semi-consciously.Bai Xiaosheng Novel Network www>

Her movements are light, like a feather without any sound.

Walking slowly to the stone gate, there is a small hole in the stone gate, which can't be seen from the outside at all, it can only be regarded as a platform.

She squinted her eyes and leaned closer, feeling that the people outside were not those two servants. If those two servants had realized that she was missing, they would have screamed a long time ago, so why would they be walking so lightly.

The outsiders are not kind. [

Looking out through the small hole, it was a man in black, his face could not be seen clearly, only a pair of piercing eyes could be seen.

He was wandering outside, looking for something.

When Luo Liuling saw this scene, his breathing gradually became non-existent, and even his heartbeat slowed down a lot.

The man in black came to look for her, thinking of what Hongma and Ruoer said.

That night, a man in black entered the lady's room, as if he was looking for something.

Now, the man in black came to the door again, and she was sure he was looking for her.

Luo Liuling is not an impulsive person, since he did not discover this dark room, then she should not act rashly.

The man in black searched outside for a while, but found nothing, and couldn't help showing an annoyed expression.

Damn it, I knew from a maid that Fifth Young Lady knelt here for punishment, but there was no one.

Thinking of the look on that maidservant's face, she looked so scared, it didn't look like she was telling a lie.

Not here, then where.

The man in black pondered for a while, but he didn't look for anything anymore. Not only did the kid have weird skills, but his mind was also not simple!She must have noticed a little.

The man in black never thought that the person he was looking for was by his side, but Luo Liuling, who was also a killer, was a little more experienced than him.

He had already hidden his breath and heartbeat very well.

The man in black stood for a while, the clothes that blended into the night made it hard to tell whether it was night or a person.

Luo Liuling could see clearly, he was still standing there.

In a few seconds, the man in black left, but Luo Liuling didn't move because she knew the man in black was right outside the door.

Wanting to know if she was hiding nearby, Luo Liuling didn't move, his body was still in that vigilant posture.

Sure enough, after a while, the man in black came in again, [

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