mysterious forerunner

Chapter 26 Bee Beast Nest

Chapter 26 Bee Beast Nest

Zhang Qingxiang had already led his team members and raised the cordon to the door of the pet store.

The branch director was embarrassed and picked up his glasses and put them back on, and the team members around him felt relieved!

Because of his selfishness, the branch chief made it impossible for the four security officers to know whether they were alive or dead. Everyone despised him.

There was a young female team member with a round head. Her eyes were shining and she quietly said to her colleagues: "The Yanei is so good, I like it so much."

In the past two days, everyone was joking and calling Zhang Qingxiang "Ya Nei" in private.

Ye Yousheng looked at Zhang Qingxiang's back worriedly. When he heard these words, his ears stood up and some kind of antenna began to rotate.

When Yuan Chengyi walked through the cordon, his calves were trembling.

He usually likes to give himself the personality of "loving sports" and "living a healthy life". This season, while everyone else is wearing long-sleeved trousers, he wears a long-sleeved sports T-shirt on his upper body and a pair of large shorts on his lower body.

It was clearly seen by the team members behind.

Zhang Qingxiang arrived at the door, suddenly turned around and smiled brightly at Yuan Chengyi: "Senior brother, don't be afraid."

Feng Xiaoxian has already been secretly gearing up!

His perception is very keen, and this mysterious scene does not pose a fatal threat to him.

During the qualification test, the first place was overtaken after half a minute, which caused him internal injuries for several days.

Today is finally my turn to show off my skills!

Feng Xiaoxian touched his chest. Each team member was equipped with a recorder.

I will keep a low profile when I go in. When several others are mysteriously captured and are in danger, I will take action to turn the tide and save everyone!

When this video is played back, a lot of "admiration points" will be gained.

But as a senior Internet literature enthusiast, Feng Xiaoxian always felt that something was missing.

He frowned and thought for a long time, and suddenly realized: There is no "villain" stepping on me.

Turning the tide on your own and making the crowd admire you is "pretending"; the villain needs to talk nonsense in advance and look down on himself in various ways before he can complete the "slap in the face" afterwards.

No wonder I feel incomplete.

Feng Xiaoxian flicked his eyes and saw Zhang Qingxiang on the side - Yanei is the villain of destiny!

Feng Xiaoxian came up without leaving a trace, dangled in front of Zhang Qingxiang, and even deliberately blocked Zhang Qingxiang's way twice.

Zhang Qingxiang spoke.

Feng Xiaoxian was so excited that it was done, and the "ceremony" was finally complete.

"Okay, Xiaoxian, you will be the vanguard!"

Zhang Qing said to the others: "Everyone should follow Xiaoxian. He is very strong and will help everyone eliminate the danger."

Feng Xiaoxian turned around in astonishment and waited for Zhang Qingxiang.

Yanei opened his mouth, but why was it different from what I expected?

I'm blocking your way, shouldn't you scold me with wild words like "a good dog doesn't block your way"?
Zhang Qingxiang smiled and said: "Xiao Xian, it all depends on you."

Zhang Qingxiang clearly saw that the light in Feng Xiaoxian's eyes was gone, he said "Oh" faintly, his shoulders relaxed, and he walked towards the door of the pet shop.

Zhang Qingxiang was confused for a while: What's wrong with this guy?
Feng Xiaoxian thought he was "mysterious", but Zhang Qingxiang knew very well that his profession was "player".

This profession is very powerful in the early stages. The overall quality is incredible, with attributes such as strength, agility, thinking, will, etc. all maxed out.

It also has the professional skill "Energy Ball" which has the highest attack power in the early stage.

The sphere formed by condensed energy can perform various incredible maneuvers under their control, and the arcs are extremely weird.

But in the middle and late stages, the stamina is seriously lacking when pulling the hips.

In the previous life, Feng Xiaoxian was regarded as "amazingly talented and extraordinary" in his early stage, which was because he took advantage of this profession.

In the later stage, he quickly "lost everyone".

He has only been a "star practitioner" for three to five years.

Now, if someone wants to charge into the battle, Zhang Qingxiang is of course happy. The mysterious scene in the pet shop is the "Bee Nest".

