Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 67 Distant Perception

Chapter 67 Distant Perception

(This week is all about testing the waters. I hope all brothers and sisters can support me. Thank you.)
By devouring these cockroaches and hydralisks like crazy.

Lin Yun's attributes have been improved again. Unfortunately, Lin Yun's body itself is very strong, so basically the bonuses these guys can give Lin Yun are not that much.

Like cockroaches, which is embarrassing. . . . Lin Yun couldn't even get 2 attribute points to trigger it.

Can only increase composure from 13 to 14.

In other words, in terms of basic attributes alone, Lin Yun has completely surpassed cockroaches.

What is even more desperate is the Hydralisk, which should theoretically be stronger than the Cockroach. . . . . Not even 1 attribute point was added.

Lin Yun estimated that it was because Hydralisks were relatively strong in strength or physique. . . . . Lin Yun's attributes simply couldn't add up.

This is very embarrassing.

However, 8 D-level cockroaches, three C-level hydralisks, and some other springtails provided Lin Yun with a lot of pure XP.

It's a pity that these guys have too many carapace and not much meat to eat. Half of them would be good.

Previously, Lin Yun only had Determination and Grace upgraded to +3 intrinsic bonus, which meant that there were 7 attributes left, which added up to a total of 35xp.

And this time, this devouring was enough for Lin Yun to reach the level of +3 in all attributes in one breath.

Lin Yun was even able to transform it and upgrade it to C-level gastric acid to spray out.

I don’t know if it’s because cockroaches also have the ability to spray acid.

After passing the adaptation check, the effect of stomach acid is also strengthened.

Lin Yun's gastric acid injection has now progressed to this.

It takes three seconds to charge up, consumes 3 points of energy, selects a target within a range equal to the effective constitution Damage, causing an additional 90 points of poison damage, both types of damage are subject to Fortitude saves, and inflicting 15 additional points of severe pain.

Mucous Stomach Acid: Enemies hit by this gastric acid will be treated as Armor Break +2 when attacking, and each time mucus is attached, it can be superimposed.

If Lin Yun improves during battle now,

The effective physique is about 18, which means that Lin Yun now has an effective range of 1620 meters. . . . . This is much better than Lin Yun's previous throwing of steel balls.

I always feel that the style of painting is getting weirder and weirder in the future. . . .

While Lin Yun and the others were going on a killing spree, they didn't know that on the other side of the planet, there was a man with hair that didn't look like a normal person, and seemed to have horny properties, and was wearing a gray-white tights. Look, The particularly sexy Maipi beauty suddenly raised her head and said, "Is there a ghost agent here?"

"What did you say Kerrigan?" Hearing the beautiful woman in front of him who was "locked" in the isolation room and undergoing examination, a young blond man wearing a dress-like armor and looking a little handsome wrinkled. frown.

"On this planet, which is about a few hundred kilometers away from here, someone is bursting out with psychic energy. No, no, it doesn't feel like psychic energy." Kerrigan frowned slightly as she spoke.

"Could it be that father... I will find someone to investigate. Thank you for your notice, Kerrigan." The blond young man's expression was a little uncertain, but he still showed a gentle smile.

"Then we should be ready to fight." A middle-aged man who looked slovenly and looked like a fallen cowboy said in a deep voice. Then he pulled out a revolver from his waist and checked it. Ammunition inside.

"Don't worry, Commander, everything is under control now. Maybe it's just another misunderstanding. I will investigate clearly." The blond young man quickly reached out his hand, trying to calm down the uncle.

"Can you tell me the general direction?" After asking the uncle to calm down a little, the blond young man looked at Kerrigan.

"I can only say, that direction." Kerrigan said solemnly, then sat back on her bed, closed her eyes and rested.

"Hurry up, conduct energy exploration in that direction, about hundreds of kilometers away." The blond young man quickly gave instructions.

"Your Highness Valerian, we have found the target. It seems to be our troops to eliminate some remaining Zerg on the planet. The source of the response belongs to the special forces you recruited before." In less than a few minutes, a person in charge He walked forward and reported.

"The special forces I recruited before? Oh, it's that group of people. I understand. Let's continue working." Valerian said with a look of realization.

"It sounds like you know what it's like, Prince." Hearing that it didn't seem to be the target, the man called the commander also inserted his pistol back.

"Yes, I heard that they were people from UED who came here due to some accidents, and they now work for me." Valerian said with a smile.

"Really? It sounds suspicious, with the sudden high psychic reaction, and the UED is not a good thing. The last time they came here, they almost controlled the Zerg Overlord." The commander narrowed his eyes slightly. .

"No matter what, they may be asking for something from me now, or maybe something else, but at least they should be very useful. By the way, does the psychic reaction detect how high the level is?" Valerian said with a smile. .

