mysterious forerunner

Chapter 79 The man on the wall of heroes

Chapter 79 The man on the wall of heroes

Zhang Qingxiang did not show off. He dealt with multiple scenes in succession tonight, and finally solved the evil Buddha by using secret objects continuously. The price paid was huge, and it was time to take a rest.

"it is good."

Ye Yousheng was about to say that I should also take a day off, but Uncle Zhang apologized: "Girl, I can't give you a day off too. The team is extremely short of people right now."

"Okay." Ye You agreed in a muffled voice. He was already thinking carefully about how he could sue his uncle without leaving any trace when he met his aunt later!
The whole group retreated, got in the car and went straight to the Fourth Hospital of the City.

Bai Qian's nanny car could no longer be driven, so she had to squeeze into Zhang Qingxiang and Ye Yousheng's car without a look.

And the queen knows how to seize opportunities - Ye Yousheng has just gotten on the bus, there are two seats left, Zhang Qingxiang is about to get in, Bai Qian relies on the flexibility and agility of women, swish around Zhang Qingxiang and sit in first.

Sticking to Ye Yousheng, he squeezed in and found the last seat. He smiled and waved to Zhang Qingxiang: "Come on, there's still room."

Zhang Qingxiang had no choice but to sit next to her.

Ye Yousheng had a tigerish expression on his face and didn't say anything the whole way.

This time it was definitely not because of Yin Chai.

Feng Lintong sat in the front, observing the situation in the back row through the rearview mirror from time to time, his eyes rolling around, and his whole body was filled with the satisfaction of having eaten enough gossip.

The atmosphere in the car was a bit dull. Zhang Qingxiang had nothing to say and asked Bai Qian: "You have already taken office, what are your plans for the future?"

There was a momentary wandering in Bai Qian's eyes. Neither Zhang Qingxiang nor Ye Yousheng noticed it, but Feng Lintong in the front row happened to catch it in the rearview mirror.

"No way? Could it be that a big star could give up his glamorous life for the sake of Yanei and work as a small agent in the secret case team?" Feng Lintong had an idea in his mind that he couldn't even believe.

Bai Qian finally shook her head: "What are your plans? Change your agent and everything will continue."

She turned to look at Zhang Qingxiang: "I don't like the feeling of being unable to resist when faced with mystery.

After taking office, you must still have ways to continue practicing and improve, right?
Can you tell me? "

The person they were asking was Zhang Qingxiang, but Tian Mingkun who was driving the car took the initiative to answer without seeing him: "If you want to become stronger, go explore mysterious scenes. The more you experience, the faster your strength will grow."

Feng Lintong couldn't help but roll his eyes at this guy.

Unexpectedly, Tian Mingkun came up with an assist next: "Look at us following the captain. It has only been a month and we are already at the second level.

Sister Bai, when you first took office, you had to experience at least three mysterious scenes before you could reach the first level. "

Feng Lintong has no idea whether this guy is really straight, or whether he is too high-ranking and a scumbag to be straight.

Ye Yousheng adjusted his sitting position and pushed his long knees hard on the back of the seat in front of him.

Tian Mingkun was shaken by the push: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, change your position." Ye Yousheng replied in a muffled voice.

Bai Qian asked Zhang Qingxiang again: "Is this really the only way?"

Zhang Qingxiang thought about it and decided that it was time to release the cultivation method: "Not necessarily, I am currently studying daily cultivation methods. If successful, I can improve my cultivation level without entering mysterious scenes.

If successful, I will send you a copy when the time comes. "

Bai Qian smiled brightly: "Really, I can take this as a promise, thank you in advance.

If you have my contact information, don’t forget it. I’ll treat you to a big dinner then. "

When the car drove to the Fourth Courtyard of the City, it was almost dawn.

The mysterious climax of this night has passed, and the city has returned to its original tranquility at night.

After a routine check to make sure everyone was fine, it was already past six in the morning.

Bai Qian was missing when everyone came out. Only her little assistant, huddled like a quail in the cold wind of late autumn morning, was waiting for everyone in the hospital lobby, carrying a dozen breakfasts in her hands.

"Sister Bai left temporarily and asked me to buy breakfast for everyone."

Not surprisingly, everyone got breakfast and got in the car to go home.

Feng Lintong felt a little regretful: "I also want to ask Sister Bai about the gossip in the entertainment industry. Is the rumor that King Qiao Tianwang had an illegitimate child true?

This year's Golden Phoenix Best Actress has a shameful video online, is it her..."

Ye Yousheng walked past her and said calmly: "She and we are originally from two different worlds.

Because the mystery was involved once, and then they passed by each other. It should be like this, isn't it good? "

Feng Lintong was stunned: "Okay, okay."

