mysterious forerunner

Chapter 95 The Death of the Great Immortal

Chapter 95 The Death of the Great Immortal
Zhang Qingxiang added: "Under the matrix of "Cancer Doomsday", there are also high-level monsters. Although the number is small, in terms of strength, they are stronger than "Radiation Night".

Moreover, "Cancer Doomsday" has more than one mother body, and the monsters born from each mother body are different. "

Zhang Qingxiang kept observing his surroundings, firstly to summarize the "rules" of this scene, and secondly, to guess where the secret editing artifact would be hidden.

The team continued to move forward until they reached the sixth floor, where they encountered the first group of survivors.

They locked the security door of the office.

The back is filled with tables, chairs and cabinets.

This is a company that deals in security equipment. When the disaster broke out, several soft monsters rushed in and were killed by their joint forces.

The individual attack power of soft monsters is actually not very strong. As long as they can overcome their fear, an adult holding a weapon can kill several of them.

But now this group of people is hiding inside, and no matter how Zhang Qingxiang explains, they refuse to open the door.

The people inside yelled: "We must not open the door to him!"

"He was trying to trick us into opening the door and then hide in."

"There must be a large number of monsters chasing him behind him. Once the door opens, we will die with him."

Zhang Qingxiang stopped trying. Anyway, even if they opened the door, they couldn't leave the mysterious scene.

Zhang Qingxiang led the people to continue upward, and suddenly the sound of fierce fighting came from the front.

The sharp and harsh voice of the Daxian was squeaking strangely.

The roars of Du Jinpeng and Wei Guoyan also kept coming.

Zhang Qingxiang gestured behind him, and everyone was ready to fight.

There is a large company in front, renting an area of ​​several hundred square meters.

The company's main entrance consists of two glass doors, both of which were broken. A large number of corpses of soft-bodied monsters were piled in front of the door.

Entering the door is an open office space, about 300 square meters.

A dozen human corpses were piled aside, probably dragged away by the soft monster before they could.

In the middle, hundreds of soft monsters were frantically besieging Du Jinpeng and the others.

The great immortal waved his claws wildly, and countless dark yellow claw winds shot out like flying knives.

The little monsters were torn to pieces with a puff puff.

Du Jinpeng and Wei Guoyan stood back to back with their weapons raised, resisting those monsters who were not afraid of death.

But what really put them into a tough fight were two cheetah-sized monsters.

Their bodies are black and white, and they look a bit like lizards. Their trunks are more than three meters long, their bodies are covered with tough skin, and their heads are covered with tentacles.

Those tentacles secreted green poisonous mucus and kept spraying it towards Du Jinpeng and the others.

At the same time, their tails rise from behind.

The tip of the tail is flat and has five round holes arranged side by side. Aiming at the three of them, he fired out poisonous bone spurs!

Du Jinpeng grabbed a metal file cabinet next to him and blocked it in front of him, but those bone spurs shot through the file cabinet with a thud!
A silver light surged from Du Jinpeng's body, forming a hemispherical shield to block the bone spurs.

It should be that he carries some kind of protective secret, which is a life-saving method prepared by the Du family for him.

Du Jinpeng was so frightened that he was covered in cold sweat.

The claw wind swung out by the great immortal hit the two monsters, but it could only leave shallow traces on their tough skin, which disappeared after a while.


"I'm so angry with this great immortal!"

Uncle Zhong kept making strange screams, and suddenly jumped onto the back of a monster, scratching and biting its back.

Dense scars immediately appeared on the monster's back.

It can indeed break the monster's defense, but the damage it causes is really limited.

But the Great Immortal was cunning, and the ultimate purpose of this attack was not to kill the monster. It kept turning its eyes around, staring at the tail of the monster behind it.

It's tempting the monster to shoot itself with the bone spurs in its tail.

Then jump away at the right moment, and the bone spurs will shoot into the monster's own back.

It's just that it's a good plan, but the monster doesn't fall for it.

The tail didn't move, and the countless tendrils on the head turned around and stabbed it. The breath holes on it opened, and a large amount of venom spurted out!
"Squeak!" Daxian screamed and jumped away quickly.

The venom fell on the monster's own back, but it had no effect on it.

The monster shook its body and shook off the venom.

The two monsters also saw that the real enemy was this guy, so they simply gave up Du Jinpeng and Wei Guoyan and hunted down the great immortal together.

The Daxian jumped nimbly, dodged a wave of bone spurs, and jumped onto a filing cabinet. Then he used his front paws hard to pull off a beard on his lips, which made the corners of his eyes twitch.

It held its beard like a needle and muttered something in its mouth. Mysterious power gathered in the void, and suddenly there was a dark wind and ghostly laughter.

The great immortal twirled his beard, aimed at a monster and stabbed it in the air.

"Pour this immortal—"

There was a sharp Yin force in the void that ignored all physical defenses and penetrated into the monster's mind.

