I didn't expect this little girl to come out. Today is the Lantern Festival, so I must have come to watch the Lantern Festival!

Why is Luo Zihan unwilling? Ye Feiling has already fought against the little girl. txt e-book download
This little girl's move is very strange, he has never encountered it before, taking a person's life invisible in one move.

Don't underestimate this little girl, the girl's body is completely indifferent, every movement is so murderous.

Ye Feiling is a cautious person, and every move is carefully considered. [

Luo Liuling knew that strength was no match for an adult, he was still a man, and a man's natural strength was stronger than a woman's.

Shui Qianjue and Yu Yaoluo had already fallen from the roof gracefully and unrestrainedly.

One red and one white are very eye-catching, the red ribbon is flying, and the white silk is fluttering.

Shui Qian never wanted Yu Yaoluo to see him, every move was just to protect himself, with him like this, Yu Yaoluo wanted to lift the veil even more.

See whose face is under this veil.

Shui Qianjue landed on the railing on the second floor, tapped lightly with one foot, like a dragonfly on the water, with white clothes fluttering, and three thousand blue colors fluttering in the breeze.

The white silk was retracted in his hand, and he played with it lightly. He put his head down and looked at the white silk in his hand with a careless appearance. The beautiful side face blurred the sight of men and women.

Yu Yaoluo landed on the opposite railing, her red belt was wrapped around the pillar, she might attack at any time, her body was like a red scorpion.

The vicious and misty eyes, and the hot figure made the blood boil in the man who did not leave.

This young man looks very much like Jue's younger brother. When Yu Yaoluo saw this young man, she recalled in her mind the time when she practiced martial arts together, when she was a rich lady.

They had a good relationship back then, they practiced martial arts together, ate together, and played together.

One practiced the feminine red belt, and the other practiced the domineering white silk.

If her family hadn't fallen, her mother was buried in flames, and her father sold her to a brothel, her life would not have become so miserable.

This young man is obviously Jue's younger brother, why didn't he recognize her? Could it be that he disliked her current status.

Thinking of this, Yu Yaoluo's expression darkened a bit, now she is the second head of a brothel, in other words, a famous prostitute, what qualifications does she have for him to recognize her.

A gleam of hatred flashed across Shui Qianjue's eyes, and the white silk in his hand moved towards Luo Liuling, repelling Luo Feiling's moves, curling up Luo Liuling's waist, a gust of wind blew past, and the boy in white and the little girl The body flew up towards the roof again.

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