mysterious forerunner

Chapter 390 Found a Lurker

Chapter 390: Discovering a Lurker

The team leader was at level three, and his secret skill [Swamp Traps] was easily broken by the monster, so he was severely injured by the backlash. He knelt on the ground, holding his chest and spitting blood, and for a while he had no strength to fight again.

The rest of the team members were swatted away like flies by the monster's enormous power.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Xiao Liu, who was usually quiet and timid, launching a desperate assassination. Several colleagues who usually had a good relationship with her had already shouted out her name miserably. This time, there would be no return.

Such a huge monster cannot be dealt with by an assassin.

As they expected, Xiao Liu's tragic assassination only "hurt" the monster.

She fell at the monster's feet like a wounded white butterfly with broken wings, and there was no doubt that the next moment, the huge insect leg would fall and crush the white butterfly into the dust and mud.

My colleagues turned their heads away, unable to bear to watch any longer.

The team leader roared, risking injuring himself, and shot towards the monster like a cannonball.

Then there was a strange bang, and the huge monster disappeared.

While everyone was still in a daze, Xiao Liu let out a terrifying scream, then suddenly jumped up from the ground, slapping himself in the face with his two little hands.

More than five meters above her head, the team leader flew over with a cry of "Ah", then made a forced turn in mid-air, spitting out a mouthful of blood to stop the trend, and landed and hurriedly said to Xiao Liu: "Don't worry, I'll help you--"

"Ah, ah, ah!" Xiao Liu was unable to knock the bug away and kept screaming in fear.

The team leader was quick-witted and grabbed the longhorn beetle and took it off Xiao Liu's face.

Xiao Liu sat down on the ground, tears streaming down his face.

When I decided to risk my life to assassinate the monster just now, I didn't feel so wronged and pitiful.

The team leader breathed a sigh of relief, pinched the longhorn beetle to death with his fingers, then protected Xiao Liu behind him and looked around vigilantly: What's weird?
Team members from all around gathered together.

Those with minor injuries moved quickly, while those with serious injuries staggered.

Everyone thought that this was the calm before the crisis. Such a huge monster actually had such a strange ability that it could disappear out of thin air and be perfectly invisible!

The team leader suddenly became alert and asked about the warehouse through the headset.

This monster's target must be the warehouse, so be on high alert over there.

But the warehouse was also quiet and had not been attacked.

After several minutes of nervousness, everyone looked puzzled: "That thing ran away?"

"Just ran away like that? We pose no threat to it, why would it run away?"

The team leader suddenly turned around and looked at Xiao Liu approvingly: "You have done a great job!"

"Ah I?"

"You used a grenade when you assassinated it just now, right? It must have hit its vital point!" The team leader thought he had discovered the truth: "The monster didn't dare to stay for long, so it immediately used its ability to escape."

"Well done, Xiao Liu!" Colleagues came up one after another, some patted Xiao Liu on the shoulder, and some smiled and applauded.

"Is that so?" Xiao Liu was confused, remembering the figure he saw from the side at the feet of the monster.

The bug that the team leader caught from his face was a longhorn beetle.

The figure pointed and said, "This is a longicorn."

Then the troll disappeared.

Is there a connection between the two?
But with just one finger, the extremely terrifying seventh-level monster turned into a small insect? !
This ability is unheard of.

But...if it wasn't because of that person, where did the troll go? Was he really seriously injured by his own assassination?

Xiao Liu didn't think so, as he was well aware of the effect his assassination had caused.

She looked in that direction again, and it was empty, with no one there at all.


Xiao Liu wasn't sure, did I really see or hear anything in that situation?
If it is true, is that figure really a photo?
He is just a newcomer.

Amid the praises from all around, Xiao Liu responded in an unaccustomed way, and then asked his colleagues: "Besides us, were there any other professionals who appeared just now?"

"Anyone else?" The colleague shook his head blankly: "No one? I didn't see any."

