mysterious forerunner

Chapter 24 Double Secret Spirit

Chapter 24 Double Secret Spirit (Part )
"Brother Qingxiang——" the little girl drawled her voice and looked at Zhang Qingxiang pitifully.

Zhang Qingxiang turned his face away hard, damn girl, so powerful!
Hold back!

The insect was already halfway in. Ye Yousheng didn't know if it was his imagination, but the grapevine seemed to tremble in pain.

Ye Yousheng suddenly felt distressed.

She had failed to muster up the courage several times, but now she finally took out her makeup box from her backpack, emptied out a powder box, then took out the eyebrow tweezers and pointed at the little bug.

His little face turned to the side.

The slender white fingers held the tweezers, but they didn't dare to look at them, so they had no power.

I tried to "attack" the bugs several times, but naturally all failed.

Zhang Qingxiang couldn't help but smile when he saw her cute and cute appearance.

"If you don't save it, it will really be too late."

The little girl finally glanced at the bugs secretly. When all the bugs were about to get into the grapevine, she closed her eyes hard and pinched forward with her little hands...

He actually caught the bug accurately, pulled it out and put it into the box.

"Hey——" The little girl patted her chest, which had become larger and larger in recent days, and let out a sigh of relief.

Zhang Qingxiang nodded secretly. He could tell that night in the museum that this girl seemed weak, but she had great potential for resilience hidden in her character.

Most teenage girls would have been so scared that their legs would weaken when faced with that kind of situation, but she was able to carry her father out.

"Look, there's nothing to be afraid of."

"Fear comes more from within yourself."

Zhang Qingxiang subtly guides Ye Yousheng. Sooner or later, she will overcome her fear. Brother Qingxiang has confidence in her.

Ye Yousheng stared blankly at the bug in the powder box.

The little thing lay motionless, looking like he was dying.

"But..." Ye Yousheng was troubled by the problem: "Insects eat the juice of grapevines to survive. I saved the grapevines, and the insects will starve to death."

Zhang Qingxiang said nothing.

I just said that the bond between "them" is not just the girl and the vine, but also this insect.

The grapevines have not yet fully awakened, but it is not ordinary insects that can harm the grapevines.

This is also a [Secret Spirit].

Under the impact of the spiritual wave, many animals and plants also started practicing.

However, the proportion is much lower than that of humans.

There is a profession among practitioners [Summoner], and the path of practice is to raise secret spirits and rely on them to fight.

However, the number of native mysterious spirits on the earth is very small, and the main source of their summoned mysterious spirits is captured from mysterious scenes.

Zhang Qingxiang guessed that the reason why the [Gardeners] Guild was able to conquer the grapevines in the previous life was probably because it helped it deal with this mysterious insect.

At this time, the bug was lying in the powder box, its small body glowing with colorful lights. It looked a bit like a mixture of a ladybug and a bee. It didn't look like it was eating grapevines, so it didn't look like it. How terrible.

It also makes people feel a little pity for this little cutie.

Ye Yousheng thought for a while, cut the remaining apple into small pieces and put them into the powder box.

The little bug immediately crawled over and feasted.

Ye Yousheng's eyes lit up: "It eats it too."

She looked at it for a while, then closed the powder box and put it into her small bag, and made up her mind: "Follow me from now on, and you will eat well and drink spicy food."

She was a little afraid of bugs just now, but now she decided to keep them as pets.

Even this sentence, I don’t know who I said it to.

On the roof, a breeze blew.

Ye Yousheng sat next to Zhang Qingxiang, hanging two smooth and straight calves from the stone bench in the pavilion, swaying gently.

A thin and curved grapevine silk hung down, fluttering and brushing against the side of her face, tickling slightly.

The girl gently stroked the filaments with her fingers and squinted her eyes gently, feeling comfortable.

After staying for more than half an hour, the two went downstairs.

Zhang Qingxiang couldn't help but sneer in his heart when he saw Yuan Chengyilin sneaking into his father's office with a box of tea. Yuan Chengyi still covets the place in the training class and will not give up easily.

At noon, everyone went out to eat in twos and threes.

Zhang Qingxiang knocked on his father's office confidently: "Take me to dinner."

"The first month's salary hasn't been paid yet."

Zhang Ruiqian glared: "Your living expenses..."

"used up."

"The bonus of two thousand yuan the day before yesterday..."

"It's all spent!" Zhang Qingxiang glanced hard at Ye Yousheng and hinted to his father: Is it okay to spend more?
Zhang Ruiqian thought about Ye Jiucheng's net worth... staying with his daughter would indeed cost more.

Ye Yousheng was at a loss and didn't know that he had taken the blame. He was still wondering: Dad had already given the first month's 450,000 yuan to Brother Qingxiang.

How could he have no money?

...Anyway, if Brother Qingxiang says he has no money, it must be true.

Let me think about it, I still have more than 7 million in my three cards. I want to share some with him. Well, I have to find a way to be tactful and not hurt my brother's self-esteem...

Zhang Ruiqian grabbed his coat: "Let's go, I'll treat you guys."

Zhang Ruiqian himself is very good at eating, and Zhang Qingxiang and Ye Yousheng are not willing to give in anymore.

I didn't dare to order anything too expensive for the meal, which cost Zhang Ruiqian more than a thousand.

Team leader Zhang Da pinched his teeth and had to quickly open the canteen. If he continued to eat like this, his salary would not be enough.

On the way back, Zhang Qingxiang asked: "Why is Yuan Chengyi looking for you?"

"He also wanted to participate in the training class and asked me to find a way to get another spot."

"You agreed?"

"I promise to give it a try."

"Are you sure?"

Zhang Ruiqian was very relaxed: "It's not a big problem. This kind of training class will end up adding a few more people. In fact, it's just what I said above."

Zhang Qingxiang bared his teeth secretly and finally blocked this guy outside the training class. He wanted to open the back door again?

You are forcing me to draw fire from under the cauldron!
The secret case team is actually very relaxed during the day, and mysterious scenes at this stage basically occur at night.

There is an empty table in the center of the large office, with a red phone dedicated to it.

At half past seven in the evening, the phone rang suddenly.

"Jingle Bell……"

Yuan Chengyi was drinking tea with Zhang Ruiqian at the moment. When an old team member answered the phone, his expression immediately became serious.

"Move out!"

"No. 36 Qiaojia Street, Peppa Pet Shop, a mystery has arrived!"

The entire secret case team immediately took action.

Zhang Ruiqian personally led the team and ordered several team members, including Yuan Chengyi, to go out together.

"Ximen Ye, you cooperate with the first channel leader, stay in the group with other team members, and keep in touch with me at any time."

Zhang Ruiqian has also seen in the past few days that Ximen Ye has a calm personality and is more comfortable guarding the house.

"Yes, team leader!"

Zhang Ruiqian brought four old team members, and the remaining eight were new team members.

The new team members have "power" and everyone knows this.

Zhang Qingxiang and Ye Yousheng were also among them.

When Taoist Yihang saw Zhang Qingxiang was also going, he immediately raised his hand: "Xiaodao, let's go with you."

What Zhang Ruiqian wanted was that Taoist Yihang was currently a "consultant" and he couldn't do anything about him.

 Keep asking for monthly tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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