mysterious forerunner

Chapter 98 crashed

Chapter 98 crashed

[Secret Weapon: Ling Jiao
Level: Level 3.

Efficacy: Possessing the ability to 'see through', you can see through all mysterious scenes that were not originally born.

You can ignore all weird things below the third level in this scene; you are immune to all abilities below the third level in this scene.

Side effects: All attacks that utilize the immunity of this secret object will come back to attack the holder after leaving the scene.

The holder can choose to withstand these attacks at any time within three days of leaving the scene.

For more than three days, the power of all attacks will be doubled and will appear at the same time to enforce execution. 】

The mysterious scene in front of us is also a "non-original" scene!
With the [peeping through] ability, everything in the scene is clear at a glance.

Zhang Qingxiang no longer has to use his [Spiritual Eyes] to search slowly. Holding this secret weapon, Zhang Qingxiang can immediately sense if something is abnormal wherever he passes.

As long as the secret object appears nearby, Zhang Qingxiang can find it immediately.

"Why didn't you give it to me earlier?"

Ye Yousheng pursed her lips: "I just remembered it."

In fact, the little girl blindly trusts her brother and thinks that he can solve any problem.

It wasn't until I noticed that my brother was in a bad mood that I realized that he might not be able to find the secret editing item...

Zhang Qingxiang no longer hesitated, raised the [Tiger General's Spear] high and said loudly: "Follow me!"

Du Jinpeng and Wei Guoyan saw what it means to be a tiger among the sheep, and what it means to be swept away by the wind!
Captain Zhang's output was at full capacity and he instantly cut a bloody path.

They had spent dozens of minutes stumbling to explore the two floors before. Zhang Qingxiang led them, not caring about killing monsters and only focusing on exploring. It only took three minutes to reach the eighth floor.

Du Jinpeng and Wei Guoyan were even more frightened: They must not fall behind! There are a lot of monsters left behind...

On the higher floor is the territory of another mother body, this mother body is more powerful and disgusting!
It hatched into a strange insect the size of a pigeon and like a fly. It buzzed and flew around, and was already fighting with the nematodes at the bottom.

These bugs have serrated mouthparts, fly very fast, and have very hard bodies. When they encounter prey, they dive down together and pierce the target with their mouthparts.

After killing their prey, they peck at the flesh like vultures.

If they encounter an enemy that is difficult to defeat, they will instantly turn into a flying suicide bomb.

It will explode if it hits!

In addition, according to the setting in the book, as the offspring of high-level mothers, they also have the ability to "breed". If there is sufficient food, they will also deliberately leave prey behind.

It lays its own eggs inside its prey.

The young eggs will slowly suck out the nutrients from the prey's body. When the prey turns into a mummy, the eggs will break out.

Their eggs can parasitize the bodies of all living things.

The high-level mother is even more evil. If its "children" lay enough eggs, they will eventually evolve into a new mother.

However, its superior monsters and superior monsters do not have this ability to "lay eggs".

The superior monster is a giant insect in the shape of a mantis. It can only glide short distances, but it is three meters long and has extremely strong combat capabilities.

The upper-level monster looks like a rat woman but is countless times larger. Its main function is to transport "prey".

The existence meaning of the entire "group" is entirely to serve the mother body.


This office building has a total of thirty floors. Zhang Qingxiang reached the highest floor and saw the third mother body.

I finally discovered the "editing" secret.

This is the office of a company boss. It is magnificently decorated and has a huge area.

The office area for dozens of employees outside is only 200 square meters, and his office alone is also 200 square meters.

Now the entire office is covered with a "piece" of rancid meat carpet.

Among them were some fragments of suits, shirts, and a large gold chain.

Obviously this third mother body is the original boss.

Each female has a different shape.

The meat carpet was covered with rotten and smelly blood tumors.

All the furniture and decorations in the office were covered by it.

And that "editing" secret object was in one of the collapsed ancient bookshelves.

However, although Zhang Qingxiang sensed the location of the secret object with "Ling Jiao", it was covered by the mother's body, and he still didn't know what it was.

Facing this mother body, Zhang Qingxiang could no longer use his previous tactics.

This is the highest-ranking matrix in the entire mysterious scene. When it dies, the mysterious scene will end.

The secret object will be returned to the suspect.

The mother body cannot die for the time being.

The meat blanket was keenly aware of the danger and immediately squirmed, and those strange fly-like insects rushed back crazily.

Bloody mouths opened on the meat carpet and they were all eaten.

Ye Yousheng reminded in a low voice beside Zhang Qingxiang: "Brother, in the novel, this is the seventh-level flesh blanket matrix.

