Don't let him do animation

Chapter 284 The Book of Dark History

Many viewers think that the cowardly cells look like killer T cells judging from their appearance.

Those are a group of regular army cells, each of them is strong and healthy, comparable to a bull. How come this one looks like a cowardly killer T cell and looks so weak and thin?

The thin yellow-haired T cell heard the sound behind him and looked back with a flashlight.

The light shone, and his pupils suddenly expanded and contracted.

A cell in front of him was walking towards him slowly, and its movements were very stiff and uncoordinated. When he got closer, he found that this cell was different.

This cell is wearing a white T-shirt and is one of the ordinary cells, but the skin color of his entire body is a shade of green tea, and the red hood on his head is covered with warts of varying sizes.

"It appeared." The cowardly cell shouted in horror.

The green cells looked like zombies, even their pupils turned green, and they roared like monsters.

At this time, the timid cells were horrified to find that there were also such green-skinned cells behind them, and they immediately ran away for their lives in fear.

The cuckold cells seemed to have gone mad and acted like demons, relentlessly pursuing the cowardly cells. During the frequent attacks, a large number of red spheres with warts appeared around their bodies, exactly the same as the hoods they wore on their heads.

"Help." Normal cells were running wildly in the front, and behind them were densely packed green-skinned cells.

The most primitive chase takes place on the streets under the cover of night.

Just when the cowardly cell was about to be killed by the green-skinned red-hat cell, white blood cells emerged from the cracks in the street.

It was none other than the male protagonist, White Blood Cell U-1146, who was friends with the Red Blood Cell Girl.

Just as their white blood cells can move freely within tissues, they can actually drill out from the gaps between narrow walls.

"Antigen found!"

The white blood cell held a dagger and made fierce moves. After a few charges, it killed all the green cells at the scene one by one, just like the fierce generals in ancient movies who rushed into the enemy camp and started killing people!

White Blood Cell looked back at Cell who was almost frightened to death and said, "Are you okay?"

"Thank you so much."

"By the way, what do you do in a place like this? Which department do you work for?"

"I am an initial T cell, a low-level T cell fighter. I am conducting reconnaissance, but there are so many zombie-like cells here. What's going on?"

Naive T cells are immature T cells that have never recognized an antigen.

Many viewers suddenly realized that it was no wonder that they looked similar to the regular soldiers. They were T-cell Boy Scouts.

The initial T cell looked at the wall and asked, "Why did you come out of the wall?"


White blood cells can move freely within tissues.

He also discovered that the green cells he killed were originally just ordinary cells, most likely infected with the virus.

The white blood cells slowly stood up, and from the darkness in the distance, dense green-skinned cells slowly walked towards them, and all around them were a large number of red prototype spheres with warts.

Naive T cell: "Virus?"

"Infected with the influenza virus."

Influenza viruses can be roughly divided into three types: type A, type B and type C, which can cause high fever over 38 degrees, or symptoms such as headache, joint pain, muscle pain, etc.

White blood cell: "The virus will parasitize inside cells like that and increase in number, so it must be eradicated before it can multiply."

White blood cells are part of the body's immune system, and they become full of fighting spirit when viruses and bacteria that threaten the body appear.

He raised his dagger, ready for battle, and said to the person behind him: "Cover me."

The naive T cells squatted on the ground, trembling with fear.

"Huh? Hello!" the white blood cell reminded.

The initial T cell held the dagger tightly in both hands, closed his eyes, and said stubbornly: "I can't do it. I can't beat the virus."

The white blood cells were all shocked: "I say, aren't you a T cell fighter?"

"I'll stay here and try not to be a burden to you."

A typical useless person.

The white blood cells seemed to be overwhelmed by the numerous virus-infected cells and kept retreating: "Please help a little."

"No, that's horrible." The performance of the initial T cells is hard to describe.

At this moment, a white figure appeared.

She is a female cell!

Wearing a white lace dress and a flower hat, she looks like a gardener.
“Oops, oops.”

Female Cell has a perfect figure. In addition to being tall, she also has a very large chest. She has a sweet and queen-like face, and even her voice sounds very gentle.

