Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 79 I can still stand up

Chapter 79 I can still stand up ()

"Calm down, don't panic, this is just an illusion." Although a ghost agent who got off the medical transport plane was also shocked by Lin Yun, he did not almost directly enter a state of panic like these people. Although if you look carefully If you look at it, you can see that his hand holding the C10 rifle is actually shaking.

"Then it's you." After seeing the ghost agent, Lin Yun smiled slightly, and then stepped through the crowd of people in the jungle. The speed was 80 meters per second. At a close enough distance, Lin Yun could look like It's like teleporting.

Then Lin Yun appeared next to the ghost agent and said, "Punch me." He punched him.

Almost instantly, he hit the ghost agent on the chest with a hammer, shook his fist, and started pushing, forcing the ghost agent's body to fly out. And most importantly, Lin Yun continued to move forward while holding the ghost agent against his chest.

"Combat check: . . . ."

"Opponent's defense: basic 3, dodge 2, insight 3, armor 8, force field 8, additional success 2."

"Armor Break 2."


"Causes 8 fire damage and 2 points of severe pain."

"Collision check: . . ."


"Causing 37 collision points."

"Kill Imperial Ghost Agent: 1200."

"Flying into the sky, me!" Along with Lin Yun's roar, Lin Yun's speed became even faster.

"Collision check: . . . ."


"Collision check: . . . ."


"Collision check: . . . ."


Holding four Marines in a row, Lin Yun just knocked them out of the wall of the passage behind.

Lin Yun didn't bother to see how much damage it could cause, but. . . . .

"Kill a Marine, 10 bonus points."

Good guy, the Marine who was first knocked away by the ghost agent was literally killed.

Lin Yun doesn't know whether those Marines who don't know whether to call them "unlucky" or "lucky" will die if they fall, but it probably won't, but it's hard to say here. .

"Weird...monster." Because of the frightened state created by Lin Yun and the powerful strength displayed by Lin Yun, these marines suddenly became even more intimidated. . . . . It became "lively".

But this is only for a moment. Not to mention the majesty of the strong men, they can actually recover if given some time. Just when these marines have strong fear, the devices on their bodies will be activated.

Give them stimulants to reduce their fear.

So this is not a long-term solution.

But this was just Lin Yun's delaying strategy, because at this time, Xiong Daiyu, who was not very far away from the other side, had already rushed up, waving the broad sword in his hand. Xiong Daiyu was like a sword, just a blow. Fortunately, Lin Yun had already run away. Out of Xiong Daiyu's attack range.

Terrifying slashes bloomed among the marines, and the sword blade formed by the huge sword energy directly slashed and exploded the power armor on the marines.

Almost at the same time, the Viking fighter plane that had just landed began to shoot at Lin Yun, who looked the most threatening.

The 40mm bullets hit Lin Yun's body and surroundings, directly splashing a large amount of iron filings. The powerful impact hit Lin Yun's body, almost breaking Lin Yun's clothes into pieces.

Although almost at the same time, the Marines around Lin Yun were also beaten into pieces.

Continuous shooting?
However, "It hurts so much." Lin Yun grinned and looked at the scars on his body and the bullets on the ground. The bullets were almost as big as two fingers.

If Li Huojin hadn't offset the damage, Lin Yun would have suffered 11 points of damage now.

It can only be said that the firepower of these machine guns is really fierce.

Just look at the surrounding Marines who were beaten to pieces, even though most of them had already been cut in half by Xiong Daiyu.

It really is. . . . . What a good teammate.

"Lin Yun, you don't have to do this, I can do it too." Xiong Daiyu poked her head out from behind Lin Yun, looking at the scars on Lin Yun's body, she felt a little distressed.

Because just now, when Lin Yun saw that the Viking fighter plane seemed to be attacking their side, Lin Yun subconsciously wanted to use Tu Kunlun's Qi.

But Lin Yun saw that Xiong Daiyu on the other side seemed to be within attack range.

So Lin Yun subconsciously used the Tukunlun protective wall to block Xiong Daiyu. Although the damage from the cannon shattered the defense of the Tukunlun protective wall almost instantly, when it penetrated the protective wall, the Viking fighter's strafing fire had already passed Xiong Daiyu and hit Lin Yun.

Therefore, Xiong Daiyu received almost no damage, but Lin Yun seemed to be hurt a bit.

"It's nothing. I can withstand several injuries." Lin Yun glanced at the character card and had to say that the key attributes of health were strength and physique, and Lin Yun's highest attributes were strength and physique.

Not counting any enhancements, Lin Yun's health value was as high as 30.

When the Lihuo Jin is strengthened, the strength and constitution are +4 each, which is 38. Taking into account the +2 of the gift, it is exactly 40.

