mysterious forerunner

Chapter 83 2 Stage Transformation

Chapter 83 Second Stage Transformation
"Is he surrendering to weirdness?!" The boy became emotional, very confused and dissatisfied.

"No way?" The fat girl couldn't believe it: "And... when will Weird accept surrender? If he bows his head, he won't kill you?"

"Then what on earth is he doing?" the boy asked.

"Sister Luo, what do you think?" The girl couldn't answer the question and looked at Shi Luo for help.

They all know that Shi Luo has a special ability and can see through some "truths".

Shi Luozheng's delicate eyebrows were slightly condensed, and his eyes were covered with a light blue. On his beautiful and delicate left cheek, a series of dark patterns like totems appeared...

The moment Zhang Qingxiang and the mechanical monster passed by each other, [Creeping Foot] was activated and he easily ran up the back of the mechanical monster.

Then his feet moved quickly and he climbed up.

Although this mechanical weirdness is huge, it is only at the fourth level.

Most of its body parts are made of ordinary metal machinery. There are only two parts that are mysteriously contaminated. One is the power core, the old diesel engine.

The other one is the honeycomb-shaped flame energy structure in the throat.

The machine was running wildly, and Zhang Qingxiang was thrown out several times when he was on it. It was like riding a roller coaster, which was really exciting.

Zhang Qingxiang used his second secret skill [Spiritual Eye] while running and climbing on Weird's back.

In the diesel engine, there are hundreds of souls who died in vain, and many of them have lost their lower bodies.

The old diesel engine is like a soul millstone, sucking them in and grinding them into pure spiritual energy, providing evil power for the huge body.

There are a total of seven long and thick energy pipes extending from the old diesel engine, like blood vessels, transporting these evil powers to the weird mechanical body.

These energy blood vessels only exist at the energy level and have no entity. It is difficult to completely cut them off.

An eight-sided swallow-tail spear appeared in Zhang Qingxiang's hand.

Shi Luo, who was in the distance, saw this scene and shook his head slightly: "He must have also seen through the truth about this weird machine.

But it's not that easy to cut off those channels of spiritual energy. "

Cutting off the energy transmission pipeline can effectively stop weird behaviors.

It is too difficult to defeat such a huge monster head-on.

No matter what level the practitioners are, there is a huge physical gap between them, so it is unwise to fight head-on.

She explained to her companions: "There are seven energy channels on this weird core, one leads to the head, three leads to the three pairs of arms, two leads to the legs, and one leads to the tail."

"Cutting off any one of them will only stop the action of one part."

"He doesn't know what secret thing he used to make the mechanical weirdness ignore his existence."

"But as long as the energy channel is cut off, Weird will react immediately, and other parts will quickly strangle him!"

The fat girl suddenly pointed at Zhang Qingxiang: "Hey, he changed his weapons."

The [Tiger General's Spear] in Zhang Qingxiang's hand disappeared and was replaced by [Blood Sword Flower].

Shi Luo shook his head: "Even if you switch to a secret weapon that is more suitable for chopping, it will only cut off a few more energy channels before the mechanical weirdness reacts."

"It's very difficult to deal with such a huge monster once it appears."

"This thing is not like a cyber zombie. It is really unsolvable for us at the moment."

The three of them saw Zhang Qingxiang's eyes fixed on the diesel engine, and he waved the bone-cutting knife in his hand.

Shi Luo said softly: "Sure enough, this is still the tactic."

"He has found the best answer, but it's a pity that the best answer still cannot solve this problem."

Bang! Bang! Bangdang...

The huge mechanical weirdness suddenly made a series of huge metal collision sounds. The huge body and various mechanical components collided with each other.

Then, like a patient who suddenly lost all his strength, the various structures of the body collided with each other, and Banglang collapsed to the ground.

"Uh-" The fat girl opened her mouth, closed it again, and carefully peeked at Sister Luo and her brother beside her. Both of them were stunned, surprised and shocked.

Shi Luo was filled with confusion and used his skills again, with a mysterious totem appearing on his cheeks.

Soon, she spoke: "This guy... I don't know what method he used to completely isolate his weird core from his body!"

Then he sincerely praised: "Good method, good idea!"

"This tactic is perfect. I underestimated him before."

" did he do it? It's really curious."

Secret weapon [Blood Knife Flower]: Cage space.

But what Zhang Qingxiang trapped in the cage space was not the entire weirdness, but its core engine.

This is equivalent to cutting off the diesel engine from the entire weird mechanical body.

Before Zhang Qingxiang took action, he also thought about the consequences of not being able to cut off the energy pipeline at the same time.

If he wanted to cut off all the spiritual energy pipelines at the same time, Zhang Qingxiang could do it.

In "The Essence of Chuan Wu - Forty-seven Moves to Practice and Fight", there is a move that can be used to attack at least eight times instantly.

The higher the level, the more instant attacks you can perform.

Level 4 Zhang Qingxiang can attack nine times instantly. However, this move consumes too much mysterious energy. After one blow, Zhang Qingxiang lost 40% of his strength.

