Don't let him do animation

Chapter 17 Giant Animation

Chapter 17 Giant Animation
Another week has passed.

Linlang animation action interior.

Chen Ji kept sliding his right hand and clicked on the cartoon [Basketball Master] in the folder.

In the two weeks of production time, eight episodes of the cartoon have been produced. The production speed is very efficient compared to other animation companies. In Chen Ji's view, this speed is only average.

He clicked on the first episode and reviewed the film to avoid any omissions.

The animation plays.

The theme song is a song that has been modified by the system and is called I Want to Say Love Loudly. It is full of rhythm and a strong sense of power.

After the animation, the animation begins.

The story takes place at Jiangshi Bei University. For some reasons, Chen Ji deliberately changed the name to Jiangbei in the film.

During the film review process, Chen Ji kept nodding, quite satisfied: "Not bad."

Except for a few modified characters and places, they are basically the same as those in the previous life. The protagonist Ying Mu is a single-celled creature who is both a basketball genius and a comedian. When he appeared on the scene, he broke the record of fifty lovelorn times!

Chen Ji watched the film front to back, and the duration of each episode was only twenty minutes.

He closed the computer, took the film source and told Xiaolu, and left the studio to go to Jiangshi Children's TV Station.

Jiang City Children's TV Station.

Chen Ji walked into the conference room and saw that Director Zhang was talking to someone on the phone, and the conversation was very lively.

Director Zhang gestured with his hand for Chen Ji to sit down first, and then said to the phone: "Okay, no problem, I've downloaded the cartoon for you, so I'll hang up now. Chen Jigang from Linlang Animation is here. What? You asked me to ask Is he here to deliver the film?"

Chen Ji responded: "Yes, I'm just here to deliver the film."

Director Zhang said to the phone: "Well, that's it. I'll ask him to contact you later. Okay, hang up."

After hanging up the phone, Director Zhang looked over.

Chen Ji told the purpose of his visit.

"Oh? Show me the new movie." Director Zhang immediately became interested. With the lessons learned from "The Little Chef", Lin Animation Studio must be able to take it to the next level.

Turn on the computer, insert the USB flash drive, and click play.

What catches the eye are four big characters.

【Basketball master】

"A cartoon with basketball elements?"


"The last cartoon was about food, and this one is about basketball. You young people are really unwilling to be mediocre and dare to innovate. It's still a 2D theme."

Director Zhang looked at the computer screen carefully.

As the plot progresses, a red-haired young man named Ying Mu appears at Jiangshi Bei University, and a series of funny things happen. The protagonist also gets to know basketball because of his crush Xiao Qing.

"Hahaha, okay, the content is funny and interesting."

Director Zhang couldn't wait to click on the second episode, and was examining every detail in the film from a professional perspective. Compared with "The Little Chef", the picture quality was clearer.

There is nothing to say about the plot, which is interconnected and guided in the direction of basketball with a funny plot.

After a while, Director Zhang finished reviewing the film and sat in silence on his chair. He was shocked to find that he had just been immersed in a cartoon, as if he had returned to his youthful youth!

Director Zhang carefully reflected on it and found that the content was very good. The advancement of character growth was a major highlight. There was also tension on the field, and funny plots that appeared from time to time to adjust the lightness of the plot. Even an elderly person like myself has noticed it, not to mention young people. Judging from experience, it can even surpass [Chef's Little Master]

He asked: "Broadcast?"

Chen Ji nodded: "Broadcast! Four episodes will be delivered every week. We will look at the arrangements at the broadcasting station. We will discuss the copyright issue after a while."

"Okay, let me take a look at the film schedule."

Director Zhang picked up the gray folder on the table.

It is full of words written by people, and marked with issues such as broadcast time and ratings. After calculation and coordination, we find the right time to broadcast.

Priority will definitely be given to the golden period from 18:21 to : in the afternoon.

Finally, Mrs. Zhang took off the ballpoint pen from the folder and made four strokes on the folder.

"Two episodes every day on Saturdays and Sundays, broadcast continuously between 6:30 and 7:20 p.m., can be broadcast today."

"No problem. I just heard about CCTV."

"The 2100 million-dollar animated cartoon [The Story of Models] was aired yesterday. CCTV called today and asked them to take down the cartoon." Director Zhang looked constipated.

"The story of the 2100D animation model with a huge investment of 3 million?" Chen Ji remembered the investment animation mentioned by Deputy Director Liu of CCTV.

Spend a huge sum of 2100 million!
How could it be a bad movie?

Director Zhang said with disdain on his face: "One episode lasts for thirteen minutes, and I watched Caterpillar for ten minutes. The animation is so real, it's not even as good as those bad movies that received support subsidies!"

Chen Ji looked puzzled. The animation produced with a huge investment of 2100 million yuan was really as bad as he said.

"Watch it yourself. I'll go talk to the people at the stage to adjust the film for you. Remember to close the door when you leave."

Director Zhang unplugged the USB flash drive, pushed the notebook away, stood up and left.

Chen Ji looked at a story folder called Model on the computer screen and clicked in curiously.

Then his eyes changed from confusion to confusion, surprise and shock.
The famous scene at Chef Xiaodang's house suddenly sounded in my mind: Oh my eyes!
In the first episode of the story of the model, he saw the exquisite "explosion" special effects. Some characters even had bugs, and the characters would be greatly deformed and wobbly.
"I can't describe my feelings at this moment." Chen Ji remembered that CCTV Children's Deputy Director Liu once boasted that Haikou would invest in an unprecedented large-scale production to change the era of big bad movies in the animation market.

The result is a 'classic' work that is unlikely to be erased from the pillar of shame in history even in the future!
"." Chen Ji.

In the afternoon of that day, he contacted many children's TV stations such as CCTV Children's and Tianjin Children's, claiming that the source of the film would be released in a while. After hearing the news, several TV stations also expressed their willingness to do so.

If Jiang City Children's TV Station can test the water, they will arrange the schedule as appropriate.

During this period, Chen Ji spent the longest time communicating with Deputy Director Liu of CCTV Children's Television. As for what they talked about.
It’s almost 6:30 in the afternoon, and [Basketball Master] will be broadcast soon.

After Chen Ji finished the phone call with Deputy Director Liu of CCTV Children's, he was in a good mood. He turned on his computer and clicked on the live broadcast of Jiang City Children's TV, and then took a look at the studio's official account.

Number of fans: 1W
The comments are also very rhythmic, and many netizens are surprisingly consistent in their attitude towards Linlang Animation Studio.

"Little deer!" Chen Ji shouted.

"Ah? Boss?" Xiaolu hurried over.

"Let's make a bet. Our studio has only 50 fans now, and it will reach in less than a month! If you lose, will you get this month's salary? If you win, I will give you two months' salary?"

"No gambling, I want to save money to buy a scooter." Xiao Lu walked out of the studio carrying the cartoon bear's rucksack.

Chen Ji shouted again: "Sissy, come over and watch our cartoon."

(End of this chapter)

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