Don't let him do animation

Chapter 62 Chapter 62: Please

Chapter 62 Chapter : Please

The more I watched, the more I felt like Linlang Studio was poisoning it again.

Taking the lead in such a fatal game?
Animation fans suddenly understood, oh, yes, if the protagonist group is all dead, wouldn’t it mean that the animation has a beginning and an end!

They continued to watch, and the Four Dark Kings in the animation were ready to take action.

Clown King: "Happy time always passes very quickly, doesn't it? Who is going to understand it first?"

Looking at Meimei, he threw the clown sword.

In this beautiful and inevitable situation, Shimonmon's partner Zhimengmon jumped out and used his life to block the fatal blow for her.

Zhimengmon (near death): "Meimei, if I am reincarnated again, will I go on a date with you?"

Clown King: "A Digimon who overestimates his own capabilities doesn't need to be so anxious if he wants to die. He's such a fool."

The Four Dark Kings kept laughing: "It's the next one's turn."

Suddenly, Fairymon comes to the rescue.

Many people were relieved to see Fairy Beast and use the ability of the barrier to escape with the protagonist group.

Although Fairymon has a small body, it is a beast that cannot look like a beast and has great strength.

Moreover, Fairymon has always been like a prophet, teaching eight children and Digimon to fight against evil forces and enemies together, and also helped Taichi come out of the shadow of decadence and negativity and regain confidence.

Fairymon: "Even if all eight of you are gathered together, there is still no way to win."

Su Na: "What else are we missing?"

Goblinmon: "It's really a pity, there is no time."

Before they could be happy for three seconds, the Four Dark Kings discovered the location of the barrier, and the tension in the atmosphere instantly increased.

Fairymon (giving his last words): "You are the last hope of this world."

It did not hesitate to expose its body and teleport the barrier to a distant place. In order to buy the protagonist group time to escape, it chose to stay and resist the Four Dark Kings!

There is no doubt that the perfect Fairymon is no match for the four Ultimate Digimon.

Although animation fans did not see the battle scenes, and only the explosion and shining shots were shown on the screen, they can almost feel the tragic situation of Fairymon at that time.

Its death has the greatest emotional impact on the audience.

The prophet who liked to be mischievous and tease the protagonist group is dead.

As the most powerful Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness in the Digital World, only Fairymon dares to do the only feat in the entire show of facing the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness alone in order to give the protagonists a chance to escape!

Jiaer (dementia): "I saw a fairy beast."

The protagonists are lost and lost, and even the soundtrack seems extremely heavy.

This scene was seen by animation fans, not to mention how uncomfortable they felt.

"The script is wrong. I always feel that the further the plot goes, the more tragic it becomes."

"It's poisoned, it's poisoned."

"It's still the familiar Linlang flavor, we've all been deceived."

"Everyone believes in Linlang Studio. They all said that the story will have a beginning and an end, and they will definitely come back to avenge the fairy beast."

"The filial son Linlang came out to wash again."

Animation fans are so angry that their teeth hurt.

In the next few days, the animation circle that had been dormant for a long time became active again.

Because they seriously underestimated the disgusting level of Linlang Studio, almost every day there will be righteous netizens scolding this shameless behavior that messes with people's mentality.

The deaths of Zhimengmon and Goblinmon have already made the audience uncomfortable, but it turns out that Linlang Studio is unimaginably paranoid about not being human.

Many animation fans saw the subsequent battle through [Digimon], where the Four Dark Kings gradually fell, but they were not happy at all. they saw
In order to help FightGreymon out of trouble, Whalemon was directly killed by Steel Seadramon.

In order to save Meimei, Leomon used his body to block Steel Gokumon's fatal blow.

Snotmon, a very weak race of Digimon, was also destroyed by the Mechadramon group in order to save Jiaer.

"Wherever you go and die, do you still deserve to be called the protagonist group?"

"I really can't understand how such a disgusting plot was arranged."

"Is it because of the change of screenwriters at Linlang Studio that such a disgusting plot appears? It makes me feel very uncomfortable after watching the animation now."

Fans of the animation kept complaining. Although it was so cheerful and full of laughter in the early stage, everything changed after the vampire monster was defeated, and various tragedies began to occur.

There are also people who don’t believe in evil and think they can still bear it. These little poisons are nothing, the plots about forgiving their wives for cheating are the most poisonous ones!
However, they obviously underestimated the extent of Linlang Studio's perversion.

When the four dark kings were killed by the protagonist group one after another, leaving only the last and most powerful clown emperor, Dahe and Taiyi suddenly turned against each other and left the team.

It gives me myocardial infarction.

There are constant complaints in the animation circle.

Soon, when they saw the protagonist group heading towards the Clown King's lair without their companion Da He, the mood of many animation fans improved slightly.

At this time, Celestial Beast had just defeated the Female Demonmon!

The Clown King also came from afar.

The final battle is coming!
The Clown King showed super strength, and a beast overwhelmed the protagonist to fight. Even if Da He suddenly woke up and rushed back, the situation did not change.

Under the almost magical attack of the Clown King, the protagonist group and the Digimon turned into keychains and hung them around their waists one after another.

"His Clown Emperor is so strong!"

"It's over, good will not suppress evil anymore."

The audience couldn't help but sigh at the clown king's abnormal strength. No one expected that Andulumon would do another fierce attack.

In order to protect Jiaer and others, he stayed alone to fight against the ultimate clownmon, and even punched clownmon away!
Many animation fans' heads were seriously shut down. Although Andulmon was not defeated by the Clown Emperor in the end, it was still amazing. In terms of strength, it was not inferior to ordinary Ultimates at all!
The animation continued for a while, and the plot advanced to the final BOSS, which finally appeared after the fall of the Clown King.

Apocalypse Beast!

This is the source of the crisis in the digital world, a product of the negative accumulation of Digimon.

Moreover, Apocalypse is super powerful. He first degraded all Digimon, broke the evolution badges, and even decomposed all the data of all people and beasts.

Immediately afterwards, the animation ended suddenly, and tomorrow's preview was broadcast: [Episode 54 (Finale): Brave New World]

Seeing this scene, countless animation fans finally couldn't sit still anymore, and before they knew it, [Digimon] had been accompanying them all summer.

The words on the screen were very touching, and many people rushed to Linlang Studio’s Weibo to leave messages.

"Please Linlang, please give us the ending we want tomorrow."

"We don't want to see any accidents happen to any of our children."

"We were wrong before, really wrong."

Many animation fans are worried that they will see bad scenes, such as the protagonist group and Apocalypsemon dying together, or other plots that will make people uncomfortable to watch.

Therefore, they all groveled and knelt down.

Chen Ji learned the news and also issued a statement on Weibo: The studio guarantees that the ending of [Digimon] will be a happy one.

Not long after, this Weibo statement spread throughout the animation circle.

It’s a moment of joy and the animation ends successfully. For the sake of Linlang Studio being so sensible, I won’t complain this time.

In fact, many people can't help but start fantasizing about the happy ending.

(End of this chapter)

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