mysterious forerunner

Chapter 46 Q&A

Chapter 46 Q&A
Feng Xiaoxian looked confused and trembled under the resentful eyes of everyone: "What's wrong?"

Zhang Ruiqian's broad and huge palm patted him hard on the shoulder, like driving a pile, causing Feng Xiaoxian to stagger.

"Remember, when you work the night shift from now on, you must not say anything. You are calm, everything is fine, there won't be any big problems... and so on."

"This is a mysterious era. As long as you open your mouth, it will definitely develop in the opposite direction."

The old team members all stared at the red phone.

Someone started counting: "One, two, three, four..."

Jingle Bell!
The piercing ringtone of the phone suddenly rang, and everyone stretched out their feet from behind Feng Xiaoxian and kicked him to the phone.

The students in Feng Xiaoxian's group were also speechless: If you can't speak, just shut up, you are cheating your teammates!
Zhang Ruiqian answered the phone and grabbed Feng Xiaoxian's neck with one hand: "No. 81 Nanhua Road, suburban area, Luwan Fishing Park, let's go."

Feng Xiaoxian's group went away with a sad face.

In the hotel next door, a group of people flew away in the air.

But the red phone couldn't stop.

In just ten minutes, the peak of the third wave arrived, the phone kept ringing, all teams were dispatched, and even Zhang Ruiqian personally took action.

Ye Chengfa also went out again to secretly protect Dai Yuxing's group.

I was busy until 6:30 in the morning before finishing all the mysterious scenes.

In the last wave of peaks, four people were seriously injured and 17 people were slightly injured!
If Feng Xiaoxian's team hadn't secretly taken action, they would have lost half of their team members.

Poor Feng Xiaoxian almost became autistic.

After dawn, the team members had breakfast and went to rest.

It was quiet during the day, and it would be about three months before the mysterious scene descended on me during the day.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the civilian staff woke up the sleeping team members one by one.

After dinner, Xiong Zhenlin arrived with his special forces team, and a new round of duty began again.

The first person to go on a mission today is Dai Yuxing.

In the hotel next door, Ye Chengfa rushed to follow him out.

A few minutes later, the second call came.

After Zhang Ruiqian took the call, he looked a little weird and announced: "The public toilet in the southwest corner of Taohua Lake Park has mysteriously arrived."

The team members' eyes widened: "Team leader, did I hear that right? Public toilet?"

"You heard me right, it's a public toilet."

Feng Lintong, the gossip machine, immediately said: "I know it's a place where Internet celebrities check in."

Everyone looked confused. Are Internet celebrities and mysterious flavors so special now?

Feng Lintong: "When the public toilet was renovated, it was made antique to match the style of the park. It was originally good, but the clever designer hung two red lanterns at the door. At night, it looked like a horror movie from a distance. It’s like a ghost house in a mountain village.”

“Then it was posted online, and it became popular out of nowhere.”

Zhang Ruiqian waved his big hand: "Don't say so much, who is going?"

Everyone stepped back in unison. Feng Xiaoxian's slow movement was immediately highlighted.

Zhang Ruiqian and everyone praised: "How can we still be afraid of being dirty and tired when we are working on the revolution? Xiaoxian must be highly awakened. Okay, I will leave this task to your team."

Feng Xiaoxian was anxious: "I'm not..."

Zhang Ruiqian's eyes were unkind: "Huh?"

Feng Xiaoxian looked at the team leader and pinched his nose: "Okay."

His team members glared at him, how could you really deceive your teammates!

Zhang Qingxiang snickered on the side. It was the first time this kind of thing happened, and everyone couldn't accept it.

But in the previous life, there were many similar situations, and everyone had long been accustomed to them.

For example, there are two tasks for you to choose from, one in a public toilet and one in the morgue. Everyone will choose public toilets without hesitation.

After Feng Xiaoxian and the others left, everyone finally couldn't hold it in any longer and laughed together.

"Who made him have a crow's mouth last night!"

The tasks were handed out one by one, and soon it was Zhang Qingxiang's turn: "Linshui Gallery, No. 13 Dongchi Street, let's go."

Zhang Qingxiang's team got ready and set off, but the problem was presented to the hotel next door.

Mr. Guo glanced at the consultants.

Only Wang Changyong and one other person were left.

Mr. Guo: "Which one of you is going?"

Both of them were silent. Wang Changyong was a little impatient: "Mr. Guo, let me make a suggestion. Don't waste manpower on protecting Zhang Qingxiang. We can also protect other teams in the secret case team."

Mr. Guo was a little unhappy, but he couldn't force the consultant to go.

"That's fine." Mr. Guo shook his head and stopped.

Immediately after, another group set off, but it was not the students. The consultant took the initiative and said: "You can't just sit idle all the time. I'll go take a look and contribute."

Only Mr. Guo, Wang Changyong and Liang Zimian are left in the room.

Mr. Guo suddenly said: "Changyong, what do you think of this kid Zhang Qingxiang?"

Wang Changyong did not hesitate and said: "Since ancient times, in the Lianjiazi profession, there are senior brothers and close disciples. Why?"

"Because boxing is afraid of young people. Master will get old one day. If someone comes to kick the gym, senior brother will need to step in for master."

"By the time the disciples are closed, it will be the time when the master is really old and has to think about his posthumous affairs."

"At this time, the senior brother has also become famous and needs to be let go to start his own business."

"If you don't let go, you will become enemies if you stay."

"So the closed disciples are either very talented and will definitely achieve something in the future."

"Either he must be an important member of a noble family on the ground and be able to take on the responsibility."

Wang Changyong paused and expressed his opinion directly: "Zhang Qingxiang is an excellent candidate whether he is a senior brother or a closed disciple."

Then he shut his mouth and sat quietly drinking tea.

Mr. Guo stopped asking.

Wang Changyong is a martial artist. He initially accepted the position of "consultant" and came to teach training classes. Originally he just wanted to make money, and more importantly, to build a good relationship with the Public Security Bureau and the Secret Case Team.

After a month of teaching, Wang Changyong's mind changed.

He is also like a traditional martial artist, targeting whomever he takes money from.

Sell ​​your skills.

Therefore, Mr. Guo is his boss. If the boss asks anything, Wang Changyong will tell the truth.

Mr. Guo also understands this in his heart. Compared with this era, the more capable Taoist Yihang, Jingyuan and Heyang have not followed him wholeheartedly. On the contrary, Wang Changyong can be regarded as half of his own.

Zhang Qingxiang and his son performed well, and Mr. Guo is certainly willing to train them.

But Zhang Qingxiang's performance was too good, and he showed a trace of lack of control in the APP matter. Due to his decades of habits, Mr. Guo was a little unhappy.

In the past few days, Mr. Guo had been hesitant and undecided about how to arrange the arrangement for the father and son, so he asked this question.

Wang Changyong’s words gave the answer from another angle.

Mr. Guo's brows relaxed slightly.

 Sneak into the village quietly, and don't want to shoot.

(End of this chapter)

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