacesuit?" Lin Yun couldn't help but say at this time.

"This has nothing to do with the spacesuit. Besides, my spacesuit is just like a tights. It won't be a problem even if I wear it again. At worst, I will just wear it and come out again." Li Shunsheng said excitedly.

"Wow, this is the legend. Do you have to wear it if you don't get the least?" Sakuya Izayoi suddenly made a shocking statement on this side. . . . .

"Go away, this is faith, why is it so messed up." Li Shunsheng rolled his eyes and said.

"It doesn't matter, but speaking of it, I don't want to wear this thing." Izayoi Sakuya said, shaking her head slightly.

"Oh, if you wear power armor, it will be difficult to throw throwing knives." Lin Yun understood immediately.

"Yes, and I am better at high-speed combat, especially when it comes to escaping. This power armor is a burden to me." Sakuya Izayoi said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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