"Really?" Xiao Liu wondered.

The agents from Shuangmenhe Branch finally arrived. When they heard that the troll had suffered heavy damage and had escaped, they thanked their colleagues at the warehouse and immediately tried to find a way to track it down.

We must take this opportunity to kill this giant monster once and for all.

More people were sent over from the warehouse, this time in a minibus, to take everyone to the hospital.

The [doctor] examined and treated them for several hours.

The team leader and several seriously injured agents were hospitalized, and everyone else was able to go home.

Xiao Liu was puzzled, so he did not go home directly but went back to the warehouse.

It was almost time to get off work, so Xiao Liu grabbed Qu Miao and asked, "Did Zhang Xiang go out today?"

Although Qu Miao and Xiao Liu's workstations are very close, she is assigned to Team 5 and did not go out today.

"Why don't you go home to rest, but you're still thinking about that young hunk?" Qu Miao teased his friend with a grin.

Xiao Liu was not shy this time: "Did he go out?"

"How should I know? He's been in the warehouse the whole time, just like the last few days."

Xiao Liu went straight to the warehouse, and in the corridor he ran into a man who looked like Zhang Xiang. Xiao Liu squinted his eyes and looked carefully, and it was indeed him.

"Zhang Xiang!"

The other party stopped and said, "You're looking for me?"

"You..." Xiao Liu suddenly didn't know what to say.

She felt that she was being ridiculous. Zhang Xiang was just a newcomer and looked like he had just graduated. How could he just point his finger and say something and turn into a bug like that?
If I really ask, I'm afraid the other person will laugh at me for being naive.

Xiao Liu sighed secretly and lowered his head: "It's okay."

Zhang Xiang smiled, went back to the office, took out his backpack from his workstation, packed his things, threw it over his shoulder and left.

Xiao Liu looked at his blurry back, and felt that the more he looked, the more he resembled him.

"Hey!" Qu Miao suddenly appeared from behind her and shouted.

Xiao Liu was startled and scolded: "What are you doing? You scared the soul away."

"Hey, he wasn't scared away by me, but ran away with someone, right?"

Xiao Liu blushed again.

Qu Miao said: "It seems that our Xiao Liu is deeply in love. Don't worry, leave it to me. I will definitely bring you together."

Qu Miao patted his chest. Xiao Liu smiled bitterly and said weakly, "It's not what you think..."

Qu Miao just laughed, then took his friends to eat the duck intestine hotpot that he had been longing for for a long time.

Xiao Liu paid the bill, and Qu Miao said it was an advance way of thanking the matchmaker.

After the two separated, they went home to rest. Xiao Liu took a shower, put on an eye mask and went to bed at 11:30 in the evening.

I had four nightmares in a row, and my pajamas were soaked with cold sweat.

That figure appeared in the fifth dream, and then I fell asleep inexplicably.

Then I slept until nine o'clock the next morning and was late.

She washed up in a hurry, then took a taxi straight to work.

While brushing her teeth, she remembered that she had a day off today.

After each field mission, the bureau will give a certain amount of leave to those who have had direct contact with monsters or have been injured.

But Xiao Liu still decided to go to work.

Because he came late today, Zhang Xiang's workstation was empty, so he went to the warehouse.

Qu Miao saw Xiao Liu and asked in surprise, "You really don't want to be separated from him for even a day?"

Xiao Liu: "Where are the others?"

"I went to the warehouse."

Xiao Liu turned around and ran towards the warehouse.

“Ah—” Qu Miao shook his head and said sympathetically: “It’s over, this girl is trapped.”


The warehouse of the new headquarters is divided into twenty-four areas.

Each area is relatively independent and entry into each area requires strict identity verification.

Xiao Liu asked which area Zhang Xiang was in and followed him in.

It was already eleven o'clock in the morning.

Most of the other appraisers have already left.

When Xiao Liu came in, he met Han Dingkun: "Brother Han."