However, this blow that the Great Immortal paid a huge price for had no effect on the monster. The monster knocked down the file cabinet with two thick front paws.

The great immortal fell down with a crash and rolled several times on the ground, feeling extremely embarrassed.

The immortal screamed: "Impossible, why doesn't it work..."

Several bone spurs shot at them quickly, and the Great Immortal rolled on the spot to avoid them.

The bone spurs plopped into the hard tile floor, leaving a row of deep black holes.

Zhang Qingxiang and Ye Yousheng shook their heads together. The immortal's move was effective on any creature with a soul.

But these monsters have no souls at all.

They are not normal creatures!

Another monster was quietly lying in ambush. Taking this opportunity, dozens of tentacles sprayed out, drenching the immortal with venom!
Chi chi chi——

Daxian's body was corroded and a large amount of white smoke came out. Daxian screamed and kicked his legs violently.

A yellow shadow broke away from Uncle Zhong and scurried around, fearing that the monster would catch him.

It escaped from Uncle Zhong, and Uncle Zhong was in a miserable condition. His body was corroded with pits and pits, especially where the venom was sprayed on his face, and his bones were exposed!
"Great Immortal, Great Immortal, save me..." Uncle Zhong screamed for help.

The immortal was furious: "Save me!"

"You idiot killed me!"

The Great Immortal kept running away, but the two monsters kept an eye on it and was stopped several times.

Poor Uncle Zhong kept pleading, his voice gradually became lower and finally became silent again.

Half of his body had been corroded, and his hard bones could not last long under this overbearing venom.

Du Jinpeng and Wei Guoyan's faces were pale. Although they were still trying their best to kill the soft monsters, they had obviously lost their courage.

Du Jinpeng was extremely regretful.

Why should I put myself in danger?
It is said that a gentleman does not build dangerous walls.

Du Jinpeng glanced at Uncle Zhong's still melting body with deep hatred, it was all his fault.

Last night's performance was so good that Du Jinpeng's confidence in Daxian skyrocketed.

He rushed in without thinking much about this mysterious scene tonight.

It ended up like this.

The two monsters slowly pushed the Great Immortal into a corner. The Great Immortal had nowhere to escape. Suddenly, with a ferocious roar, the man stood up and raised his claws at the two monsters. He was going to fight for his life!

The two monsters pounced upward, but they didn't expect the great immortal to suddenly turn around and swish into the wall!
Wall penetration!
This yellow man actually still has this hand hidden.

Even Zhang Qingxiang thought that the Great Immortal had run away this time. Unexpectedly, the next moment, the Great Immortal was ejected by a force.

A monster opened its mouth and accurately bit the immortal in its mouth.


Most of the bones in Daxian's body were broken.

A layer of flexible black skin appeared on the wall.

The surrounding area is actually covered in this kind of film - it's like one of those ordinary mysterious scenes that can only be entered but not exited.

Du Jinpeng and Wei Guoyan were completely desperate.

These monsters had been prepared from the beginning, and there was no way they could escape.

Another monster bit the Taixian's tail and competed with its companions for the prey. The two monsters pulled each other and the Taixian, who was vomiting blood from his mouth, screamed and was torn in half, and no longer made any sound.

The two monsters chewed their prey twice each, then immediately turned around and pounced on Du Jinpeng and Wei Guoyan.

In Du Jinpeng's hand was a samurai sword condensed with red aura, while Wei Guoyan was holding a piece of chain. The aura extended out of the chain, and a meteor hammer condensed at the front.

The two of them resisted desperately, but the secret weapons in their hands were vulnerable to the monster, and they were thrown away with a ping-pong sound.


The monster roared and held down Du Jinpeng with one claw. Wei Guoyan fell to the ground and Du Jinpeng shouted: "Guoyan, save me——"

How could Wei Guoyan care about him? There was no color on his face. He sat on the ground and quickly retracted his hands and feet.

The monster bit Du Jinpeng's head.

Du Jinpeng's body once again surged with a silver hemispherical shield. This secret object once saved his life from the bone spurs.

However, it only held up for a moment under the monster's big mouth, and was broken like a glass cover.

The monster's bloody mouth is almost covering Du Jinpeng's face!
Du Jinpeng shouted "Guo Yan" but was ruthlessly abandoned, so he activated the "helmet" mercilessly.

A powerful spiritual force spread out in a ring, locking Wei Guoyan in an instant - come and die for me!
Wei Guoyan paused, and countless bloodshot eyes quickly appeared in the whites of his eyes.

But he was not controlled immediately. There seemed to be some secret substance that could resist mind control.

Du Jinpeng was completely desperate and used all his methods...

A green light spear suddenly flew over and pierced the monster's head accurately.

With a puff, the monster's thick green blood sprayed all over Du Jinpeng's head and face.

(End of this chapter)

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