Once she figured this out, Ruo'er's heart became much clearer.
Luo Liuling stood on the attic, looking at Ruo'er's distraught appearance, and seeing Ruo'er thinking about it, although she didn't know why she wanted to, but Luo Liuling could be sure that this maid was definitely thinking about it.

What she wants is a steadfast follower, not a fool on the wall, nor a soft persimmon.

Soon, Ruo'er brought hot water and closed the door tightly.

Luo Liuling didn't ask her to go out either, and let her wait on her side. [

The petals sprinkled on the water, and Luo Liuling took a breath of the fragrant fragrance.

I have to say that this point in ancient times is enjoyment. How long has it been since she relaxed like this, and the days of ups and downs in the past always remind her that her life is in her hands.

Ruo'er looked at Luo Liuling in the water, and stood aside respectfully. For some reason, Miss's aura made people want to surrender at her feet.


Now that a person has been found, it is time to take a good look at the family's personnel situation.

"Miss, what are your orders?"

Ruo'er opened her mouth immediately, her eyes lightly leaped over Luo Liuling, not daring to stay on Miss's face for too long.

"Ruo'er, I used to be muddleheaded, but now that I'm awake, I've forgotten a lot of things. Please explain everything about this family."

After Luo Liuling finished speaking, she saw Ruo'er's face was shocked.

She knew that she was asking in too much haste, but the situation is not optimistic now, and she must know everything about this family.

Seeing Luo Liuling's expression was indifferent, Ruo'er knew that she couldn't refute, so she cleared her mind and spoke slowly.

"The master is the prime minister of the current dynasty, the wife is the imperial wife appointed by the former emperor, and the young master is the wife's eldest son, General Biaoyuan, who married Princess Shuiyue, the daughter of King Pingnan."

God, isn't the prime minister's mansion the relatives of the emperor and the country, and it's the kind of power that is dominated by one person under ten thousand people.

"It turns out that this family is so powerful."

"Miss, don't you know that the current queen mother is the master's cousin, and the lady's sister is also the imperial concubine?"

Considering that her so-called mother is probably only in her early thirties!The imperial concubine is also in her thirties, and she can be honored and favored forever. This must be the backing of the prime minister's mansion!

Another breaking news, this is no longer power, this can threaten the status of the emperor.

In the past dynasties, which royal family could allow foreign relatives to invade, and the power of the prime minister's mansion is not ordinary, and it is not an exaggeration to cover the sky with one hand.

Luo Liuling had a feeling that the Prime Minister's Mansion would be destroyed sooner or later. [

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