"Is Zhang Xiang still in there?"

"Yes." Han Dingkun said, "That guy likes to hang out in the warehouse."

Xiao Liu nodded and walked in. Suddenly he thought of something: "Brother Han, has Zhang Xiang been in there doing the appraisal?"

Han Dingkun said casually: "Yes."

Xiao Liu frowned, Han Dingkun had already left.

Han Dingkun didn't react until he walked out of the warehouse door. It was totally unreasonable for a newcomer to keep using identification skills.

Zhang Xiang enters the warehouse with a large group of appraisers every day. Even after everyone has left, he continues to release his appraisal skills.

But no appraiser thought there was anything wrong with this.


Xiao Liu found Zhang Xiang among a large number of secret objects.

The boy who had just graduated had just completed an appraisal, recorded all the information about the secret object on a label, and then filed it away.

Xiao Liu saw him take out another secret object and performed the identification technique.

Xiao Liu looked at him, he looked up, smiled, and then continued working.

Xiao Liu stood here until twelve o'clock. Zhang Xiang did not stop and kept releasing the identification technique.

Within an hour, he completed thirty appraisals!

Xiao Liu originally thought that the figure must be his hallucination, but now he feels that it may not be.

Han Dingkun holds the record of the General Administration, with the highest number of appraisals in one day being twenty-six.

But Zhang Xiang broke the record in just one hour.

And he looks very relaxed, without any sign of fatigue.

Zhang Xiang himself knew that when he first took office, he could only use [Treasure Appraisal] three times a day, and then the number increased continuously.

Now it can be used three hundred times a day!
As far as [appraising treasures] is concerned, I had already reached the level of "proficiency" several days ago.

But he still stayed in the General Administration.

The General Administration has more opportunities to use professional skills than the original municipal bureau.

He used this identity to keep a low profile in the General Administration and mastered all his professional skills before leaving.

Zhang Xiang was free anyway and there were too many secret objects at the General Administration that had not been identified, so he decided to help.

After today, I should be able to identify almost all the secret objects that have been accumulated before.

At twelve o'clock, Zhang Xiang put down the secret object in his hand, walked over and said to Xiao Liu: "It's time to eat."

"Oh." Xiao Liu was a little flustered, lowered his head and blushed.

I stood here and stared at him for an hour!
How can I explain it so that people don't misunderstand me?
"Let's go." Zhang Xiang walked out first, and Xiao Liu followed behind, feeling conflicted.

When he arrived at the cafeteria entrance, Xiao Liu suddenly thought of a problem: Zhang Xiang is a hidden boss!

But why should he hide?

Whether he is a human or a person of a higher rank than I can imagine... Weird!

Xiao Liu broke out in a cold sweat - every person who joined the General Administration had received at least two weeks of relevant training, so Xiao Liu was on guard.

She secretly glanced at the figure in front of her, and what emerged in her heart was the sense of security and stability she had after the continuous nightmares last night, because of the "protection" and "company" of this figure.

She was very conflicted and didn't want to report this figure, but her sense of responsibility forced her to do so.

She followed Zhang Xiang all the way to the cafeteria door - it was an indoor corridor before, but when she got here and was illuminated by the midday sun, Xiao Liu suddenly became alert: Oh no, my "reluctance" may have been affected by his ability!
Xiao Liu turned around and ran!

Zhang Xiang turned back in confusion: "What happened? He ran away without saying hello?"

Xiao Liu first ran back to his workstation and wanted to tell his team leader everything, then he remembered that his team leader was still in the hospital, so he turned around and ran to the second floor.

As she ran, she muttered to herself: "Even if the team leader is here, it won't work. He is only level three and may also be affected by Zhang Xiang's ability...

I have to go find my supervisor!"

The supervisor's office was on the second floor. When Xiao Liu arrived at the door, he raised his hand and knocked... and then stopped.

