mysterious forerunner

Chapter 42 The mysterious forerunner

Chapter 42 The mysterious forerunner

After hearing his son's idea, Zhang Ruiqian didn't think it was a big deal: "Build an internal APP to facilitate communication among secret case teams across the country? Okay, I'll make a report to the superiors."

"Dad, please work harder. It's done. Let me be the administrator. When I was in school, I envied those authority dogs the most."

"Stop dreaming." Zhang Ruiqian said: "The highest authority must be from above. It would be good if I can leave you with moderator authority."

"Moderators are fine too."

Zhang Ruiqian didn't take it to heart: "Go and write the summary report quickly. Mr. Guo is preparing to distribute it to various places."

Zhang Qingxiang said: "This is too inefficient. When we build the APP, if any new discoveries are made by our brother units in various places, we can directly share their experiences in the forum section of the APP, which can avoid many tragedies."

Only then did Zhang Ruiqian pay more attention to it: "That makes sense...I'll call Mr. Guo right now."

In the previous life, China also had such an official APP, and its name was "Secret Security Bureau Release".

Among the apps dedicated to practitioners around the world, it was the earliest to be released, but it has never been launched.

Too dull.

On the contrary, there is an APP "Panquan" in the West, which quickly became popular all over the world due to its simple page, diverse functions and free speech.

And this APP is also equipped with an AI translation function, breaking the language barrier and allowing practitioners from all over the world to communicate without barriers.

In the later stage of extensive practice, almost all practitioners in the world will install this APP on their mobile phones.

It has become the main place for practitioners to communicate online.

This tool is so powerful, it can publish various messages to guide public opinion, and even use background data to investigate many things...

In addition, this APP also brings huge economic benefits.

There is an attached "trading" function on the APP. In the later period, practitioners around the world traded secret objects through this platform.

Settled in US dollars.

The platform provides credibility protection, but will charge a one-thousandth handling fee.

Zhang Qingxiang remembered that someone later revealed that the revenue from the “pan-circle” sector exceeded US$40 billion every year!

Moreover, with the help of the powerful influence of the pan-circle, the West once again has the right to speak in public opinion in the era of pan-spirituality.

Hua Xia clearly made greater contributions in the era of pan-spiritual practice, but due to the suppression of propaganda in the Western Hemisphere, it became "obscure".

After the domestic reaction, many restrictions were imposed on the "pan-circle", but this did not help.

Even though it cannot be used domestically, it has become unstoppable globally.

Zhang Qingxiang must never let such a situation happen again in this life.

The "pan-circle" will definitely appear again. Even if it cannot be suppressed, there must be an APP that can compete with it.

Zhang Qingxiang returned to his desk, typed on the computer, and wrote a 4,000-word summary.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Qingxiang went to urge his father again.

Zhang Ruiqian was helpless: "It's not that fast. The higher ups need to study it."

Zhang Qingxiang could only shake his head and wait a little longer.

Moreover, the success of this APP does not depend on whether the release time is the earliest, but whether the operator's concept is advanced enough.

That's why Zhang Qingxiang wanted to become an administrator.

At least he must be a significant moderator.

Otherwise, it will just be a repeat of the failure of the previous "Secret Security Bureau Release".

Zhang Qingxiang looked at the time: "I'm going back to school first. Remember to help me get the administrator's rights."

"Moderator!" Dad emphasized.

Zhang Qingxiang rolled his eyes: "Dad, how about you become an administrator? You should be qualified, right?"

Zhang Ruiqian actually felt that he was not qualified, but he couldn't lose face in front of his son: "Of course."

When his son went out, Zhang Ruiqian frowned: "I was tricked by this bastard."

"I've boasted so much. If I didn't become the administrator, the brat would definitely despise me."

"But if I take over as the administrator, isn't it the same as him becoming the administrator...?"


A week later, the training class held its second practical session.

The students' grades have improved significantly.

Zhang Qingxiang finally received good news: the higher authorities approved the establishment of the official APP of the secret case team.

