mysterious forerunner

Chapter 38 Evil Quicksand

Chapter 38 Evil Quicksand

Everyone suddenly realized that Dai Yuxing and others must have known the news in advance, so they seemed so proud today.

Yuan City is the capital of the province. You haven't caught the mystery yet, but we in He City did it first.

Everyone in the original city group felt a little unhappy, but they were also very happy to be able to take practical classes.

Zhang Qingxiang frowned slightly, followed Liang Zimian out, and asked: "Teacher Liang, what kind of mysterious head is this?"

Liang Zimian said: "It's a mysterious beast. Don't worry, Heshi has already taken care of it. The safety measures are in place and there won't be any accidents."

Zhang Qingxiang nodded, still feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

After class in the morning, many students gathered around Dai Yuxing and the others: "Brother Dai, what is the mystery? Tell us some inside information in advance."

"I'll treat you to lunch. Brother Dai can order whatever he wants."

All the students can think of one thing: if the Heshi Secret Case Team can catch it, they must know its weaknesses. As long as Dai Yuxing is willing to reveal some of it and they prepare in advance, they will definitely get good grades in the practical class.

After the completion of this secret training class, there will inevitably be a final assessment, and the committee will reward students who have performed well.

The reward is likely to be a precious secret weapon!

Yes, both Zhang Qingxiang and Tian Mingkun heard this news from Feng Lintong.

Feng Lintong did deliberately keep a distance from Tian Mingkun, but every time Tian Mingkun used the excuse of "inquiring about gossip" to go to her, she couldn't help but be delighted.

A group of students surrounded Dai Yuxing and the others as they walked out. The uneasiness in Zhang Qingxiang's heart became more intense. He stopped Dai Yuxing and asked, "What mystery did you catch?"

Dai Yuxing didn't want to answer this question when he saw Zhang Qingxiang's calm face.

"No comment!" Dai Yuxing snorted coldly and led the people past Zhang Qingxiang.

The dissatisfied voices of several students from Heshi floated over: "What are you pretending to do? You want to ask for information and you still ask Brother Dai for help, and you don't even have a smile on your face? What the hell -"

Zhang Qingxiang shook his head, hoping that he didn't have to worry too much.

However, many accidents did occur in the early stage. The most common ones were because they did not understand various "mysteries" and thought that they had "killed" and "controlled" the mysteries. As a result, the mysteries suddenly escaped or resurrected, and they were still celebrating their victory. People turned into corpses in the blink of an eye!

Dai Yuxing never thought about using this inside information in exchange for benefits. After all, they were all classmates.

But he really wants to use this to build relationships, at least to have more supporters around him than Zhang Qingxiang.

He told everyone at noon, and I believe all the students will know it by evening.

If you have a good relationship with him, you should know earlier and prepare earlier.

I won't really ask everyone to keep it strictly confidential to deceive the students in Yuan City.

At noon, he was just outside the school. He chose a restaurant that could barely be considered a mid-range restaurant and asked his classmates to treat him to a meal. After ordering, he turned on his phone and said, "Let's take a look and make preparations in advance."

This is a video of only about ten seconds. A special cage composed of six magnetic coils firmly restrains a black substance about the size of a fist at the origin.

The black substance keeps changing between liquid and dust.

The form is not fixed at all.

In the liquid state, it looks like viscous crude oil, and in the dust state, it looks like magnet powder.

Even under the restraints of the magnetic coil cage, it was still struggling violently and changing into strange shapes from time to time.

"What the hell is this?"

Dai Yuxing took back his mobile phone: "Our joint city secret case team named this thing: Evil Quicksand."

"It has no fixed form, but it is extremely fast and can penetrate into any material, including the human body."

"Believe me, once you are parasitized by it, your life will be worse than death!"

"Because this thing won't just be parasitic in your body, it will stick all nearby objects together."

"I'll show you some more screenshots."

Dai Yuxing took out his phone again and found a few screenshots.

This is a screenshot of the video recorder on the chest recorder of an agent from the City's Secret Case Team.

The screenshot shows a huge monster that is five to six meters high. The components of this monster that can be recognized include a pet dog, dozens of green plants, a filing cabinet, two shared bicycles, and countless sundries... They They are glued together by the evil quicksand, and each screenshot has some changes. The evil quicksand continuously fuses them.

If it is not stopped, God knows what kind of evil life form it will turn into in the end!
The students gasped, no one wanted to be a part of this weird body.

Dai Yuxing continued: "The weakness of this thing is that it is afraid of ultrasonic waves and will be restrained by the force field."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, as long as they knew the weakness, it would be easier to deal with.

Just as the food was being served, Dai Yuxing turned off his phone and picked up his chopsticks: "Eat, eat."

In the afternoon class, Zhang Qingxiang was still a little uneasy. During the break, he found Feng Lintong and quietly said to her: "Help me find out what was caught in Heshi."

Feng Lintong confidently made an OK gesture: "Leave it to me."

After the first class in the afternoon, Feng Lintong asked about it. When he came over to tell Zhang Qingxiang, Zhang Qingxiang's expression changed: "Something bad happened!"

Zhang Qingxiang didn't bother to thank Feng Lintong and left.

"Hey, Yanei..." Feng Lintong shouted. Seeing Zhang Qingxiang's anxious look, he had a bad premonition and hurriedly followed him.

Zhang Qingxiang went straight to Liang Zimian's office on the third floor of the teaching building and barged in without bothering to knock on the door.

"Teacher Liang, where did the Heshi City Secret Case Team transport the mysterious convoy?"

Liang Zimian frowned: "Why are you so flustered?"

For Zhang Ruiqian's sake, Liang Zimian didn't care about Zhang Qingxiang's impoliteness.

Zhang Qingxiang said quickly: "The mysterious one sent by Heshi also has a second stage form."

"It can absorb energy from any force field and evolve to the second stage."

"Its second stage form is a crystalline life that can become invisible!"

"Once it escapes, we can hardly find it, and it will kill us like a river of blood!"

Liang Zimian was startled, but quickly asked: "How do you know? Are you so sure?"

Zhang Qingxiang was angry. The two-stage form of Evil Quicksand will be a well-known secret in later generations, so no practitioner will try to capture Evil Quicksand. They will immediately and completely destroy it.

"Teacher Liang, even if you mistrust me, it will only be a waste of time for everyone, and there won't be much loss."

"But if what I said is correct, the consequences of sitting idly by and watching will be a massacre!"

Feng Lintong, who was following behind, nodded repeatedly: "I believe in the squad leader."

She also emphasized: "All of us in the original city will believe in the squad leader."

Liang Zimian still considered it, but Zhang Qingxiang couldn't wait any longer, so he took out his phone and called his father.

Liang Zimian pressed his phone: "I will report it to my superiors immediately."

Liang Zimian figured it out, and would rather believe it or not. If it were true as Zhang Qingxiang said, and the final alarm was sent from Zhang Ruiqian... Liang Zimian would be responsible.

If you believe in the wrong Zhang Qingxiang, everyone will go through a lot of trouble. At most, you will only get a few complaints from everyone.

Liang Zimian immediately called his superiors to report the situation.

After saying a few words, Liang Zimian asked Zhang Qingxiang: "What do you recommend to do with this evil quicksand?"

Zhang Qingxiang said decisively: "Immediately order the escorts to use the maximum power of ultrasonic waves to completely destroy the evil quicksand!"

The person on the phone heard it, and Liang Zimian said a few words briefly and hung up the phone.

"Don't worry, the higher authorities have already notified people to handle it."

 The second round of recommendations will be next week, please support me.

  I will try to speed up the update.


(End of this chapter)

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