mysterious forerunner

Chapter 73 Unlucky Bai Qian

Chapter 73 Unlucky Bai Qian

Outside the stadium, dozens of security guards were anxious. They hid behind cars and raised their guns, but they could not give them a sense of security.

"Is this considered a large-scale scene?"

The security guard looked at several secret case detectives standing twenty meters in front of him and chatted casually with his colleagues around him.

It has been a month since the mystery began, and the security guards have roughly figured out the basic rules of the mysterious scene.

Micro, small, medium, large.

The first super large one has not yet arrived - such horror is far beyond what people realize at this time.

Among these scales, there are also some vague ones, such as "medium and large" scenes, but they are in the minority after all.

Large-scale scenes are the scale in front of you, let alone more than 5,000 square meters.

The scale of the scene is indeed defined by the scope, not the number of people.

In fact... for Mystery, Arrival is also about opening a blind box.

Even if it is a large-scale scene, if it lands in an empty old factory building, the wild cats will not be able to catch a few, let alone a living person.

On the contrary, even a small scene may swallow hundreds of lives in an instant.

But generally speaking, the bigger it is, the more dangerous it is.

The security guards made bets with each other: "When they came, it had been half an hour since the mysterious arrival. The weird thing inside had eaten an unknown number of people. I heard that the more people it ate, the stronger it became."

"The two of them go in, how long do you think it will take to solve it?"

“I guess it’s not how long it will take to resolve – it’s if it will be resolved.”

The security guards looked at each other, all full of worry: "I always feel like they are a bit too much. I guess they can't solve it."

"Fortunately, they still have companions. If they fail, they should be able to stop the 'mysterious spillover' a little bit, right?"

The security guards looked at each other again: "How about... let's move the defense line back a little further?"

"Okay!" One response!
Dozens of security guards were quietly crouching and retreating. It was not that the security guards were greedy for life, but that a mysterious spillover had really occurred. They rushed forward and made unnecessary sacrifices.

Suddenly I saw a few agents twenty meters in front of me. They stretched out their hands and pressed the earphones, as if they heard something. Then they turned around and gestured to the back: "It's over in Yameni."

"Cleanup team in."

A total of sixty people in black uniforms rushed up from behind and divided into four teams to enter the stadium from different gates.

The security guards were still at a loss when they saw that the man and woman who had gone in before had already walked out quickly.

The man asked as he walked: "Are there any new cases?"

"Yes, at the Zhongbang Bandung Hotel, the team leader asked us to solve the problem here and rush over immediately."

The security guards were stunned. It took only a few minutes after entering, but it was solved?
This is a truly large-scale scene!
The man with the team members passed by them and suddenly reached out and patted their captain on the shoulder: "Thank you."

Then he quickly got in the car and left.


In the car, Zhang Qingxiang stretched out his hand towards Feng Lintong: "Information on the Zhongbang Bandung Hotel."

Feng Lintong was reading on his tablet. The information had just been sent.

She was about to hand it to Yanei when she suddenly screamed: "Bai, Bai Qian will live in Zhongbang Bandung today!"


Bai Qian was only wearing a pair of silk pajamas, with bare feet and a table knife in her hand. She held her breath and hid under a door of the safe passage.

Of course she was wearing slippers when she escaped from the bedroom of the suite.

But the hotel's disposable slippers ran away in two steps.

Bai Qian also felt that she had been unlucky these past two days.

Something happened at the Xinghao Hotel, so the crew moved here.

In fact, it has been completed, and most of the other actors have left, leaving only myself as the female lead, and there are still a few promotional activities.

As a result, after such a delay, something like this happened!
About an hour ago, there was a sudden commotion in the hotel.

Bai Qian lived in a penthouse suite, and the residents below rushed up to him. Bai Qian had already taken a shower and was getting ready for bed. Hearing the commotion, he opened the door and came out to check. Dozens of people swarmed past the door, screaming and running wildly——

Bai Qian looked in the direction behind them inexplicably. Another elevator opened, and there appeared a woman whose entire face, and even her entire skin, were all pieced together!

Her face...nose, eyes, mouth, ears, eyebrows, etc., taken individually, are perfect and flawless.

But they obviously belong to different people.

When she cut it off and transplanted it onto her face, it was really terrifying!
Bai Qian said "Oh my god" in her heart and ran away without thinking...

That hundred-nab-clad monster would knock on the door from room to room. Even if no one opened the door, he would break the door and go in, sniffing and searching carefully.

No matter who you find, if there is a part of the person's body that is "prettier" than her, immediately cut it off and put it on yourself.

If not, she will be disgusted and think it is waste and garbage, so she will dispose of it casually.

This building in the hotel has been mysteriously sealed, and everyone is unable to get out even if they try their best.

Bai Qian was almost discovered by the monster several times. Fortunately, she was very smart and avoided it every time.

She found the safe passage and slumped under a door. Her heart was filled with despair. She knew that her time was running out.

