Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 82 Yes Chapter I want to be hugged by the princess

Chapter 82 If possible, I would like to be hugged by the princess ()
"Be obedient and don't move." After lifting Lei Ritian up, Lin Yun ran towards the black transport plane.

"The target is there." The surrounding imperial troops pointed at a black shadow and said.

Then he fired at Lin Yun's back, but it was too fast, Lin Yun's speed was too fast, and the most important thing was the bursts of white smoke. The thick white smoke blocked his vision.

Not only does the smoke itself have a 4 environmental penalty, but the white cloud smoke itself has a +6 concealment bonus. This refers to the defense brought by the energy of the white cloud smoke itself.

This is enough to withstand most Marine fire.

Soon, in less than 10 seconds, even some of the Marines could not escape from the airborne cabin. Lin Yun had already arrived in the black transport plane.

"You start the transport plane now. You don't have to worry about Kerrigan." Lin Yun put down Renault and said.

"Wait, where are your friends?" Renault looked at Lin Yun.

"As for us, don't worry, we have another way to escape." With that said, Lin Yun turned into a phantom and disappeared.

"Well done, UED people." In order to defeat the siege tanks, Kerrigan was actually not very far away from the black transport plane. After seeing Lin Yun's actions, she quickly rushed to this side.

Lin Yun's super acceleration has already arrived at Xiong Daiyu's side. On this side, Xiong Daiyu and the others are leading a group of people from the Umo Yang National Defense Army to attack.

It seems that she is at an advantage. In close combat on land, Xiong Daiyu's destructive power is stronger than Lin Yun. She rushes over and crushes her directly.

In the blink of an eye, a large group of marines and powered armor were cut in half.

Lin Yun's strength is very strong, but Xiong Daiyu's strength is not weak either. At any rate, it reaches more than 20, which is a superhuman with an effective strength of more than 10.

"Has it been sent up? So what should we do now?" Xiong Daiyu asked when she saw Lin Yun who came to her side at some unknown time.

"It depends on the situation. The mission is to escort them out successfully, which means that they may not be able to succeed until they reach the Hyperion. So what we have to do next is to survive first." Lin Yun's expression Said somewhat seriously.

"I know, did you all hear it? You should also be careful." Xiong Daiyu also contacted other people through earphones.

"Then let's... fuck." Lin Yun's expression instantly became strange.

Because at this moment, a huge thing landed from the sky. It was the archangel that Lin Yun and the others had been thinking about.

The huge fighter plane rushed directly towards Renault's black transport plane and launched a large number of missiles.

Fortunately, the person inside was Kerrigan.

Almost instantly, a huge blue barrier appeared outside the black transport plane. It was terrifying to be able to cover an entire transport plane with a psychic barrier.

In the smoke of the missile explosion, the black transport plane disappeared.

This black transport aircraft is Renault's special transport aircraft. In addition to being a transport aircraft, it is actually very flexible and faster than most transport aircraft. The most important thing is that this transport aircraft has a top-notch stealth device on it.

From a certain perspective, Renault, like Liu Bei, is best at retreats. Unfortunately, this was his escape that ruined his reputation.

Kerrigan relied on the stealth function of this transport plane to successfully escape from the search of the Imperial Gorgon-class battlecruiser.

But now, the literal escape was successful. Lin Yun looked at his watch.

It still displays like that, isn't it really that simple?

Or should I say, this is it. . . . . . Final difficulty.

They need to hold on for the next few seconds, maybe minutes, or even ten or twenty minutes.

The archangel's primary target is Reno and the others.

Therefore, they will definitely chase Renault and the others.

Now what Lin Yun and the others need to worry about is. . . . . .

Just as Lin Yun was thinking this, he saw an airborne pod in the distance that was larger than other airborne pods being thrown down, and then disintegrated in the air.

A siege tank was actually dropped directly.

You can see that the siege tank ejected a burst of gas as it approached the ground, buffering the speed of falling, and then landed on the ground.

Even without thinking about it, Lin Yun knew that the target of this siege tank was definitely them.

You can't let this thing go into siege mode.

"All retreat, I'll buy time first." Lin Yun pressed the earphone and shouted loudly, and then Lin Yun rushed towards the direction where the siege tanks were launched.

It seems to be to maximize the shooting range of siege tanks.

Therefore, the place where this siege tank was launched was about 800 meters away from Lin Yun and the others.

Under normal circumstances, except for Sakuya Izayoi and Lin Yun, Xiong Daiyu and Kokoro could not get out of the shooting range even if they ran desperately.

At least Lin Yun knew that the moving speed of the heart, even with the blessing of Bai Yunyan, was only a basic speed of 47, which meant a maximum speed of about 15 meters per second.

It is simply impossible to escape the shooting range of the siege tanks.

Soon, Lin Yun came to the side of the siege tank. Lin Yun first threw an EMP grenade and threw it over.

