mysterious forerunner

Chapter 57 [Prison Orchid]

Chapter 57 [Prison Orchid] (Part )
"Nonsense!" the director was furious: "If you are afraid of death, help me enlarge the wound, and I will lead my brothers in to save people!"

The members of the secret case team frowned, but did not refute their team leader.

Zhang Qingxiang pointed to the giant plant ball: "Do you know anything about this thing?"

The director also pointed at the wound and shouted: "Have you seen the innocent dead and wounded inside? I can't be as cold-blooded and indifferent as you are!"

Zhang Qingxiang seemed to be talking to himself, but also seemed to be explaining to his team members: "I just used the identification skill secretly, this is Prison Orchid."

"On the surface, it looks like it is devouring the flesh and blood of living beings. In fact, as long as it is contaminated by it, the soul has been imprisoned."

"The people you see moaning for help are actually dead long ago. It is Jielan who is controlling their souls and luring us into the trap."

The director's eyes were full of suspicion: "I think you are just greedy for life and afraid of death!"

Zhang Qingxiang used his appraisal skills as an excuse to tell the true rules of the mysterious scene in front of him.

The rule for hell orchids is: Fertilize and grow.

It can turn all living creatures within its control into its own nourishment.

But it cannot be captured outside the range.

The vines that grow out and can block the giant siege arrows are for "self-protection", but they are restricted by the rules and cannot hunt any living beings.

Its efforts to block the siege arrows are also a trap.

It actually hopes that a gap will be opened in its "control range", and creatures from the outside world can rush in.

Just go in and fertilize it.

When practitioners in the previous life did not understand this mysterious scene, they all stepped into its trap.

After all, this giant green ball really works hard to prevent practitioners from destroying their own bodies.

Practitioners will subconsciously think that it does not want anyone to rush in to rescue the victim.

And what the director said, if it can't be stopped, this thing will swallow up the entire city sooner or later - this situation will not happen.

Because without subsequent "fertilizer", this thing cannot continue to grow.

So after arriving at the Qingguo Flower Market, Zhang Qingxiang saw this thing and knew that the best way to dispose of it was not to dispose of it.

The director pulled out his gun and turned around to order his security officers: "If you are not afraid of death, follow me in to save people!"

"Let the people from the Secret Case Team see that our Public Security Bureau is the mainstay of the original city!"

A dozen of his security guards immediately responded: "Boss, I'll go with you!"

"Uncle Yang, who often drinks tea with us, is still trapped inside."

"Wearing these clothes, you are doing such dangerous work!"

Some people even directly targeted Zhang Qingxiang: "The leader of the secret case team is still a baby who has not grown up. It is normal to be scared. If we really let him in, I am afraid he will wet his pants."

Peng Shuangjie was furious and was about to rush forward, but Zhang Qingxiang raised his hand to stop him.

Zhang Qingxiang stared at the director for a while, and finally showed a helpless expression: "You can go in if you must, just the two of us, I will accompany you in.

Forget about the others, they can't help if they go, they might just go and die. "

These security officers actually knew that in this situation, the detectives of the Secret Service were more useful than they were.

They tried their best to stimulate Zhang Qingxiang with words, but in fact they still wanted to provoke him and let him go in to save people.

Zhang Qingxiang was willing to go in, and they immediately stopped talking.

The director gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, then just the two of us."

Zhang Qingxiang nodded, raised his hand to grab it, and the aura of the eight-sided swallow-tail spear spread out in his hand. "Let's go." Zhang Qingqing walked first, and the director followed behind with his gun raised.

The director was careful about the vines that might appear on the giant ball at any time, and when he was close to the wound caused by the giant siege arrow, Zhang Qingxiang, who was in front of him, suddenly leaned back when he was still four or five meters away.

The tail of the eight-sided swallow-tailed spear was cleverly placed on the director's wrist, and the gun in the director's hand fell to the ground.

Zhang Qingxiang's elbow hit a certain position on the director's body again. It didn't seem heavy, but it made the director instantly lose all ability to move.

Zhang Qingxiang then made a dexterous retreat and turned around, detouring behind the director, and pressed down with the eight-sided swallow-tailed spear, firmly pressing the director to the ground.

Everyone at the security station was furious: "What are you doing!?"

Everyone in the secret case team also stepped forward with a roar and blocked all the people from the security station.

Tian Mingkun held up a half-rubbed arrow in his hand, pointing the sharp arrow at the people at the security station: "Everyone, step back——"

Zhang Qingxiang shouted: "Quiet!"

Under the first level [Sound Slash], this scolding was extremely intimidating and made everyone calm down.

Zhang Qingxiang suppressed the director with his eight-sided swallow-tail spear, and his own energy rolled out. The director's eyes widened and he was unable to move, and his mouth was speechless.

Zhang Qingxiang changed the eight-sided swallow-tail spear to his left hand, and with the thumb and index finger of his right hand, the poisonous stinger appeared like an embroidery needle.

Zhang Qingxiang moved his finger, and the stinger was so fast that it could not be seen, and it pierced the back of the director's neck.

It's like acupuncture.

However, immediately afterwards, the skin on the director's seemingly normal neck suddenly began to squirm violently. As Zhang Qingxiang's fingers held the stinger and rubbed it slightly, the skin began to tremble violently, and a finger-length figure gradually appeared. , a weird bulge like a centipede!


Everyone in the public security station was shocked and already understood: "There is something strange parasitic in the director's body!"

Zhang Qingxiang concentrated on it, used his fingers dexterously to exert force, and with the help of the sting's strange deterrent effect on insects, he began to slowly pull away and bring out the "bug".

But when the insect broke away from the flesh on the back of its neck, its claws went downwards, pulling up dozens of slender tendons!
These tendons penetrated from the back of the neck upward into the director's brain, and spread downward to the entire upper body.

When the evil insect was pulled up, these tendons brought up a large amount of skin and organs!
The director immediately pulled out of his body, his eyes turned pale.

"Be careful..." The security guards were concerned about their own strengths and could not help shouting, but they did not dare to rush forward. To disturb Zhang Qingxiang at this time would be to kick the security guards into the gate of hell.

The energy in Zhang Qingxiang's body surged into the poisonous thorn along the energy nodes in his right hand, and his fingers trembled rapidly.

The evil insect's whole body was weakened by the shock, and those terrifying tendons finally separated from its body.

As Zhang Qingxiang raised his hand, the stinger stuck to the evil insect and slowly pulled it out.


The tendons were pulled out of the director's body, making a clear rubbing sound.

Just this sound made the security guards feel their ears sore and their whole bodies extremely uncomfortable.

After Zhang Qingxiang took out the evil insect with a poisonous stinger, he showed it to the security guard.

This evil insect looks like a centipede, but its whole body is sticky and soft. Under each insect's legs, there is a sinew exuding black energy.

The long one is over one meter, and the short one is thirty or forty centimeters!

The insect has bright blue and black markings on its body, which looks like a ghost face!
 Second update in a row.

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(End of this chapter)

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