Hold the hand of the son, co-author with the son>

Hold the hand of the son, sleep with the son>

Hold your hand and grow old together>

Hold the hand of the son, what more can the husband ask for>

-----I only want the love of a lifetime, travel through time and space, just to meet you. tu>


In the night sky, the vast and boundless silence, the sky is full of stars.

The Dorsett Hotel, surrounded by many figures, looked extraordinarily magnificent under the night.

No one saw a petite figure on a leafy tree not far away, looking at the hotel with a pair of cold and sharp eyes, and the instrument in his hand continuously and accurately displayed the terrain, direction, and exit.

The wind blows slowly, carrying a breath of summer. The leaves on the branches of the big tree blown by the wind cannot withstand the pressure of the wind. The first leaf falls slowly, and the second leaf falls. Before the third leaf left the branch, the petite figure jumped up from the branch like lightning.

The instrument in my hand just showed: 22:30

She stepped on the branches and flew over the tree like a bird, taking advantage of this big tree, and went straight to the third floor of the hotel.

Under her feet were a few patrolling guards in black, and they didn't feel anyone jumping over their heads at all.

Luo Liuling rolled up and fell silently through the window into the room on the third floor.

Turning his eyes around, he immediately digested the information about this house.

This is the inner hall for sleeping, majoring in training, and the furnishings are all first-class in the world.

The luxury makes people suffocate, but it also makes people sink.

Before Luo Liuling stood up, a soft voice came from outside.

"Master Long, don't be so impatient."

"Little baby, come, come, come, it makes Grandpa very flustered."

Immediately afterwards, there was a rustling sound from outside, which was the excited panting of a man.

With a slender waist, Luoliu civet stood behind the door like a ghost, watching the situation outside through the crack of the door.

On the imported Milan sofa carved with gold, a fat man was pressing down on a white woman, who was exercising crazily.

The woman was grunting like a sow, and the harsh sound was disgusting and harsh. [

Seeing this disgusting scene, Luo Liuling almost vomited, rolled his eyes lightly, suppressing the discomfort in his heart, Luo Liuling slowly took out the silencer vacuum gun from his arms with his right hand.

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