The electric light flashed on the siege tank, and it could be seen that the siege tank that was preparing to change form suddenly stopped. However, under such circumstances, the double-barreled turret above turned towards Lin Yun.

Stopped the electric function, but maintained the original mechanical function?

Lin Yun subconsciously wanted to dodge, but at this moment, "bang", two huge shells hit Lin Yun.

Yes, two shots.

Twin 90mm cannon. Although it is said to be one attack, it is actually two shots.

"Meixiadang transfer." Lin Yun's face turned red, and the Meixiadang aura that he had never dared to move was transformed into a barrier to resist the impact of the shells.

Speaking of which, this is the first time Lin Yun has used this ability.

Each point of Meixia Danggang Qi can offset 1 point of damage, and Lin Yun's Meixia Danggang Qi can only have a maximum of 1 points now.

In other words, it offsets 6 points of damage, plus the Lihuo Xuanbing Kungfu offsets 2 points of damage, for a total of 8 points of damage.

but. . . . .

In the first shot, Lin Yun lost 14 points of life almost instantly.

In the second shot, Lin Yun lost 22 points of life again.

Although Lin Yun was seriously injured before, the time spent here was actually enough for Lin Yun to return to his full strength.

The ability to heal quickly is so cool.

Only this time, Lin Yun's Lihuo Jin mainly enhanced strength and agility, resulting in Lin Yun only having 38 health points.

As for the damage from these two attacks, especially the second one, because Meixia Danggang Qi was used up and there was no way to offset the damage, the damage suddenly increased a lot, leaving Lin Yun with only 2 points of health left.

The situation is a little bad.

Moreover, a lot of internal energy has been consumed, so just use your full strength.

Lin Yun's expression became solemn, his face became solemn and treasure-like, his hands formed the One Heart Seal, and he held his breath and concentrated, "The Buddha's light has first appeared."

Then he pushed out with a palm.

"Huntian Enhancement: Reaction to Huntian Enhancement, double consumption, 3 layers of Huntian Treasure Mirror, strength +3 nameless bonus, consumption of 6 Huntian Treasure Mirror Gang Qi."

"Huntian Strengthening Test, Constitution +14, Perception +8, Legendary Constitution +2 additional successes, Legendary Perception +1 additional successes, settled."

"W22+3=12, the test is successful, no consumption."

"Metal Combat Check: Strength +21, Melee +12, Versatility +4 Specialty, Baji Fist +3 Moves, Infusion +22 Energy, Favor +6 Inner, Tathagata Divine Palm +2 Holy, Natural Weapon 8L, Momentum +3 Additional Success, infusion +2 additional success, legendary power +4 additional success, melee combat +4 additional success, Foli transformation obtains 8 additional dice characteristics, specific hit part has a penalty of 0, settlement."

"Opponent's defense: Armor 36."

"Armor Break 6, settlement."


"Inflicts an additional 8 fire damage, 2 severe pain points, and 3 holy damage."

"Hardness 8, energy resistance 3, ignores severe pain points."

"Open hard, hit hard, ignore 4 hardness."

"Tsk, it's really hard." Lin Yun felt slightly unhappy.

but. . . . . .

In the horrified eyes of the surrounding Marines, a golden dragon shot out from Lin Yun's hand, and then blasted into the cannon barrel, blowing up more than half of the cannon barrel almost instantly, and a huge There are holes there that are large enough for a person to enter.

Lin Yun indeed does not have the ability to penetrate.

But it is still barely possible to directly blow up the shell of the siege tank, then rush in and kill the driver inside.

As mentioned before, with a large-sized device like this, if you aim at a specific part, it can be said to be a hit or a critical hit.

Because the defense penalty that should have been reduced to 0.

Now that the fort was directly destroyed by Lin Yun, although the siege tank was not destroyed, it could not attack unless there were other means of attack.

"Don't you want to come over?" In the cockpit of the siege tank, a thick voice is always made in the game, but the drivers are now letting out waves of shouts.

"Jie Jie Jie." With a villain-style laugh, Lin Yun rushed in, after a round of destruction.

"Destroying the Siege Tank: C2000."

Facing these "powerless" pilots, Lin Yun naturally killed them easily. However, these pilots couldn't even get a single reward point.

But when Lin Yun walked out, there was a "biu", and a bullet hit Lin Yun's body directly, making Lin Yun retreat for a while without reacting at all.

"Injury saving throw: Constitution 16, Survival +1, Legendary Constitution +3 additional success, settled."


"Injury save successful."


"The genetic lock is open."

Lin Yun looked closely in the direction from which he came, and saw a ghost holding a C10 rifle, which was slowly emerging from a translucent form.

This is the fighting stance a ghost should have, a cloaking device. . . . . Fuck, I was caught off guard.

(End of this chapter)

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