Chapter 349 Sanctions (Second update)

Beautiful country, New York.

On January 1, the World Medical and Health Security Conference was successfully held at the International Convention and Exhibition Center in New York City.

Attendees included Asder Pharmaceuticals, Liaohua Pharmaceuticals, Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals... The world's top ten pharmaceutical companies were present, all of which are super multinational pharmaceuticals with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars and annual revenue of tens of billions of dollars. group.

There are countless other pharmaceutical companies, large and small, and most of the world's pharmaceutical companies are present.

In addition to major pharmaceutical companies, there are also charity relief organizations, representatives from medical universities, renowned experts in the medical field, and surgical masters, etc.

It can be said that ordinary people may not pay attention to this medical event, but people in the medical field have already been paying attention to the schedule.

The conference lasted for five days and included free diagnosis and treatment sessions for patients. The conference was held very smoothly.

until the last day of the conference.

In the largest exhibition hall of the International Convention and Exhibition Center, Asder Pharmaceuticals, as the initiator and main initiator of this medical conference, personally spoke and called everyone who participated in the conference.

A blond, blue-eyed, gentle man in his forties, wearing a suit and gold-rimmed glasses, stood on the stage.

"Good afternoon to all medical experts and pharmaceutical companies, I am the new chairman of Asder Pharmaceuticals, Pedro Avilson."

Pedro smiled and introduced himself.

Pedro is the new head of the Avilson family, after the previous head, Jose Avilson, was assassinated by super soldiers sent by the Jieco Group.

After a struggle for power, it was Jose's third son, Pedro Avilson, who finally took the position of head of the family.

"There is only one topic I initiated today, and that is about certain evil forces that destroy the medical environment, illegally smuggle pharmaceutical products, ignore the law, and hide in the garbage of the pharmaceutical industry, the Jieke Group."

Pedro held the microphone and his voice spread through the speakers.

Upon hearing the name Jieke Group, many medical experts and scholars present had different expressions.

This group has become famous recently because it has achieved a series of war victories even when it was targeted and blocked by the Group of Eight.

But in the eyes of medical practitioners, Jieke Group is the number one pharmaceutical company in the world today and has long been known to them.

Whether it is Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid or the recently launched Tianyuan Myopia Pills, it can be said that countless experts and institutions have conducted secret research to find out why the pharmaceutical products of Jieke Group are effective so quickly and have such amazing efficacy. They can directly solve different factors. The resulting hair loss and myopia are almost like a legendary panacea.

But no matter how these experts and institutions research, they have never been able to find out the real secret of the Jieko Group.

We can only find out that among those medicines, there is a special substance. No one knows how it was synthesized or produced.

It is said that another product of Jieke Group, the body-building pill that can make people exceed the limits of the human body, also discovered the existence of this substance, so this substance has also been dubbed a universal medicine by medical scientists.

"The evil deeds committed by the Jieco Group are simply too numerous to describe. All of you here are the most authoritative experts and professors on medical care in the world. Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, I would like to initiate an issue. Targeting the Jieco Group , and the areas it rules, implement a medical blockade and prohibit the import of all medical equipment and medicines into this area, so as not to encourage the other party's arrogance. "

Pedro patted the table and finally got to the point.

As soon as these words came out, the audience immediately caused an uproar.

No one expected that Pedro's proposal would be so radical and would actually block the import of pharmaceutical products from Jieco Group.

You know, the last country that was blocked by medicine was Guba. In the name of a beautiful country, Guba was unilaterally prohibited from purchasing medical equipment and medical supplies. It also made it difficult for Guba’s medical workers to obtain visas from other countries and was unable to Participating in the world's top academic exchanges prevents us from having a deep understanding of advanced medical technology and future research directions, which seriously hinders the possibility of Guba's continued development of medicine.

The area now ruled by the Jieko Group has a population of more than 10 million, and it imports a lot of medical equipment and drugs.

Such a blockade will inevitably lead to patients lacking many necessary medical equipment and drugs, leading to various medical treatment problems and having a huge and far-reaching impact.

Many of the big names in the medical industry below looked at each other in confusion. Many people had already come to realize that the real purpose of Asder Pharmaceuticals holding such a medical conference was probably to target Jieke Group.

"Mr. Pedro, we are only a medical institution. We have no right and should not impose a medical blockade on a certain group or region. This is inhumane and disregards life.

It is our doctor's duty to treat illnesses, save lives, and save lives. Doing so is completely the opposite and is killing the lives of more than 10 million people under the care of the Jieke Group. I firmly oppose it. "

A big shot in the life sciences field stood up, with stern eyes and a high voice, sternly rebuking Pedro.

"Yes, this shameless behavior is simply discrediting all our medical industry workers."

"Blocking the import of medical equipment and medicines in an area is different from banditry. This is no longer an angel in white, but a devil with black wings." One after another, people stood up. There are always righteous people. These people in the medical field For the sake of justice, the personnel dared to stand up and angrily criticize Asder Pharmaceuticals, which did not give any face to this top ten pharmaceutical company in the world.