In other words, after suffering so much damage, Lin Yun still stubbornly had 7 points of health left before he fell into the level of vicious damage.

"These two guys are really fierce, especially the guy named Lin Yuntian. He was attacked by so many marines and managed to rush over without even sustaining any serious damage. What kind of monster is this?" Yunsheng Hide on a fixed point on the platform.

This was originally supposed to be a place used to secure goods, but it could still be used as a protective wall, just like Lin Yun did before. There was no other way. Although Yun Sheng said he had defensive capabilities, it was too expensive.

Anyway, he didn't want to be criticized like Lin Yun. In fact, he was the most suitable opponent for him. . . . . In fact, they are still zerg, especially zerg at close range.

Because his defensive ability is somewhat similar to Lin Yun's Li Huo Jin, opponents who attack him at close range will be damaged by his lightning.

pity. . . . . . There was no chance for melee combat. The guy on their side who claimed to be a support player was too fierce.

There is still one Viking fighter and two Banshee fighters left. As for the medical transport aircraft, two of them have already loaded up their crews, so in a certain sense they have been neutralized, and the last medical transport aircraft is left.

However, as for the medical transport plane, it seemed that Lin Yun and Xiong Daiyu were a little too fierce. The steering wheel was about to spark, and it drifted to the extreme, leaving the platform on Lin Yun's side and flying towards the other side. past.

So in other words, choose one of the two goals.

Because the Viking fighter plane has already been shot by Sakuya Izayoi, that guy Lee Sun-sang's sword-wielding skills should be able to handle it.

"Old Li, I'll leave the Viking fighter to you." As he spoke, Yun Sheng poked his head out from the fixed point, pointed his mahogany sword in his hand, and hit the Banshee fighter that had just shot at Lin Yun.

The burning lightning erupted into astonishing flames on the Banshee fighter plane, and then burst into flames.

Almost instantly, just like the Viking fighter just now, the Banshee fighter suddenly shook, and then something magical happened. On top of the Banshee fighter, the cockpit was opened, and then there was a blazing fire inside. The driver climbed out directly. She was a female driver. She jumped down from the platform while screaming, and then rolled all over the ground.

It's just that although her rolling slightly weakened the traces of burning, it was not completely weakened. In the flames, she gradually became weaker, and finally. . . . . . It stopped and turned into charcoal.

The Banshee fighter plane, which lost its pilot, could only fall to the platform, causing the platform that was originally traveling at high speed to tremble violently at this moment.

Good guy, the damage this guy caused was greater than the damage caused by her other companions.

"It's so miserable." Although he said it was his fault, Yunsheng showed an unbearable expression at this time. Should we say that this is a person with a moral value of 7 or above?
Although it feels a bit hypocritical inexplicably.

Li Shunsheng on this side also heard Yunsheng's words, waved his hand, "Quick!" and pointed his sword finger directly at the Viking fighter on the other side.

The two fairy swords turned into lightning and rushed towards the Viking fighter. With two flashes of light, the Viking fighter's body was almost completely chopped apart, and the two Gatling-like cannons were directly chopped up, but. . . . . It also has a tenacious steering wheel left.

It's so touching that he can still move.

"Ahhhh!" came the roar of the Viking fighter pilot from inside, and saw the Viking fighter turning around and aiming at Li Shunsheng, about to deliver the final blow.

It's just that when I was hitting Lin Yun just now, the barrel of the gun was cooling down and the bullets were being produced. It would still take 3 seconds. In this case. . . .

I saw the jets behind the Viking fighter jet starting to spray, and then the Viking fighter jet rushed towards Li Shunsheng.

"Fuck, what the fuck." Li Shunsheng was a little frightened. Where did this mad warrior come from? Why not learn from the pilot of the Banshee fighter just now?

What kind of life are you playing with such a small salary?

Fortunately, Sakuya Izayoi on the other side discovered the situation on this side, and saw her turn into a shadow in an instant.

If you look carefully, you can see that Sakuya Izayoi seems to be dropping frames, flickering.

That's proof that she speeds up time.

In less than 2 seconds, she came to Li Shunsheng, raised the C10 rifle in her hand, aimed at the gap she had made before, exhaled, and pulled the trigger.

The bullet instantly penetrated the windshield, which was already seriously injured, and hit the driver inside.

Although in fact the Viking fighter itself was given away at this time.

"Thank you." Li Shunsheng also had a trace of sweat on his forehead. He was really afraid that the Viking fighter plane would rush over and explode with him.

"It's nothing, the reward for the Viking fighter is pretty good." Sakuya Izayoi smiled and then said.

"Ah, the output is not enough. I hate vehicles." Li Shunsheng's expression was a little helpless.

He was originally proud of his output, but he didn't expect that he would be deflated all of a sudden, which was outrageous.

(End of this chapter)

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