Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 75 Robbed the warehouse

Chapter 75 Robbed the warehouse
Yes, Lin Yun's [Bulletproof] is useless.

Defense capabilities such as [Bulletproof] and [Anti-Energy Weapon] are generally attached to specific things.

Like some special armor, or the ability to directly acquire characteristics physically like Lin Yun.

If it is armor, then if the armor bonus is broken in armor breaking, then [Bulletproof] will be ineffective.

And if it is a physical body, then if the natural defense is broken through the armor, the [Bulletproof] will be ineffective.

The breaking of armor is in the order of shield bonus, force field bonus, equipment bonus, and block bonus, including shield defense, armor defense, and natural defense.

From a practical point of view, it means breaking from the outside to the inside.

Lin Yun's Baiyunyan has only been stacked once, which means that it only has a 1-point cover bonus and no armor, so it is directly the 3-point natural defense brought by Lin Yun's C-level Hong Kong comic powerhouse.

Therefore, Lin Yun's [Bulletproof] has long been useless. Not only that, but the reason why Lin Yun did not use Xuanbing Qi to provide hardness for defense.

It's because this armor breaking is enough to break all the hardness brought by Lin Yun's Xuan Bing Qi.

In short, with such a weapon, even if Lin Yun is separated by one wall or two walls, if Lin Yun is targeted, Lin Yun will still be shot. The high speed almost destroyed all of Lin Yun's "speed".

In front of this sniper rifle, Lin Yun is no different from ordinary people. This is the advantage of high-tech equipment. It is very powerful above pure weapons, so Lin Yun must deal with these ghosts.

"Although I really want to reduce consumption as much as possible, there is nothing I can do about it now." Lin Yun sighed with a slight wisp of sweat on his forehead, and then rushed over with a movement of his body.

In Lin Yun and Bai Yunyan's energy vision, the presence of ghosts was very clearly visible.

Breaking through the smoke, Lin Yun came to the ghost's side in an instant and punched him.

"Go back." Following Lin Yun's words, fire flashed from Lin Yun's fist.

"Combat check: . . . ."

"Opponent's defense: basic 3, dodge 2, insight 3, armor 8, force field 8, additional success 2."

"Armor Break 2."


"Causes 8 fire damage and 2 points of severe pain."

"Kill the Imperial Ghost Agent: D1200."

Gone all at once?
Boxer briefs, no wonder the empire is so miserable. This ghost can only be punched by Lin Yun. But actually, if you think about it carefully, it seems quite reasonable. After all, ordinary ghosts are only level 5 psykers. Before Izayoi From what Sakuya conveyed to him, he was equivalent to a level 8 psyker.

In other words, the opponent's combat power is only about C level at most.

It seems quite reasonable.

But having said that, isn't it a bit too cheap? It's only a little more expensive than the Hydralisk.

Although he was a little surprised that the ghost was defeated so easily by him, and the reward was so cheap, but now was not the time to think about that. After taking care of the ghost, here comes the next step. . . . . . 100 million to Luda.

Lin Yun didn't hesitate at all and started running directly, "Izayoi, continue the instructions."

"Done?" Sakuya Izayoi was surprised at first that the battle was over in less than 6 seconds, but then she started giving quick directions again.

Soon, Lin Yun finally reunited with everyone after taking several detours. "Hey, we meet again. How is the situation? How much distance is there? Oh, and Kerrigan, this is for you." Lin Yun. Yun said with a smile.

only. . . . . . "You're injured." Although someone smiled and hid it a little, someone immediately noticed that Xiong Daiyu was frowning.

Quickly coming to Lin Yun's side, Xiong Daiyu pushed Lin Yun's hand away, but she saw that although the clothes were indeed torn and there were blood stains, the wounds behind the blood stains had already healed. .

"Fortunately, the bleeding has stopped now." Thanks to Fengtian Laotie for the dregs of medicine, Lin Yun brought his own Quick Treatment 2.

It can restore Lin Yun's life by 6 points almost every 2 seconds. Coupled with the invincible biological son ability, although the grace can only be used 5 times in a short period of time, Lin Yun is reluctant to use it.

But if you really need to use it, it's not a big problem. As long as it's not a vicious injury, Lin Yun can recover 4 points of life at any time, which is enough to allow Lin Yun to withstand more damage without having to fight for a long time. .

"It's amazing." Looking at the wound that had completely disappeared, Xiong Daiyu was also a little surprised at this time, but then she puffed her mouth, "You told me you had such a thing, so that I don't have to redeem the Qi Healing Technique. ." As she said that, Xiong Daiyu couldn't help but patted Lin Yun's wound.

After confirming that Lin Yun's wound had indeed recovered, Xiong Daiyu's expression finally became slightly better.