Because just when she ran over, her foot was pricked by a piece of debris on the ground.

As he ran away, blood was scattered all the way.

She was extremely exhausted and didn't know how long she could hold on.

The monster seemed to be very sensitive to the smell of blood. But Bai Qian gritted her teeth and said to herself: I spent more than ten years climbing to the throne of the Queen of Heaven, not just to sacrifice my face to a monster!

Bai Qian mustered up her last strength and quietly observed the situation outside.

After confirming that the corridor outside was empty, she quietly came out and went into the tool room, rummaging around quietly without making any noise.

Fortunately, I was lucky this time, and the cleaning tools and materials are all here.

Bai Qian first tied the wound with a towel, put several layers of garbage bags on the outside, and then tied it with another layer of towels.

The other uninjured foot was only wrapped with two layers of towels in place of shoes.

She listened to the noise outside, opened the door and left quickly.

Not long after she left, the elevator dinged and stopped on this floor and opened.

In the elevator, the monster was posing in various enchanting poses in front of the mirror, admiring the various "beauties" on his body.

Suddenly, her nose moved, and she immediately jumped out of the elevator, lying on all fours like a wild animal, her nose constantly sniffing, tracking the smell of blood.

Bai Qian became weaker and weaker. Most female stars are very thin. Coupled with the blood loss, she felt dizzy and every step she took was extremely difficult.

She dragged herself and hid in a room.

This place had been swept away by the monster, and the two corpses on the carpet exuded a strong smell of blood.

There is also a huge floor-to-ceiling window. The view should have been beautiful, but now, the building is shrouded in mystery, and outside the window is a dark chaos.

Bai Qian huddled in the bathtub, gasping for air, trying hard to remember the next script she received.

She did not lie to Zhang Qingxiang. It is indeed a mysterious film. The script says that when faced with mysterious scenes, you should not panic, but you must observe and analyze carefully to find out the underlying "rules"...

"But you didn't tell me how to find it!" Bai Qian cursed inwardly.

Suddenly there was a noise outside, as if... something kicked the body!

Bai Qian held her breath for a moment and stared at the bathroom door in horror and nervousness.

I have endless hope in my heart because I heard wrong.

But the reality was so cruel and cold, and the terrifying figure flashed at the bathroom door.

Bai Qian tried her best to shrink herself into the bathtub, but how could she avoid the monster?


The monster laughed sharply, appeared beside the bathtub like lightning, and caught Bai Qian, just like a buyer in a pet market grabbing the back of the puppy's neck and picking it up to look at it carefully.

"There is such a beautiful one hidden!"

But as she looked at it, she suddenly became angry and crazy: "Why are you so beautiful!"

"More beautiful than I am now!"

Bai Qian suddenly recognized her, and the voice seemed familiar: "You are Liao Simin? We are from the same crew..."

But "Liao Simin" had no intention of missing her old relationship at all, and still stared at her crazily and greedily, with eyes like wild beasts.

"I don't want the faces of these people anymore, I want your face and your body!"

"You are more beautiful than all of them put together!"

Then, she suddenly used her other hand to pull off the pieces of human skin on her face!

Revealing a skinless, bloody humanoid monster inside!

"Ah -" Bai Qian screamed in fright, but the monster came towards her: "I will get into your body and eat all your flesh and blood, and your skin will be mine!"

"I'm going to become the most beautiful woman in the world!"

Liao Simin is a supporting actor in the crew.

He doesn't have many roles, is not famous, and is almost forty years old.

She dropped out of school at the age of sixteen and has been in the entertainment industry for more than twenty years, but she has never become popular.

Her appearance is considered beautiful among ordinary people, but in the entertainment industry, she can only be considered ordinary.

She also tried plastic surgery, but it was never as good as Bai Qian's natural ones.

The scene where she and Bai Qian were on the same crew had already finished filming, and they had taken on a small supporting role from another crew in the same city.

In that crew, he was ignored as usual, shouted around by the director, and used as a punching bag by the lead actor.

She always felt that her acting skills were fine and she could not succeed because she was not "stunning" enough.

This afternoon, her last scene ended at four o'clock. When the crew had dinner at 5:30, they didn't even order a box lunch for her.

The filming location was not far from Jungbang Bandung, so she had no right to argue with the crew, and it was just a box lunch, so if she really made a fuss, she would look stingy.

She left silently and walked to the hotel unknowingly.

When I was tired, I sat and rested in the hotel lobby.

In the fountain in the lobby, a wet little boy suddenly stood up and smiled at her. His facial features were strangely squeezed together. What was even more strange was that she didn't feel scared.

The little boy said to her, "I want to help you."

"Anyone in this hotel who thinks that part of their body is beautiful, I will take it off and give it to you."

"What about the young lady standing at the front desk? I think she is prettier and younger than you."

Liao Simin agreed: "I want her nose."

Then, a mystery arrives!
 I have to work hard on coding on the weekends!
(End of this chapter)

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