Of course, many of them are industry bosses and representatives in a certain medical field. Asder Pharmaceuticals can't do anything to them if they don't show off their face.

However, in the Noda exhibition hall, those who stood up and clearly expressed their opposition were only a minority of the minority.

More people are still sitting there, watching the progress of the matter without making any comment.

Pedro's expression remained unchanged, and he took the microphone and said: "I can understand everyone's mood, and it is very painful for me to make such a proposal, but..."

Pedro increased his voice, waved his arms, and instigated: "But look at what the Jieco Group has done. They obtained black gold by smuggling Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid and Tianyuan Myopia Pills, and then intensified the persecution of the people under the rule, splitting the Zen Kingdom. Political situation, conducting evil biochemical genetic research.

The super soldiers in their name are evidence. According to rumors, for every super soldier born, 99 invisible human experiment failures will die behind the scenes and be cruelly abandoned by the Jieko Group.

With such a company that has no humanity, no moral bottom line, and no medical order, do we still want to continue to help others?

And I don’t intend to keep the blockade on forever. As long as Jieke Group is willing to abide by the rules and order in the medical field, and the new drug registration patent has been approved by various countries, and at the same time promises not to conduct biochemical experiments, then we will naturally lift the blockade. "

There was some silence in the exhibition hall until a blond man stood up.

When everyone looked over, they immediately recognized this as Renzo Benavidez, CEO of Pfizer Pharmaceuticals.

Renzo took the microphone, looked at Pedro on the stage, and said: "On behalf of Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, I agree with Mr. Pedro's proposal.

Only by imposing sanctions on the Jieko Group's illegal human experiments and persecution of people around the world can we make it clear to the other side that the rampant illegal activities will one day be counterattacked. "

After Renzo stood up, a woman in her fifties next to him also stood up. This was the CEO of Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Marina Sirtis.

“As a responsible and responsible pharmaceutical company, I cannot sit idly by and ignore the bad behavior of Jieco Group.

I declare that Bayer Pharma and all its partners will impose medical sanctions and blockade on Jieco Group. When Jieco Group apologizes and makes corrections, we will lift the blockade. "

The representative of Liaohua Pharmaceutical stood up and said sternly: "If the Jieke Group does not want the medical treatment in the area under its name to be blocked, please show sincerity as soon as possible, dissolve the human laboratory under its name, and register the complete patent of the drug internationally. Society will choose to accept you.”

One after another, pharmaceutical companies have stood up, and none of the world's top ten pharmaceutical companies has fallen behind.

Their combined market capitalization is greater than that of the world's largest companies, and their influence is unparalleled.

After all, medicine has long penetrated into all aspects of human society. Who dares to say that he will not get sick in his life?

The participants in the audience widened their eyes in shock. In the past, these pharmaceutical companies had been constantly competing with each other, but they never expected that one day there would be such a scene of unity.

At this time, everyone understood that these giant pharmaceutical companies had definitely reached an agreement to block the Jieke Group in private. They came here today just to go through the motions and make it public.

More and more pharmaceutical companies are standing up. There are too many upstream and downstream companies that these giant multinational pharmaceutical companies are cooperating with. In order to prevent themselves from being outsmarted, they can only stand up and support along with the crowd.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the trend on the scene has turned one-sided, and public denunciation of the Jieke Group has begun.

This has made many righteous people who have spoken for Jieco Group very depressed before, but their personal power is far from being comparable to these giant pharmaceutical companies whose influence has penetrated into various countries and has annual revenue of tens of billions of dollars.

What's more, the alliance between the top ten pharmaceutical companies in the world is an unprecedented feat, and it is no longer something that an individual's meager power can interfere with.

Pedro had a faint smile on his face. He had just become the head of the Avilson family, and many people in the family were dissatisfied with him.

But if he can suppress the Jieke Group and obtain the magical all-purpose medicine from the Jieke Group, he will definitely be able to make various panacea medicines, gain massive wealth, and truly secure his position under the butt.

That's why Pedro came up with this proposal to communicate with other giant pharmaceutical companies. In the face of the huge interests of Panacea, these pharmaceutical companies that had fought to the death in the past reluctantly sat down and reached such an agreement.

As for revenge for his father Jose? That was not something Pedro considered at all, he did it entirely out of profit considerations.

Before he decided to stand up, Pedro also increased his security forces and lived in seclusion on weekdays just to prevent the Jieco Group from sending super soldiers to assassinate him, following in the footsteps of the old man.

"It seems that everyone has the same idea. Based on the principle of the minority obeying the majority, I declare that the embargo on medical equipment and drugs against Jieke Group will be officially launched after the meeting."

After Pedro finished speaking, applause suddenly broke out from below. It was only sparse at first, but then it became more and more loud, until it was deafening.

Soon, the news began to spread from New York, and as the news spread across the ocean, it spread all over the world.

(End of this chapter)

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