God rewards those who work hard: Awakening Daily Practice Settlement

Chapter 319: Calling people! Increase the intensity!

Pei Daoye's aura was still increasing rapidly: "You are worthy!"

With every word he spoke, the energy and blood bursting out of his body rose wildly.

In Taoist Yu She's eyes, this young man who was originally a swordsman was as strong as a little monster. At this moment, he was like the sun and stars, and the dazzling light he released seemed to devour him.

I felt anxious.

He pinched his fingers to perform a magic formula, and the sound waves began to distort under the dark red light. The air was torn apart, and the huge snake body carried him and tried to break through Pei Daoye's sword formation.

With these consecutive attacks, he could clearly sense the power erupting from Pei Daoye...

Perhaps this is why young and strong people are more vulnerable to attack.

not to mention……

He was seriously injured back then and has not fully recovered yet, otherwise how could he have pushed himself into such a desperate situation.

I was also extremely upset.

If I had known earlier, I should not have forced myself to act on behalf of Shengwu Hall for my own selfish interests. Now... I'm afraid it will be really difficult to end this.

Turn your hand.

He took out a palm-sized piece of snake scale and fiercely cut it on his palm. Blood spurted out and the snake scale immediately emitted a green light.

next second.

The giant snake that was carrying him... was originally covered in blood, but now it looked like it was reborn under the covering of snake scales.

Every time it becomes stronger, Snake Taoist's heart actually bleeds.

The snake scales are used less and less each time...

This was related to his future promotion to the Golden Core. He originally thought that he would not use it for the next twenty years, but now it seems...

The golden elixir may be hopeless.

Now it's just a matter of life or death.

Pei Daoye had already started taking action, and his energy and spirit had exploded to the extreme.

The previous formation was solved at the sixth level.

Now, the formation is directly unlocked at the seventh level!

The "Nine-Level Solution to Formation Defense" given by Fu Nanxing can only have nine solutions at most.

Even he himself had not cultivated to Pei Daoye's level.

If he knew, he would probably return to the ancestral temple as soon as possible to check whether Pei Daoye was a member of his family.

Maybe I can even force him to be my cousin.

In a flash, Pei Daoye rushed over with the force of thunder, and the flashing light was like countless meteors.

But Snake Taoist, who was the first to be hit, knew it very well.

These are not meteors at all!
Instead, it was the countless sword intents that were stimulated and released by Pei Daoye!

He was horrified.

To what extent has this boy's swordsmanship been cultivated?
I used to think that was the pinnacle of Pei Daoye’s swordsmanship, but I didn’t expect... that it has now reached another peak!
"Forbidden technique?"

"You actually used a forbidden technique to kill me?"

The Snake Taoist was surprised.

I just can't figure it out.

Not everyone can bear the consequences of using forbidden techniques.

His words also made Huai Shu feel nervous.

Jian Jiu actually used a forbidden technique...

He suddenly felt annoyed and thought that if he had known earlier, he would not have come to this damn place.

How can he have a clear conscience if Jian Jiu dies because of him!!!


The sound of galloping and whistling could be heard in the void.

Pei Daoye resisted the attack of the old foundation-building master, Snake Taoist, and his clothes exploded, revealing his muscular body and extremely conspicuous Chenjin armor.

This armor looks like it weighs hundreds of pounds!

This was the first time that Pei Daoye used the Seventh Layer Formation Solution. After the sword intent was strengthened by his own energy and spirit, it seemed to be compressed to the extreme!

The size of each sword intent shrank, but the speed of its explosion was obviously more than twice as fast!
This kind of power...

The Snake Taoist priest who was nearby fell into an indescribable shock.

Such pure sword intent!

What a terrifying power!

Really too strong!
This time, Wanxiang Palace really picked up a real dragon!

But so what?

When he thought of Pei Daoye using forbidden techniques at all costs to kill him, there was an inexplicable expression on the corner of Snake Taoist's mouth.

"If I die, you will die too."

"Everyone will die..."

"Young man, what's the point of all this?"

"Let me go, and both you and I can survive... Isn't this a win-win choice?"

He actually didn't understand.

At the same time, Pei Daoye had already activated the secret technique of Heavenly Talisman the moment he touched the Snake Taoist.

Like a heavy sword splitting the sky!
The sharp edge is pressing!

The dual force of the charge and the vast lightning finally allowed Pei Daoye to break through the defensive shield of the Snake Taoist and advance brazenly.


The ground shook.

Circles of terrifying air currents visible to the naked eye exploded in all directions with the two of them as the center.

Pei Daoye, who was grabbing the sword with one hand and pushing horizontally with the other, was preparing to make the final blow, but he clearly felt a strange and evil force bursting out from the Snake Taoist's chest.