The supervisor is level five, but that giant monster is level seven!
If Zhang Xiang used his ability to influence the supervisor, the supervisor would be powerless to resist.

Xiao Liu bit the thumb of her left hand. This was a bad habit she developed in high school. She would bite her nails when she was nervous.

Xiao Liu continued to run upstairs.

The five-story office building was also completed at the same time as the warehouse was built.

But the future main administrative building should be 800 meters away, where there will be a 67-story building.

In theory, the warehouse does not need such a large five-story building. The employees all work on the first floor, and the supervisors work on the second floor. The General Administration temporarily sent a director named Hu, who is currently the highest leader here.

Xiao Liu is going to report to Director Hu.

The General Administration currently has no director, or even a deputy director. Apart from the three veterans, the highest positions held are several directors.

Director Hu's office is on the third floor, and the top two floors are completely empty, and no one knows who they are reserved for.

"Bang bang bang!" Xiao Liu knocked on the door nervously.

According to the suspense novels she had read, Director Hu might have been in trouble by now! The more Xiao Liu thought about it, the more scared she became. If Director Hu really didn't open the door, then the entire new headquarters warehouse might have been controlled by this high-level monster!
"Come in." Director Hu's voice came from inside the door, and Xiao Liu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Teacher Hu." Xiao Liu pushed the door open. The reason she came to see Director Hu was because when she entered the Secret Security Bureau, Director Hu was the chief examiner for that recruitment.

And it happened that it was Director Hu who interviewed her.

"Xiao Liu." Director Hu looked up and smiled: "Why don't you go to eat? Why do you come to see me?"

"Yes!" Xiao Liu closed the door tightly, and nervously sat down opposite Director Hu, almost stretching his upper body over the table: "I found a high-level weird hidden in our ranks!"

"What!?" Director Hu was shocked. His hand was already on a special button under the table. "How did you find out? Who is he? I'll have someone investigate right away."

"He's a new member of this batch, his name is Zhang Xiang..."

Director Hu's nervous expression disappeared, replaced by a look of weirdness.

"Xiao Liu, don't worry about this matter."

Xiao Liu stood up and looked at Director Hu warily: "You too..."

"It's not what you think." Director Hu waved his hand: "He is not a high-level mystery, and I am not controlled by him. How can I explain this..."

Director Hu simply took out the instrument and tested the infection value himself in front of Xiao Liu.

everything is normal.

This proves that he is not being controlled by a mysterious person. "Just pretend you know nothing. This is good for you, me, him, and the General Administration."

Xiao Liu came out of Teacher Hu’s office in a daze. Zhang Xiang was still a human being, no matter how high-level monster he was hiding?

In other words, he didn't use any abilities on me.

But...if I wasn't affected by his abilities, why would I hesitate to report him?
Xiao Liu touched his tender and white cheeks. Oh no, from this perspective, I really feel a little bit fond of him!

I felt a burning sensation on my little hands.


Xiao Liu went home directly, feeling very upset.

I didn’t eat lunch and didn’t go to the afternoon class.

I'm on vacation anyway.

After returning home, the little deer kept running around from the afternoon until midnight. Xiao Liu clenched his fists and made up his mind: Go!
What am I afraid of? There is nothing to be afraid of.

Everyone has the right to pursue happiness.

Xiao Liu mustered up his courage, got up early the next day, and made two special breakfasts from his hometown.

Xiao Liu is very proud of this aspect.

Nowadays, there are really not many young girls who can cook, and even fewer who can cook well.

But Xiao Liu's father is a chef in a star-rated hotel, and she has had a talent for cooking since she was a child.

The soft, cute and shy little cook is a very popular character in the comics.

Xiao Liu is such a person.

She carefully packed her breakfast into an insulated lunch box, held it in her arms and took the bus to work.

After passing the gate security, it was still another seven or eight minutes’ walk to the warehouse. Xiao Liu walked faster and faster without realizing it.

