Luo Liuling knew that this was Shui Qianjue's anger, yes, absolute anger. www>

When Yu Yaoluo's eyes fell on Shui Qianjue, her delicate body visibly trembled, those eyes fixed on Shui Qianjue.

This white-clothed boy seemed to be alone, a person he had known until midnight.

As if sensing Yu's enchanting gaze, Shui Qian didn't hesitate, hooking Luo Liuling's waist, he jumped off the roof.

Seeing that someone wanted to run away, Yu Yaoluo didn't think about anything, the three sticks of red silk in her hand went up, and she rushed towards Shui Qianjue overwhelmingly. [

The corners of Luo Liuling's mouth twitched a few times, as expected of a family, the older sister wears a red belt, and the younger brother wears white silk.


There was a lot of dust upstairs, and the people downstairs looked somber.

Ye Feiling put the hand holding the wine glass in his mouth and hadn't drunk it yet, a few pieces of rubble and dust flew up and fell down in pieces.

Straight towards the banquet they just came to.


The accompanying women screamed, and it was really unexpected that such a thing would happen while sitting in the room.

The three quickly moved away, crackling, and all the delicate food was smashed into pieces.The juice splashed out of the soup and water splashed all around.

Ye Wushang frowned, and quickly flashed out of the door.

Looking sharply at the top, white and red colors are intertwined.

"What happened above, go up and see."

Ye Che was the most curious person, he jumped up from the second floor.

On this day, the gauze building can directly reach the roof, which belongs to the kind of open-air building.

It caused the people around to scream, Ye Feiling and Ye Wushang didn't take any action, but just stood below, which was enough to show that these two people were not easy to make a move.

Silently and calmly observing the gaffe, once he made a move, he only focused on the key points.

Just as Ye Che went up, pieces of rubble fell from the sky, like rain.

The people who were dodging were hurt by the rubble, and Tianshalou changed from heaven to hell in an instant.

There was a lot of wailing and cursing, and everyone hid under the beams of the house, not daring to stick their heads out, because debris flew down from time to time and injured people.

The position where Ye Wushang stood was the most conspicuous and the most dew point, and most of the places where the rubble fell were heading towards his position. [

He didn't know what he touched next to him, Ye Wushang stretched out his hand, and waved the thing he just touched shiningly to block the rubble.

"Third brother, use this thing to block the rubble."

Ye Feiling, who was always not good at talking and laughing, couldn't help laughing when he saw Ye Wushang's actions like this.

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