The guards born from it should have level eight combat effectiveness. "

According to the setting, the mother body can give birth to a higher-level guard.

"And the mother body at this level already has the ability of [Nirvana]."

Zhang Qingxiang nodded and agreed with Ye Yousheng's judgment.

Herein lies the tricky part.

First of all, the combat effectiveness of the eighth-level guard in the book, if "No. 010" is not used, Zhang Qingxiang may not be his opponent now.

But Zhang Qingxiang didn't want to reveal "number 010" in front of Du Jinpeng and Wei Guoyan.

Therefore, the mother body cannot be allowed to give birth to guards, and they must be killed in advance.

...But in this case, it is very likely that the mother body will eventually be consumed.

But now it seems that the best choice is: regardless of all the actions of the mother body, Zhang Qingxiang finds the exact location of the "editing" secret object based on [Ling Jiao]'s induction, then cuts open this part of the mother body and takes out the secret object.

As long as it is completed before the guard matures, Zhang Qingxiang still has time to kill the guard calmly.

But the mother body of this level already has the ability of [Nirvana]!

The meaning of this ability is: the mother body has a way to die with any enemy that directly attacks itself!

But the enemy is really dead, but the mother body is not.

The mother's body will turn into an "embryo", burrow underground and hide, and will grow again when given the right opportunity!

This cheating-like ability appears in the middle and later stages of the novel.

Zhang Qingxiang seriously suspected that the author discovered the bug in the pregnancy guard at a later stage of writing, and could only patch the high-level mother body to add such a powerful ability.

So as long as you cut open the mother's body, the mother's body will immediately die with you.

He has "No. 010", so he can't die and should be able to protect the little girl.

But the others behind him will definitely die.

Zhang Qingxiang was thinking quickly in his mind, looking for a solution to the situation at hand: "We also need to look for loopholes in the logic of the book!"

Du Jinpeng and Wei Guoyan watched helplessly as three huge hematomas gradually condensed on the disgusting carpet of rotting flesh!
A powerful monster that seems to be a combination of a longhorn beetle and an octopus is taking shape within it.

The two of them were frightened: "Captain Zhang, why don't you take action?"

Zhang Qingxiang ignored the two of them and recalled the entire novel carefully.

Only Ye Yousheng knew what kind of difficulties his brother was facing. The little girl frowned tightly and used her brain hard to help her brother find a solution. Suddenly Zhang Qingxiang's eyes fell on the strange flies and insects around him.

These monster insects are quickly returning to their parent bodies.

Zhang Qingxiang suddenly grabbed a few of them, and then [Repairing Needles] appeared in his hand.

Zhang Qingxiang suddenly stabbed the eyes of the strange flies and insects several times, turning them blind.

Then they catch these strange insects and quietly get close to the mother body.

The mother's body was obviously nervous, and the hatching of the guard sped up a bit.

Zhang Qingxiang did not attack the mother body personally, but inserted the mouthparts of these strange insects into the mother body one by one.

He also used [Repairing Needles] to stimulate various parts of their bodies.

Finally, with the help of [Spiritual Eyes], I finally found the correct location.

These flies and monsters all laid eggs inside their mothers!

According to the setting in the book, their eggs can parasitize all living things. There is no doubt that the mother body is also a living body.

Zhang Qingxiang's experiment was, firstly, to cut off the connection between the strange flies and their mothers, and secondly, to stimulate their organs to make them lay eggs directly.

Blinding their eyes is an attempt to cut off contact.

But later it was discovered that the connection between them and the mother's body is through the biotin breath emitted by a gland.

Zhang Qingxiang destroyed their organs that receive this biotin.

In this way, the monster fly and insect "do not know" the mother body, and there is no awe.

Then under the stimulation of Zhang Qingxiang, the eggs began to be laid into the mother's body.

After Zhang Qingxiang discovered that this method was feasible, he immediately caught more flies and monsters and followed the same method.

There were a lot of flies and monsters around, and the little girl wanted to help, but those flies and monsters looked really disgusting.

So the little girl kept glaring at the other agents, please help me.

The agents wore Ye Yousheng's "painted armor", which would of course give them face, and it would also be a favor to the captain.

Soon the team members began to catch insects, and Zhang Qingxiang was only responsible for "supervising" them to lay eggs.

Zhang Qingxiang even inserted the mouthparts of strange flies and insects into three huge hematomas that were giving birth to guards.

It is unknown how many eggs were injected into the hematoma. The hematoma, which was still growing rapidly just now, gradually stopped expanding.

And these eggs also have a characteristic. The more energy contained in the prey's body, the faster they absorb it.