After entering the office, Xiao Liu looked around and found that Zhang Xiang's workstation was empty.

Xiao Liu looked at the time and saw that he still had fifteen minutes before work.

She sat back silently and waited quietly. She could foresee that the next fifteen minutes would be very long.

Han Dingkun sat with a group of appraisers, muttering in confusion: "Is the appraisal finished? No more? No way, there were so many secret objects waiting to be appraised in the warehouse."

"How come we suddenly have no place to use our skills?"


Qu Miao suddenly turned around and complained to Xiao Liu: "Why did you come just now?"


"Zhang Xiang has been transferred to another post. He had just packed up and left ten minutes before you arrived."

Xiao Liu turned around again and noticed that Zhang Xiang's workstation had been really cleaned up.

"Why was he suddenly transferred? He has only been here for a few days, this shouldn't happen. Where was he transferred to?"

Qu Miao smiled: "Why are you so anxious?"

"You don't know either?"

"Don't worry, I have already found out for you." Qu Miao patted his chest: "He has been transferred to the [Combat Ring]."

"The [Battle Ring] has been built?" Xiao Liu was surprised.

"It was built yesterday and put into use today. I heard that the field agents from the General Administration will come here to exercise today."

"What was that photo for?"

"I don't know about that." Qu Miao rolled his eyes and said, "Shall we go over and take a look at noon?"

Xiao Liu didn't say either yes or no, because she knew that Qu Miao would definitely "force" her to go.

Then just follow him reluctantly.

Qu Miao casually said, "This arrangement of the General Administration is very strange. They don't build the office building, but build the warehouse and the battle ring first. What is the plan?"

Xiao Liu doesn’t know either.

She just knew that today's breakfast was in vain, so she secretly sighed.


At twelve o'clock noon, Qu Miao really stretched out his hand and pulled Xiao Liu up from his seat: "Let's go, let's go and see what Zhang Xiang is doing in the [Battle Ring]."

Xiao Liu half-reluctantly said: "Don't pull me, I can walk by myself."

Qu Miao is an [Accountant]. Although she looks a size bigger than Xiao Liu, when it comes to physique, the [Assassin] is far superior to the [Accountant].

But Xiao Liu was so weak that he was pulled out of his workstation by Qu Miao.

The two met a group of field agents outside the [Battle Ring].

As they walked towards the cafeteria, they discussed: "The monster I was fighting was clearly level six, but when fighting me, he could only exert the strength of level four, the same as my level."

"It's the same with me. He's obviously higher level than me, but he can only exert the strength of my same level. But this kind of battle is very training. After all, the opponent is high-level. Although he has no strength, he still has a high-level battle strategy."

"That's right. I can't say anything else about the new headquarters, but the Battle Ring is definitely the most useful facility."

"I got up early in the morning and ran dozens of kilometers to get here. It was worth it!"

"What a pity, I have a mission tomorrow, otherwise I would come again tomorrow."

[Battle Ring] is a huge ring-shaped building.

The reason for this appearance is to coordinate with the underground formation.

The entire circular building is divided into thirty-six operations rooms.

In addition, a large number of weird and mysterious spirits are imprisoned in the mysterious cage underground.

The current weirdness is the same as the one the day before yesterday, which is caused by the infection and mutation of life on Earth.

Field agents can come here, apply for a war room, choose a monster as an opponent, and hone their combat skills.

"Hey, make way, make way--" Qu Miao pulled Xiao Liu and squeezed in against the flow of people.

When they arrived at the [Battle Ring], Qu Miao grabbed a colleague and asked, "Did you see Zhang Xiang?"

A colleague casually said, "In Room 17, there is a battle fanatic who wants to fight another round and has even skipped dinner. Only Zhang Xiang is willing to accompany her."

Xiao Liu felt that Zhang Xiang was diligent and hardworking.

Qu Miao held Xiao Liu's hand and found combat room No. 17.