Because Zhang Ruiqian was an advocate, he became a special adviser to the "preparatory group". Zhang Qingxiang quickly told his father all the page styles and functional divisions of the "Pan Circle" in the previous life, and asked him to pass it on to the preparation team.

Of course, the whole set will not be copied, and Zhang Qingxiang does not want to copy the whole set.

The preparatory group will absorb the advantages of the opinions and combine them with China's own characteristics to develop a suitable APP.

It is not difficult to make such a thing, but after more than ten days of back and forth, the finished product has not yet come out.

The training class is about to graduate.

Zhang Qingxiang felt that he couldn't wait any longer, so he called Ye Jiucheng, and Ye Jiucheng handed him an APP that met all the requirements the next day.

Zhang Qingxiang was named the "Mysterious Forerunner".

Authentication is required to register for use.

Zhang Qingxiang first promoted it in training classes.

Everyone is very respectful to the squad leader, and the "Experience Sharing" section is very useful. It contains a lot of information about the current mysterious scene.

So the students recommended it to their colleagues in the secret case team, and this "mysterious pioneer" quickly spread in the secret case team of Lingxi Province.

Those materials were all written by Zhang Qingxiang himself.

Since the APP was launched, Zhang Ruiqian and Zhang Qingxiang have not received any news from the "preparatory team".

In the blink of an eye, more than ten days have passed, and the training class has come to an end.

How the training class will end has been rumored in the past two days.

Bagua machine Feng Lintong will bring you first-hand information every day.

The students were a little confused, but Zhang Qingxiang knew clearly: This was all because the committee and the secret case team had not figured out how to conduct the graduation "assessment".

Simulation or actual combat? Or is it just a theoretical assessment?

In the first mysterious training class, no one had any experience, so it was full of confusion and uncertainty.

Five days before graduation, as soon as Feng Lintong entered the classroom, a classmate laughed loudly and asked: "Captain Feng, what's the new news today?"

Feng Lintong has a new nickname these days: Captain of the Rumor Team.

Feng Lintong was very angry at this nickname, glared and bared his teeth: "Today's news is very accurate!"

"It has been decided by the superiors that in the last three days, a practical assessment will be conducted!"

Before class, head teacher Liang Zimian came to confirm the news.

The committee finally decided to verify the results of the "training course" in actual combat.

To determine whether this class will continue to be held in the future.

"In the last three days, I rest during the day and go to the original city secret case team at night to take on cases like other team members."

"Everyone is free to form teams. Each team has a minimum of eight people and a maximum of ten people."

The class of thirty-seven people should be divided into four teams.

The students immediately whispered, everyone had their own ideas.

A simple truth: follow the strongest person, and you will be safest.

But the mysterious scene is fair. The rewards you get with Jiwei are far different from those of the main members.

The final ranking and the amount of the mysterious reward are a rigid indicator.

Dai Yuxing and Feng Xiaoxian both decided to form separate teams.

During the break between classes, Dai Yuxing and several people from Heshi had already begun to win over a few promising people.

Tian Mingkun came to Feng Xiaoxian's side: "We have a team from the original city, are you coming?"

Of course Feng Xiaoxian didn’t want to come.

But if you refuse directly... wouldn't you offend Yanei? How will you work in the secret case team in the future?
Feng Xiaoxian rolled his eyes and quietly pulled Tian Mingkun aside: "Do you feel that what Yanei got is the protagonist's script?"

"Huh?" Tian Mingkun reacted and thought about it carefully: "It's true."

"So, the protagonist can always turn danger into disaster, but those of us who follow the protagonist... are not so lucky."

Feng Xiaoxian looked frightened, shook his head and said, "I'd better form my own team."

"Oh, okay." Tian Mingkun agreed blankly.

Returning to his seat, Tian Mingkun thought for a long time. It was not until the middle of the second class that he suddenly understood: "What a rebel, and the excuses he makes are so fresh and refined!"

 Suddenly I felt that the title of the book might as well be called "The Mysterious Forerunner".

(End of this chapter)

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