"I'm sorry, when we checked there, the reaction had disappeared, Your Highness." The person in charge said quickly. "Although there is something wrong with the psychic reaction, the psychic reaction can probably reach level 8." At this time, Kerrigan said in the isolation room.

"There are actually level 8 people. Sure enough, the people from UED are quite capable." Valerian couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Among humans, psychic abilities are divided into levels 0-10.
Level 3 and above: Considered "sensitive" to telepathic abilities (in the Ghost Project, the recruiter is usually around 3.5).

Level 5 is a psychic with telepathic abilities, which happens to be the minimum requirement for training for a special type of soldier called a ghost agent.

Level 8 is a potential person with the ability to teleport objects, and individuals at level 8 usually also show some other special abilities.

What I want to say is that people above level 8 are basically very rare. There are probably less than a hundred people in the entire star area.

Currently, there are only three recorded level 10 psychic reactions. One is the famous ghost agent, Nova, and the other two are Sacco Angelini (the principal of the ghost military academy) and Sarah Kerrigan before being infected.

That is the woman in the isolation room now.

Of course, now, the human measuring device identifies the Queen of Blades as level 12 because it cannot measure the Queen of Blades' psychic powers at all. She exceeded the upper limit of measurement, and was at least a full level higher than level 10.

Therefore, in theory, it is not surprising that this so-called only 12-level psychic reaction in the entire star region may have a 20-level psychic reaction in theory.

Generally speaking, a ghost's psychic level does not increase after it is finalized. But it can be enhanced by terazine and other foreign substances. Human beings are more inclined to use simple energy in the form of using psychic energy, such as the ghost's psychic whipping. Some psykers may have other ways of using them, such as summoning fire, etc.
This is probably why the space of gods arranged Lin Yun and others with "special abilities" to become existences similar to ghost agents.

"Level 8, that's a very rare existence. How strong is UED?" Valerian was also a little surprised at this time.

"But for now, if UED also takes action, then it may be the best time. It is undeniable that the reason why Arcturus was able to succeed last time was not only because of the zerg, but also UED. It has indeed attracted most of the attention for us, especially..." Speaking of this, the commander couldn't help but look at Kerrigan in the isolation room.

Yes, including Kerrigan, who was controlled by the Overlord at the time. It should even be said that it was precisely because the Overlord was controlled by the UED that in order to get rid of the control, the Overlord released Kerrigan's control, allowing Kerrigan to lead the aliens. The insects unite humans and protoss to fight back the UED.

"Indeed, it is you, Commander, then let us take a look." Valerian nodded slightly and then said.

After all, the commander in front of him, James Raynor, was the former right-hand man of his father, Arcturus Mengsk, now the head of the Tyrannic Empire.

Or it should be said that there are two right-hand assistants, one is Mr. Renault, and the other is Mr. Renault. . . . Kerrigan in front of her.

Yes, the two former right-hand men now hate Mengsk, the man they once regarded as the most trustworthy.

On this side, Lin Yun and the others took a short rest. The most important thing was that Lin Yun had almost eaten and even his internal strength had recovered to about two-thirds.

Ah, this is also a problem that Lin Yun only discovered now.

First of all, there are two methods of normal recovery of internal strength. One is normal slow recovery.

Generally speaking, internal strength automatically returns to its maximum value in about 24 hours, and this recovery is divided into the time required to restore 1 point of internal strength.

For example, Lin Yun now has an upper limit of 65 internal energy.

That is to say, about 2.7 internal energy can be restored every hour.

Theoretically, Lin Yun can recover 22 point of internal energy every 1 minutes or so.

Then there is meditation. While meditating, you can recover the lower number of legendary attributes of key attributes every 15 minutes or so.

Lin Yun currently has a low key attribute, which is naturally perception. The legendary attribute only has 1 point, and this can also be shared.

If Lin Yun has 2 points of legendary attributes, it will take about 7 minutes to recover 1 point of internal energy.

In addition to these two methods, Lin Yun's Lihuo Xuanbing Kung at C level gave Lin Yun the ability to directly restore effective physical attributes during meditation in high temperature environments. Under the semi-permanent strengthening of Enze, , that is 14, in this case.

Only then was Lin Yun able to recover.

If there was no high-temperature environment, Lin Yun estimated that he could recover about two-thirds of his body, which was still a bit choked.

As for Tu Kunlun's return of energy, Lin Yun did a little research and found that after using it in one place, it cannot absorb the power of nature for a second time and restore its own internal strength within at least a few kilometers.

Maybe we should add some recovery methods.

But anyway, there is no way to think about these things before finishing this copy.

(End of this chapter)

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