The flame energy structure in the throat will need to be solved later, so Zhang Qingxiang still changed to the [Blood Knife Flower].

The strange machine collapsed, and Feng Xiaoxian cheered in the communication channel: "Ya Nei, you are so handsome!"

With a buzzing sound, the two cars turned around and drove towards the strange machine.

Zhang Qingxiang shouted: "Don't come over! It's not over yet."


Brake hard!
"It's not over yet? But this thing is already soft and turned into a puddle of mud." Feng Xiaoxian screamed strangely, leaning out of the car and wanting to go forward to check, but he was a little afraid and hesitant.

On the rooftop in the distance, two "little friends" were also wondering: "How else will this weirdness change?"

Although Shi Luo nodded and said, "Yes, I can't see what changes will happen.

My skills have only reached this stage. If I want to see the deeper 'truth', I have to advance to the fourth level. "

The boy was a little dissatisfied for his eldest sister: "This guy... can't be more powerful than Sister Luo. He probably only knows about the weirdness and changes. He definitely doesn't know what the next change will be."

But his eldest sister and little sister looked at the mechanical weirdness and Zhang Qingxiang expectantly, curious about what Zhang Qingxiang would do next.

The strange machine collapsed to the ground. In just three or four seconds, the huge Tyrannosaurus rex-like mechanical head suddenly made a strange sizzling sound, and the originally blue mechanical eyes suddenly turned red.



Two straight lines of fire shot out, more than one meter long.

The strange sizzling sound quickly increased in volume and turned into a sound similar to...the roar of a rocket engine!

The flames shooting out of his eyes became ethereal and pure.

The eyes are like two rocket engines.

With a bang, the huge mechanical head was separated from the body and launched!
At the same time, the entire mechanical head began to deform: the original face turned into the back of the head, and the original back of the head turned into the front face!

The flame energy device at the throat expanded rapidly, and a power that seemed to come from the abyss and flames continued to radiate terrible pollution outwards!


This thing turned into a burning dragon head!

There are countless sharp metal dragon horns sprouting from the head, and the eyes are deep and hollow. If you look at it one more time, your soul will be lost in them.

The huge dragon's mouth is tightly closed. Once it is opened, endless world-burning demonic fire will descend on the world!
The rocket launcher formed by the two mechanical eyes has now reached the "neck" of the dragon's head...

Hundreds of ten-meter-long tongues of fire surrounded the demon dragon's head, like manes and tentacles.

As soon as it appeared, the intense abyssal radiation turned half of the football field into a depraved, filthy, and desperate place of sin. All equipment such as plastic lawns and goals disappeared, leaving only a sticky gray-black swamp on the ground. !
The head of the demon dragon opened its mouth fiercely towards Zhang Qingxiang.

What was sprayed out was not the infinite world-burning demonic fire, but three long mechanical tongues!
Demonic fire lingered on it, and there was a nozzle on the tip of the tongue. While chasing Zhang Qingxiang, it continuously sprayed out dense explosive fire bombs.

Boom boom boom...

The surroundings were bombed into a mess. When Zhang Qingxiang was being chased by the Dragon Head, he activated [Creeping Foot] and strolled in mid-air. It seemed extremely thrilling, but he always managed to avoid all kinds of weird killings by a hair's breadth. trick.

The cute and slightly chubby girl couldn't help but blink, and said to herself: "So chic, so awesome..."

Feng Xiaoxian quickly hid back in the car. If Yanei hadn't reminded him just now, he would have rushed over just in time to catch the fierce attack from the Dragon Head!
Feng Xiaoxian was rejoicing when a voice from Yanei suddenly came from the communication channel: "Xiaoxian, how many energy balls can you emit at the same time now?"

"Ah?" Feng Xiaoxian was dumbfounded. The government was trying to recruit him.

He was still hesitating, but Zhang Qingxiang was already urging him: "Speak quickly!"

Feng Xiaoxian trembled and subconsciously said: "Two."

Zhang Qingxiang calculated in his mind: Not bad, worthy of being a star practitioner in the early stage.

"I have a plan..."

Feng Xiaoxian said timidly: "Can you not count me out of this plan?"

Zhang Qingxiang ignored him and quickly told him his plan.

Then Zhang Qingxiang quickly walked around the Demon Dragon's Head in the night sky. The Demon Dragon's Head staggered over the "fallen land" he created, constantly using various attacks.

Shi Luozheng was looking forward to Zhang Qingxiang's next move...

Suddenly, the three of them became alert and suddenly turned around, only to see a meatball head suddenly appearing on the edge of the wall!

Feng Lintong climbed up immediately with a smile on his face: "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Feng Lintong came close to the three of them, as if he didn't notice the wariness and rejection of the three at all, and said to Shi Luo very familiarly: "Ya Nei is right, she is indeed a beautiful woman with temperament."

Yanei didn't say that.

It was entirely Feng Lintong who activated his social skills.

She looked at the chubby girl again: "Let's work together, and I'll treat you to desserts from the Arden Hotel later."

The fat girl's eyes lit up and she nodded vigorously: "It's settled."

Only the boy... was ignored.

 Chapter two
(End of this chapter)

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