mysterious forerunner

Chapter 12 Mutual achievement

Chapter 12 Mutual achievement
A bitter smile quickly flashed across Zhang Qingxiang's face, and he left her alone and continued practicing on his own.

A few minutes later, Zhang Qingxiang suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the sleeping Ye Yousheng with confusion.

During my cultivation just now, about one-tenth of the mysterious factors disappeared!
Zhang Qingxiang searched carefully and found that it was actually integrated into Ye Yousheng's body through the small tip-to-nose contact between the two.

Ye Yousheng was indeed asleep. If she was pretending to be asleep, she would not be able to hide it from Zhang Qingxiang.

Zhang Qingxiang looked at the girl with envy: "She is worthy of being the blood-clothed Guanyin on par with Guan Xuanbai. This qualification... is really too good."

There is obviously no "whirlpool" in Ye Yousheng's body. Her current state is like that of a monk who has improved after experiencing a mysterious scene.

In mysterious scenes, long-term exposure to mysterious factors will cause high mental and physical stress, and they will naturally be absorbed at a high speed.

Zhang Qingxiang gently moved his arm.

In his sleep, Ye Yousheng groaned, unconsciously squirming his delicate body, and followed Zhang Qingxiang's scent and thrust forward again.

That charming look made Zhang Qing smile: That's it, just one-tenth, let her have a good sleep.

Tan Xianxian, who was in the front row, seemed to be paying attention to the class, but she often took various opportunities to turn her head and glance at Zhang Qingxiang at the back of the classroom.

When I turned around for the fifth time in this class, I was shocked to find a little goblin curled up next to Zhang Qingxiang, her delicate body curled up like a cat.

It’s almost reaching Brother Qingxiang’s arms!

Tan Xianxian gritted her teeth and had a dark face for the second half of the class.

There are some things that I feel nothing when I hold them in my hands.

But if you don’t have it, you suddenly want it.

And if there are still people fighting for it, the fog grass - it is a peerless treasure!
After a big class, Zhang Qingxiang felt that his improvement was almost visible to the naked eye.

The first three stages of cultivation are purely about strengthening one's own strength.

Strength is deposited throughout the body. Muscles, bones, fascia, internal organs... can all be used to store strength.

Building a "whirlpool" is considered a promotion to a first-level practitioner.

However, second-level practitioners do not simply accumulate power to a certain level, and power cannot be simply measured numerically.

Therefore, the standard for second-level practitioners is to build a power node in the body that is suitable for oneself.

In order to output energy more quickly and effectively in battle.

At this stage, the average practitioner chooses the location of the power nodes mostly in the limbs.

He is good at fists, palms, swords, etc., and his strength nodes will be set in his hands and arms.

For those who are good at leg and body skills, their strength nodes are in their legs and feet.

At this stage, everyone will use a small amount of secret skills, but the method of winning the battle is still mainly physical skills.

The theory of meridian and acupuncture points in ancient Chinese spiritual practice has crucial reference significance at this stage.

Later, almost all the power nodes built by monks around the world were on these acupoints.

Zhang Qingxiang has been practicing for a whole morning and has already built less than half of the first power node in his left palm.

According to this progress, I might be able to advance to the second level this afternoon.

"Number 010"'s transformation of himself; the superposition of multiple professional source objects; the blessing of twelve layers of vortexes; the resources that temporarily dominate the secret world - multiple advantages combined into one, the speed of practice greatly exceeded Zhang Qingxiang's own expectations.

It's really a thousand miles.

In addition, there is another point:
After Ye Yousheng came to his side, the connection between him and the secret world was greatly strengthened!

Zhang Qingxiang's communication with the secret world alone can be regarded as four lanes, and together with Ye Yousheng, it is five lanes.

Although Ye Yousheng took one-tenth of the money, overall Zhang Qingxiang still took advantage.

When get out of class was over, Zhang Qingxiang patted Ye Yousheng and said, "Wake up."

