mysterious forerunner

Chapter 8 Desire for Power

Chapter 8 Desire for Power

The Taoist continued to search, but as soon as he took two steps out, the pointer on the compass was messed up again.

The Taoist was in disbelief: "The third monster!"

"The strength exceeds the combined strength of the previous two."

"It should be the Demon King in this Demon Realm."


The Taoist grasped the time: "How long will it take this time?"

Zhang Qingxiang looked at that figure and immediately understood: An Jizong.

No need to go to the warehouse to look, that touchstone must have disappeared.

Originally, Touchstone had not yet awakened to become a source.

It's this mysterious scene that changes it.

An Jizong turned around slowly, but his eyes contemptuously ignored Zhang Qingxiang and stared at Ye Jiucheng behind him.

"Your Majesty!"

"From tonight onwards, you must serve me as Lord!"

"I will never be ordered around by anyone again."

"Any orders I give will be carried out without hesitation."

"My will is your destiny!"

Zhang Qingxiang pointed to the corpses: "You killed them all?"

An Jizong proudly said: "They deserve what they deserve."

"Is it because they refuse to obey your orders?"

"Of course!"

Zhang Qingxiang shook his head secretly. An Jizong in his previous life was a man of honor and loyalty. Apart from being in cahoots with Du Dajin, he seemed to have done nothing serious.

It turns out there is such a dark heart and such a sinful past!

Zhang Qingxiang looked up to the sky and sighed: "In that case, just go and die!"

"Hahaha!" An Jizong laughed wildly and pointed at Zhang Qingxiang with his bloody little finger: "Just you?"

His tone was full of arrogance and disdain: "After tonight, I will be on top of the world!"

"From now on, no one can disobey me!"

"Wait, you're just an ant!"

An Jizong's eyes showed a clear look of ridicule. His claws moved like death's scythes, and a terrifying shadow shrouded the heads of the three of them.

Zhang Qingxiang raised his hand for the third time——

Ye Yousheng was behind him, extremely sure that this time it would be the same as before.

And Zhang Qingxiang raised his hand to destroy the monsters, he was cool, powerful and mysterious! In the heart of a girl Ye Yousheng's age, there is only one adjective: handsome!

Infinite divine light falls.

An Jizong's claws were all broken off, his forehead collapsed, and his two eyes bulged out, revealing an expression of disbelief.

He thought he would tear the body of the madman in front of him into pieces just like he had killed his former colleagues...

"It shouldn't be."

"I already have... power over the world..."

The muttering in his throat stopped abruptly, and An Jizong fell backwards, dying with regret filled with longing for power.

Outside the museum, the compass in the Taoist's hand stopped and the needle came down.

Quiet as a chicken at this moment.

The Taoist was quite pleased with himself: "Master Tao, I really predict things like a god."

"It's still ten seconds."

"The seniors' performance has been very stable."

The Taoist gazed at the museum with eager eyes: "Senior is coming out soon, I must meet and get to know him!"


A touchstone popped out of An Jizong's body the moment he fell.

Zhang Qingxiang picked it up - but didn't dare to fuse it.

The origins of these items are questionable, and they cannot be left alone.

There were six corpses on the ground in the yard. Manager Zhou had previously arranged for people to be on duty. Counting the security captain and An Jizong, there were eight people in total.

In other words, except for Zhang Qingxiang, there are no living people in the huge museum.

Zhang Qingxiang led his father and daughter towards the gate of the museum.

The rule in this scene is "desire".

Manager Zhou is "lustful".

The captain is "Lust for Money".

An Jizong was "power hungry".

It is said that at this point, the mysterious manipulator behind the scenes has no "tools" to use, and the scene has been cracked.

Then the ban here will disappear.

But Zhang Qingxiang still couldn't open the door.

Zhang Qingxiang sighed secretly and looked back at the father and daughter with regret.

Finally it fell on Ye Yousheng. "Is it difficult for me to save the wrong person?"

After all, she must have experienced something and gained something in this "scene" in her previous life to finally become the "Blood-Coated Guanyin" Ye Xishi!

However, as Ye Jiucheng stood next to his daughter, the flesh and blood on his broken arm squirmed, and his aura changed from weak and decadent to strong and strong.

——Not Ye Yousheng but Ye Jiucheng!
The compass in the Taoist priest's hand became restless again.

"There are actually monsters inside?" The Taoist was confused, but the pointer swung widely but not very fast.

"It's weird!"

Zhang Qingxiang understood instantly.

After everything that happened tonight, Ye Jiucheng was full of desire for "power".

