Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 61 Miraculous New Technology

Chapter 61 Miraculous New Technology
(This week is a trial run, I hope you guys can support me, thank you)
"Not so good? The range of those Hydralisks and Insect Mothers, etc., if I remember correctly, the attacks of those Hydralisks and Insect Mothers should be breath attacks, and the classification of breath attacks is a bit like throwing weapons, and the basic range is very Short, but by strengthening the strength, the range is enhanced. If this is the case, then the maximum range may not be small, but if it is too far, it will be difficult for them to deal damage. In this case, our range is at an advantage." At this time, Li Shunsheng also reacted.

"It's not just that, we are in the air and have a commanding advantage." Yunsheng also said on this side.

"Ha, you two couples really have some ideas." Li Shunsheng laughed immediately. After all, in the space of gods, although it is said that humans are created, it is a bit meaningless after all.

And sometimes teammates of the opposite sex often live and die together, so husband and wife teams are not uncommon.

After seeing Lin Yun and Xiong Daiyu sitting together and looking so in tune with each other, Li Shunsheng naturally subconsciously thought they were those couples.

After all, in this space of gods, it is inevitable that there will be some people who accidentally misfire.

Not everyone is interested in artificial humans.

The artificial person is free and absolutely obedient, but if you want to cultivate an artificial person, it is obviously more convenient to find an emotional partner than to cultivate feelings.

Especially in the early stage, some of them did not even notice that they could redeem artificial humans for free because of the only 30 minutes. They missed the best opportunity to redeem artificial humans. Basically, the remaining role of artificial humans is to use them as spiritual comfort. .

And considering some more dangerous places, especially places like this kind of space, basically no one will bring artificial humans in.

Take Sakuya Izayoi, she actually became like this, besides she likes COS, she really likes Sakuya Izayoi, and she also redeemed Sakuya Izayoi’s ability, but she actually redeemed it for someone similar to her best friend before An artificial man who looks like his own master.

It sounds like a strange feeling, but it's true. It's not that Izayoi Sakuya has a slavish attack, but it's used as a shield.

Yes, as the player, she pretends to be an android, but the person who looks like the player's best friend is the android.

Unfortunately, because of the special situation this time, she didn't want to consume too many energy blocks, so she came alone.

"I...we are not husband and wife yet." Xiong Daiyu blushed immediately after hearing Li Shunsheng's words and said quickly.

"Oh, not yet." Li Shunsheng and Yunsheng laughed ambiguously.

Even Izayoi Sakuya and Kokoro on the side were covering their mouths and laughing.

As for why her heart also laughed along with her, it was because she obviously felt that Lin Yun didn't have that kind of thought for her. To put it bluntly, Lin Yun probably regarded her as a mascot. . . . . . .

On this side, Lin Yun did encounter a battle here, but it was not Lin Yun who encountered the battle, but Lin Yun and his troops who were preparing to rescue.

You can see a large group of at least 30 good brothers forming an army in a surrounded canyon.

There are two men standing in front of them, wearing the same white but very thick power armor. Their arms are obviously much thicker. You can see the macho men directly spraying out bursts of plasma torrent in the face of the jumping insects.

You can see those "puppies" that look almost half the size of a human, almost as big as an adult Alaskan dog, and are full of various spikes. The springtails rush towards these "fire bats", but only for less than 3 seconds. time, turned into ashes.

It can be seen that it is by relying on these two units with obviously thicker armor that this unit can support it for so long.

This is definitely not a fire bat. Fire bats are not that powerful.

Fire bat, springtail incinerator, StarCraft gourmet, ruthless grill master.

Although it is called a fire bat, the injector in his hand should be called the Flame Injector of Destruction, a name full of chuuni.

But in fact, the thing that shoots flames in his hand should be called a plasma jet.

Or should I say, it is actually spraying out plasma in the form of flames.

After all, flames are technically considered plasma energy.

At the same time, because the combat temperature of this plasma jet is too high, the Firebat's CMC660 power armor is heavier, thicker, stronger and more heat-resistant than the normal Good Brothers' CMC300 power armor.

But even so, most of the fire bat soldiers are modified or operated by people who can adapt to the high temperature of this kind of combat.

Most of them are arsonists, which just allows them to release their deep desire for flames.

However, Lin Yun remembered that Umoyan was different from the Tyran Empire. After becoming independent again, he didn't know whether it was for show or to be honest.

They appear more humane in their military proportions.

Especially the power armor and weapons used to protect them.

So these fire bats that spray plasma are not fire bats, but ion bats.

Lin Yun thought for a while and shouted directly from a wall, "I'm here to support your Umoyan special forces. Wait a minute, I will create a position in front of you. Don't panic."

Lin Yun shouted, then put his hands directly into the ground, "Tu Kunlun, solid control, full power."

Although there is actually no need to shout out, but. . . . . . This is love. "What?" A man in the crowd opened his hood and exposed his bald head. He was obviously more heavily dressed and looked smoother. He looked a bit like the mustachioed man from the Tyrannic Empire next door, subconsciously shouting, Then look around.