The Snake Taoist's chest exploded, and blood hit the blood armor on Pei Daoye, causing a huge vibration.

Pei Daoye was blown away on the spot, but he reacted quickly and clamped Snake Taoist's arm almost instantly. Without waiting for the other party to show an evil smile, he grabbed it hard.


The arm was torn apart!
The immense pain nearly made Snake Taoist faint. Even at such a close distance, he could clearly feel that the bones on half of his body were trembling.

There is a sense of fragility.

The Nine Techniques of Heavenly Talismans, start again!

After Pei Daoye swallowed a magic pill, the aura on his body became as fierce as fire. He completely ignored the crumbling pain brought by the release of the seventh-level formation and once again kept his energy and spirit at its peak.

After letting go, he released his power silently and hysterically!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The sword intent was as bright as shooting stars, enveloping them.

Transformed into the most brilliant blow.

In an instant, the powerful sword intent smashed into the blood shield in front of Snake Taoist, instantly riddling it with holes.

A long roar.

The Snake Taoist was unwilling to accept this.

break out……

But unfortunately, no matter in willpower or physique, he, an old cultivator who has stayed in the foundation-building stage for many years, cannot compare to the young and strong Pei Daoye.

"Tear apart!"

The chest was split open.

A lot of blood splashed into the air.

Pei Daoye took advantage of the situation and rushed forward, and when the sword intent pierced through Snake Taoist's chest, the soul seal fell!

Soul! Devour and kill!


"I'm so unwilling."

The Snake Taoist's pupils gradually lost their luster, and he fell into the ruins along with Pei Daoye.


Under this extreme operation, Pei Daoye successfully swallowed a piece of soul fragment.

He saw a woman's back in the fragments.

For some reason, the back of this woman seemed familiar to him...

"Is this the Xuanyin Sect?"

"It should be."

"If it's the Xuanyin Sect, could this woman be... No, not Shangguan Xiangling. Shangguan Xiangling is taller than her, but her figure is not as good as this woman's."

"But how come there is someone from the Xuanyin Sect who looks familiar to me... and this woman also makes the Snake Taoist extremely awed?"

When he was confused, he actually saw an old acquaintance.

Taoist Huo Rong!

He has been fond of this old man's underground fire house for more than a year.

That day, the old man was concerned about Shangguan Xiangling, so he induced me to take action.


I didn't expect this guy to work for Xuanyin Sect. But...

No one knew what had happened, but Taoist Huo Rong was seriously injured, so he came to ask for elixir... This memory happened just a month ago.

"This thing is indeed destined to be with me!"

Pei Daoye's eyes suddenly brightened.



Huai Shu rushed over.

Seeing Pei Daoye covered in blood, he was stunned and wanted to burst into tears.

"No, I'm not dead yet... pull me up."

Pei Daoye said weakly, enduring the pain of broken bones and muscles in his body. After being pulled up, he quickly took a rejuvenation pill to improve his breathing slightly.

"Take me away quickly. We can't stay here for long."

Huai Shu hurriedly carried Pei Daoye on his back and started running away.

It’s just that the noise made by the fight between Pei Daoye and Snake Taoist was too loud.

A large number of people from Shengwu Hall had already arrived here.

Huai Shu used magic to force his way through.

Fortunately, other assassins from Wanxiang Palace arrived one after another, and they were also shocked to see Pei Daoye behind Huai Shu.

"This is?"

"Jian Jiu just killed the Snake Taoist for me."

There was so much information at once that no one even knew what to say.

For you... Well, I came here today for you.

But Snake Taoist...wasn't this guy already dead? How come he's still alive?

No, why is this Taoist Snake here?

What is the Xuanyin Sect doing again?

Wait, Jian Jiu actually killed Snake Taoist? ! ! !
How strong is he!!!

But Huai Shu didn’t have time to talk to them about this, and wanted to leave as soon as possible with Pei Daoye.

The monks rushing over from the Shengwu Hall were hardly any match for them.

Just when everyone thought they could get out, a man holding a bamboo sword appeared. When the people from Shengwu Hall saw him, they immediately greeted him and called him...

"Elder Guan."

Guan Wenjian!
Both Huai Shu and other gold medal killers in Wanxiang Palace found the situation difficult.

This person's strength is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface.

Otherwise, how could Shengwu Hall have remained safe and sound until now after retiring from the underworld?

"I give you two choices. The first is to survive but stay here. The second is that no one survives."

Guan Wenjian's tone was calm, yet a little tired.

It seems that he has no interest in fighting and killing.

But the more he said so, the more no one present dared not to take it to heart.

"Huai Shu, put me down."