"Okay, don't worry about the details, let's go." Lin Yun waved his hand and said.

"We are almost at the transportation station. We just need to turn this way." Sakuya Izayoi said quickly. Soon Lin Yun and the others came to a platform transport truck that looked a bit like a skateboard. "Huh?" At this time, Li Shunsheng on the side suddenly thought of something, and then looked at Lin Yun, just because Kerry The reason why Gan and the others were there was something he couldn't say.

Lin Yun naturally knew what this guy wanted to say.

Because if I remember correctly, the road leading to the transportation station should be blocked next, which forced Kerrigan and the others to go to the lower level of the research institute.

And because Kerrigan made a big fuss before, and this was originally a research institute used by Valerian to study zerg.

So this leads to a large number of zerg in the lower level, and most importantly, there is the strongest unit of zerg, the Thunder Beast.

The Ultralisk evolved from a docile beast, but bears almost no resemblance to it. It is the most powerful combat unit of the Zerg ground army.

They are the backbone of the swarm army and pose as much of a threat as any armored fighting vehicle. This large behemoth looks like a living siege vehicle in front of the enemy.

There is a huge scythe on the front of the Thunder Beast, and its head is smaller than its body and has huge armor with spikes on it. With its headgear alone, the Thunder Beast can unleash an attack as powerful as a battering ram.

Data shows that the Thunder Beast's sickle blade is not simply bone, but is composed of new steel alloy plates and alien materials, and its hardness exceeds human knowledge.

In addition, the whole body of the Thunder Beast is covered with a hard shell, which is mainly composed of chitin organic matter. The main component of earth insect beetles and human teeth is also chitin. Data shows that the outer shell of the Thunder Beast is harder than diamond.

To put it simply, it is not difficult to fight.

Anyway, Lin Yun didn't think that his "beginner's" Tathagata Palm could penetrate the Thunder Beast's armor and cause too much damage.

And such a large size will also cause a problem, that is, the health value is absolutely terrifying.

Facing a siege monster with thick armor and flesh, Lin Yun did not think it would be safe even with Kerrigan around.

If I remember correctly, there are at least 2 Thunder Beasts below the research institute.

This is the real StarCraft world. According to official data, the Thunder Beast is about 20 to 30 meters tall. You can tell just by watching the StarCraft promotional video.

Only a swarm of siege tanks can threaten the Ultralisk. Even on the other side, the Archon who is literally the strongest among the protoss, can only choose to die together in a single duel.

It can only be said that it's a shame that Valerian dared to lock up such things and live on top of them. . . . . .

"Don't forget, for our current mission, although Miss Kerrigan is very strong, we still have to be careful." Lin Yunyi said pointedly.

After hearing Lin Yun's words, Li Shunsheng also fell silent.

At this time, he also thought about this problem. Although Kerrigan was said to be very strong, she was not their real helper after all. It was not a good job to go down with her to kill the zerg.

And he also thought about the problem of the Ultralisk. The Ultralisk can be easily solved by Kerrigan in the game. The specific performance is that it can impact with one launch, and then kill an Ultralisk with a few C-10 shots. .

But is it really that simple in reality?

Although it is said that the bigger the storm, the bigger the fish, but what if the Thunder Beast was killed by Kerrigan instead of them?
Then there is no benefit at all, only risk?
And the last thing Lin Yun said was mission.

By the way, compared to sending Raynor out, which may or may not be possible, to get the Ultralisk's head, such a mission that affects almost half of the StarCraft 2 campaign is the focus.

At least it is inevitable that this task will be completed.

"Indeed, for now, our mission is the most important." Li Shunsheng finally nodded.

In this way, Lin Yun and the others came directly to the platform transport vehicle. This transport vehicle was at least close to a hundred meters of flat surface and soon began to move towards the star port on the other side.

"By the way, this is your weapon Kerrigan, and Commander Renault, this is something for you." Lin Yun pretended to take out a lot of things from the watch space. . . . .

"Did you rob Valerian's armory?" Lei Ritian looked at Lin Yun with a strange look on his face.

Because what Lin Yun took out, in addition to Kerrigan's C-10MK6, there were also a bunch of grenades, "plasma grenades and EMP grenades, and I even found an armor-piercing grenade."

By the way, there are almost hundreds of these grenades in total, and they are unlikely to be things that Lin Yun can take out from his butt.

This was also the main reason why Lei Ritian looked at Lin Yun with a strange expression.

"EMP grenade." Yun Sheng and Li Shunsheng couldn't help but touch their chins at this time.

Obviously, he also knew what Lin Yun was planning to deal with.

"Kerrigan, the Imperial Army has discovered you, be careful." At this moment, a voice came from the computer on the platform car, and it was Valerian.

(End of this chapter)

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