Then, in front of the ion bats, a wall made of soil suddenly rose up and blocked a springtail that was about to rush over.

Then a city wall blocked the Ion Bats. Of course, in order to ensure that the Marines behind them could shoot, Lin Yun thoughtfully left the wall unsealed and even slightly raised the ground beneath the Marines. Give them a more adequate shooting field of view.

Solid control, as long as it is not created by reaction in a hurry, as long as there is enough energy, then Lin Yun can control enough soil to assist defense.

Because the upper limit of 3 points of Kunlun's Qi production is the volume of Lin Yun's perception number, and Lin Yun's effective perception is 8, which means that an earth wall of 8 volumes can be created at once.

"Is this Umoyang's new technology? It's really amazing." Looking at the city wall that suddenly appeared, the bald man said in surprise.

Do you understand it as new technology?
Very reasonable.

"Although I really want to build a stronghold directly, but that would be too draining of internal energy." Lin Yun looked at the Umoyang soldiers below who began to use more firepower to suppress the springtails below. He stepped on it, but he didn't jump directly, but dived into the ground again.

Because in a short period of time, these springtails cannot be killed even by Lin Yun.

After all, Lin Yun is just an inflatable man now. Most of his abilities are inflated by consuming internal energy. There is no way he can say the kind of pretentious lines that I can play like this for a whole day.

Therefore, it must be precise, and Lin Yun's goal is. . . . . .

With just a "swish" sound, and accompanied by a roaring sound, part of the wall that Lin Yun had just erected collapsed. Within the collapsed part, one could see that it was almost as long as a normal human arm, but as long as a finger. Huge spikes that were so thick were exposed from inside.

Only about 100 meters away, there was a snake almost 5 meters tall, with a snake-like lower body, a very large carapace-headed shield behind its neck, and three blade-like arm blades on both sides.

This is the Hydralisk that Lin Yun mentioned before.

Although Hydralisks are different from those in the game and can engage in close combat, in such a worm sea tactic, when these large numbers of springtails are used as shields, let alone whether Hydralisks can squeeze in, just by his movement The speed is actually about the same as that of a normal snake, and cannot compare to the moving speed of a springtail.

This is also one of the reasons why he became a "long-range soldier".

There are countless armor-piercing spine needles hidden in the bone plates under the Hydralisk's carapace, which can be fired at enemies attacking from the air or the ground. Hydralisks have extremely strong muscle tissue, with a total of 4000 muscles, while humans only have 629. They can shoot spine needles at amazing speeds, and can penetrate 2 cm thick special steel plates even at the farthest range.

For example, the earth wall built by Lin Yun is no problem. The hardness of the special steel plate is at least 6, and the hardness of the soil is at least 3.

The scale armor that looks particularly ferocious has been turned into a brittle skin as a ranged soldier for the sake of balance in the game, but here, it should be supplemented.

Besides, if I remember correctly, body shape adjustment itself has the effect of enhancing natural defense.

Lin Yun estimated that this hydralisk was tougher than a springtail.

Speaking of which, didn't there be cockroaches? What about cockroaches?
Could it be said that they have all dived into the ground?

Cockroach, a big bug with six legs that looks like a snapping turtle wrapped in a ferocious carapace, with a big mouth showing three layers of teeth.

In terms of cockroaches, they are almost as big as two desks put together, and the most important thing is that the prototype of this thing is a creature called Zantar that lives in the humid environment deep in the Gaxas Mountains.

It is good at digging. After Kerrigan transformed it into a zerg, it became even more powerful. Its digging speed can even be comparable to that of ordinary people running.

I just don’t know if the cockroaches here have such ability.

Because in the game, except for cockroaches and infected bugs, other Zerg species can only be said to sneak into the ground, but they cannot move easily underground, at least not normally.

As for cockroaches, they generally have two abilities. One is the digging claw, which is a skill that accelerates the speed of diving into the underground. The other is the evolutionary burrow, which is a skill similar to Lin Yun that can be used directly to move underground. .

Under normal circumstances, at least in the game, these two skills require upgrading capabilities.

Just don't know. . . . . .

Lin Yun couldn't bet on this possibility. After all, these good brothers were real "good brothers" who could bring reward points. But soon, Lin Yun thought of a way, and saw Lin Yun return to the previous canyon, and even Before he could say hello to the bald man, he said directly, "Watch your steps." Then Lin Yun threw a large number of steel balls from the watch space.

"Solid Control, Duo." As Lin Yun released Solid Control again, the surrounding steel balls seemed to melt, forming a steel deck directly on the ground.

Because Lin Yun had said it in advance, although the marines were a little jumpy when they saw the steel deck extending over, at least it did not affect their actions, and the attack did not stop too much.

"Great, now we don't have to worry about those damn bugs emerging from the ground." Looking at the deck derived from the ground, the bald man who should be the commander of this team also immediately saw the name.

I don’t know if it’s to prevent players from being confused. In war games like this, the soldiers would like to be fully armed with their fingers, but these commanders will always expose their heads, showing their striking handsome faces. come out.

(End of this chapter)

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