Her aura is unmatched, her coldness is unmatched, and her domineering aura is unrivaled. /first/post www>

Yun Zhonghao, who was behind him, looked straight at Luo Liuling's back, his eyes flashed countless dark looks, this daughter was becoming more and more uncontrollable.

She didn't ask him where it was or how it all happened.

Then it can only be said that she knew about it a long time ago. Knowing all this, both of them are smart people, and there is no need to disclose many things, as long as they know it well.

Looking at Xiaobai in his arms, seeing it lying on the stomach sullenly, no matter how Luo Liuling teased it, Xiaobai just didn't feel a little bit, lying softly in Luo Liuling's arms. [

"Princess, princess."

The servant girl's eyes were sharp, Luo Liuling hadn't come out yet, there was only a faint figure among the flowers, Luo Liuling's hand was gently stroking Xiaobai's body, and he heard the maid calling her.

The corner of her mouth couldn't help but draw a smile. This maid has good eyesight, and unexpectedly she is also a master.

Luo Liuling is not a person with poor eyesight either, she hasn't even stepped out yet, and there are many flowers around her, this servant girl can spot it at a glance.

Luo Liuling, who has a subtle mind, can see it based on this alone.

Walking slowly, Luo Liuling didn't go out in a hurry, but looked around, the houses in Yunguo were still different from those in Nanguo.

Each has its own beauty, each has its own customs, and each has its own feng shui.

Feng Shui, his eyes circled around again, and he saw that the surroundings were surrounded by pools. Luo Liuling probably saw quite a few pools along the way.

Moreover, the pool is decorated with many flowers, which looks very elegant and beautiful.

In the air, there is a faint fragrance floating leisurely. The fragrance of various flowers blends together, which smells special.

However, Luo Liuling always felt that there was a slight change in his heart. Luo Liuling couldn't tell what kind of change it was. Although he was a little confused, Luo Liuling didn't think too deeply. Let Xiaobai return to his original state.

Then, leave here and stay here for one more day, that is one more change.

Thinking carefully about what happened in Luo Mansion that day in my mind, my mind was in a trance, just like countless figures overlapping in my mind.

"Hiss." Luo Liuling took a deep breath, as if she was being stabbed by a needle in the back of her mind, excruciating pain. The more this happened, the more strange Luo Liuling became. How did she fall asleep until now? Knowing that she didn't take that pill.

And Xiaobai, why did it become like this, her understanding of Xiaobai, this is not an ordinary pet at all, what did it eat, and why did it become like this.

Where Ruo'er is being locked up, she has a strong intuition that this Yun Zhonghao is definitely making another plan, and she is an important person in this plan.

Mysteries, my mind is full of mysteries, as if surrounded by heavy dark clouds, just waiting for Luo Liuling to dig out.

As soon as Luo Liuling walked out, several servant girls surrounded him and walked on both sides of Luo Liuling, two people on the left and right, and Luo Liuling walked in the middle.

It looked as if Luo Liuling was placed in the middle and surrounded, the corners of his eyes glanced around, and his face didn't seem to fluctuate at all. [

Seeing that Luo Liuling didn't say anything, a maid behind him breathed a sigh of relief.

This courtyard is very big, even bigger than Luo Mansion. When passing by a pavilion, his eyes were slightly suppressed, and he saw a tall and straight figure sitting in the pavilion.

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