However, he looked a bit out of place holding a large blood-stained machete in his hand. You have to know that other cells were holding daggers, but this one just came over with a big thing in his hand. He must be an abnormal and ruthless character.

Many viewers were confused and felt that there were no normal cells in the human body.

"Are you okay? The virus has increased a lot." The Queen Cell spoke.

Macrophages, also a type of white blood cell, mainly capture and kill foreign matter such as bacteria, find antigens and immune information, and also clean up dead cells and bacteria.

"Come on, get to work, get to work." Macrophage held the switch with both hands.

All around, the ordinary cells infected with the virus and going crazy were like zombies, and were already to be cleared out. They swarmed forward and pounced on the macrophages.

The hideous faces and the terrifying numbers would inevitably injure any immune cell at the scene, or even become part of the infected army.

But macrophages are different, they are extremely strong fighting cells!
The white blood cells and initial T cells were filled with worry. They watched helplessly as the macrophages swung the knife 360 ​​degrees, and the white dress spun like a noble lady performing the most elegant dance.

All the virus-infected cells in the surrounding area were killed with one move!

"Hehe~" The sweet laughter and gentle eyes, no matter how you look at it, are seriously inconsistent with the violent person just now.

"Bang~" the gate knife fell and penetrated three inches into the ground.

Macrophage (gentle): "Don't worry."

"Okay." The white blood cell scratched its head awkwardly, and the initial T cell opened its mouth and turned it into a '0' shape, not making any sound for a long time.

"Let me see, this is it."

Macrophage bent down and picked up the red, warty globe from the ground.

She saw that it was influenza B virus, took out the intercom, and kept pinching the virus in her hand: "I am a macrophage, and it seems that influenza B virus has invaded my body."

On the other end of the intercom, the dendritic cell, dressed in a green uniform and gentle and elegant, received the message and passed the report to the helper T cell.

The helper T cell headquarters immediately summons the killer T cells to go into action.

And at the scene of the incident.

The macrophage is saying to the white blood cell: "I have asked the dendritic cells to notify the organs, and the killer T cells will come to support immediately."

"Killer T cells!" The initial T cells seemed panicked and kept begging white blood cells and macrophages to say that they had killed a certain virus at the scene.

"why is that?"

"If I don't do this, I will be killed by my senior."

Before he could finish his words, there came the sound of fists hitting each other not far away.

It seems that killer T cells have arrived and are punching and kicking the infected cells in an invisible place.

Soon, a group of strong men in black appeared. They were dressed similarly to the initial T cells, but their bodies were stronger.

“Is there still a virus here?”

"Look, our T cells will kill you all."

This group of strong men are very aggressive. As soon as they appear on the stage, they are either rubbing their hands in preparation for a fight or licking their swords. Each one is more difficult to deal with than the other.

Killer T cells (cytotoxic T cells)

Obey the orders of helper T cells and kill virus-infected cells and cancer cells, etc.

After the explosive debut, the leading killer T cell saluted the macrophage: "Macrophage, you have worked hard." The brothers behind him said in a loud voice: "Thank you for your hard work."

The macrophage waved its hand to indicate that it was fine, and then the T cell said hello to the white blood cell.


The two cells lowered their heads together, and the initial T cell was crawling slowly and cautiously under their feet, as if trying to escape.

Killer T Cell (Angry): "Hey, Initiate!"

Other killer T cells immediately swarmed over and yelled at the initial T cells.

"When will you be able to stand on your own?"

"So he's still considered a member of our T cells?"


A group of strong men yelled at the initial T cells, just like new recruits facing the training indicators of veterans.

Afterwards, many white blood cells crawled out from the walls and came to support.

The influenza virus seems to be facing a big battle, and the participants include white blood cells, killer T cells and macrophages, as well as B cells that are making antibodies but have not yet arrived at the battlefield.

The audience in front of the screen watched without blinking, as this is how the human immune mechanism responds to the cold.

And several types of cells work together to fight.

"I finally understand what the cells in my body are doing when I catch a cold."

"Cell Wars! How interesting."

"I never thought that a small cold would be a massive battle in my body."


People are very excited, mainly because it is closely related to their own internal bodies. It can satisfy their curiosity and solve the unknown.

In animation.