Ye Yousheng raised his head in a daze and wiped his face with his hands, like a "kitten washing his face".

"Where am I..." The girl was already asleep and muttered to herself. Then she saw Zhang Qingxiang clearly and her face suddenly turned red.

Ye Yousheng lowered his head and quietly tested the corners of his mouth and eyes with his hands:
Not drooling, right?

There's no eye mucus... Ye Yousheng breathed a sigh of relief when he found that there was none.

The persona of a young and beautiful girl has not collapsed in front of Brother Qingxiang.

Zhang Qingxiang said calmly: "You snore."

"Ah?!" Ye Yousheng's delicate body trembled as a bolt from the blue.

Tan Xianxian was chatting and laughing with a boy and deliberately passed by Zhang Qingxiang. Tan Xianxian made a loud promise: "Let's go to the library to study together in the afternoon."


"You want to bring me milk tea."

"No problem, I'll take care of it."

After passing by, Tan Xianxian looked back quietly without leaving a trace. Zhang Qingxiang had no reaction, and Tan Xianxian secretly stamped his foot angrily.

Zhang Qingxiang was sending Ye Yousheng away: "Have you had enough sleep? You must have a driver, so you don't need me to see you off. Go back quickly."

Ye Yousheng didn't answer the question, looking around with a silly look on his face, and then rubbed his belly with his hands: "I'm hungry, I want to eat."

Zhang Qingxiang was impatient: "Turn left when you go out. It only takes 20 minutes to drive. There is a Black Pearl in the Justin Hotel..."

Ye Yousheng had already raised his phone in front of Zhang Qingxiang with great expectation. On the page was the so-called "Yuan City University Food Inventory" that he found somewhere.

The "Egg Skin Wonton" from the No. 4 Canteen of the former City University of Science and Technology ranked third.

Ye Yousheng's eyes were wide and round, and her eyelashes were curved and curled; one hand was holding up the mobile phone, and the index finger of the other hand was pressing the corner of his mouth.

Zhang Qingxiang: "You have to sleep but also eat?"

Ye Yousheng thought for a while and said, "You treat me to sleep, and I'll treat you to dinner."

Zhang Qingxiang realized something was wrong and asked her: "I can't get rid of you today?"

Ye Yousheng looked praising: "Brother Qingxiang is so smart!"

Zhang Qingxiang was helpless: "You can't disturb me."

Ye Yousheng nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

The two had lunch in Canteen No. 4, and Ye Yousheng paid for it.

What they call "university delicacies" is actually that they are the best in the world, and they are not really that delicious.

However, Ye Yousheng ate very happily. He finished a bowl of wontons and even the soup. He put down the bowl and Ye Yousheng said with great satisfaction, "I haven't eaten in two days."

"When I saw food these past two days, I remembered that Manager Zhou ate my dad's arm..."

Zhang Qingxiang's movements slowed down a bit. He had not eaten or slept for two days. This girl was indeed suffering.

"Follow me to the library for self-study in the afternoon. You can sleep in your own room and don't disturb me."

Ye Yousheng smiled and made an "OK" gesture. Zhang Qingxiang discovered for the first time that when this girl smiled, her two big eyes were in the shape of upturned crescents, much like those cartoon characters.

It's just... quite cute.

Then he went to the library, Ye Yousheng yawned slightly, and lay down on the table.

But the cocoon couldn't sleep for a long time.

She lay with her face sideways, looking at Zhang Qingxiang pitifully.

Zhang Qingxiang seemed to be reading a book, but in fact he had communicated with the secret world, and a large number of mysterious factors poured into his body crazily.

After a while, I suddenly felt that the amount of mysterious factors was even greater.

Zhang Qingxiang opened his eyes: As expected, this girl came over again.

This time, I was even more courageous. I put a smooth little forehead on my arm. From a distance, it looked like I was sleeping on my body.

Zhang Qingxiang shook his head gently and let her go.

 The process is finally over, and readers can vote for the monthly vote. Let’s celebrate together!

(End of this chapter)

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