He was originally a person who "owns everything and controls everything", but suddenly faced with the environment of the law of the jungle, he found that he could not even protect his favorite daughter...

So the desire for "power" is unstoppable!
Ye Yousheng was also stunned, watching his father's broken arm grow back.

Countless granulations quickly extended from the wound and combined with each other to become various flesh tissues.

Finally, a tender white new baby grew out, and Ye Jiucheng got used to it.

At the same time, his body also began to mutate.

His desire for power caused his body to grow huge, with bulging muscles and dense black hair. In an instant, he transformed into a five-meter-tall King Kong!
He roared wildly, and then said to Ye Yousheng: "Dad, take you out!"

Using his hands and feet, he quickly rushed to the door and slammed it hard.

Several layers of blue-gray energy ripples bloomed, and Ye Jiucheng was bounced back.

No one can escape until the ban is lifted.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" Ye Jiucheng became even more furious, his strength increased again, and he ran wildly and punched the door.


He was bounced back again.

"Dad..." Ye Yousheng cried out distressedly, her delicate body trembling.

Ye Jiucheng's eyes were bloodshot, like two red light bulbs: "Only a little, just a little..."

He didn't know how many times he rushed forward. After being knocked back this time, he was about to lose control... Zhang Qingxiang shook his head and was about to raise his hand... only to find that Ye Yousheng was hugging his arm tightly.

The girl's eyes were filled with tears, and she looked pitiful. Her weak eyes were full of pleading: "You, you... you have a way to save my dad, right?"

"I will repay you, I will definitely repay you!"

Ye Yousheng knew very well that the moment the young man raised his arms to the sky, his father would end up like the other three!
Zhang Qingxiang thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "The only one who can save him here is you."

Ye Yousheng was confused, and Zhang Qingxiang pointed: "He is not completely lost yet. You are the only one here who can wake him up."

Ye Yousheng gritted his teeth and his eyes became determined.

Zhang Qing said to Ye Jiucheng: "The underlying rule here is 'desire'. Your abnormal desire for power is the only reason why we are still trapped here."

"Give up this evil power!"

"Ouch!" Ye Jiucheng pounded the ground with his fists, roaring and roaring at Zhang Qingxiang.

Zhang Qingxiang said coldly: "Or... I'll beat you to death and take your daughter away from here!"

Of course, Ye Jiucheng was not willing to give up his "power" just like this. This power gave him the illusion of being "omnipotent".

Zhang Qingxiang could see through his mind at a glance: "Or, do you think you can kill me and leave here alive with this strength and your daughter?"

Ye Jiucheng was already on the verge of complete rage, roaring and roaring, pounding his fists angrily, pressing his huge body down, and he might pounce on Zhang Qingxiang at any time.


Ye Yousheng's shrill cry came, and Ye Jiucheng turned his head stiffly, only to see his daughter's eyes full of crystal tears, kneeling on the ground, her thin body so painful and helpless.

She seemed to be shouting with all her strength, but her voice was not loud:

"I don't want you to do this!"

"My mother definitely doesn't want you to be like this!"

"You understand, you understand in your heart."

Ye Jiucheng's breathing was heavy and hot.

The five-meter-tall body came to his daughter's side heavily, his eyes full of anger.

In front of him, Ye Yousong's voice was small and delicate.

The girl raised her face and stretched out her little finger towards her father.

Ye Jiucheng roared again and again, and his fists fell violently beside Ye Yousheng, making a big hole in the ground.

This made Ye Yousheng seem to be standing on a small island.

Ye Yousheng, who is 1.7 meters tall, is delicate and slender. Compared with the huge "King Kong" who is more than 5 meters tall in front of him, there is a huge gap.

But she still pursed her thin lips stubbornly, always maintaining the "hooking" posture, and stretched out her hand towards her father.

"Whatever happened tonight, I won't tell my mother. It's a little secret between our father and daughter, okay?"

Ye Jiucheng's roaring voice gradually became lower, and the rage in his eyes began to fade away. He stretched out his little finger on his huge palm and hooked his daughter.

During this process, his palms and body quickly shrank, his black hair faded, and he became like a normal person.

The hand he stretched out was a broken arm, and it turned into scraps and dispersed...

Ding dong!

A "Yu Wengzhong" was thrown out by Ye Jiucheng.

On the ancient painting that has been floating behind the three people, Dragon Claw Nuwa stared at the three people with one eye in confusion, showing an expression of unwillingness, disdain, anger, but also helplessness.

In the end, he stared at Ye Yousheng with great interest, like a severe mental patient who saw his favorite toy.

(End of this chapter)

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