mysterious forerunner

Chapter 59 Mysterious Explosion

Chapter 59 Mysterious Explosion

Taoist Yihang and Monk Jingyuan complained to each other.

Who suggested that "there is no need to protect Zhang Qingxiang"?

Before the Xu Shangling group was destroyed, everyone felt that Zhang Qingxiang did not need protection.

After the Xu Shanngling Group was destroyed, everyone immediately felt: We need Zhang Qingxiang to protect us!

But the previous proposal blocked the road.

We can't stand it if we encounter a scenario like cyber zombies. One consultant has already died, and we don't want to be the next one!
The two complained to each other, neither admitting that they were the ones who said it. In the end, they both agreed: "Wang Changyong said it."

“It’s all Wang Changyong’s fault!”

The Yihang Taoist is protecting Dai Yuxing today.

When Zhang Qingxiang [appraisal of treasures] cat bells, Taoist Yihang was watching calmly.

As the person who has studied "Exalts" most thoroughly, Yihangdaoren keenly discovered that the yamen seemed to value Dai Yuxing very much.

So when Dai Yu went on a mission, he immediately took the initiative to ask Ying to follow him.

Since the Yanei values ​​Dai Yuxing, if something happens to him, the Yanei will do its best to rescue him.

By the way, you must rescue me from Xiaodao.

A channel man followed Dai Yuxing's group and rushed to the scene.

What happened was an internet celebrity hotpot restaurant.

Around six o'clock in the evening is when business is at its best.

Ruoda's shop was originally full of people, but suddenly it was plunged into a bloody mess!
The mystery came so suddenly.

When Dai Yuxing and the others rushed in, there was only one "living person" left in the shop of several hundred square meters.

"He" is sitting in the center, the red oil hot pot is churning and the aroma is wafting.

Surrounding him were more than a dozen electric meat slicers. An invisible force sent the bodies of the victims around him into the meat slicers piece by piece!
Blood spattered, and plates of human flesh slices came out from the outlet of the meat slicer.

"He" rinsed the meat slices and was sweating profusely.

There were seventy or eighty customers and staff in the hot pot restaurant, and he had already eaten most of them.

His belly had stretched to the size of five or six meters, and he still kept eating greedily.

The scene before them made several team members vomit on the spot.

Dai Yuxing's eyes were about to burst, so he rushed forward and struck "him" on the back with a knife.

"He" is like a mountain of flesh, motionless.

"His" clothes were shattered by this blow, revealing his extremely broad back.

The skin on the back was stretched to the point of bursting. Under the skin, there was a [Abyss Beard] that had grown to over two meters long and was squirming, looking extremely excited.

Beneath those slicers, blood was directed by evil forces into the kitchen.

A Taoist man secretly frowned and quietly entered the kitchen.

Here, all the eyeballs are arranged in a pyramid shape.

All the tongues, all the ears, all the noses... are arranged neatly in special positions.

Then they were connected with blood to form an extremely evil "symbol"!
Although one of the Taoists did not recognize it, he vaguely felt that this symbol pointed to an evil and terrifying existence in the depths of a mysterious and unknown space.

The ceremony is about to be completed, blood is steaming, and a fishy smell is coming.

"not good--"

A Taoist man shouted, turned around and came out to kill, without caring about anything else, he quickly drew out the magic formula with both hands, and light blue thunder danced between his two fingers.

A Taoist pointed his finger at the monster that was still eating!
Boom! Boom!

The thunder exploded, and the monster didn't care about anything except eating. Even if infinite thunder explodes on him, he still has to finish the last bite. Then, with a full blow from a channel man, the monster's huge and dirty body exploded, its flesh and blood shattering and splattering everywhere.

The ghost insect on his back was also constantly trembling amid the thunder.

A channel man breathed a sigh of relief, but then he saw that the body of the ghost insect was opened in the blue light of thunder. All the flesh and blood splashed out, as well as what the monster had not eaten, were all eaten by the ghost insect. Countless long-bearded insect legs hooked it, and with just one breath, it was completely integrated into the body.

Then the ghost insect rose high, hanging above everyone's heads like an evil statue.


The strange mouth on its abdomen is open and huge, in the shape of a date pit. Both the inside and outside are covered with fine and sharp hook teeth, and mucus is splashing everywhere.

It seemed like a magic eye opened in mid-air!
Countless gray fogs spurted out from the monster's mouth, filling the entire void in an instant. A channelman suddenly felt that terrible power was projected from the depths of a mysterious void.

Evil and magnificent.

It cannot be looked at directly or described!
That kind of power dominated this void with an irresistible force.

As soon as a desperate thought arose in the mind of a Taoist, he was already standing stiffly involuntarily.

Just like a believer standing devoutly, waiting for salvation to come.

Everything in the void here is controlled by that power.

There seemed to be countless tiny evil insects breeding in Yihang Taoist's mind. Severe erosion and pollution hit him, and he could only barely protect his own true spirit.

Nothing else can really be done.

Everyone in Dai Yuxing's group is just like the Yihang Dao people, and they may not even be able to protect that little bit of true spirit with determination.

In this true spirit, Yihang Taoist was almost in despair: This game zombie is even more terrifying!
But he still has extravagant hopes for miracles. Can an expert save me?


All the detectives in Zhang Ruiqian's hands have been dispatched.

When the red phone rang again, Zhang Ruiqian grabbed it and said "Hey". After the other party told the location of the case, he was ready to go and handle it personally.

But a panicked voice came from the phone: "Big explosion, mysterious big explosion tonight!"

"We received dozens of police calls at the same time..."

Zhang Ruiqian's expression changed, and he looked at the time and suddenly realized: "It's been more than two hours since Dai Yuxing and the others were dispatched, and they haven't come back yet!"

Zhang Ruiqian hung up the phone, really at his wits' end!
He deeply hated the lack of manpower under his command.

"The secret case team must be expanded!"

Just as he was thinking about this, Mr. Guo called, with the same serious tone: "I received a report from the Public Security Bureau, what happened tonight?"

"I don't know either," Zhang Ruiqian felt helpless: "We know too little about the mystery."

"I'm on my way over, let's meet and discuss."

Mr. Guo's car drove into the courtyard of the secret case team a few minutes later.

But even if they met, they couldn't come up with any solution.

It's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

"There have been more than 100 mysterious reports in the city, and we really don't have that many manpower."

Mr. Guo closed his eyes in pain, understanding that tonight would be a catastrophe, and the people in these mysterious scenes would only die.

I'm afraid it will be difficult for those agents sent out to come back!
And after these people die, "mysterious spillover" may occur in every scene - at that time, it will be the most terrifying time of tonight's catastrophe.

He knew all this but was completely powerless to stop it!
Even if we apply for assistance from surrounding cities and the capital, it is too late.

Besides, everyone's situation is similar. How can they have the power to support Hara City at this time?
"Who can save them?" Mr. Guo felt deep despair in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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