Zhang Qingxiang took two breakfasts from his assistant, ate one himself, and handed the other to Ye Yousheng: "After a busy night, it's good for your stomach to eat something before going to bed."

Ye Yousheng blinked, grabbed both breakfasts, and threw them into the trash can on the side.


As soon as Zhang Qingxiang shouted, Ye Yousheng hugged his arm and said softly: "Brother, the breakfast at this roadside stall is not healthy. Let's go have morning tea. I know there is one that is very authentic..."

Tian Mingkun's eyes lit up: "I q too..."

Then Feng Lintong scalped him from behind: "Shut up, you don't want to go."

Tian Mingkun's face was confused: "My mother is from Guangdong Province, I..." Feng Lintong glared at him, and Tian Mingkun lowered his head in grievance, not daring to say anything.

The other team members snickered secretly.

I don’t know if it’s the couple in front of me who has already walked to the luxury car and is going to have morning tea, or the couple behind who doesn’t have morning tea.


The morning tea shop Ye Yousheng chose was indeed very authentic, and Zhang Qingxiang couldn't get enough of it.

The two returned to Ye's house. After Zhang Qingxiang put Ye Yousheng to sleep, he also closed his eyes.

The mysterious energy in his body surged like a sea. After this night of fierce fighting, although he was extremely exhausted, Zhang Qingxiang broke through the fourth level in one fell swoop.

And there is still power left - Zhang Qingxiang estimated that nearly 40% of the upgrade from level 4 to level 5 has been completed.

"Huh..." Zhang Yanei secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After the fourth level, the last side effect of [Ghost Caibei] can be avoided.

It's not that I'm afraid of yin deficiency or anything, I'm just worried that long-term anemia will affect my condition and delay the plan to eliminate the mystery.

Zhang Qingxiang took another nap to regain some strength, and then came out without waking up the little girl.

Although I have a day off today, there are still some things that need to be dealt with.

After going out, Zhang Qingxiang called Teacher Liang. Mr. Guo had an important meeting in the morning, so he and Zhang Qingxiang met at two o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhang Qingxiang simply called his father: "Dad, what are you doing?"

"Are you okay? Then come over and check with me. The team is recruiting new members in the morning." Zhang Ruiqian directly pulled his son's young man.

Zhang Qingxiang asked the driver to go directly to the small courtyard of the secret case team.

First, pour a drop of the Yin Dew from [Ghost Cai Bei] onto Buddha Belly Begonia. The mysterious spirit lightly shook its body in relief, and then twisted twice.

This little thing, chubby, with a small round leaf on its head, really looked like a plump dancer from the prosperous Tang Dynasty, performing a few soft dance moves for the master.

And that's it.

One drop, only two actions.

I still want to watch the show again, Sir, you need to top up.

With such a small reward, you can only look at these two actions.

Zhang Qingxiang flicked its leaves, got up and went upstairs to find his father. Zhang Ruiqian was holding the roster and notebook under his arm, preparing to go out to the large conference room for the interview.

"You're here just in time, come with me."

Zhang Qingxiang watched helplessly as the notebooks and rosters, which were stacked together and were three fingers thick, slid down from his father's armpit.

Zhang Ruiqian looked helpless - only people who work out know this kind of pain.

Zhang Qingxiang rushed forward and picked up the things: "I'll hold it for you."

Zhang Ruiqian stared at him: "So attentive? Do you have anything else to ask me for?"

"I do my best to be filial, how can you look at me like this?" Zhang Qingxiang looked like he was filial to his son, and took the initiative to open the door for his father, and then said with a playful smile: "That's right, um, I may have to work with you this month."

"You make so much money every month, and you still want to live with me?!"

Zhang Qingxiang doesn't want to, he can't keep rubbing against the little girl, right?

It is really a [Gui Caibei] Taihei store. I only used you once and the deposit will be cleared immediately.

Zhang Ruiqian looked at today's date: "The first month's salary will be paid the day after tomorrow."

Zhang Qingxiang's eyes lit up: "How much money can I receive?"

"The actual basic salary should be 8,560. Including bonuses, it should be more than 20,000."

"Oh." Zhang Qingxiang suddenly lost interest.

A college dropout could earn more than 20,000 yuan a month, which was originally very good, but who made Zhang Qingxiang take more than 400,000 yuan from Ye Jiucheng before? Compared with this, more than 20,000 yuan is not much.

During this period, the salary of the secret case team was not far away from that of other public employees. It was different in the later period, and was often several times that of ordinary white-collar workers.

"Isn't it enough for you to eat?" Zhang Ruiqian scolded his son with a glare, and then talked about the new matter this time: "The mystery cannot be concealed, so the superiors decided to simply let it go.

Of course it's a good thing for us. We don't have to use other pretexts to recruit new people like before.