Pei Daoye patted Huaishu lightly, and Huaishu felt a little anxious: "Can you still fight?"

"It's a bit troublesome, but we won't know whether we can win until we fight."

After Pei Daoye got off Huai Shu, he took two deep breaths. He had to say... this guy Snake Taoist was really hard to kill.

Now I meet Guan Wenjian again.

Before coming, he had already investigated all the information about Shengwu Hall.

This Guanwen Sword is indeed very powerful...

The evaluation of Guan Wenjian within the Wanxiang Palace is that...his combat power is equivalent to the eighth level of foundation building.

How could he, a foundation-building cultivator at the third level, possibly defeat him?

But there is always a chance for everything.

"Guan Wenjian, we want to make a deal with you, do you want to?"

"I told you I'll only give you two choices."

Guan Wenjian looked lazy and unmoved, as if he didn't take anyone, including Pei Daoye, seriously at all.

In fact, everyone knows that he has the confidence.

Pei Daoye took a deep breath and said, "You are even more stubborn than me."


"Silver Wolf, it's up to you."

A chuckle came from all around.

The people in Shengwu Hall immediately became alert and looked around in confusion.

They didn't even notice that there were people nearby, even though they had already conducted a thorough search.

Guan Wenjian's originally lazy expression finally became serious at this moment, and he pondered for a moment.

"Silver Wolf? I've heard of you. Ten years ago, you and I met at Snow Moon Mountain. Unfortunately, I didn't have the chance to fight you then."

"Have you seen me? Sorry, I haven't really noticed."

Silver Wolf strode out.

He was wearing a silver-white wolfskin coat.

A slanting strand of hair fell on the mask.

He didn't say anything, but the moment he stood up, he gave people a feeling that he could challenge all the heroes in the world by himself.

Turn around.

Silver Wolf looked at Pei Daoye and said, "If you kill slower, I will be there too. But you are really awesome to be able to kill this old fellow Snake Taoist."

Pei Daoye was too lazy to pay attention to him: "If you had come earlier, I wouldn't have been injured so badly."

Silver Wolf chuckled: "It seems that you have gained a lot. It's a life-and-death battle. After experiencing it a lot, it's just that simple."

"Can you handle it alone?"

Pei Daoye whispered.

It's not just Guan Wenjian.

He could sense that there was a strong man approaching from a distance, and he thought it was Xu Tianlong, the current master of Shengwu Hall.

"I can't kill him, but I can stop him."

Silver Wolf might have just drunk some wine before he came. He exhaled a little and said loudly, "I'll lead the way, you go!"

"Today, none of you can leave."

Guan Wenjian spoke calmly, and suddenly threw out the bamboo sword in his hand. In an instant, the emerald green sword light enveloped everyone's eyes.

"You are young and full of energy, and your tone of voice is even louder than Jian Jiu's. Who do you think you are?"

The Silver Wolf laughed loudly and rushed forward with great heroism. He didn't even use any magic weapon and just attacked with his bare hands.

But Pei Daoye was speechless.

"Just talk if you want to. Why do you have to mention me? When did I speak so arrogantly?"

Huai Shu wanted to say something, but after looking at Pei Daoye, he swallowed it back silently.

As soon as the silver wolf took action, it immediately killed its way through a passage.

Pei Daoye and his companions were all experienced people, and they quickly got out of the crowd...

The masters of Shengwu Hall were vulnerable in their eyes.

In other words, Guan Wenjian's sword is very powerful.

But most of them were interrupted by the bold and aggressive Silver Wolf: "I told you, you are too arrogant. You are not like Jian Jiu, who always keeps his word."

Upon hearing this, Guan Wenjian looked at Pei Daoye.

Sword Nine?

He seemed to be remembering Pei Daoye silently.

Pei Daoye immediately thanked Silver Wolf’s eighteen generations of ancestors in his heart.


Pei Daoye shouted and left with everyone.

The Silver Wolf was not in a hurry and stayed behind to cover the retreat.

Pei Daoye wasn't worried about him at all.

This old fellow's strength is unfathomable... He never unleashed his full strength in these few fights.

Otherwise, he would not have invited the Silver Wolf from far away country to come to Fengguo.


The bamboo sword broke in the middle, and blood gushed out from Guan Wenjian's palm.

From a hundred meters away, he stared at the silver wolf.

Silver Wolf stretched lazily and said, "Young man, there are always people who are better than you. Your mind is mixed."

After saying that, he was about to leave.

Guan Wenjian suddenly said, "Silver Wolf, if I go to the Wanxiang Palace, would you dare to let me join?"


(Thanks to the big brother with the last number 43784 and the big brother Rudius Greylat for their support) (End of this chapter)

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