Zhang Xiang was operating the formation to raise a secret spirit from a mysterious cage deep underground. He also saw Qu Miao and Xiao Liu, and smiled at the two women: "Why are you here? Do you also want to practice fighting monsters?"

Qu Miao was about to say that we came here specifically to see you, but was stopped by Xiao Liu: "Yes, is it convenient? I hope I have delayed your meal."

Zhang Xiang shook his head: "It's okay, I'm not hungry either. Wait a moment, I'll prepare it for you after I've arranged this one."

The secret spirit in the underground cage has risen up.

This was a mysterious spirit that had mutated from a gecko. It was twelve meters long, with two huge antlers growing from its head, the tips of which were as sharp as knives. It had six folded bone spurs on its back, and its four legs were as thick as elephant legs.

This secret spirit had already reached the sixth level. It was locked in the formation and spewed out two streams of flame from its nostrils in annoyance.

In the battle room, a clear and hearty voice shouted carelessly: "Are you ready? My fists are impatient."

Xiao Liu took a look inside and saw a tall girl wearing yoga pants and tight sports bra, flexing her wrists with a look of fighting spirit on her face.

Nice body.

Xiao Liu was full of envy.

"It will be ready soon." Zhang Xiang agreed, looked at the secret spirit, and used his professional skill [Measurement] to suppress the secret spirit's rank from level six to level three.

The bodybuilding girl inside is also level three.

Then Zhang Xiang slapped a certain position on the formation, and the secret spirit was sent into the battle room.

Soon, the sounds of fighting and the girl's loud and tender cries were heard from inside.

Zhang Xiang waved to Qu Miao and Xiao Liu: "Let's go to the battle room next door. You two, do you want to fight?"

Qu Miao didn't want to fight.

She is an accountant and can just sit in the office. Why would she want to fight?
But if I don't go, Xiao Liu will have to go.

I create opportunities for Xiao Liu, not Xiao Liu who creates opportunities for me.

Qu Miao gritted her teeth and stomped her feet - wow, this heroine is willing to risk her life for the happiness of her sister today!
"I'll do it!" Qu Miao bravely stepped forward: "Xiao Liu won't fight."

"Okay." Zhang Xiang agreed and looked at Qu Miao: "Second level?"


"It's a bit difficult." Zhang Xiang swiped on a tablet computer, looking for a monster or secret spirit that was close to Qu Miao's level.

I have to say that the strength of these people in the warehouse is the worst in the entire general administration.

After all, they are basically office workers.

There are few opportunities to go out in formation like the day before yesterday.

"Don't look down on us." Qu Miao complained, thinking to himself that when you become successful in the future, I will be your benefactor.

"That's it."

Zhang Xiang chose a weird one.

This is a deformed monster with tumors all over its body. Six thick arms grow on its shoulders like petals, and each arm has a giant six-fingered claw attached to it.

There was no neck visible on the shoulders, which were covered with tumors and fat.

The head is huge and covered with strange red markings.

"Level 5!" Qu Miao screamed strangely, "Do you want me to die?"

I said I would help you, but I didn't really mean to do it.

"Don't worry." Zhang Xiang said, "Its power will be suppressed to the second level."

Xiao Liu blinked in surprise: "These formations have this ability?"

Zhang Xiang did not explain. It was not the power of the formation, but his own skills.

[Measurement] He can release it twenty-five times a day, which is far inferior to [Treasure Appraisal].

He released it seventeen times in the morning, so he would have to work harder in the afternoon.

The arrival of Qu Miao added another release. Zhang Xiang was happy even if he didn't have lunch.

"Everything is ready, you can go in." Zhang Xiang said to Qu Miao.

Qu Miao moved, really not wanting to go.

Xiao Liu gently provoked him: "You are not going to back out, are you?"

Qu Miao gave her a resentful look and walked in silently.

Zhang Xiang put the weirdness in again.

Then he encouraged Xiao Liu: "Why don't you try it too?"