It feels like...if we don't have much food stored at home, let's save some food.

If a mouse falls into the rice barn, then we can make it happen.

At the beginning, there were not many eggs and the mother had no feeling at all.

But Zhang Qingxiang poked more and more mouthparts in, and the number of injected eggs increased rapidly - too much energy was absorbed into the mother's body.

And at this time, a logical gap appeared in the setting of the novel "Cancer Doomsday": What would be the consequences if the eggs produced by the mother's children parasitize the mother herself?
There is no relevant explanation in the book.

This means that the "logic" of this part is absolutely confusing.

Zhang Qingxiang inserted hundreds of flies and strange insects on the mother's body like a flower arrangement, and injected the insect eggs into it.

The mother body and the eggs are all stagnant.

According to the setting, so many eggs should have sucked the mother into a mummy.

But strictly speaking, these eggs are the offspring of the mother.

Once they hatch, they are also controlled by the mother's biotin - because the monster flies that produce these eggs are far from reaching the level of being promoted to the mother's body.

The mother then prevents them from fully hatching.

The two sides were at a stalemate!
It's like an old computer that falls into an endless loop and crashes.

Zhang Qingxiang breathed a sigh of relief, he guessed correctly.

"In this state, the mother body shouldn't be able to activate the ability of [Nirvana], right?" Zhang Qingxiang said to the little girl with a smile.

Of course, a frozen computer cannot run a new program.

The little girl's eyes were shining, and her brother had indeed successfully solved the problem again.

I knew he could do it.

Zhang Qingxiang used [Ling Jiao] to sense the location of the "editing" secret object - to be cautious, he activated [Creeping Foot] without directly contacting the mother's body. He stepped in the air and came to the top of the secret object, holding the eight-sided swallow-tail spear in his hand downwards. As soon as it fell, a wound was opened.

The mother's body is dry and all the juices and other fluids have been sucked dry by the insect eggs.

Zhang Qingxiang saw the secret object. It turned out to be a trophy that looked like a fake. There were already several cracks in the wooden base.

Above are several pages of manuscript paper, with a quill standing vertically on them, as if they are writing a story.

The trophy was plated with a layer of gold using rough techniques, and most of it had fallen off. The surface was covered in patches, as if it had a skin disease.

Zhang Qingxiang activated the mysterious energy in his body and captured the secret object in the air.

Within this scenario, it is powerless.

If you want to escape, you can only wait to leave this scene.

Zhang Qingxiang still didn't dare to be careless. This kind of secret object was too weird, just like the [Great Statue of Suffering]. If you are not careful, you might get caught.

Zhang Qingxiang waved his hands quickly, and pieces of spiritual light condensed and combined. Various battle lines and runes emerged from them, weaving into a void formation.

Then the formation closed up and wrapped the secret object. Zhang Qingxiang quietly breathed a sigh of relief and took the trophy in his hand.

On the base of the trophy, there are three words: Best Editor.

Zhang Qingxiang turned it over and read it again, and there was a line of vague small characters at the back: XX University, Literary Association.

The pheasant cannot be another award for the pheasant.

Zhang Qingxiang put the secret object in his pocket and looked at the mother's body below.

When Du Jinpeng and Wei Guoyan saw Zhang Qingxiang put away the trophy so solemnly, they both guessed that this thing was a powerful secret.

And at the same time, he thought: "This one must be contained. It can be used as the content of our competition."

Du Jinpeng is very good - he has to be good. Now he is still in a mysterious scene, and he has to rely on Zhang Qingxiang's protection to get out alive - he saw Zhang Yanei's eyes sweeping towards him, and immediately said: "The competition agreed before , our Du family admits defeat."

He was still a little worried and added: "If Captain Zhang doesn't believe me, I can sign the written document now."

In fact, Du Jinpeng was frightened because he was pinned down by the monster just now and the long tongue of death licked him in front of him.

As long as you can get out alive, you will give up on the mysterious prison.

With the strength of the Du family, they can also intervene from other places to cultivate their own power in the mysterious field.

Zhang Qingxiang nodded with satisfaction.

"Let's solve this thing and completely crack this mysterious space."

Zhang Qingxiang spoke, and Du Jinpeng was ecstatic.

He didn't want to stay in this damn place for a moment.

Get out quickly, you are still the eldest son of the Du family who has a profound background and no one dares to offend him.

"Captain Zhang, just tell me what you want to do." Du Jinpeng was willing to help and kill the mother as soon as possible.

 A chapter of four thousand words.

  Today’s update is 8,000 words, proud!

(End of this chapter)

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