The root cause of all these changes is an exiled "Bee Beast Queen". It secretes a kind of "royal jelly" that will quickly transform any beast into a bee beast once it comes into contact with it.

Bee beasts are all kinds of strange things, but they are all cruel and bloodthirsty, and they want to capture enough prey for the queen of the bee beasts.

And he would not hesitate to exhaust himself to death, but also build a bee beast nest for the bee beast queen.

The organizational structure is almost the same as that of bees.

The Bee Beast Nest can be regarded as a kind of "secret" void battleship. The larger the scale and the more Bee Beasts, the more powerful it will be.

After becoming powerful enough, the Bee Beast Queen will take her own Bee Beast Nest and fight back to fight to the death with the old Bee Beast Queen who exiled her.

In Zhang Qingxiang's previous life, in the later period of the Secret Security Bureau, he participated in a battle that destroyed a nine-kilometer-meter honeybee nest!
The Secret Security Bureau really treated it like a battle. Thousands of practitioners cooperated. They first lured the enemy out of the cave, lured the bee beasts out, and annihilated them in batches. Then some strong men took action and locked the bee beasts with high-level secret weapons. Nest to prevent it from escaping into the secret world.

Finally, they were divided into five teams and entered the bee nest.

The decisive battle was when the four demigods surrounded and killed the Bee Beast Queen... Zhang Qingqian was not qualified to appear in front of the Bee Beast Queen at that time.

The bee beast queen of that level, who appeared in front of it at level seven or below, was just sending soldiers to others.

Don’t forget, humans are also a kind of beast.

In comparison, the hive of bee beasts in front of him was so childish that Zhang Qingxiang couldn't even arouse the interest in taking action.

Feng Xiaoxian entered the pet shop listlessly - Yuan Chengyi was dragging him at the back. Zhang Qingxiang thoughtfully whispered in his ear: "Brother, if you really don't want to go in, just meet us outside."

Although it was in a low voice, everyone was wearing headsets and the public channel was turned on, so almost the whole group heard it...

Yuan Chengyi is ambitious. Such people will never put themselves in danger after climbing up, but before climbing up, they are ruthless and dare to risk their lives.

"No need!" Yuan Chengyi gritted his teeth and stepped over the broken glass door.

As soon as he entered, Yuan Chengyi saw that everything in the pet shop was solidified in dark yellow, translucent hexagonal grids.

Light yellow smoke kept rising from those grids.

While he was observing, a stream of smoke suddenly turned and condensed into a two-headed giant lizard with twelve strange eyes on its back. It carried a fishy wind and rushed towards him like lightning.

This thing is three meters long, and its claws are as big as a washbasin. The shadow directly covers itself, and there is nowhere to escape!
Yuan Chengyi screamed, thinking he was dead.

Feng Xiaoxian came out from the oblique stab. His body was very small compared to the two-headed twelve-eyed monitor lizard, but he was faster and more powerful. He kicked the monitor lizard on the waist.

The giant beast roared and screamed, flying out and smashing into pieces.

Yuan Chengyi broke into a cold sweat and breathed a long sigh of relief.

No longer caring about face, he rushed behind Feng Xiaoxian and refused to come out again.

Zhang Qingxiang smiled secretly: Do you think this is safe? I brought you here just to solve your trouble forever!
Outside the pet shop, the branch director had returned to his team, his face extremely gloomy.

I wish these guys from the secret case team were lost in there!

"Let the 'Special' snipers be ready!" He gave the order, and his men did not dare to disobey.

Of course he wouldn't dare to directly order the shooting of the secret agents, but what if they mutated like those pets?
Regardless of whether they can be cured or not, the branch director can order a sniper attack on the pretext of "threatening the life safety of the people."

One channel person did not pay attention to the pet shop.

Compared to the museum that night, the pet shop couldn't be called "dangerous" at all.

A Taoist man secretly paid attention to the branch director, fearing that this guy was playing dirty tricks.

Zhang Ruiqian was worried about his son, his strong body pacing back and forth beside the car like a human tank.

A channel man pulled him and signaled. The two took off their headsets and closed the channel.

"Check that guy." A Taoist man pointed at the sub-director with his eyes.

Zhang Ruiqian thought for a while, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the leader above.

 Asking for votes.

(End of this chapter)

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