"I'll forget it." Xiao Liu waved his hand quickly: "I'm timid and I don't like fighting."

The subtext is that I am gentle and obedient.

Zhang Xiang did not force it and kept an eye on the two battle rooms.

Xiao Liu was embarrassed to find that he didn't know how to chat with boys.

More than ten minutes later, Xiao Liu, who had racked his brains but could not think of any words, found out to his embarrassment that his good sister had been knocked down by a monster in the battle room.

It was only because Zhang Xiang discovered the abnormality, rushed in immediately, picked up the monster and threw it out that "alarmed" Xiao Liu, otherwise Xiao Liu would not have noticed it.

The monster was thrown out by Zhang Xiang and hit the wall. The wall immediately lit up with array patterns and sealed the monster again.

Qu Miao lay on the ground, looking as if he had lost all hope in life.

Her upper body was covered in slime.

That was the monster's saliva. She had just been knocked down by the monster and pressed under him, and was almost swallowed.

Zhang Xiang took out a secret medicine and stuffed it into her mouth: "Take it, your infection value has exceeded the standard."

Qu Miao ate silently. She never expected that just for helping her sister, she would have to endure such darkness!

Xiao Liu rushed in with a cry and quickly helped Qu Miao up: "I'll take you to the hospital."

Actually, you don’t have to go, just take a shower and change your clothes.

The infection value has been eliminated by the secret medicine.

But Zhang Xiang thought about it and nodded: "It's good to go and take a look."

Xiao Liu didn't care about anything else and quickly took his friend to the hospital.

They met the team leader in the hospital, who was discharged today.

"Why are you here?"

Xiao Liu told the story, and Qu Miao looked aggrieved.

The truth cannot be told to the team leader.

"I don't think there's any problem." The team leader stared at Qu Miao and observed: "You go check it out. I'll wait here. If the infection value is normal, come back with me."

"Is there something wrong?" Xiao Liu asked cautiously.

"Just received a call." The team leader shook his phone helplessly: "Starting tonight, everyone will work overtime. We need to build the [Four Seas Straight Road] as soon as possible.

This project requires a lot of manpower, and the agents at the headquarters are busy with the case, so we have all been requisitioned."

Xiao Liu was even more puzzled: "Are you in such a hurry? The headquarters building hasn't even been built yet, what's the point of building the Four Seas Straight Road first?"

"We have no choice but to execute the orders from above."

【Four Seas Straight Road】 is a brand new facility.

Specially designed for the new headquarters, it combines the capabilities of formations and large secret machines, and can project the power of the headquarters to any branch in the country in an instant.

Simply put, it is a fixed-point portal!

Currently, only one person can be teleported at a time, and it can only be used as an emergency measure at critical moments.

Xiao Liu's suspicion is also normal. The General Administration has not yet moved in to work here, so why is it in a hurry to build this thing? And why do we have to work overtime together?
After Qu Miao's inspection, the infection value was indeed normal. The team leader took two people back to the unit and divided all the professionals in the warehouse into two shifts, taking turns to work overtime to help build the [Four Seas Straight Road].

When he got off work at six o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Xiang had used up all twenty-five [Measurements] for the day and left with satisfaction.

In the middle, I met Xiao Liu and Qu Miao.

The two girls complained: "I really don't know what the higher-ups are thinking. They are in such a hurry to build the Four Seas Straight Road that we all have to work overtime. Our lives are miserable."

Zhang Xiang was stunned for a moment, then thought for a moment and said, "There's really no need to be so anxious."

It will probably take me several more months to master [Measurement].


The next day, the team leader walked into the large office and clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention.

Half of the people here, including Xiao Liu, looked listless.

"Overtime cancelled."

"The higher-ups said there's no rush to build the Four Seas Straight Road."

Everyone cheered, but Xiao Liu was stunned: I think I complained to Zhang Xiang about this yesterday...

(End of this chapter)

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