The sky soon brightened, but the influenza was not eradicated. There were still a large number of infected cells that had not been cleared, and they were slowly walking towards this side, like a large group of zombies.

Killer T cells do not have high requirements for initial T cells.

"Look, there's a large group of infected cells on the other side."

"At least kill one this time, you hear me?"

"come over."

The naive T cell was picked up by a strong arm and went to fight.

The cells infected with the virus are very close, and the killer T cells are full of fighting spirit, and one burly man after another rushes forward.

"Don't leave any one alive. Kill them all."

Compared to the white blood cells who use daggers as weapons, these burly men prefer to swing their fists as big as casserole pots, hitting one by one, with a very strong sense of impact.

These killer T cells fight bravely. When faced with many times more "green zombies", they can fight ten of them at once with their full might!

"Kill them! We must not allow any more casualties among the normal cells."

“Kill the virus completely.”

The burly men entered the flock of sheep like wild beasts and started killing them.

Macrophages and white blood cells were not to be outdone and they all tried their best to clean up each cell infected with the virus.

After the battle lasted for a while, it became almost one-sided. The body's immune mechanism had an absolute upper hand, while those cells infected by the virus did not seem to be much of a threat and were in a passive situation.

Soon, the leading killer T cell used an uppercut to knock a "green zombie" away, turned around and shouted to the back: "You do it too."

The naive T cells trembled in fear.

White blood cells appeared to cheer: "Come on."

The initial T cell clenched the dagger with trembling hands: "I am also a T cell like my predecessor."

Just when I mustered up my courage, a 'green zombie' jumped out the next second, and I fell to the ground like a deflated ball again.

"Bang" sound.

The powerful fist knocked down the 'green zombie'. Killer T Cell (angry): "What are you doing?"

The initial T cell's mentality almost collapsed, tears fell uncontrollably, and he stood up and ran to the back, crying.

A group of T cells were almost so angry that they vomited blood.

"He actually ran away!"

"Hey, Initial."

"Damn it, forget about that guy for now, the most important thing is to deal with the virus."

There are still so many viruses that there is no time to take care of the initial T cells.

This pile of mud that couldn't be supported on the wall cried and ran all the way, and accidentally came to the vicinity of dendritic cells.

He fell flat on his face under the towering old tree and continued to cry loudly.

One audience member shouted: "I definitely don't have these useless cells in my body. They must be all killer T cells like those burly men!"

Suddenly, a gentle voice appeared: "What's wrong with you?"

It was the dendritic cells in green uniforms that came out to check: "You are a T cell, right? What happened?"

Dendritic cells present invading bacteria and virus-infected cell fragments as antigens and have the responsibility of transmitting antigen information to other immune cells.

"Did they get into a tough fight?"

"I understand. I'll contact them right away."

Dendritic cells speculate.

The initial T cell fell to the ground and cried again.

"No, I just ran away because I couldn't fight that scary guy."

"I am not as strong as my white blood cells, macrophages, and my predecessors. A loser like me should disappear."

The dendritic cell watched for a while, then leaned over to comfort him, with a gentle attitude throughout. In such a situation, it was not just the T cell in front of him that was cowardly, because no cell is born strong.

The T cells that were still far away on the battlefield clearing the virus were struck by lightning, their bodies motionless, and cold sweat dripped down their faces.

"A chill!"

A mysterious feeling swept over my body.

Because, the dendritic cells took out the books that they had treasured for many years.

There were a few big words written on the yellow cover.

[T cell memory - seal]

When you open the book, you will see pictures of our T cell predecessors looking miserable before they were differentiated.

This is a book of dark history!
Judging from the content of the photos, the killer T cells are no different from ourselves when they are still in the initial T cell stage. They are all very weak and timid.

Dendritic cells: “Your predecessors were once naive T cells just like you.”

Naive T cell: “They are crying, just like me.”

The dendritic cells brought another stack of thick books.

The killer T cells on the battlefield have fallen into a strange state, holding their heads and feeling very cold.

The killer T cell held his head in his hands: "Why are my hairs standing on end?"

White blood cell: "Why, are you infected with the virus?"

The killer T cell held his head, his face full of frustration and sweat: "It's like a long-forgotten dark history is suddenly revealed!" (End of this chapter)

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