This group of new recruits are prioritized among the city's public security bureaus, troops, and fire brigades. They are all already employed and will be a great supplement to our combat capabilities. "

There were many people waiting in the courtyard below. They were divided into several groups. One group of ten people went upstairs to wait outside the large conference room, and their names were called to enter one by one.

In addition to Zhang Ruiqian, the interviewers were Yihangdao and Wang Changyong.

Zhang Qingxiang sat obediently behind the three people and interviewed dozens of people. The three interviewers were in a good mood. These people were accepted and they would not appear again in the future. It was clear that someone called the police, but no detectives could be sent. Dealing with dilemmas.

After two hours of interviews, the interviewers took a short break.

Zhang Ruiqian took this opportunity to tell his son about his next plan: "After recruiting this group of people, I plan to split the secret case team into three and station them in different places in the city, so that they can be dispatched faster.

I am responsible for one, you are responsible for another, and there is still one group left, but there is no suitable candidate for the third group.

In terms of professional ability, Feng Xiaoxian is barely adequate, but his temperament is a little out of control. I don't trust the entire team in his hands. "

As for Ye Yousheng, Zhang Ruiqian didn't mention it at all.

If he dared to separate her from her son, this girl would probably quit the secret case team on the spot.

As soon as his father stuck out his butt, Zhang Qingxiang knew what he was going to do...

Not to mention this guy with a sinister face, who glanced hard at the two consultants.

But this is also Zhang Qingxiang's next plan.

Otherwise, why would he show Wang Changyong the "Essence of Chuanwu - Forty-Seven Hands of Training and Fighting"?
But dad, your acting skills are so bad that you turned into a scumbag in a matter of seconds.

During the break, everyone drinks tea together and then continues working.

Zhang Qingxiang picked up the list, went to the door and shouted: "Shi Fangjie."


A handsome young man stood up, still wearing the uniform of a security guard.

He followed Zhang Qingxiang into the big office, sat down and answered the interviewers' questions truthfully.

Zhang Qingxiang sat in the back and stared at Shi Fangjie for a few times, then suddenly remembered: Why he looked familiar to me.

Zhang Qing met Shi Fangjie in his previous life.

But it's not a real person.

When Zhang Qingxiang entered the Secret Security Bureau, there was a "Wall of Heroes" in the Bureau, on which were hung all the agents who had died since the establishment of the secret case team.

There is such a wall of heroes in every bureau.

The first thing newcomers like Zhang Qingxiang do when they join the company is to come under this wall to remember their ancestors and receive education.

Shi Fangjie's photo hangs above.

Zhang Qingxiang didn't even know how Shi Fangjie died. There were too many agents like him who sacrificed silently in the era of pan-cultivation.

But in this life, Zhang Qingxiang remembered this name and later asked him to join his group.

At 12:30 noon, the morning interview ended.

"Let's go eat first. There are still a hundred people in the afternoon." Zhang Ruiqian suddenly became generous: "Let's go, I'll treat you at noon."

Of course all he wanted was two advisers.

Zhang Qingxiang ate and drank as a matter of course.

On the way to the hotel, Zhang Ruiqian kept typing on his mobile phone.

This guy's fingers are too thick and he keeps making mistakes when using the input method.

Zhang Qingxiang looked distressed and whispered: "Stop applying. I told my mother that today is business and I will ask her to approve the money for you."

Zhang Ruiqian was overjoyed: "This meal at noon is estimated to cost five thousand, I told your mother ten thousand..."

"Don't go too far!"

The four Awakened Ones can all be eaten by Gill, but during this time, various restaurants have become accustomed to it. It is not surprising that some diners have super big stomachs.

After the meal, Zhang Ruiqian lit up a cigarette and gave another one to Wang Changyong and Yihang Daoren: "What are your plans next? Are you always going to be this consultant?
The big era has arrived, don't you two want to get deeply involved? "

The two consultants didn't speak, and Zhang Ruiqian was speechless and took a lonely puff of cigarette.

Zhang Qingxiang sighed secretly and could only tell his father the truth.

"Teacher Wang, do you really not plan to stay? I have many questions about martial arts, and I would like to ask you for advice."

Wang Changyong's eyes lit up: "How many?"

Zhang Qingxiang pretended to think and gave a number: "Seven or eight."

Wang Changyong was disappointed: "There are only so few."

Zhang Qing asked instead: "How many do you want?"

Wang Changyong said: "There must be at least twenty."

Zhang Qingxiang smiled: "I'm kidding you, there are forty-seven in total."

Wang Changyong was overjoyed: "Great! Waiter, add a bottle of wine. I want to have a few drinks with brother Xiao Wang."

Zhang Ruiqian looked confused, what are you two talking about?
 I didn't have time to come back in the afternoon, so the update was late.

  Today's two updates total 7,000 words.

(End of this chapter)

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